The Beguiling Sister

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What happens to a father when he takes his daughters advice.
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I hope all my readers agree that this is a Loving Wives story. I'm sure many of you will want a complimentary story about Pam and Bev. So would I, but I think it would be better written by a woman. So, if there is a lady author who would like to write this story from Pam and Bev viewpoint, please let me know.


When my wife, Pam told me that my sister had invited her to visit for a few days, I accepted it though I wasn't very happy about it.

When we married twelve years ago, my wife and my sister became best friends. I joked about it telling her she only married me so she could be pals with my sister. Her reply was that I married her because I couldn't marry my sister. You see, at almost the same age they were so alike in appearance they were often asked if they were sisters. If only their personalities hadn't also been so similar.

My Mum wasn't there when Pam and I married. She had left my Dad three years earlier. At that time, I was living in my own apartment near where I worked, several miles away from them. I didn't know anything about it until my Dad told me a couple of weeks after she left. 'Don't worry about me, Son,' he said. 'She wasn't much of a wife anyway.'

My Dad was only forty-two at the time and still, a fit, good-looking guy who I knew could look after himself. I'd always been closer to him than my Mum, When I was a kid, just the two of us often went camping and fishing, He was always at my school and college events. Whenever he could he took me to all the major local sporting events. Thinking back on it I don't remember Mum ever being with us.

My sister, Beverly was much more a Mums girl so I was surprised she wasn't more upset when we met after Dad had told her that Mum had left him. At the time Bev was a beautician, working as a make-up artist with a local TV production company.

Things have changed a bit since then. Mum has totally disappeared. Dad has married again and I know he is much happier with his new wife, Heather. Pam and I now have two kids; Christine, who came first, is now eleven and her brother David, is now nine. Pam is the librarian at the local college so she can be there for the kids. Me, I'm a partner in a small printing company, with my best mate Gareth.

Bev has moved to London and is now a freelance make-up consultant in the fashion business. Pam and Bev, only Dad calls her Beverly, are always in contact in some way or another.

Since she moved to London five years ago I only see Bev every other month when she visits Dad. It's only in the last three visits that I've noticed how she's changed. She is still my bright, bubbly sister, but it's her appearance that's changed. I know that Dad noticed and I'm sure Heather did, but it was only after her last visit that anyone said anything.

Dad actually got me on my own when he asked me to help him pick some tomatoes from his greenhouse. 'Richard, did you notice anything different about, Beverly?' he asked almost as soon as we got there. Like my sister, he never shortened my name.

I thought for a moment before deciding to share my observation. 'Yes, Dad. Something's changed, I've noticed it over the last three visits.'

'Heather noticed before me,' he admitted. 'She says it's the people she's working with.'

'Well, she is working with some of the top fashion houses and you know how queer some of those people are supposed to be.'

'Your sisters not queer, Richard. Heather says that she seems so much more, chic,' he emphasised.

Chic, I wouldn't have said that about my beautiful sister. She was certainly been wearing an expensive jumper and skirt, and I thought she had Jimmy Choos shoes. I know that more than once I looked at her and knew I couldn't afford to buy Pam what Bev was wearing.

'She was certainly wearing some very expensive stuff,' I told my Dad. While I was thinking more about her demeanour.

When I asked Pam if she had noticed any change in my sister she hesitated before replying. 'Not really, she's certainly able to afford some pretty expensive clothes. Those were Jimmy Choos, she was wearing.'

'I thought they were,' I told her. 'How she can walk in those astronomically high heels I'll never know?'

'They were a bit high, weren't they? I tried them on and couldn't even stand up in them.'

Bev wasn't mentioned again until her next visit a couple of month's later. I had thought a couple of times that Pam seemed a bit excited about seeing Bev again. As soon as Pam and I arrived at Dad's, and we had all settled down, I noticed my wife and Bev soon chatting quietly to each other.

Bev again looked absolutely stunning, this time wearing a dark blue dress that even I could see was a perfect fit and style to show off her slim body and lovely bust. How, I wondered, could a woman as lovely as my sister still be single? I asked her when we had a few minutes together. 'Oh, don't worry about me Rich, she always called me Rich, I like being single.'

During our conversation, I asked her. 'What's it like being responsible for the make-up of so many top models?'

'It's not as glamorous a job as you probably think, Rich. After a while you get to know exactly what works for each of them and what doesn't.' A few minutes later she asked me how Pam and I were. That surprised me because I knew how often they were in contact either by phone or text. 'We're fine,' I told her. 'Work gets a bit intrusive sometimes, but Pam understands, and I always make it up to her.'

It was a week after her visit when Pam told me that Bev had invited her to spend the next weekend with her. She didn't quite tell me but by the way she asked I knew she didn't expect me to object. She could be like that sometimes and I'd learnt to accept it.

Thursday night Pam did everything to let me know how much she loved me and enjoyed my lovemaking. Even so, without understanding why, I still wasn't happy about her visit to my sister. Early Late Friday afternoon I drove Pam to the station. It was a three-hour drive to London and Bev had told her not to as parking would be a problem and they would be using taxies anyway.

'I'll call you as soon as I get to Bev's apartment,' Pam told me and I'll call you again during the weekend to let you know what we're doing.' I got a long kiss and then she was gone. I'd had the kids to myself before, once when she looked after my Dad when he was recovering from a prostate operation. Another time she had to go on a two-day seminar.

The children were younger than, now they were old enough I could take them somewhere exciting so on Saturday we went to Alton Towers. They were exhausted by the time we left so I had a quiet drive home. I picked up a McDonalds, something their Mum would never allow.

They were munching away in front of the television when Pam rang about seven.

'How are the Kids, darling?'

Luckily, I was clearing up the kitchen and she wouldn't hear them eating so I could honestly tell her they were watching television.

'What did you do today?'

'I took them to Alton Towers,' I told her. 'What did you and Bev do?'

'Shopping, I bought something I know you will like.' Then she told me they were soon going out for a meal with a couple of Bev's friends.

'Have a nice meal,' I told her. The kids will soon be in bed and I'll just have a quiet evening reading. Ring me in the morning and let me know when to pick you up from the station. Love you, darling.'

'Love you too, Darling,' she replied, and that was it and I was left wondering who Bev's friends were.

It was very late Sunday morning when Pam rang me. 'Hi, darling,' I answered as soon as it rang. 'Have you just got up? Did you have a nice evening?'

'Yes, I had a lovely meal and a very nice evening. I've been up about an hour. How are the Kids?'

'The Kids are fine. If you've only been up an hour it must have been a very late night?'

'It was a bit. What are you doing today?'

I ignored her question. 'When is your train getting in?'

'Well, it will be quite late. The couple we had dinner with have invited Bev and me to a private fashion show later today. I might even stay over and come back sometime tomorrow.'

'It sounds like I should be expecting you back on Monday.' I told her.

'What are you and the kids planning on doing today?' she asked as though Monday was a given.

'I had planned to take the Kids out again today. If you don't come home till Monday you will have to get a taxi because I can't pick you up until the evening.'

'All right, I'll stay with Bev and get a later train. I'll ring you at work and let you know when it's due.'

So today I took the kids to Chester Zoo. It proved to be a bigger hit with both Kids than Alton Towers. Monday evening, I took the children with me when I picked their Mum up from the station. They of course wanted to tell their mother all about their day at Elton Towers and Chester Zoo. I just drove and listened, pleased with myself for having done the right thing.

When we got home I ordered Pizza and we all watched a cartoon film both of them had already seen at least four times. When Pam had both Kids in bed I asked if she would like a glass of wine expecting her to want and sit with me and tell me about her weekend.

Instead, I got a very nice kiss. 'You sit back and relax, darling. I'm going to change into something I bought for you and I'll call you when I'm ready.'

It was several minutes before I remembered what Pam had told me about her shopping trip and realised what my wife was up to. It made me wonder when I would have a chance to ask her about her weekend with my sister.

I heard the shower for about five minutes, then silence for another fifteen minutes, before Pam called me. 'Richard, honey you can come up now.'

When a husband sees his wife, whom he considers the most beautiful woman in the world, waiting for him in the most alluring pose he has ever seen, wearing the most sensual underwear she has ever worn, then the most bizarre thoughts are liable to enter his head together with a totally bemused look on his face.

That was me, moments after opening my bedroom door. Standing with her feet slightly apart, Pam had her back to me. At first, I saw her hands resting on the black silk stretched over her magnificent bottom, then my eyes travelled down the seam of her shiny stockings, right down the astonishingly high heels she was standing on. I remembered her telling me she couldn't stand in Bev's Jimmy Choos, so how she could do it now, I wondered.

When she turned her head I immediately looked up at her. Her smile promised everything. I was speechless. as she slowly turned and faced me. If I didn't know she was my wife I would hardly have recognised her until she spoke. 'Well, Honey what do you think, do you like what I bought for you?'

Honey, a term my wife rarely used, seemed to fit with the way she looked. Instinctively I knew the underwear she had on must have cost a fortune. We had occasionally visited Ann Summers and Victoria's Secrets and this did not come from either of them. I had to be French, the pure eroticism it created was astonishing.

Slowly, Pam sidled up to me and stroked my face. 'Talk to me, Darling,' she said. But instead of letting me say anything she planted her full, glossy red lips directly on mine, followed immediately by her body pressed intimately against me.

Don't think I objected or wasn't enjoying both the visual and the physical stimulation or that I didn't appreciate the financial effort she had put into it. I am a man and this was my wife. Just the same, I knew without any doubt, that my sister had something to do with the way Pam was seducing me tonight.

I recognised the perfume she was wearing, it was the same as my sister's. Subtle, alluring and very expensive. 'It's beautiful,' I told her in a husky whisper. 'You're beautiful,' I whispered, as I slid my hands down her back and around her silk-covered buttocks.

Unexpectedly she pulled away, gave me the most seductive look I have ever had and slowly moved onto the bed. If ever underwear was designed to enhance a woman's movements, my wife was wearing it. She ended up lying on her back with her head on a pillow and one knee provocatively raised.

'I'm waiting for you, Darling,' she told me with the added gesture of her finger.

By now I knew what was required of me and as I started taking my clothes off, Pam slowly, provocatively removed her panties. Just as slowly she spread her legs and then seductively slid her fingers up and down her totally bald pussy.

As I clambered onto the bed I was going to bury my face between my wife's legs, but Pam didn't want me to do that.

'Fuck me, Darling,' she demanded. 'I need all of your cock in me, right now, Honey.' Her sultry voice made her need very clear to me.

She was extremely wet, very hot and totally irresistible. Neither of us said more than a few intelligible words the whole time I fucked her. Or did she fuck me, I don't know, or even care. After twelve years married to this woman, it was a totally new sexual experience. With my passion enhanced by the movement of her silk stockinged legs around my body, the feel of her silk restrained breasts against my chest and in my hands, plus the intoxicating smell of her perfume and the sounds of her intense pleasure, I fucked us both to an incredible orgasm. Somehow, she got me to fuck her two more times.

It was only later the following day that I remembered what I'd wanted to ask about her weekend with my sister. The more I thought about it the more I worried about the influence my sister had on my wife.

Next Saturday evening, Pam wore her French underwear again. She seemed far more relaxed than last week. This time we enjoyed each other more like we always did and I was able to appreciate each item she wore before slowly removing them. It became a much more leisurely night of lovemaking, rather than riotous fucking, though we did a bit of fucking as well.

The underwear came, Pam told me, from a very exclusive lingerie shop hidden down a small side street. Bev apparently was a regular customer and the lady proprietor seemed to know exactly what my wife was looking for. Bev, she also volunteered to tell me, had shown her what to do when I came into the bedroom. I had the curious thought of how Bev and shown her.

Over the next three weeks, living with my wife and children settled back into its well-established routine. I still hadn't asked her anything about her weekend with my sister. Perhaps I was reluctant to ask her because of what she had already told me, and Pam certainly wasn't saying anything.

Wednesday evening, when the children were in bed and we were settled on the settee, Pam said she had something to ask me. 'You want me to buy you some new French lingerie,' I joked.

'No, Darling,' she gave a nervous giggle. 'Bev phoned me at work today and asked me to spend the weekend with her. There's a fashion show on Saturday.' Then she continued before I could say anything. 'Bev is doing the models make-up and has asked me if I'd like to help her.'

The look on her face was begging me to agree. 'When will you be going?' I asked.

'Friday afternoon, I'll get a taxi to the station.'

Once again, I had the children for the weekend. The weather forecast was good so I was going to take the children back to Chester Zoo. Because Pam had let me know on Wednesday I was able to book a hotel for the three of us and make a weekend of it.

Thursday evening, I told Pam what I'd arranged for my weekend with the kids. I had expected some disappointment that she wasn't coming with us. 'That's a great idea, Darling. They'll have a wonderful time,' she told me, without even asking where we were staying. 'I'll ring you when I get to Bev's and on Sunday I'll let you know which train I'm catching.' We made love that night, without any French lingerie and I did get a very nice kiss before I left for work Friday morning.

When I told David and Christine what I had planned for the weekend their excitement overruled any concern that their mother wasn't coming with us.

As Pam predicted, the kids did have a wonderful time. We arrived in Chester mid-morning and went straight to the hotel. Like all kids they were hungry so we ended up at McDonald's. I took them to the Rows, the city's unique two-lever shopping area. Then we walked all around the city's Roman Wall.

That evening I took them to a rather nice restaurant for our meal. The way they behaved throughout the whole meal made me so proud of them. When I reminded them that we were going to the zoo tomorrow, both of them wanted to stay in Chester and see some more of the Roman Remains and visit the Roman Experience and the Cathedral. Who was I to argue, I also thought that would be more interesting than the zoo.

When Sunday came so did my thought about my wife and my sister. The expected call didn't come till mid-afternoon. 'Hello, Darling, are you having a nice time at the Zoo?' was the first thing Pam said.

'No, the kids wanted to stay in Chester and see the Roman Remains and the Cathedral, that's where we are now,' I told her

'You've all had a good time then? I hope you haven't missed me too much?' she added

I almost told her none of us had, but I knew I had. 'I missed you sometimes. It was a big double bed and half of it was empty,' I told her.

'Well, I'll have to do something about that when I get home. How about I bring back something special again?'

'What, something Italian this time?'

'You'll have to wait and see. By the way, I'll be catching the early afternoon train on Monday so I'll get a taxi from the station and see you when you get home.' I'd half expected that, so I just told her I'd be home at the usual time.

When I got home the kids were already doing homework and Pam was busy in the kitchen. We had our usual kiss and hug greeting before I changed into something casual for the evening. Pam was already wearing slacks and a jumper. Everything seemed to be back to normal for a Monday.

Eventually, David and Christine were in bed, it just seemed to get later and later now they were both older. I knew that soon they would be teenagers and our evenings on our own would be severely limited.

Pam and I had just settled down with her wine and my whisky when I asked about her weekend. She gave me a big grin. 'You want to know what I bought for you, don't you, Darling?'

'I wasn't just thinking about that, I was wondering how the fashion show went?'

'It was amazing,' she enthused. 'Last time we were part of the audience, this time I was with Bev where all the models change into the clothes they are modelling. Bev let me help her with their make-up. It was totally frantic, and exhausting,' she told me.

'Were there any famous models there?' I asked thinking of Lindy Crawford.

'No, Darling, Lindy Crawford wasn't there. They were all girls from a local art college.'

'What did you and Bev do on Saturday and today?'

'Quite a lot of window shopping, she knows where all the nice little boutiques and cafes are. We went to a very nice restaurant for dinner on Saturday, lazed around on Sunday morning before the show and went to lunch today before I caught the train.' She looked at me for a moment. 'Did you enjoy yourself with the Kids? They told me all about their time in Chester. It must have been quite an education for them?'

'I did, they behaved perfectly and I really enjoyed the whole weekend, and I also learnt something about Chester in Roman Times.' Now it was my turn to look at her. 'Enough chat, how about I see whatever it is you've bought for me?'

I got a big, wet kiss. 'Love you, Darling,' she whispered in my ear just after the kiss. 'Now you stay here until I call you.'

The call came nearly thirty minutes later. Much later than I expected and as I approached our bedroom I remembered the last time I did this. The door was closed so I knocked, just to prolong my expectation.