The BodyGuard Bk. 02 - Retribution


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"Yes, I do." Peter chuckled.

"Is that why Luca sent you in here with me?"

"Among other things." Peter grinned.


"Now, now Kay, you can't know all my secrets."

"Just like Luca, you too have secrets." she sighed.

"Luca is a good man. If it wasn't for him, no telling where I would be today. Or if I would be alive. He has secrets because he must keep them. We all do."


"We are sworn to secrecy."


"Yeah something like that." Peter said.

This made more sense to Kay. Luca wouldn't tell her things. But she was getting information from his friends. They heard a knock on the door and Kay stood up. She looked at Peter.


"Code Blue." Sal said.

"Okay. You can go out now Kay."

Kay and Luca had gone over the codes at the safe house and she knew that Code Blue meant things were ok.

Kay looked out the window. Connie's car was still there but she didn't see her. She glanced over at Peter and he opened the door. Kay slowly walked out. But Peter stayed behind. She could hear conversation. When she got to the living room she stopped.

"Zia?" her voice was soft.

Connie spun around she had tears. "Kay, is that really you?" Connie looked around she didn't see anyone else with them.

"Yes." she choked out. She opened her arms and Connie went running. They hugged and cried. They went out and sat on the back porch.

Connie was taking in her surroundings. She saw three other men besides Luca. They were keeping their distance to give the girls some privacy. Kay was so wrapped up into Connie, she didn't notice Connie's actions.

"I don't trust her." Luca said.

"I feel the same. She is hiding something." Sal said.

"Or after something."

Moe came in a few minutes later. "she's alone."

"Have you seen Paulie?"

"No, we split up."


"What are you thinking Luca?"

Just then Luca's walkie talkie beeped. It was Paulie.


"I need to show you something."

"Sal, you and Moe keep an eye on the women. Peter head back into the house and keep an eye on them from there."

"Will do."

By using the walkie talkie, Paulie was making sure he was out of the site of Connie. They all knew she was counting how many people where there and what they looked like. She was surveying the surroundings.

"When I stood at the top of the hill. I saw the gas station and a good view of the farm house. I timed myself jogging to the gas station. I got there in less than ten minutes." Paulie said.

"That hill was the direction the shot came from." Luca stated.

"So that means Sonny was there watching and waiting." Paulie replied.

"Ok, Paulie do a recon of the area, make sure nobody can sneak up on us again."

Luca walked back into the house just as the women walked in. Both were crying. Luca could tell Connie had her fooled. But he wasn't fooled. He also knew about the inheritance and her having an affair with Sonny. Kay didn't have a clue. But he couldn't say anything to her right now. He wanted to find out what Connie was up to.

"Are you ladies having a nice chat?"

"Yes Luca. Zia or should I say Connie and I are going to spend more time together." Kay said as she looked at her sister.

"I have been searching for Kay. I went to the house first and it was locked up and nobody was there. I then went to the restaurant and saw it was burned down, I panicked. Then I found out she was shot and killed. I had to find out where. I had to..." Connie stopped and tears filled her eyes. Kay pulled her into her arms and held her.

Luca and the others glanced at each other. They all were thinking the same thing. They have had too much experience to know this was no coincidence.

Chapter 6

Connie chuckled to herself as she left. 'Kay is so gullible.' Virgil and her both knew she would be followed so, they set her up in a motel room. They had hoped that Kay would invite her to stay. Connie returned to her motel. She knew Virgil was waiting for her to contact him. She walked inside her room. Within a minute there was a knock on the door. She opened it and it was Moe. She tried to look surprised.

"What can I do for you?" she cleared her throat.

He looked around to see if anyone else was in the room. "Just being careful. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Careful? I don't understand?"

'Yeah right.' he thought. "Kay is fragile right now. We want to make sure you don't have any ulterior motives." he said.

Connie looked insulted. "What! How could you think...?"

"Well, you do have a birthday coming soon."

"What does that have to do with anything?" she snapped.

"We know about the inheritance."

He didn't say anything about anything else. They wanted her to think that this had to do with the inheritance.

"What inheritance? It's all hearsay. Kay said there was one, but I don't believe her."

"So why show up now? Why try to get back into her life?"

"I don't have to take this!" She went to slam the door.

"You know we can stop you from seeing her."

Connie stopped. She was fuming. She did want to know about the inheritance, but also, she wanted to destroy Kay. "Fine. Come in. She opened the door up for Moe to walk in. He looked over the room.


"For now. But remember, if you hurt her in any way, you will have us to deal with."

She almost laughed. "Is that a threat?"

"No, I don't make threats." he said as he stepped back out the door.

Connie took in a deep breath she had to calm herself down.

"All I want is to make amends with my sister. It's been far too long. I didn't even think about the inheritance. Hell, I didn't even know she got married. I could have been an Aunt..." she started to tear. "I was selfish. I feel horrible how I acted. I need to make amends." she wiped her eyes and sniffled.

Moe wasn't fooled. He saw right through her. He made her think he believed her.

"Sorry to be so hard on you. But someone did try to kill your sister."

She started crying again. "Did they find out whom?" she drew in a breath.

"Unfortunately, no. That's why we want to be careful."

Connie nodded. "I can understand. I will do whatever I can to help her."

Moe nodded. "Good. She would like that." He gave a false smile turned and left.

She watched him leave. She closed her door and then looked out the window. She didn't see anyone else. But that didn't mean she wasn't being watched. A couple hours later, she left.

"She is leaving." Paulie said.

"Follow her."

"Roger that."

Paulie stayed his distance. He knew Connie didn't see him.

"She stopped at a grocery store."

"Can you go in without her seeing you?"

"What do you think?" He laughed.

"Roger that."

Paulie put on a small disguise and followed Connie into the store. She didn't even know she was being followed. She did some shopping. She stopped at the produce section looking over some fruit. She was approached by a man.

"Someone is walking up to her"

"Can you hear anything?"

"Looks like they are talking about the produce."

"Keep your eyes and ears open and if you can try and take some pictures. Make sure they don't see you."


Paulie stayed hidden, but Virgil was cautious. He had set up this time to meet with her at the local grocery store. To keep his cover, he still worked at the warehouse and made deliveries to the local grocery stores.

"So how did things go?" Virgil asked as he picked up some grapes.

Connie shook her head and smiled. "Great, except that Luca guy was there with friends." she said.

"How many were there?"

"I counted three others beside Luca." she said.

"We will worry about them later. Will Kay trust you?" Virgil asked.

"Yes, she is very forgiving. I had her eating out of my hand, she practically begged me moved in already." she said.

"Great, just what we want. Keep me informed. Next time call me at the warehouse phone number. You have the number, use the phone in your room or the one here at the store." he nodded as he left and she continued to shop.

The following day Tom showed up. He had to talk to Kay about her parents will. He knew she should remember all about it. They have been dead for ten years now. She has her memory of that period of her life. He got to the house and was greeted by Luca.

"How are things going?" Tom asked.

"As good as to be expected. Since Connie showed up that's all Kay can talk about. She wants her to move in."

"It might not be a bad idea. Keep a better eye on her."

Luca scratched his head "I don't trust that woman."

"You probably have some good reason not to. I need to talk to Kay about her parents will."


"I just helped her with the restaurant, I don't have a lot of information on what her parents will said and where the will is being kept. I don't know if Kay has the will or a copy of the will. Also, where Connie's inheritance money is being kept."

They both turned and started walking into the house.

"I have Moe and Paulie following her. She's playing things very carefully."

"She might have a partner. Although she is quite capable of pulling off whatever she is trying to do, on her own."

"We need to find out more about her. I will get Sal on it."

"Tom!" Kay smiled. "It's nice to see a friendly face." she glared at Luca.

"Oh, I am hurt." Sal put his hand to his heart. Everyone chuckled except Luca.

"Sorry Sal. How about a different smiling face?" she changed her wording.

"You won't think that after we have a talk." Tom said.

"Why is that? Have you found something out?"

"Let's sit Kay. I need to ask you about your parents."

Kay looked apprehensive. "What about them?"

"Please sit." Tom motioned to a chair.

He knew this was going to be a delicate subject. And now with her sister back in the picture it was going to make things even more delicate. Kay nodded and sat. She waited nervously as Tom sat.

"What is this about?"

"I will get right to the point. What exactly was in your parents will? When was Connie supposed to get an inheritance? Where is the will kept?" Tom asked.

She thought about it before she answered. "I got the house, the restaurant and most of the miscellaneous items. Connie was to get 250 thousand at her 25th birthday. But she didn't believe me. She wouldn't go to the reading. She basically accused me of stealing everything from her. She left and I never heard from her again, until now. Their will is in my safety deposit box at the bank, so is my will."

"If you were dead what happens?" Tom asked

"Zia, I mean Connie would get everything. Everything is listed in a sealed letter that is my safety deposit box."

Tom glanced at Luca. He cleared his throat. "When does she turn twenty-five?"

Kay thought. "She will turn 25 on October 27... You think she's here to collect on her inheritance and my estate?"

"Listen Kay. She didn't know you were shot until she got here." Luca looked at her.

"She could have been coming around to find you. To see if it was true." Tom stated.

"Then heard you were shot and killed." Luca said.

"No, I can't accept that. I won't." Kay stood. "She wants to make peace with me. I bet she won't even ask about the money."

"Where is her inheritance money?" Tom asked looking up at her.

"Why? Why is this so important? I thought you were here to catch drug dealers that tried to kill me. Not to bash on my sister!"


"No! I won't hear of this!" she stomped off into her room.

"We need to find out what Connie is up to."

"If we tell Kay that Connie was having an affair with Sonny, she won't believe us. Connie will never tell her. Sonny is dead so he can't confirm or deny."

"She needs to see the truth."

"Easier said than done." Luca sighed.

Later that night Luca was out on the back porch. He was watching the sun set. He was in deep thought. He heard soft footsteps. He knew it was Kay. He didn't turn around.



"Do you really think Connie has an ulterior motive?"

"Does it matter what I think?"

"Why are you so cold to me? You hardly talk to me. You won't look at me. You avoid me like the plague."

Luca drew in a deep breath. He turned and looked at Kay. He was so in love with her and she deserved happiness. Was he the one to give it to her?

"Kay, I think the less contact we have the better."

That hurt Kay, deep. She cleared her throat. "Then why are you here?"

"I have to see this job through. I can't let the case go until it's solved. I don't run away when things go wrong."

"So, I am just another case?" she asked.

Luca had to lie and this hurt. "No, you're more just another case to me now."

Her eyes teared up, but she quickly blinked them away. "You do run away Luca. You are running from me. I may not remember a lot about us. But I sure in the hell can feel it. You're scared. Scared of a future that we might have. Scared of love. Scared of happiness."

Luca took a step closer. "I am not scared of anything. You deserve to be happy. I can't provide that."

"That's for me to decide. Not you. You don't know what will make me happy. And you're too scared to find out."

Luca was getting angry. "When this is over..."

Kay held up her hand. "Runaway Luca, it's something else you're good at!"

She turned to leave. Luca grabbed her and spun her around. She pulled away from him. "I told you not to ever touch me." She swallowed hard trying to keep herself together.

He saw fear in her eyes again. He would never hurt her. Sonny damaged her. He gave her that fear.

"I would never hurt you."

"Too late you already have."

She turned and walked away. She left him standing there. A few minutes passed and Sal cleared his throat. He saw them talking. He stayed away until the conversation was over. He knew Luca was letting her go. Just by his actions.

"Have you made your mind up?" Sal asked.

"Yes, I guess I have."

"She will eventually move on."

"I know."

"Can you live with that?" He patted him on his shoulder and walked passed him into the house.

The thought of someone else being with Kay soured his stomach. It angered him. Could he live with that? They had been together only once. It was the best experience of his life and hers too. He remembered that night, the way the moon shown through the window. He couldn't stop himself. He didn't want to. She wanted as much as he did. He closed his eyes lost in the memory.

Kay couldn't hold back her tears. She had so much to think about. 'Please help me remember' she said to herself, as she looked in the mirror. Kay went to the bathtub and drew herself a hot bath. She had a lot to think about. She thought about Connie, Sonny and what Tom said. She thought about her parents. She slid into the tub and closed her eyes. She thought about Luca. She drew in a deep breath. 'Why are you so cold Luca? Why do you have to hide?' she thought to herself.

She started having flashbacks. She sat up quickly, searching her mind. She touched her lips. She saw the moon shining through the window. She gasped. She remembered the night her and Luca made love. She slowly stood from the tub. Water gently dripping off her. She remembered the sounds they made, the way he made her feel, the look in his eyes. He loved her. She loved him. There was no denying the feelings they shared. Then she remembered the day after, what she told him and the look on his face. She closed her eyes. 'Damn what I was thinking' she said under her breath.

"No wonder he is so cold." she said out loud. She got dressed and went to find Luca.

Luca was still on the back porch. The sun was gone and the moon was just starting to show its face. He was staring out into the dark backyard. He turned when he heard footsteps.

"Kay." He sounded surprised.

"Luca. I need to tell you something."


"I am sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"It wasn't a mistake." she stood staring at him.

Luca gazed into her eyes. He knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You remember?"


"What exactly did you remember?"

"The night we made love and the next morning. I remember thinking when I saw you sitting there you regretted it. So, I thought I would protect myself from the hurt you were going to say. So that's why I said what I did."

"I never regretted that night. I will never regret that night."

"I know that, now. But I didn't then." she took a step closer.

She saw his breathing change. She knew he was holding back. He still loved her. She could tell. She reached out to touch him.

"I'm in love with you. I can feel it here." she touched her chest. "I may not remember everything. But what I do remember is that night we shared love and passion. There is no denying that."

"Kay..." His voice became ragged.

"Kiss me."

Luca couldn't hold back. He pulled Kay close and kissed her. Her body felt so good in his arms. She let out a little moan and he deepened the kiss. He was losing all control. Kay could feel his desire for her. The passion in his kiss told her everything she needed to know. They still needed, wanted and loved each other. He was trying to fight it. Kay thought she would use this to her advantage. She just hoped it wouldn't backfire. She pulled away.

"I know we can make each other happy. Too bad you can't see that." she said as she caught her breath.

She pulled away from him and headed back into the house. She went to her room and closed the door. Luca stood there dumbfounded. What just happened here? He shook his head. There was no way he would let another man touch her. She was his. He just had to get over his fear.

Chapter 7

Sal found out a lot about Connie. She was first married to Bruno Tattaglia, who was just starting out as a small-time enforcer in the drug business with his brother. She divorced him a couple years later. She then got married to a man called Al Neri. He was a big time hit man for a major crime family. A short time after they got married, he got arrested for murder and put on trial. He was found guilty and sentence to life imprisonment. A few years later he was found dead in his prison cell. She divorced him after the trial finished, but she kept his last name. She thought the last name would come in handy and she was right it did. Nobody knew her as Connie Neri. She drifted from job to job, the longest job she held was for six months. She had plenty of men in her life. She looked up Kay a couple years ago. That's when she found out Kay was married. She found that Sonny was a playboy and she went after Sonny. She wanted to take him away from Kay. But then she found out Sonny wasn't the guy Kay thought he was. Connie wiggled her way into Sonny's pants. Sonny didn't know they were sisters.

Sal needed to find a connection of all the people Sonny, Kay and Connie knew. Someone that was keeping a low profile. He was looking over the old records he came across a name, Virgil Sollozzo. He found out Virgil was Sonny's best man at their wedding. He also hung out with Sonny at the track. They both liked women. He found out Sonny was rough with women. That didn't surprise him. He found out that Virgil had taken up with Connie. He also found out that Virgil did small jobs at times for the same crime family that Connie's ex-husband had worked for.

"That's it!" Sal snapped his head up.

"What's it?" Luca asked.

"The connection. I found one. Get Tom here. We just might have something."

"Tom is on his way and he should be here shortly." Luca said.

An hour later Tom showed up. They had to work around Kay, so she wouldn't hear what was going on. They needed her to go do something. Just like it was meant to be Connie showed up. Paulie hid in the bedroom, until the women went outside to talked. Luca stood at the door watching.

"Moe go there and keep an eye on them." Luca said.