The Ban


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She froze. "Ah. Um. Mom? Is that you?"

"Is what me?" Mom didn't look around. Andi still didn't move. I was moving, though. She was slick as snot, and her hole practically ate my finger before I could react. When I did react, it was only to slowly pump it in and out of her.

"Ohhhnnnevermind." Andrea groaned into the box.

Mom kept her back to me. The shirt she was folding landed on a neat pile, and she reached for another garment from a heap to her left. "Find anything else in there?"

"Maybe." Andi had pulled a hand out of the box, and was fiddling her clit while I worked another finger into her. "Ah... Who's Eddie Money?"

Mom laughed. "Rock and roll guy. Blew through town, went to the concert, got the T-shirt. He was more of an eighties guy, though. Retro even when I was young. That concert wasn't really my thing, but... Y'know. Friday, and some guy had tickets."

"I see." Andi was controlling her voice really well. Her squeezes were moving fast on my fingers, fluttering. I felt her thighs tense up, she'd be popping in a second or two. When she did, she just aimed her coughing grunt into a shirt I saw her stuff into her face.

"Hm. Um, 'scuse me."

"Dust, probably," Mom said, offhand. "Been twenty years or so since most of this has been inside a washing machine."

My girl straightened her back, making my fingers slip out of her. She had her lip in-between her teeth when she looked back at me, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, hey, Aeris. This isn't what it looks like."

I grinned. "Naked in my mom's room? Little slut." My hand clapping her bare butt made her jump. Mom, too. "Just taking it off for anyone, huh?"

Andi grinned. "Only for the girls I really like. What'd you call me again? I liked it."


"Mmm. Again. With the spanking, too."

"Ladies." Mom had her hands on her hips. "Only moms can spank around here. And I don't think either of you have been naughty enough to deserve it."

"I'll have to try harder, then." Andrea leaned back into me, and stuck her tongue out at Mom.

Mom shook her head. "Promises, promises. You think you've found everything that'll fit you in there?"

Andi sighed and patted a pile of clothes next to us on Mom's dresser. "Even if I didn't, this, like, quadrupled my wardrobe. It's more than enough. Thanks... Mommy."

She had her back to me, I couldn't see her expression. Mom kinda blinked though. I guess a naked, freshly orgasmed girl, pressing into her actual daughter and making eyes at her hit a little different when everyone in the room was sober.

Probably didn't help that I was just gazing cooly at her. I ran my hand along Andi's side, as if to say... See this? All of this? Ain't it just so damn pretty? Then I let my lips brush her smooth shoulder where it met her neck. As if to say... Don't you want a taste?

God. It was so much easier with Mom. I didn't have to force anything. With Dad it was a struggle just to stay in the same room as him. When my gonads pulsed and trilled at the sight of him, I wanted to run away. I didn't, and got more little thrills because I stayed. With Mom, though... I didn't want to run anywhere except towards her. It was more of a strain to keep myself in check. Little steps. We'd agreed little steps were best. Let them come to us.

She watched my display of the merch, and blinked some more. Then she kinda shook herself, and returned to the laundry on her bed. "You're gonna need to put some clothes on, girl. Gonna give your Dad all kinds of ideas if he comes in here after his jog."

"Oh, he's showering in my room." I said, and let Andi spin in my arms to face me. "He's been back for a while. I'm supposed to bring him some clothes, actually, but I got distracted." Andi giggled, on cue. I was going to say something else, but her tongue interfered.

Mom picked up the folded stack of clothes, and dropped it back into the box behind Andi. I think. My eyes were closed. Sounded like that's what she did, anyways.

I reluctantly let my girl go, let our lips seek air instead of love. Little steps, I mouthed silently, and she nodded.

Andrea dug through the pile of clothes next to us, pulled a shirt over her head, and started wiggling into some tight leggings. Still no undies, and I didn't complain. Mom watched her wiggle, too.

She handed me a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, Dad's. "Here you go, honey. Go run those to your dad. Andi, can I get your help to put this box back up in the closet?"

I left the room, hit the hallway, and breezed into my room. I came around the corner to the bathroom, and caught just a glimpse of Dad's butt as he whipped a towel closed around him.

I mean. Andi's butt was better. But his wasn't bad. "Here you go, Dad."

"Thought you'd forgot about me."

"I'd never. Just got held up, is all." He took his clothes with the hand that wasn't cinching the towel closed on one of his hips. His eyes found mine and mine skittered away.

I left... Wondering what he'd do if I'd stayed, striking up an innocuous conversation while leaning in the doorframe. But this time my fluttering gonads lost the fight, and I fled.


The whole day was like this. A little flirt here, a make-out session there, some skin on display that wasn't normally out... That was all four of us. Dad's shorts were a bit too tight. Mom never changed out of her red cami. Andi kept lifting up my nightgown. Little steps, I said, but it was a lot of them in a short period of time. By lunch I was nearly frothing at the mouth.

Andi took me and our sandwiches into our room. I think she could tell I'd been teased too much, she closed the door and ate me before even looking at her plate. Not that it took me very long...

We watched another video during our snack, moved to my bed to finish it up. This one started with Mom in her wedding gown... And ended with Mom, Dad, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen all on one big heart shaped bed. A honeymoon suite, somewhere in Dallas, I think. Someone had to stay out of the pile with the camera, though... The same wheezing, damaged camera from before, a little more prone to flickering colors during the record this time. I never got to see the camera person.

"I wonder if it's the same one." Andi said when I wondered aloud about it.

"Same one?"

"From the first video we watched."

I frowned. "I don't remember..."

"Oh, right." She moved her hands on my trackpad. The recording had stopped, I'd jabbed the stop button on the screen grab software, just a moment before. She took me back to page one, and hit play.

There was my Mom, dancing in the golden sunset light. Much more graceful than she'd been in that older video. Andi skipped towards the end. P in the V time.

"I think it was right about here that we noticed." I was watching the action... I didn't see anything. I said so.

"Look. He's holding her knees, right?"

I nodded. "And?"

"And you can see both of her hands. So... Who's holding the camera?"

"Oh!" And there it was... That whiplash of a twang in my crotch. This video was from last Christmas, definitely, when they'd bailed out to Acapulco between the twenty fifth and the New Year. And someone else was in the room with them the whole time. Someone silent, who knew how to get good angles.

Andi was fiddling with the time bar. "And here's the reveal." Sure enough, in a flash, the camera moved, and it showed a mirror, and someone whose face was obscured by the phone in front of it. Someone female. I remembered now, how hard I'd cum when I saw her, whoever she was.

I didn't know her, not just from the neck down like that. But still, something... Tickled. Then she passed the camera to Mom, who was getting up and breathing hard, and the view became the one I remembered after my rude awakening. That someone, face down, and Dad behind her, and the relentless rhythm the video had ended with. Cameragirl got less and less silent as the video marched towards the end... And this time when I watched the cum drip out of her, my stomach didn't flip. Kinda growled actually, like I was still hungry after my sandwich.

"I can't believe I'm getting used to this." I muttered. Andi looked behind herself at me.

"Oh... We'll do more than get you used to it." I could only see half of Andi's grin, but it was a big one. "I'll have you licking his cream out of your mom's cootch and loving it, before next weekend."

I frowned. But only for a second. But it sounded like... My girl was pushing me towards something. Something I wouldn't normally have even considered. I wondered, briefly, if this whole thing was somehow her idea...

No. I'd been the one who'd said 'yes' to Dad's little task. I'd been the one who was so horny when I saw this first video, I'd had to share it with someone. I was in control.



When I slid my thumb drive over to dad before dinner, there were six videos on it.

So much for not cumming so much today. I think we'd done fine through the morning, but once we got behind my bedroom door, I'd been blowing fireworks fast enough to make up for those early morning hours. I lost count at twenty... But that was before we started video five.

Dad looked at my thumb drive and grinned. "What's all on here?"

I was tired. Rattled. Cumdumb. "Acapulco. Mom's movies. Wedding night. Double date. The one in a tent, and I think the prequel, that one where you guys are in a forest."

He was frowning. We were whispering, Andi was 'helping' Mom put food on plates. From both of their giggles, I don't think she was helping very much.

He hissed at me. "You'rewatching them?"

Oops. Fuck it. I was too tired to lie effectively. "Yeah. Hot stuff, Dad. You can pound it good. But my favorite parts are Mom doing the muff diving. Guess I know where I got it from, now."

He boggled at me, looking confused as all hell. "I never thought you'd..." He glanced over his shoulder. I followed his gaze. Andi was patting Mom's butt, and Mom was laughing. "Deal's off."

"Fuck that, Dad. I feel like I know you two better than ever, now. Also, I really need that cash." I sighed. "Besides. I can't unsee what I've already seen." I elbowed him, he looked frayed. "Anyways. Can't get any worse, right?"

He stared at the bit of plastic in his hand. "You're working your way backwards? Yeah. It might get. Worse. Stop, honey. You don't have to..."

I put my hand over his, made sure his fingers closed on the thumb drive. "Don't hafta... But I'm gonna. What... What cologne are you wearing? Smells..."

My mouth was watering. My face was close to his. I'm pretty sure he was wearing a nice glaze of eau de Mom on his cheeks. God, it smelled good. They'd been busy this afternoon, too. Andi and I had heard them. Guess we weren't the only ones all wound up. I wondered if they'd taped it.

He glanced behind him again, and Mom had her hands on Andi's hips, Andi had hers on Mom's, and they weren't laughing, just kinda... Standing there, looking at each other. They very suddenly turned back to the counters full of food.

He looked back at me. I smiled, hopefully innocently. "Daddy," I said. "It's okay. I'm okay. Promise."

He opened his mouth to say something, and a plate landed in front of him. Mom stood above us both, smiling angelically. "Aww. You two are bonding. Hardly ever see that anymore."

I gave his hand a squeeze and scooted back. "I know, right? Someone's gotta make an effort around here," I shrugged, "guess it's me today. Love you, Dad. You, too, Mom."

She beamed as she went back to the counter, Dad just smiled faintly. He still looked troubled, though.

Andi brought both of our plates over at once. I was famished... Worked up an appetite, I guess. I made sure to get a long kiss from her before I started stuffing my face with less pretty but not less necessary fare.

Dad watched us swap spit. I watched him back through a slitted eye. He seemed less distressed and more thoughtful. Mom just looked happy as a clam when she sat down. Then we had a nice, normal dinner. Nobody tried to finger anyone under the table or anything.

I mean, I thought about it.


After dinner we lingered in the living room for a second. Mom was washing dishes, she'd refused our help. Dad was similarly chased away, and looked deep in thought in his chair by the time we passed him.

Andrea picked up on my little look her way, she excused herself to the restroom, leaving me and him, and the sound of a running sink. I sank to my knees beside Dad's chair.


He jumped. I swear I hadn't been trying to sneak up on him. I'd approached from the front, and his eyes had been open... Just not tracking anything. He blinked at me, an inscrutable expression on his face.

"I meant it, Dad. I'm fine."

He chuckled. "Okay. Okay. I believe you. You're a big girl now, you can decide what you want to watch on TV. I'm not a fan that you've picked this particular... Show. But I suppose it could be worse."

I shrugged. "Six episodes in, and I'm hooked, I tell you. I had no idea you guys were so... Adventurous. I guess. Or how hot you were, back before I came along. And... I mean, you guys, no matter who else is in the shot, I can feel how much the two of you love each other. So... It's actually really wholesome. Nice."

He shook his head. "Wholesome. Not a word I expected to hear about our... Um. Episodes."

"Well..." I trailed off. Then I smiled. "I mean. I do have some questions. About logistics, mostly. What if, say, a girl wanted to get six or so other girls... Off. How does one plan such an event?"

He glanced at the cutout to the kitchen, over his shoulder. "Um, the next video in the series might be... enlightening. Your mom handled the planning, mostly. I just... Was there to serve."

I nodded. "Serve some sausage, right. And, damn, Dad. I mean. Boys. Ick. Usually. But you have... Style? I don't know. Something. Can't look away when you're laying it down."

That made him squirm. I tried to cover. "Look, I know. Awkward as hell. But, just... Take it as a compliment? Dad or not, you managed to turn this lezzie's head. Okay?"

Not better. Well. Not much better. He seemed a tiny bit less tense. More concerned and thoughtful, though.

"And not just this one's." I patted the arm of his chair and got up. "But... I gotta go put out that other one's fire for the night. Love you." And I swooped down and got a kiss from him. I aimed for cheek. He flinched, I got ear. I laughed, he chuckled uncomfortably, and I left.


Midnight. I was exhausted. We'd stopped after the seventh episode, which had Mom with a rounder tummy and a hungrier look in her eyes, hosting a baby shower that got raunchy, quick. Thirteen girls, my god, THIRTEEN of them, counting Mom, all taking turns with the camera. Mom had unwrapped the first present, a sex toy, and had promptly begun using it on herself. The other girls just stripped, joined in, and... Over an hour of footage. Dad wasn't in sight.

The first bit, with a semi clothed, obviously pregnant Mom, being serviced by a dozen pairs of lips and hands, was fucking amazing. Center of a pile of skin I wanted to be in.

We'd stopped watching after that video, but we'd been inspired to keep cumming. An hour of our faces getting pruned by each other's juices... My last orgasm sent me into cramps though. We were done. Andi looked wrung out. We cuddled, and drifted off to sleep. Down the hallway, we could hear the other two people in the house. Familiar sounds, by now. Mom's cries of pleasure, Dad's long moans, and the driving beat of their bodies meeting. It soothed us right off to Dreamland.


Dreamland... Look, my dreams were all kinds of fucked up. Not, like, sexy times, either. I felt like I spent the whole night falling, or lost in a maze. When I woke up, being big spoon to little Andi, I felt grounded. Safe. Like I'd finally landed, right where I wanted to be.

Still. That last fall had jolted me awake. I held her tight with my heart hammering, sweating under the blanket. I think she noticed the shift in my grip, because she started to stir.

No panicked scream this morning, though. Just a languid sigh and some stiffening legs as she stretched. "Mmm. Is big sister awake, too?"

"Mmhm." I touched my lips to the curl of her ear. "Sleep good?"

"The best. Warm and snuggly all night." She half turned to me, but that was all, experience with our post coital morning breath yesterday had taught us to avoid being face to face before we'd had time to brush. "How'd my big sister sleep?"

I hesitated. One probably shouldn't tell psych majors their dreams, they tend to start waxing analytical. Not like, sciencey, more like Freud. But this little psych major was moving against me in a very inviting way, and I don't think I could have helped myself from telling her the truth while she was doing that.

"Well, little sis... I slept like crap." I told her about my dreams, despite my reservations. And, despite her heavenly body in my arms, as I talked, I drifted back to that dreamlike feeling. Unmoored. Drifting. Plunging headlong to an inevitable end. Frantic to find my way out of the woods, scared I'd never see my home again.

She was quiet for a bit. "You think we're moving too fast. You're frightened about where we're going."

"Right. I get that. It's not like the symbolism is all subtle."

She nodded. "No, it isn't. Do you want to... Hold off? Stop? Just keep our little kinks to ourselves?"

Well, no. Not really. I'd had a few, panicked seconds to think about it before she'd woke. The first thing that occurred was that we might have already rung the dinner bell a little too loud last night... And I think we'd just missed getting eaten up by those two by a smidge. Today was gonna be fun, one way or another.

And that was the second thing that occurred. Even though I was scared... well. I'd been scared to get my first kiss, too. And scared even more spitless the first time my nose went south of another girl's navel. But I'd persisted then, driven by hunger and need, and I didn't think that this situation was going to turn out much different. The fear added to the other thing. The raw, crawling, NEED between my legs. The hollow feeling, the hunger. The hole that wanted to be filled, finally.

"No, little sister. No, I don't want to stop." I swept the blankets off of us, and let the cool air dry my sweaty skin. My hand came back, and slid on a pebbled, pink arm, curled around to cup a breast that fit my hand just fucking perfectly. "I think I dreamt I was falling, because I am. Falling in love with you. I think I was lost in the woods, because I'm not who I was such a short time ago. I'm a different person." My hand squeezed, and pinched. "Not sure who I am gonna be yet. But, big sister, that's who I want to be. For you. If you don't mind a big sister that can't keep her hand out of your pussy, that is."

She grabbed my hand and her tit. "This hand?" She slid us down her body. Lifted one leg, and put us in her pink bits. "This hand can do... Oh, that... And that. Whenever you want. And. Ohmigod. Aeris. Big sis. I think... Ah! I think I love you, too."

"Good. Little sisters should love their big sisters. Let me... Finish this little puzzle in my hand here, and I'll let you show me how much you love me."

She surprised me, by shifting and twisting out from under my hand. "Lift your leg up. There. I'll show you how much I love you, right now."

She was straddling my left leg, and had my right knee up on her shoulder. She wiggled, and something soft and wet slipped against my center. Then she pressed her pussy into mine, and something went ping! between us.

Scissoring. Hadn't been great at it on carpet. Turns out we needed a bed to sink into a little. That got the angles just right. It was something... new, different. Like dry humping with lube.

Look, I know. Wet humping. Terrible description. But it defied words. Especially once we found our respective grooves, and she started filthy talking, in that vivid way she does.
