The Allie Pivot


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"Good morning," she grinned.

"So, it wasn't just a wet dream," he joked as his eyes moved down to her nearly perfectly shaped cone shaped breasts and light pink nipples. '"What time is it? Don't we have work this morning?"

"I've already called up and reported we wouldn't be in today. That we were going to work on perfecting the Allie Pivot."

"Shit you know our relationship will be under scrutiny right? They have rules about couples working close together. "Plus, I might not be able to work next to you without doing this." He moved his left fingers up and toyed with her right nipple.

"Well, you see I've already thought about that and found out that there is another department downstairs that is involved with medical robotics, which is the area that I concentrated on in school. If I can transfer to that department and work under a different manager there are no company rules about husband and wife working together."

' and wife....but..."

She giggled and moved down to swallow most of his refreshed mechanical drive. After a few minutes with him moaning she lifted off and glanced up at him. "You were saying?"

"Me saying uh...nothing as long as you don't want an open marriage."

"I'm not that dumb."

After they made love two more times that day he left to do some banking changes on the accounts and get some sleep.

Allie sat back and just shook her head thinking about how her life had changes in only a few weeks. The day before she met Mark she told her landlord that she was not renewing her lease. She felt like a failure not able to pay her rent and to make matters worse sat home every night alone. She was so depressed that she thought about just giving up her career and become a nun. But that morning when she asked this cute guy if she could sit with him changed her life 360 degrees and that didn't even include the Allie Pivot.

Four months later they used his tickets to Aruba where he asked her to marry him. She said she would think about it. Four and a half seconds later she jumped into his arms and said YES!"


There is not much else to say because of course Mark and Allie married with hundreds of her relatives and friends on one side of the church and not more that 50 relatives and friends on his side. They waited until they were five years married before having their first child Miller. This child had the best of everything because his parents were filthy rich from inventing the Allie Pivot plus some of the best breakthroughs in medical and non-driver mechanical safety features.

Manni did discover why she was so greatly influenced by Angie to push for the open relationship. When she was very young she let an older girl influence her life and it had stayed in her mind. With help she was able to realize when that was about to happen and could now stop it. She wanted to be friends with Mark but Allie and she could never be in the same room again because it reminded her too much of what she had lost. She never really got into another loving relationship until she was almost forty. Luckily she was still young enough to have a handsome boy named Jacob. Her husband did not know it was Mark's middle name.

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HARDUP1957HARDUP19573 months ago

It's called second thoughts, she wasn't sure she knew he was what she wanted, she wanted to experiment and see if she could find something better. I think this is a very well thought out, unfortunately there are bad influences out there and they are not there for your benefit. Bottom line I liked this FICTIONAL Story, unfortunately it has happened in real life. My

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos7 months ago

Pretty ordinary story and a bit terse in terms of descriptions and prose. Also, I didn't like any of your characters and I felt like the drama (or lack thereof it) between Mark and Manni was weird, it didn't feel authentic and on top of that Allie did a heel turn dating other guys to try and make Mark jealous (is she in middle school?) Obviously like everyone else has pointed out, 360 degrees is a circle...


Pretty average idea, unlikable characters, stilted prose, can't really give this anything better than a 2/5

xtc5xtc510 months ago

"changed her life 360 degrees" so it changed back to the way it was before she met him. Liked your story and will continue my trek through your stories

A_BierceA_Bierce11 months ago

@stevetish Anthony Quinn made the same mistake in "Last Action Hero" (Arnold's best pic, imho) and paid the ultimate price. The Allie Pivot must have been a 180° turnabout.


Manni joins the densely populated ranks of benighted broads, married or otherwise engaged in a presumed-exclusive relationship. Pretty well written, so 4 stars.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndy12 months ago

Well it was written well and had good characters and I was entertained. The comments are also entertaining so an added bonus if I could give extra stars! The moral is don’t have friends that will lead you from your best interest or try to influence you away from what you want! I did like the Epilogue on what happened to all main characters in the authors words (nice complete tying up of the story)!

Call me crazy but my opinion once you say yes on an engagement pretty much means you are married - just waiting for the public formal ceremony to finalize the engagement or sign the marriage contract. Overall time well spent!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading!

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 year ago

Without counseling you too may feel like you haven't had enough cock.

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

Wow, ruttweler is shitting here too shilling his man-hating spiel. If he put half the time he does into researching actual relationship statistics instead of his attempts to whine in comments, he'd see that yes, a majority of women cheat, and love hurting men they claim to love (look at how divorce affects men vs. women; and who initiates most divorces. Spoiler alert: women initiate a majority, and destroy most mens' lives in the process, both financially, and by giving them what modern research considers equivalent to PTSD.).

KiwihunterKiwihunterover 1 year ago

Not wanting to be picky but the word is spelled " Epilogue. Don't forget the ue on the end. I know it's a small thing but most things that distinguish class are.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Good story about another stupid woman who listened to a slutty friend once too often.

MasterKoteMasterKotealmost 2 years ago

Atta boy... Good when the spouse learns theres plenty of fish in the sea and finds out b4 they got married.

Pickles7287Pickles7287almost 2 years ago

Was hoping Jake would get in there and cause trouble to add tension to story

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 2 years ago
If you start with an unbelievable premise…

Your story goes off the rails pretty much right away. Most people are not in an engagement with someone, looking for an opportunity to destroy it. If your premise is that all women are stupid, and have no empathy for men, and expect every bad idea to be catered to, you are going to write silly shit like this.

The real problem you have is that you set out right away to create a story where a bitch could be burned. But you didn’t pick a realistic female character, you just imagined a completely stupid and heartless bitch, and started your story with a lit torch.

It leaves this reader wondering why he was with this woman in the first place. If he’s equally stupid, i.e., marrying a woman just because she’s pretty, and without learning anything about her personality in the years they’ve been together, I have no outrage for him. I don’t care. Whatever.

It’s tiresome.

stevetishstevetishalmost 2 years ago

360 degrees is full circle, one ends up going in the same direction ….a life change would have been 180 degrees i.e. the other direction

AnotherChapterAnotherChapteralmost 2 years ago

Too much dithering around in the plot lines. Wasted time and seeming vacillation on too many fronts. The minute she decided to open the relationship to allow her to “experience” other men the engagement should have ended with a bang! He MC simply looked weak and vacillating. Close the damn door!

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