The Big Tits Club Ch. 35-36

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Dealing with the fallout.
18.6k words

Part 17 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 05/25/2021
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-- CHAPTER 35: The Cat --


"So what happened then? Did you ask her about screaming her ex-boyfriend's name?"

Mari sat cross-legged on Belle's bed, hugging a pillow to her chest while staring at me wide-eyed in rapt attention, anxious for me to answer her question.

Belle was frowning, also on her bed but leaning against the side wall with her knees up and her arms clasped around her legs.

I sat in the desk chair, shrugging as I looked out the window. "There was no time. Once we realized her dad was outside trying to break down my front door, we got dressed in a hurry. So I'm standing there, frantically pulling on my clothes, but I'm mentally rehearsing everything I was gonna say to him, you know? Stuff about how I cared deeply for his daughter and wanted to apologize for the subterfuge."

What I didn't tell the girls was that I'd already run through these mental scenarios a few times over the past few months in very general terms. Even putting aside the near inevitability of Naimh's parents catching us sooner or later, in plain simple fact I was schtupping six teenage girls, any one of whose parents could eventually show up promising me eternal damnation. Well, not Belle's dad anymore, but even he had caught us at an inopportune moment.

"I never got the chance to put my thoughts into practice though," I continued. "Once we got to the front door, Neevie stopped me and told me to stay inside. I started arguing with her that I had to step up and take responsibility for my own actions, but she didn't listen to me. She just opened the door and walked out, calling 'Dad!'"

"What did he do?" Mari asked breathlessly.

"He shouted her name from the front driveway. Apparently he'd gone back to yelling at the upstairs window. But once he heard Neevie call, he came charging back toward the front door. There was this big vein bulging on his bright red forehead as he stared daggers at me with plain intent to murder me."

"So you didn't stay inside?"

I shook my head. "I walked out to meet him. But I only got two steps before Neevie turned around, planted both hands on my chest, and started shoving me back into the house. Took me by surprise, and she had the leverage, so I wound up backpedaling just to not fall over."

"And you just let her?" Belle scoffed.

I sighed. "She was all, 'Stay HERE, Matty! He won't come into your house - it's a respect thing. But you go out there, there will be a fight on the front lawn, cops will be called and all that. He'll try to kill you!' I tried to insist, 'He won't try to KILL me.' But Neevie was serious. 'We're IRISH. We got tempers.'"

Mari giggled. Belle shot her a look. Mari deflated a little.

"Then Neevie gave me a pleading look, said, 'I don't want you to hurt him, and I don't want him pissed off that you beat him in a fight.' I tried to say I wouldn't fight him, but she backed up, slammed the door, and turned around to grab her dad like five feet away."

"Did you lock the door?" Mari stared at me wide-eyed.

"What? No. I wasn't afraid of him. He was pretty out of shape."

"He was a lividly angry dad," Belle drawled. "I'd have put money on him."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I muttered sarcastically. "Anyway, I opened the door again and took three steps out. She was poking him in the chest, he was yelling, and she started yelling about how every normal high school girl gets to date and fall in love and be with the people they wanna be with but he had to get all crazy overprotective and lock her up in the castle tower every night. He was trying to say he was just defending his daughter's honor or something, and then he saw me and shoved Neevie out of the way so he could come kick my ass."

"Wait, DID you fight him?" Mari gasped.

I shook my head. "I was all ready to do the macho thing and stand toe-to-toe with him. But no."

Belle frowned and mused, "I wonder if Conor ever fought him."

I shot her a look, and she blushed.

Mari asked impatiently, "What happened?"

"Neevie shoved him with both arms and got herself between us. They started howling at each other, but their words got really jumbled up and I couldn't understand them anymore with those fast and thick Irish accents overlapping on top of one another. It was kinda hot, actually, watching her get all feisty and challenge him. I think Neevie started airing their dirty laundry, because her dad started getting nervous and looking around to see if any of the neighbors were coming over to see what the commotion was about."

Mari giggled.

"Finally, Neevie's mom stepped in and started yelling at both of them. Her dad kinda shut up but he jabbed his finger at the cars on the curb. And when they started to leave, I walked forward again and told Neevie we still needed to talk. She glanced back at me all annoyed and said, 'Not today, Matty!' I asked her when, and she just yelled over her shoulder, 'Not today!'" I shrugged. "Neevie and her mom got into her car. She pulled out first and drove away. Her dad gave me one last hateful glare, and then he got in his car and drove off too."

Mari clutched the pillow to her chest a little tighter, looking a little pale. Belle was staring off into space, and I couldn't get a read on her emotions.

"Anyways," I wrapped up. "I walked to the end of the driveway, stared down the road for a while until the cars were out of sight, and tried to collect my thoughts. Then I came over here and you two know the rest."

Belle nodded, glanced at Mari, and muttered, "Code Blue."

Mari nodded glumly in response.

My eyeballs clicked back and forth as I stared at first one girl and then the other. "'Code Blue'?" I asked, not understanding.

Belle had already grabbed the cordless phone from her nightstand and started dialing.

"Girls thing," Mari explained. "It means drop everything and come over here right away. We've only had like... three... ever."

"Sam?" Belle said into the phone a few moments later. "Sorry to bother; I know you're busy. Code Blue... Yes, I'm serious. Neevie's parents just caught her and Matty. They came over to his house and everything... Uh, no, not like that. They didn't barge into his room or anything. Just outside banging on the door... Yeah, I'll explain when you get here. Uh-huh... Sure... Yeah... No, we're at my place... Uh-huh... Oh, and I know Zofi's at dance practice, but see if you can get ahold of her... Uh-huh... Yeah, Mari's already here. I'm calling Alice next. Bye."


While Belle's dad was surprised to find the BTC girls in his living room when he came home, he was able to read the room and realize it wasn't time for any dad jokes. He apologized for intruding and went to put away his things. Meanwhile, the girls took that as their cue to get back home to their own families.

While the other girls said their goodbyes to each other, Belle read my mood and told me she could handle dinner if I just wanted to sit down and hang out. I told her quietly I'd rather go for a walk, actually. Having to sit there for the past couple of hours while five girls discussed the detailed nuances and potential repercussions of having my girlfriend scream her ex-boyfriend's name while I was plundering her ass and then her parents hauling her away made me long for peace and quiet.

We all made our way out the door. I wore a hoodie jacket and pulled it over my head, folded my arms, and stalked away. The girls just let me go, thankfully, and I shuffled off down the sidewalk.

I was about two houses past my own when I heard the sound of running footsteps catching up to me. From the pace of the impacts, I figured it was a jogger heading for the trail behind the housing tract and just kept my head down. But the footsteps slowed beside me, and I turned in surprise to see Sam.

I had put my hands into the jacket pockets. Sam slipped her arm around my elbow and wound up hugging my left arm. And with a genuinely concerned look on her face, she asked, "You okay?"

"Not really," I muttered as I kept walking slowly.

"Shouldn't you go home then?"

"Don't wanna go home. Just felt like walking."

"You mind if I stay with you then? I don't like the idea of you being out and alone right now."

"I'm kinda done talking about it," I muttered.

"We don't need to talk. But let me stay."

I sighed. I had wanted the solitude, but now that I was out and away from the gaggle of girls and their ceaseless noise, having just one girl with me didn't seem so bad. Actually, feeling Sam hold me felt pretty good. "Fine," I finally answered.

Sam walked with me two blocks to the trail access and then the half-mile spur that connected us to the creek. Progress was slower with her holding my arm, not that I was in a hurry to go anywhere. We walked in silence, Sam's presence feeling rather reassuring, actually. And by the time we reached the creek, my mood didn't feel quite so oppressive.

It had rained on Saturday night, so the creek was reasonably full. There were big boulders on the embankments, and Sam let go of me so I could move partway down to sit on one while Sam sat on another boulder nearby.

For a while, I thought she'd just let me stare out across the water in silence, leaving me to my own thoughts while simply being around in case I needed her. But after a while, she sat up straight, which drew my attention.

"What are you thinking right now?" she asked quietly.

I took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked up at her. "I'm just really confused."

"About Neevie screaming her ex-boyfriend's name during sex?"

"Well, obviously. But more than that."

"Like what?"

I sighed. "I've just been thinking about our entire relationship, from the time that I met her until today. I'm kind of reevaluating everything I thought I knew about my feelings for her back then and her true feelings for me. Like, we all knew she'd had a boyfriend in Ireland, but none of us knew the details about her trying to move in with Conor rather than come to America. For all I know, even now, she'd been trying to maintain that relationship long-distance for however many months so the fact that she couldn't actually date me because of The Rule was actually a non-starter."

Sam raised her eyebrows. "It does make you look back at that time through a different lens."

"Belle said that I reminded Neevie of her ex, and maybe that would explain her instant attraction to me."

"Maybe." Sam cocked an eyebrow. "Doesn't explain your instant attraction to her. I believe the phrase was: 'The most gorgeous thing I've ever seen'."

I recognized the hurt tone in Sam's voice, and I took a moment to say, "You know you're beautiful and ridiculously sexy."

"I know I used to be your favorite masturbation fantasy until Neevie showed up."

I frowned, wondering how she knew that.

"Belle told me."

I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes. Rubbing my face, I muttered, "Well, she was new."

Sam looked at the ground. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't about me."

"It's alright. It just goes back to my own confusion about that time period and trying to separate my true emotions from physical infatuation. Back then, I had no thoughts about falling in love with any of you. I was just getting teased left, right, and center but not really getting anywhere."

Sam winced. "Sorry about that. It couldn't have been easy for you."

I shook my head. "Don't be. We've already had this conversation. I loved it, it brought me closer to all six of you, and it taught all six of you that you could really, really trust me and feel safe with me."

Sam nodded. "It did."

"But it also made me very sex-focused. I was constantly getting horny and never having any outlet for it. I thought about sex all the time, and guess which one of you made it the most obvious she wanted to fuck my brains out?"


"Exactly. She gave me hope. You didn't, not really. I actually figured you'd eventually get tired of using me for practice and go seduce the Prom King."

Sam frowned. "Did I really make you feel used?"

"Well, yeah, but that's water under the bridge. In the end, you were the first one to cross the line and actually have sex with me, which started off this whole thing and ended up with me getting to be with all of you. I'm never forgetting that. For a boy who could only dream of this sort of thing happening for the past couple of years, it's been an incredible few months."

Sam grinned. "Every teenaged boy's dream."

"For sure."

"Until it turned into a nightmare."

I sighed. "I dunno about a nightmare. Getting caught by her parents was sort of an inevitability. In the back of my head, I always knew we'd eventually get caught."

"But I'll bet you weren't expecting to hear her scream her ex-boyfriend's name."

"No, I wasn't, but looking back, even that makes a sort of logical sense. In fact, the nature of her separation from Conor kind of explains everything, from her joining the BTC to spending all that time flirting with me and even our lack of real intimacy."

Sam furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not following."

"Well this is all pure speculation, of course, but let's imagine a heartbroken Neevie dragged out of Ireland against her will and parked in a completely new country while still missing her one true love. She's this ridonkulously gorgeous freckled redhead with an amazing body and big tits and starts getting constantly hit on by every swinging dick at school. You take her in, introduce her to a bunch of similarly hot and busty friends, plus one guy who DIDN'T immediately drool all over her tits or otherwise start undressing her with his eyes."

Sam snorted. "Don't give yourself that much credit. I was there when I first brought her over and you DID start undressing her with your eyes."

I blushed. "Well... maybe. She really WAS the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen at the time. But a while back she told me how she felt about ME that first day we met. She thought I was cute, but nothing that got her panties wet right away. Actually, it was spending an hour watching me maintain my self-control while the rest of you teased the hell out of me that really appealed to her. She told me she didn't stay with the BTC for you, she stayed for me."

"Well that part I knew. She's always wanted you."

"Maybe she wanted me BECAUSE she couldn't have me. She must've still been getting over Conor, and maybe even considered it a form of cheating to move on from him so soon. She never paid other guys any attention, never dated or tried to date. Because of the The Rule, she could let out her sexual desires without them actually going anywhere. She could flirt and fantasize and rub herself up against me without worrying she'd ever actually cheat on Conor's memory, because I was 'safe' Matty and would never cross that line."

"Until you two DID cross the line."

"Because YOU crossed the line first. But that was what, eight or nine months later? By then, she'd been away from Conor long enough to have moved on emotionally, or at least let herself believe she had. And only then did she finally give in to the feelings for me that had been growing all along."

Sam nodded. "Makes sense."

I raised my eyebrows. "But unleashing all that pent-up sexual tension that had been building ever since we met didn't resolve her emotional issues. I don't think she's ever stopped loving him. I don't think she ever truly loved me. And I'm not sure I ever truly loved her, either."

"Don't say that. Don't try to dismiss what you two had just because she hurt you." Sam frowned at me. "Neevie LOVED you. And you loved her. We all could see it."

"Did she?"

"It was OBVIOUS."

"The physical chemistry was obvious. Yes, we were all over each other every time we saw each other. The sex was INCREDIBLE, and once we started our relationship, I'll readily admit I craved to be around her 24/7 and missed her terribly whenever we were apart." I sat up straight and looked over at her. "But love? I really don't know. Now maybe it's a function of her parents' ridiculous weekend and evening lockdowns, but Neevie and I really didn't ever take the time to build emotional intimacy. And I already told Belle I had doubts about whether or not we were built for the long run."


I nodded and gestured between Sam and myself. "This conversation we're having right now? It's already deeper and more emotionally honest than any conversation I've ever had with Neevie; she would've started peeling my clothes off like ten minutes ago. Ninety percent of our time alone together was spent fucking each other's brains out. The other ten percent was spent talking about how much we wanted to fuck each other's brains out. And whenever we were apart, whenever I missed her all I could think about was how much I wanted us to be fucking each other's brains out. We had the emotional depth of a teaspoon."

Sam frowned. "You're overstating things a bit, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "She was a great girlfriend. We had lots of fun together. But when I look back at how much we really gave each other emotionally..." I shook my head and sighed. "We had no real future together."

"I'm hearing a lot of past tense. You say that like your relationship is already over."

"I suppose it already is." I shrugged. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming her. I'm not even really mad at her. I sincerely believe Neevie didn't do this on purpose and never meant to hurt me. But she's still in love with Conor. Her parents are never going to let her see me again anyway. We haven't formalized it yet, and don't tell any of the girls until I can talk to Neevie first, but... yeah, it's over."

Saying those words aloud hit me in the gut, and I felt bile in the back of my mouth. I scowled, looked away, and had to pause to collect myself.

Sam leaned forward, reaching out far enough to wipe from my cheek the tear that I hadn't even realized was there.

I inhaled sharply, took a deep breath, and collected myself. I wouldn't shed any more tears over this. Just then, my stomach growled rather loudly.

Sam barked a quick laugh and stood up. Reaching one hand down to me, she asked, "C'mon. Let's go get something to eat."

Food sounded great. I took her hand, let her pull me up to my feet, and we started on the trail back.

After walking back to my house, Sam had me hop into her SUV and she drove us out to get Chinese food. I was emotionally drained and only ate half my meal, but she kept my spirits up with pleasant conversation and eventually drove me home. But after she parked in my driveway, I found that I didn't want to open the door and get out.

Sam caught my hesitation, and after a few seconds, she gave me a look of concern and asked, "You okay?"

I took a deep breath and muttered to the dashboard, "I don't really want to be alone right now."

Sam promptly turned off the engine and opened her door.

I turned quickly and said, "Oh, no, I didn't mean that as a request. I know you've got a super-busy schedule and I've taken up too much of your time on a school day already."

Sam had already stepped down onto the driveway and looked back at me. "It's fine. For you, I've got all the time in the world." She stepped back, closed the door, and came around to my side.

Sam opened the door and looked at me expectantly. I finally unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped down from the car. Once I let us both into the house, she took me by the hand and led me up to my bedroom.

Despite the fact that Sam's shapely ass swayed left and right as she escalated the stairs ahead of me, my head was in a weird place and I wasn't really paying attention to it. She got my attention a moment later though, when she turned to face me, unzipped my jacket, and then started pulling it off my shoulders. I looked at her curiously, not understanding what was going on just yet, but when she started tugging my shirt up, I grabbed her wrists and asked, "What are you doing?"