The Ban


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"Big sister... God I love the sound of that. Mommy and Daddy, too. I thought about getting out the strap on... Mmhm... last night. But, I thought. Why? As much as I want to fuck you, make you see the fucking stars on the end of a fat cock... Why would I be the shitty second fiddle, when there's a fucking master in this very house. Pardon the pun. Master. Of fucking. Heh."

She dug the palms of her hands down into the mattress, I reached out to pull her ass even closer to me. "No, babe. Aeris. My beautiful big sis. This is as close as you get, until I can help Daddy put that big cock... right... here... between us." She got one of her hands off the bed, and wiggled it in-between our furry patches. "Oh... yess. Can you imagine it?" A fingertip grazed my hole, brushed my clit. "That big, smooth cock. Right here. All slippery from our cunts. Plowing between us. Getting us both off. God, I wonder if we can. Pussy-job him with both of... Oh! Shit..."

It was like she'd put a rail between us, and we were riding it. I tilted my hips up, and her finger ran down and into my slit, hips down and she brushed my clit. I could feel her on the other side, alternating her movements with mine, when her knuckle nudged my button, it was because the rest of her finger was in her hole. When we switched, I felt the liquid heat of her labia pressing at me from around her finger as it pushed a little deeper into me. The twisting of her hand in-between the extremes was icing on a cake.

Fuck, though. I COULD imagine it. What if that finger was three times as thick, with a flared knob at the end? Spread wide open, inner lips mashed flat against it, and that head, just that head, slipping out of her and into me... Ohgodinheaven.

I think I screamed like I was dying. I think she might have been, too. I don't know. I do know it went on for a long, long time, both of our bodies stiff, pressing into each other at that one pivotal point. I know that whatever happened, whatever noises we made, I think we were loud enough that the neighbors could hear.

It was certainly loud enough to draw a frantic rapping at my door. We hadn't quite untensed, but we'd both run out of air.

"Everything okay in there?"

Dad. Goddamn Dad. Just his voice gave me a shivering aftershock. I gasped, trying to reassure him that everything was, in fact, just fine, had never been better, for sure. But... Well. Out of air. I might have managed a wheeze along those lines, but that was it. I unscrewed my clenched eyes, and saw my girl, still straddling me, her cheeks flaming red. And a finger in front of her smiling lips. Shh.

Another knock. Another query. And I couldn't respond. Not with those merry eyes and that mischievous smile there. Definitely not once she started licking that finger. Yes... THAT finger. Smeared and slick with both of our cum.

Another aftershock, probably helped by all my bits still mashing into hers. I think I moaned.

I saw my door knob turn, and I closed my eyes. I'm not sure why... I wanted to see his face. I guess, as much as I wanted to, something still survived, some ragged scrap of shame and propriety. It didn't live long.

Dad opened the door, and I heard Andi gasp in mock shock and surprise. I was blind, but I still had her hips in my grip, and my pelvis was moving against hers again. I let out that same moan, and I swear, I could feel his eyes on my skin.

I heard, 'sorry,' in a whisper, and a click as my door shut. My eyes stayed closed, and my grip on Andi got tighter. I started moving my hips faster, chasing a peak that hadn't gone too far away. Hadn't gone very far at all.

I came again, using her like a washboard on my clit. Grinding us together hard enough to edge my pleasure with pain. Hard enough to leave ten little bruises on her fair skin, where my fingers dug into her hips to hold her to me tight enough. I yelled that I was cumming at the closed door, to chase after the heavy footsteps in the hallway. I know he heard me. I don't think he knew how much he helped me get there.


We showered, we brushed our teeth, and I apologized when I saw the marks I'd left on her. She finished hiking up her panties over the red bits and told me not to worry about it. "Worth every bruise, babe. God, you squirted INTO me. I didn't cum, but... Fuck. That was the hottest shit I've ever seen. Or felt."

I still felt bad. She still told me to get over it. "I'll be fingering myself to that memory when I'm eighty. Jezzus, girl. Use me like that, whenever you want to." She followed up her words with a minty fresh kiss, which did make me feel a little better.

We walked out of the room, hungry for more than each other for a change. My girl was wearing a very distressed Nirvana t-shirt... No arms, midriff cut off, and a deep vee showing her braless tits. That and black panties. Oh, and her jewelry, which I'd only let her take off when we showered. I'd even added little bits and bobs this morning, another necklace, two more bracelets, some rings. Seeing my cheap costume jewelry against the other pieces, the ones she'd worn over here from the dorm, I became convinced that they were the real thing. The silver looked like silver, not stainless steel or whatever. The emerald in her necklace looked like the heart of a tree or something... So bright and warm and vivid against the glass I was sure made up the shiny parts in my necklace.

Mom was at the counter again, staring at the coffee pot, buttered toast already on the counter while she waited for the drip to stop. Andi grinned and took a couple of sneaky steps forward, ready to repeat yesterday's jump scare.

I beat her to Mom. Longer legs. Plus, I put a finger on her shoulder as I passed, making her pause. I did the same maneuver she did, wrapped my arms around her waist, ready to flash my hands up into cupping receivers for her bouncing breasts when she jumped. God, I wanted that. Mom's tits, still firm, at least according to the Acapulco video. I bet they'd fit my hands just as well as Andi's did... Maybe a bit of overflow. Only one way to find out.

Except, Mom didn't jump. She put one hand on one of mine and pressed it to her belly, sliding them both down the black silk cami she wore today. The other hand lifted, caught the back of my neck, and pulled my head to meet her turning face. Her lips opened, and...

I flooded my panties. Mom's tongue on mine. Mom's tender flesh, under silk... I could feel her folds through the thin undies she wore. She pulled her face back from mine and opened her eyes.

"Oh! Aeris! I... Thought you were someone else." I didn't ask who. I also didn't move my hand. Mom's butt was rounder than Andi's... I felt it like a soft pillow on my thighs. My hand around her waist... That one I moved. Up.

Still wanted to know if they'dfit.

She spun away from me, ending my expedition, and leaving my other hand on that pillowy ass. But if she thought that maneuver was going to help out our situation, boy, was she wrong. She looked up at me, and I looked down at her and I let my feelings show through. I don't know for sure exactly what my face did, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't daughterly AT ALL.

I saw her eyes get big. I saw her lick her lips. I licked mine. "Good morning. Mom."

That's when Andi slid up and pushed herself into a hug for us both, just like I had the day before. The big difference was, I tried to squeeze everyone together, and she, well, didn't. She pushed my pelvis out with her ass, put her shoulder between our tits, and shimmied into being the meat in our sandwich.

"Morning, Mommy. Can I have one of those kisses, too?" She didn't wait for an answer. I saw her head dart forward, and heard Mom moan into her mouth. I bent my head, and let my lips move Andi's hair from her neck, then I started nibbling. I peeked out from between half-closed eyes. Mom was into her kiss, eyes closed, jaw working, her lips sliding on my girlfriend's mouth eagerly. Hungrily.

I let my eyes slip all the way closed, and let my hands go where they wanted. Off of Mom's back and onto Andi's hip, then into that hollow spot where thigh and hip join, where the elastic in her panties just curved down towards her lower belly. Then under that elastic. The one on Mom's butt moved to Mom's waist, and my thumb slipped under that waistband. Someone brushed something on my bare thigh. Someone cupped the back of my neck, pulling my face forward.

The hand at my neck belonged to Andi, and she turned fully towards me as she pulled me in for a kiss. I met her lips, toyed with her tongue. My hand was in her panties, but on the wrong side now, gripping an ass cheek. Actually, as close as we all were, my knuckles were getting pushed by something. Probably Mom's thigh. Someone dug some fingers into my boob.

And, y'know? I kinda think that if we'd not managed to back Mom up into the hot side of the glass coffee carafe, we might have had us a little muffin breakfast, right there on the tile floor, before too much longer. But her yelp of surprise and everyone's hands suddenly returning to themselves ended the mood rather rapidly.

We all were breathing hard. And as bold as I'd been a second or two back, now I couldn't look Mom in the face. She turned, fixed her coffee, and I bolted away for the fridge. I think Andi was the one giving out that frustrated sigh, but I wouldn't have put money on it. Coulda been Mom. Might even have been me.

As much as I wanted a spontaneous munch session right then... and I think I wasn't the only one who did, I'm glad we waited. Falling into each other like that would have been nice, but getting some loose ends tied up first made things afterwards more stable.

We met back up at the table, and God, it was awkward. I mean... Mom wouldn't look at me, Andi seemed distracted, and me... Well, I was so very aware of how wet I was. Every breath, every slight movement in that chair sent little zings and tings to my brain from everything playing slip and slide in my undies.

It took me a bit, but I slowly remembered that there was something I wanted today... And the time for tiny little steps was over. I came up with something resembling a plan. Okay, less a plan, and more of a thing to do. A risk to take. I hadn't been taking many jumps lately, I'd been burned a lot in the past. But here I was, and I trusted these people to catch me. Why shouldn't I? All three of them were people I loved deeply. Sure, Andi was new, but the other two had loved me and cared for me my whole life. I didn't think either of them would let me down now. I still had fear, though. Doubts. But, fuck it, I thought, and I decided to go ahead and jump, free falling towards my next level in life. So, I took a deep breath and looked directly at Mom.

"So. Mom. Who did you think I was?" Scary part over, the decision to step off the ledge was done. Now, just the falling part.

She jumped like I'd goosed her, and didn't say anything. She was probably working on a sane response, something to defuse that bomb. I gave her a beat, then just started talking, answering the question for her.

"Cuz, I mean. Dad? Sure, but, when you grabbed my hand and parked it on your privates, you had to know it wasn't him. I mean. I do have big hands, but not like his. Process of elimination... you thought I was Andi, huh?"

Mom squirmed. Andi was shifting her eyes between the two of us.

I kept going. "I mean. That's cool and all. Andi, here, thinks you're pretty hot. And we talked about this, when we decided to hook up. New partners are welcome, and all that. But, Mom? I mean. Right here in the kitchen? Just wanted a quick morning fingerbang from my girl? Without even asking if I was down with it?"

Mom goldfished, her mouth opening and closing uselessly. I shook my head while she gathered herself, then the second she got her feet under her and looked ready to actually defend herself, I spoke again.

"I mean. I am. Down with it. Andi? Get up." My voice dropped an octave and I definitely made those two words a command. She hopped up out of her chair, her oatmeal spoon falling out of her bowl to the table. She looked at me for the next order.

"Walk behind Mom's chair." She complied, and Mom looked at me with confusion. "Mom, put down that coffee." The same voice of command, and the same obedience from Mom. Good, I had been worried she'd balk here. The mug clicked onto the wood. "Perfect. Andi, my Mom wants you to make her cum. Fingers only. You have three minutes. Do it."

My girl was game, only pausing to grin at me. She bent over Mom's chair, and one hand went where I couldn't see anymore. I COULD see Mom's face, and her shock. Her pleasure, too. Then a waterfall of Andi's hair obscured them both, as their faces turned towards each other.

I just thought I was horny a minute ago. Fucking hell, this was hot. It took every ounce of self control I had to sit there, eating orange slices and just watching them. And the clock.

"One minute left, ladies."

A moan answered me.

"She's pretty good with just her fingers, huh? Just wait, though, that tongue? Magic." Another moan, this one more urgent, and I ate another orange slice. "So... Mom. Going forward. If you want her, you're gonna have to ask. I mean. I can share my toys, sure. But you have to ask first. Nicely. Thirty seconds."

Andi seemed to concentrate, pulling her face up to suck in air and turn an unfocused gaze towards the fridge. I think. I saw Mom, her head to one side, her eyes closed, her mouth twisting as she groaned. Her neatly manicured nails were gripping the side of the table. Business Nails. Andi's arm, the bits that I could see, were moving very rapidly. Her other hand was exploring down the neckline of that silk cami, every knuckle outlined in the silk and morning light.

I'd seen my mom cum, on tape. This time I got a front row view. She was glorious, tensing and lifting, her tendons taut in her arms. Her graceful neck stretched, her shudders shook her blonde ringlets. A lot of nuance was here, live, that didn't transfer well onto old VHS tech. Plus... I could smell her.

I leaned back, pointing my swollen pussy at hers under the table. I don't know why, but thinking we lined up, with only three feet between us... hot. Literally, like fire playing on my vulva. Little licks of heat, flickering between us. When she uttered a now familiar sharp cry, I started drawing circles on top of my cotton undies.

I kept my eyes open and on hers, even though I had to fight to keep my lids peeled back. So, when she opened hers, we locked our gazes, and the heat flicker between us turned into a nova. I'd just watched her face get overtaken by pleasure and joy... Now she got to watch mine.

It's not as hard to keep your eyes open when you're cumming as it is when you sneeze, but it's close. I managed it.

Andi dutifully withdrew her fingers and returned to her seat, back to the oatmeal as if nothing had happened. Which left me and Mom, panting and staring at each other.

This time Mom spoke first, her voice measured and calm, a surprise after what we'd just shared. "So, that's how it is."

I pulled myself upright in the chair. Mom had strict rules about elbows on the table, I imagine my knees being up there was a bit over the top for her. I reached out for the last orange slice. "I mean. Yeah."

She glanced at Andi. "Is this your idea?"

Andi shrugged. "Not really. But I'm into it."

Mom nodded, and looked back at me. "All right. I think I am, too. Let me... Let me finish my coffee. And I'll figure out a way to get your dad out of the house for a little bit."

I chewed orange pulp, and swallowed it. "I'd rather you didn't, actually." My endorphins were wearing off, I blurted out that sentence in a hurry before my neurons remembered fear again.

If Mom had looked shocked before, now she looked like she was getting zapped by lightning. A quick twitch, all muscles tense, an expression on her face I can't equate to an emotion. Slack jawed, but lips peeled away from teeth, eyes wide, and eyebrows headed for the top of her head. "Really?"

I blushed, I looked at the table. Andi answered for me. "Really. She wants to try out a man for the first time. Can you think of anyone who's better in the sack? Cuz, I mean, she should have a good time. For her first time. Right?"

Mom blinked rapidly, and took a moment to answer. "Oh, he's gonna LOVE this." She bit her lip and looked dead on at me. "And so will you, honey."


Mom wanted a minute.

I mean, sure. She said she was gonna feel Dad out, see if he needed any persuasion. She told me and Andi to amuse ourselves, and she'd take care of it.

Turns out, Dad had gotten his peek at us scissoring ourselves awake, and had immediately gone and gotten dressed, saying he needed something from the hardware store. Mom, still waking up, hadn't figured out that something was off... But looking back, she'd seen stress on his face, heard tension in his clipped words. She wanted to soothe his feathers before he was presented with the new arrangement.

And we did arrange things. Andi presented Mom with a framework, a poly way of looking at the four of us, using all kinds of technical terms I didn't get. Paramour and primaries and something called compersion? I don't know. Psych 101 was as far as I'd gotten, and I'd had hell maintaining a one-on-one girl-on-girl relationship, I'd never figured I'd get more than that, so I hadn't kept up with the literature.

Mom just laughed, after letting her finish her spiel. "Kids. Think you invented this stuff. I'll have you know, young lady, that me and Tom have been at this since before you were born. I know how to add in two more girls, without making things weird. Granted, one of those girls is going to be a big surprise to him..."

I grinned, and blushed.

"... But I doubt it'll be a deal breaker." Mom also grinned, and blushed. She'd come over to my side of the table while Andi was talking, and was lightly touching my skin, here and there, like she was discovering a new continent on my body. I returned the sentiment, but I didn't use my fingers. I used my lips... I pulled her to me, and kissed everything I could while still staying seated. She tangled her hands in my short hair and directed my head, keeping me from getting my face anywhere really good. Like she wanted just to whet my appetite. And she broke down exactly how this was gonna work, going forward, while guiding my face away from her tits, her mound.

I did try, at least, to pay attention.


And amuse ourselves, we did. Andi flipped the dom dynamic as soon as we'd shut the bedroom door, ordering me to my knees and dropping her panties. I licked her to an incredibly quick cum, hardly getting to taste her before she was scrabbling at my shoulders and telling me to stop.

She insisted that we watch and record another movie. Only this time, she wanted us to keep our hands to ourselves, just to build up the tension.

I told her that I could do quite a lot with just my own hands on myself, and that got me handcuffed. I must have missed that she had a pair in her backpack... Oh well. They were the nice, padded variety, and I found them fairly comfortable, if my position at my headboard wasn't.

I gave her very direct orders on how to get the screen grab stuff going, and we watched the next video on our playlist.

Episode Eight: The Return of Pinkie.

I was upright, back against my headboard, legs spread wide. Andrea was resting her head on my belly, and the laptop just under her tits.

The video opened with a long, sweeping shot of Mom. Bare feet, tapered legs, a lingering look at her once again untamed bush, and her round belly. Crap, she looked like she was about eight months along... Then her bare breasts, and her grinning face.

"Got it?"

"All of it," Cameragirl said. "You look amazing. Glowing, really."