The Bonding Chronicles Ch. 11


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Any thought in Andrew's mind about whether Karen used magic to make herself appear older was answered, as he looked upon her matronly dress that failed to hide her new figure. She was not nearly as breathtaking as she had appeared the night before, her frumpy frock making some effort at hiding her impressive assets, but the glow in her slender face and the warmth of her smile made her younger appearance stand out.

Andrew failed to hide his excitement as their eyes met, and she diverted her gaze the second she felt her longing for him swell. Karen wondered how this was going to work, as she struggled to focus on her lesson plan. Andrew was such a tempting distraction, and she could tell by how her male students had started to gawk at her that her attempts to hide her renewed beauty had failed.

"Just let me get through today, and I will try that glamour again," Karen thought to herself, as she shuffled through her papers.

Despite the distraction provided by Andrew and Sara in the back of the room, Karen made her way through her lesson plan with relative grace. If anything, the joy that she sensed from her young lover pushed her to perfect her delivery, and engage with the students more fully. What she had feared would be a liability had proven to be a great boon, forcing her to put forth her very best effort.

Karen collapsed into her chair just after the bell rang, and was excited at having completed her class. She knew that she would not be tested like that again until fourth period. It was for this reason that she failed to noticed the students who stood on the other side of her desk, as she studied her lesson plan for her next class.

"Could we have a minute, Mrs. Anderson?"

She looked up, and shook her head at the playful smile resting on Andrew's delightful face. Of course her spirited partner was choosing this moment to disrupt her resolve with his subtle challenge of her rules.

"Mr. Williams, must I inform you — yet again — that I would prefer to be called Karen?"

Sara crossed the room, closing and locking the door while their banter continued. Once the door was sealed, Andrew grinned and leaned towards his beautiful mate from the other side of her desk, his fake blue eyes shining across the short open space as he spoke, "My dear woman, I would call you whatever your heart desires, so long as it brings you joy."

Karen blushed at Andrew's flirtatious words, and shook her head at her own infatuation. "Andrew, as delightful as your little game is,. we must be more careful. Please tell me this is something important."

Andrew stepped back, realizing how serious his new mate was taking this.

"I apologize, Karen. Of course I understand the precarious position you find yourself in due to this." Andrew placed his hand above his heart and smiled.

Sara continued his sentiment. "We're worried. Your lecture was amazing — as always — but you seemed distracted, and your changes are showing through your disguise. While we miss you, we also want to protect you. Is there anything that we can do to help maintain your cover?"

Karen's heart swelled at the warm affection she felt from the two young people who stood so protectively before her. She loved them both, and knew that they were trying to take care of her.

"Could I join you tonight in the glade? There is an old ward I have dared not use, but I fear it may be the only hope of maintaining my guise."

Andrew beamed at his teacher, eager for the opportunity to help his new mate. "Of course, my dear woman. Though it is your sanctuary now, as well as ours." He studied her face, and knew that she still feared the glade. "Would you like us to meet you where we parked the last time we all went there?"

Karen was relieved at the idea of not having to travel to the glade alone, and was ecstatic with the knowledge that Andrew recognized her fear so naturally. "That would be exquisite."

"Wonderful. Sorry for making your day so difficult. We will make it up to you tonight," Sara said with a wink, as she began to lean in. She caught herself just as she had started the movement; her brief motion was noticed by her observant paramours. "Stupid school," she said with a huff, as she grabbed Andrew's hand, and dragged him to the door.

"Later, my dear," he called back, as Sara flung open the door, and they vanished into the hall. Karen was left to long for the opportunity to openly express her relationship with the two amazing people who had just departed.

Andrew and Sara danced their way to the gymnasium, their hearts made light by the plans they had made with the new addition to their family. A short time later, Andrew stretched and bantered with Seth, while he waited for Sara to join them in the center of the large room.

"Seriously, Seth, I know you like Barbarians, but I am telling you there are better classes you could have picked."

Seth laughed with derision, and responded, "No way. Barbarians are the best."

"What are you nerds talking about?" Sara asked, with a playful bump of her shorts-covered hip to Andrew's side.

"Just trying to talk some sense into my pale-skinned friend here," Andrew said with a smile.

"See, now I know I've won. No one calls ginger, not when they hold a strong position," Seth observed with a confident grin.

"Hey, if you want to play the dim-witted linebacker of the fantasy world, more power to you."

Seth was preparing to respond when the gym doors opened, and Mr. Spencer stormed in. Over the next hour, the large teacher found exciting ways to push his students into exerting themselves with basketballs. Andrew was making large improvements, and started being able to predict where the ball would bounce.

The thing that surprised Andrew the most was how captivating he found the movement of the ball. There was something cathartic about the rhythmic motion, and as the class continued, he found himself wanting to chase after the large orange ball. He was beginning to take great joy in the act of dribbling the ball ahead of himself, and the feeling of his strong legs carrying him after it.

Andrew had almost no control, and stealing the ball from him was beyond trivial, but he was having a blast as he chased after Seth who kept it just out of his reach. Andrew's arm dashed out with surprising speed, but always found open air where his friend had changed direction and left him to continue the chase.

By the time the bell rang he was exhausted, and was finding the familiar feeling of sweat running down his back a strange comfort. Sara came over and smiled, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Her happiness at Andrew's excitement was evident as she pulled him against her. Resting his hand against her back, they walked towards the lockers, while Seth continued his helpful commentary.

"Seriously, man, pretty soon we will be able to play some one-on-one."

Andrew chuckled, surprising even himself, as he realized the idea sounded kind of nice. Sara bumped his hip, letting him know she was onto his secret.

"That would be cool, man."

Andrew pecked Sara on the neck, eliciting a wistful groan from his fiery partner, who wished they had the time and privacy to fulfill the desires drawn out from that simple act. She watched him adjust himself as he made his way further down the hall where the men's locker room was, and knew he shared her longing for intimacy. The control they had developed was being tested by their growing desire for Karen.

The shower felt wonderful to Andrew, who basked under the warm jet for a long time, and allowed the hot water to roll down his back, where it soothed his aching muscles. He admired how foreign his enjoyment was, never having desired to exert himself to the extents he had found himself going to lately. The urge felt both unnatural and alluring, ever since he began his relationship with Sara, the strength he felt in his shoulders as he stretched his arms back reminding him of how much he had already changed.

"Yo, you gotta minute?"

When Andrew turned, he was not surprised to see Bruce standing at the shower beside him. The well-defined muscles of the athletic black man stood out as he cleaned the sweat from his body. The showers were empty besides the two men, and Andrew realized he had taken more time than he intended, having been lulled into a comfortable stupor by the hot jet of water.

Bruce seemed nervous as he also studied their surroundings to ensure that they were alone. Andrew smiled, and replaced his head under the stream of soothing warmth, where it hit his upper back and rolled down his sore body.

"Of course. Is someone else coming after me now?"

Bruce looked at Andrew, and let out a nervous chuckle, before answering, "Shit, man. After how you handled Will, you ain't gonna have no more problems." His chuckle quieted as he again looked around the large room, and continued with a subdued voice, "This is about that favor, if ya' still offering."

The mention of Will caused Andrew to wonder how his antagonist was doing. Whatever struggles the troubled teen had faced would have gotten worse with the realization that he had become that which he despised most. Andrew twisted his neck, again directing the jet of water towards a tender muscle, and let out a contented sigh, while he let go of his thoughts of Will. No good would come from him worrying about something that was out of his control.

"I owe you more than a simple favor, my friend. Name it, and it's yours."

Andrew wondered what he could possibly offer that the athlete could want or value, but he knew that — within reason — whatever it was, he would make it happen.

"Dr. Blake is really coming down on us hard, and... well, would you give me and Steve some help? You get this science shit, and you kinda owe me one."

Andrew turned and looked into the large man's eyes, where he saw a surprising amount of desperation within the dark brown pools that stared back.

"I know you got this treaty with Za-" Bruce's further explanation was cut short by Andrew.

"Don't worry about that. Zack is going to have to get over my relationship with Sara at some point, and if you need my help, I am there for you." Andrew saw the appreciation spread across Bruce's face, and realized how much he respected the strong man who stood before him. After a few seconds of consideration, Andrew returned Bruce's smile and said, "Actually, why don't you two come over to my place after school? We have a regular study group that gets together around four-thirty."

"We got football practice after school, would six work?"

"Don't see why not. We will be starting dinner about then, but I will still be happy to help you and Steve get a handle on things."

Bruce turned off the water, and gave the Andrew a broad grin. "Awesome, thanks."

The large man was impressed by how different the small man seemed. Andrew had been so tiny that fateful day Bruce had dragged him into the bathroom and the two had schemed to keep him safe. Something about Andrew seemed larger, and Bruce knew it had nothing to do with the small muscles that had started to become noticeable on the diminutive man's body. It was his bearing, the confidence with which he carried himself, and the lack of fear which had so defined him the week before.

Bruce's eyes settled on Andrew's soft but firm manhood, which seemed oddly thick, with well-defined contours and veins that stood out and pulsed with the beat of his heart.

Andrew chuckled, having realized he was being studied. "Everything looking good?"

Bruce's face darkened, as he blushed and looked away. He grabbed the water valves and tightened them in a thin attempt to distract himself from what he had been looking at. He coughed, feeling embarrassed and unsure of what to say.

"Sorry," he said as he studied the thoroughly-secured water pressure valves.

"Don't worry about it. Happens to the best of us," Andrew responded with a dismissive chuckle, before returning to his relaxation under the forceful water. Two minutes till class was dismissed, and while he knew the lines would be long for food, he found the delightful sensation of the warm water too tempting to leave just yet.

A short time later Andrew knew he could not dally any longer, and turned off the water with some small amount of regret. He was not surprised that Bruce was gone when he made his way to the lockers. Everyone had already queued up near the door waiting for the bell. Mr. Spencer spotted Andrew, as he cut across the aisle with lazy and unhurried steps. The teacher shook his head at the strange kid who seemed so unlike any of the other students.

By the time Andrew found his way to the cafeteria, a lot of his peers had already began eating. He could see his table brimming with its usual group. A couple of other students hovered nearby, and were engaged with Seth and Marcus on some topic that Andrew was sure was obscure and nerdy; a conversation he was eager to bury himself into, once he had food of his own.

Andrew made his way towards his usual line, and was preparing to load up with his cheese zombie, pizza pocket, and milk. He watched Sara, and could tell that she was poking at Allison's dour mood with playful banter, while dissecting an orange with her sharp nails. There was no other food around his puckish girlfriend, and he could feel her playful anticipation through their bond, as she watched him in line, so he knew what she was hoping for.

The table was alive with conversation when Andrew arrived with his food, and he was happy to see Sara eyeing the pudding that sat helpless at the corner of his tray. He spotted Stewart a couple of tables away. The young teen was engaged in an energetic conversation that seemed to have them all laughing hysterically.

Andrew set down his tray at the vacant spot just beside Sara. "Be right back, kitten," Andrew whispered to his radiant girlfriend, before pecking her on the cheek, and sauntering to Stewart's table.

The conversation stopped when Andrew approached. What Andrew lacked in stature had been overcome by reputation. The freshman recognized him for who he was; the person who stood up to Will Hathaway and survived. The bully had made a fast reputation with the lower classmen, so when Andrew had made his stand, they all took notice.

"Hey Stew, sorry for interrupting."

Stewart gave a proud smile, as his friends looked at him with a small sense of awe. "No problem, Andrew."

Andrew shook his head, and smiled at the brazen way his young friend had said his name, as if his name carried some kind of prestige. The tone felt strange to Andrew, who had not expected this kind of social change to ever take place, and had little idea how to react. He decided to just ignore it, and continue treating Stew like the friend he considered him to be.

"We are going to be starting up a roleplaying campaign, and I thought you might want to join, if you're interested."

The small boy who was just a bit taller than Andrew straightened up with joy at the offer, and then deflated as a thought occurred to him. "Dude, that would be like hecka awesome, but I gotta talk to my folks first."

Andrew smiled and understood the kids dilemma. Parental authority was not something to scoff at. Especially at that age.

"Okay, well the rest of the group are meeting up at my place tonight to try and finalize characters, and I think we might try playing the first session within the next couple of days. I know this is last-minute, but figured it was worth a shot."

Stewart looked excited and hopeful while he thought. Andrew could tell that the young teen had no cell phone, and so he decided to try and help.

"Well if you want to try and make it tonight, you can use my phone to call your folks and ask for permission."

The kid's eyes lit up with excitement, as Andrew handed across his unlocked phone, the large screen of the expensive electronic device seeming like an enticing miracle of freedom. Stewart failed to notice how the phone app loaded just as the cell left Andrew's hand, the large impressive device feeling heavy, as it dropped into his waiting grip.

The screen was responsive, and soon he listened to the sound of ringing as his call was being connected.

"Hey mom... Yeah, everything's cool. I was kinda wondering if I could hang out at a friend's place tonight, and play some games... No, not Jake's, it's a new friend. You haven't met him yet... Yeah, this is his phone... Ohhh, come on mom. He's great... Yeah, he's older. So what? ... Mooom, come on. It's not like that... "

The young teen looked around the table and got shy, as he cupped his hand over the phone, and whispered into the device for a few seconds, the exchange being lost on all but Andrew who followed along through the monolith in his mind.

Stewart's mother was afraid that Andrew was some kind of pedophile, and Stew was reminding her that she had wanted him to make friends. Andrew got the impression that Stewart was kind of shy, and his mom had pushed him to try and be more outgoing. The way the kid manipulated his mother's concerns about his shyness was masterful, and Andrew smiled in admiration, as Stewart handed the phone to him.

"Hello, ma'am."

"Hello, Stewart tells me you're a senior. Why do you want to hang out with a freshman?" The accusation and worry in her voice was plain, and unmasked.

"I am new to town, and your son was kind enough to help me out when I started at school. He seems like a great young man, and we thought he might enjoy playing games with us."

"You're that strange Williams kid that moved into the old Anderson house, right?"

Andrew laughed at how small the town was, and how unconcerned Stewart's mother was at calling him strange to his face. Whether she was trying to get a negative reaction, or put Andrew in his place, he didn't care; he found it funny.

"Yes ma'am, Andrew Williams, and I guess I am kinda strange." Andrew took a moment to chuckle before continuing, making sure the woman on the other end of the phone knew there were no hard feelings, "Didn't realize the people who lived in my house were named Anderson, but if you say so, then I suspect you're right."

He could hear Stewart's mother as she considered what to do. her breath huffing and puffing as she realized she needed to start giving her son some leeway.

"I expect you to bring him home by eight, and I want his homework to be done." Her voice was commanding, and left no room for interpretation. Andrew couldn't help but notice how Stewart's mother still thought of her son as a helpless child.

"Sounds perfect, ma'am. My girlfriend and I always do our homework first thing, so he can join us. He will be home by eight, well-fed and hopefully thoroughly entertained."

Andrew could almost sense the woman on the other end of the phone shake her head and smile, despite her desire to dislike Andrew.

"OK, Andrew."

He began to hand the phone back to Stewart when he sensed the call end, the boy's mother having hung up.

"Guess you are clear to come over tonight."

Stewart's smile spread from ear to ear, and Andrew could see the jealousy written on his friends' faces, as he looked around the table. "Meet after sixth at 'Patches,' and you can help us get ready for the night."

Confusion danced behind the boy's eyes, as he asked, "Patches?"

Andrew laughed, realizing that Sara had somehow gotten her way, and named their car without him realizing it. "Thats our car. The Mini Cooper with red, black, and purple panelling. She's hard to miss."

"Ohhh, cool. I know that car." His excitement grew, as he realized he was going on an adventure.

Bidding the boys a good lunch Andrew returned to his table, where he pulled Sara against him, and explained what had just happened, before digging into his food. He was surprised that the pudding was still where he had left it, and as he chewed his first bite of pizza pocket, he raised an eyebrow at Sara's smiling face. She shrugged and stated, "I don't hunt unprotected prey." She kissed him softly and said, "It doesn't seem fair."
