The Book

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She'd thought her book ruined until he tried to fix it.
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Muse huddled, curled up in her little cubby behind the barn, between the barn and stacked hay and read her book. She was supposed to be on a delivery, one that usually took her at least an hour and a half on foot. She'd run most of the way there and back, garnering herself a little time to herself to read before she had to go back in and face her angry father.

He hadn't always been angry, but after both her brothers had died of pneumonia two years back, he'd gone dark. Her ma had died in childbed with her younger brother and she vaguely remembered that he had lost all his joy after that. He hadn't gotten angry and mean until Danny and Paul had both died. She'd been sick too, but she'd somehow pulled through and they hadn't.

Her pa still hadn't forgiven her for that.

He tried to run her ragged, even taking her out of school a year early to run deliveries for him.

In some ways she missed school, but mostly she was glad to be gone. She'd had friends for a while, but Ellery had married young and she stopped coming. Grant had stopped being her friend and gone moon eyed at her, asking her to step out and she'd gotten upset at him. When she told him no, they stopped speaking at all, and that meant Mickey too since he was Grant's best friend. Fergus only came to school in winter and they weren't really close friends, but he loved to make her laugh. He'd stopped coming as soon as he'd turned 15, his pa needing him full time at the farm. There weren't many others her age and the ones there were she wasn't friends with. Some were even enemies. One older boy in particular had taken a disliking to her as soon as she'd passed him up in reading though he was 3 years older. When she passed him in math too, he'd been truly scathing and started being outright mean to her. He quit school too, but for a whole year he'd made her wish she didn't have to go to school. Grant and Mickey were no help with Aaron, he was bigger than both boys put together, even now that they were all men grown. Aaron had always been the biggest man she'd ever seen and he was as mean as he was huge.

Turning the page, she lifted up and angled the book so she could see better since the light was fading quickly.

If she hadn't been so focused, she might have heard or seen her pa as he looked up at her head barely popping up as he pulled wood from the pile.

Darting in, he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her out of her hiding place as she yelped in terror.

"What are you DOING? You're supposed to be on a delivery!" he yelled, shaking her as she dangled a foot in the air by her hair.

"I'm sorry, pa!" she cried, gripping his wrist to try and take weight off her scalp. "Please! I made the delivery! It's done and I was just restin' a minute!"

"LIAR! You've been hiding there a good long while! There's work to be done and you're out here at your ease while I'm in there slaving away!"

"Let me down, pa, please! I DO work, I work day and night and don't earn a penny of it! I ought to be able to take a few minutes to read!"

"You ungrateful little BITCH! You don't get PAID? You get food! You get a roof! You get clothes! You're WARM at night! How DARE you try to demand pay when I work so hard for you! Helping is the LEAST you can do, slow and useless as you are! You should be paying ME! You're a burden and the little you do don't make up for all the work I lost when Paul and Danny passed! Not to mention your ma!"

"I ain't three people and it ain't my fault they're gone! Let me go!" she pleaded again.

"Let you go?" he grated angrily, his eyes wild with fury. "I'll let you go! I'll let you go start earning your keep, finally!" he screamed, then let her down just enough to put her feet on the ground.

Dragging her around to the front of the barn, he pulled her out into the street and down a ways, all the way to the tavern. Pulling her inside, he shoved her hard to the floor. "This little useless cunt is about to start earning her keep!" he yelled at all the men inside. "She ain't ever been used, you all decide the price of her innocence! I'm takin' bids for it, then straight pay for after! Anyone who wants a go! She's gonna be earnin' her keep from now on with her cunt! Who wants first go?"

"I'll take that," an older man called. "Five dollars."

"I got six," another man called.

"I got... 8 dollars and 40 cents!"

"Ten dollars!"


"Eleven 35!


Muse was horrified and terrified at the same time as the men all stood, bidding. She tried to pull away from her pa as he yanked her up so she couldn't run.

Worse was when she saw Aaron Montgomery stand up from the back, head and shoulders taller than the other men.

"I got $50, but it's a dowry," he called loudly. "I get her."

Her pa scoffed. "I can make that much per night! Twice that here tonight!"

"I don't mind goin' second," another man called with a laugh. "$5 for her used cunt."

Aaron pushed forward and looked down at her pa darkly. "$50 and you get to walk out of here alive," he sneered.

The room went quiet and several men backed away, their heads down. You didn't cross Aaron Montgomery, or get in his way when he was on a tear.

"She ain't for sale! I still need her at the shop of a day to..."

Aaron threw a heavy fist that landed on her pa's jaw and she went flying with him as he kept his grip on her hair. His hand went slack as he landed and she managed to pull away and sit up, looking down at her father in astonishment.

`He was out cold.

A giant hand took hold of her arm and pulled her to stand and she turned and looked up at Aaron. He said nothing as he dragged her out the door and straight to the jail. Sheriff Henry was sitting at his desk and he stood up grimly when Aaron came in.

"Me 'n Muse need hitched. Now. 'Fore her pa comes to."

"I don't think I can do that without her pa's permission," Sheriff Henry shook his head.

"He was just in the tavern try'na sell off her innocence! She don't need shit from him! Hitch us up! Hurry up 'fore he wakes up 'n tries to beat on her some more! Once it's done he cain't get at 'r again!"

Sheriff Henry looked flustered, but he pulled out his little book and sat down to write something on paper.

Muse looked up at Aaron again, still shook and afraid. Tugging, she tried to pull loose from his grip, but he just squeezed her arm more tightly and glared daggers down at her.

"I... can I try 'n straighten my hair some?" she asked softly, trying to fight back tears.

He let her arm go and she quickly twisted her hair back up and pinned it, shaking so badly it took three times as long as it normally did.

"Alright," the sheriff said, standing and turning the paper. "Both of you sign at the bottom, then I'll sign and say the words and..."

"Paper is good enough," Aaron growled. "It's the legal part, I don't need more. Sign it, Muse! Now!"

Muse took up the pen and signed it with a shaky hand, feeling light headed.

"Muse?" the Sheriff asked uncertainly. "Are you..."

"It's done," Aaron growled, then took her arm again and pulled her outside, then down to the smithy where he lived and worked. Pushing her inside the adjoined house, he glared at her. "What the fuck did you do to piss him off enough to do that? This is all a fuckin' mess! Last person in the world I thought I would help out, let alone hitch myself to to keep you from that fate! God damned little bitch! Know it all little cunt! I can't STAND you! But I won't let no woman, even you, be forced into that life! Bein' raped over 'n over by all them men! What kinda hate did he have for you to do that? What'd you do?"

"I... I was reading," she whispered, backing away to the wall as she shook.

"How is that any different? All you ever did was read in school!"

"I... I..."

"Speak up! It had to be something else!"

"It wasn't," she whispered again, turning away to hug herself.

Was she really married to this hateful monster? He was going to be as bad as her father! Worse. He was going to bed her too.

"If... we can go back and say it was a mistake? Grant Everwood asked me to..."

"Fuckin' Grant," he snorted derisively. "He couldn't protect shit! Let alone keep your pa from haulin' you back up there! He won't come after you here, no one will. Just sit your ass down over there! You're here, you'll make yourself damned useful, you hear me? I take my meals at the tavern every night, but no more. You'll be a wife 'n do all that now. Cleanin' too. I have Celia in to do the cleanin' once a week, but I'll tell 'r off. You kin do that much at least! You have things back at your house?"


"I'll get them tomorrah when he leaves on his rounds for deliveries at the lumber camp."

"I think... I think you may've hurt him. I don't know that he'll be up and movin' any time soon..." she told him, having very mixed feelings. That was all he wanted from her? A few little chores?

"Then he won't be up to puttin up a fuss when I haul your things out. There's an extra blanket at the foot of my bed. I'll get your beddin' tomorrah. You'll sleep there on that sofa tonight, unless you're afeared he might come in in the night and make off with ya. I sleep heavy, don't wake easy. You think he might, I'll move it in there so's you can shove on me ta get me up. Don't fuckin' wake me otherwise. Any fuckin' other problems you have, you're on your own. Fix it your damned self. How many fuckin' books you have back there? Am I gonna need a cart?"

"What? No... no, I borrow books from the general store when they come in. Frank lets me read them before he puts them out and I run things for him too when I deliver for my pa. There is a book... it's around the back of the barn where I dropped it... if you wouldn't mind finding it so I could return it to Frank."

He snorted, but said nothing as he went back to his room, then came out and threw a quilt at her. "You never said if you thought he'd come for you."

"No... I don't think he will. Not while he knows you're here, anyhow. If you left me here and he knew I was alone... he might come in and punish me or try 'n haul me back."

"Even though there's papers now says we're hitched?"

"Even though," she agreed softly. "He... he has a gun. He might try 'n find bullets for it, buy some."

Aaron snorted again. "I got a gun too, let 'm try. Wood's out back if you need a fire. I'll open a credit at Frank's, get what ya need for cookin' 'n all. I need ta do that too? Would he grab ya if you left across the road?"

"I will go when he leaves," she mumbled, not wanting to be trapped in the house. Frank wouldn't let her pa put hands on her.

There was a knock at the door.

Aaron looked grim as he went and opened it, then stepped aside so Sheriff Henry could step in. "Ahh... I was told a bit about what happened... Ahh... Muse, I am very sorry to tell you that your pa's neck was broke clean. He was dead 'fore he hit the floor. Ahh... Aaron... I ain't gonna charge ya. Sounds ta me like you was defended your betrothed and you didn't go into it with intention ta kill. Ahhh... I'm sorry, Muse. You want services arranged, see Bernard. They're taken the body there now. Ahhh... Yeah, well... I'm sorry for your loss. Ahh... I'm sorry to've had to bring this news on your wedding night. Ahh... goodnight," he offered, then backed up with a red face and closed the door.

I stared at the door, my heart hammering as I tried to comprehend what he had said.

Aaron turned to me, giving me a wary look and staying still like he was afraid to spook me.

My knees decided they were no longer going to hold me and I folded to sit hard on the floor, swaying as I shook my head. "He... he was fine... I... I..."

"It ain't no loss," Aaron growled. "All them bruises 'n welts 'n cuts on you... It ain't no loss at all, specially not after what he just tried ta do to ya. Here," he growled, then poured her a drink and handed it to her. "Drink that down. Alla it."

She drank it, then winced and coughed as it burned her throat, then her stomach.

"That'll calm ya, make ya sleep. Get up, get on the sofa with that quilt 'n lay down," he commanded, looking grumpy that she was putting him out.

Muse didn't hear him, staring at the door. She had no one left anymore. No family.

No one but Aaron Montgomery, who hated her.

Hands pulled her up, lifting her completely, then turned her and set her on the small sofa. It was hard, but she didn't care as Aaron pushed her to lay down, then spread the blanket over her.

Looking up at him, at his face, she spoke out loud. "You killed my pa."

"He deserved it," he countered. "Go to sleep," he demanded, then turned and blew out the lamp.

Muse started at the coals in the fireplace, feeling lost.

Light made her wince, then open her eyes as she sat up quickly, disoriented.

The night came back to her, slamming into her like a blow as she looked around the still dark room, despite the line of light coming in the sides of the sash on the window.

Getting up, she heard snoring coming from the bedroom and she looked in. Aaron's massive frame practically filled the huge bed and he lay sprawled on it face down.

Turning, she looked around the main room, then looked in the other room. It held a few crates, some smithing supplies, but nothing else.

Going to the front room, she pushed back the sash on the window and looked out. The store was just opening, which meant it was at least 8 in the morning. She had no idea what time Aaron started his day, but he didn't sound like he was waking soon.

Feeling empty, she slipped out the door since she was still dressed and went across to see Frank.

Frank gave her a sad smile. "Good morning, Muse. I sure am sorry to hear about your pa! How are you holdin' up?"

"I guess it hasn't really hit me full on yet," she told him numbly. "Aaron asked me to step over?"

"Aaron? Montgomery? Does he need something?"

"Ahh, yeah. I guess... I guess he and I are married now. He asked me to..."

"You married Aaron?!? Since when? I didn't even know you two were stepping out! Muse, you know his temper, right? Wait... was you willin' to this?"

"I... he... ummm, he saved me, Frank. I don't know what you heard, but... pa was fixin' to sell me... whore me out. Make money off me. Aaron saw what he was about 'n said no, he wouldn't allow it. He offered to marry me 'n offer a dowry instead. Pa said no, he wanted to whore me, there was more money in it. Aaron said he wasn't given' him that option, pa still said no. Aaron hit 'm... he didn't mean ta kill 'm, break his neck, he just meant to knock sense into 'm and we didn't know he was dead when we left. Anyhow, he took me 'n the sheriff made it legal. We married last night... then the sheriff came'n told us. Anyhow... I guess I'm gonna be cookin' and all for Aaron now. He told me to come over 'n open a credit? Get what I needed? I thought I'd need a lot more, but I can bring most things from my old place. Mostly I need some staples 'n things."

The front door opened and Aaron came striding in, pulling his suspenders over his shoulders as he glowered at Muse. "Frank," he offered tersely. "She tell you what all she needed? Open me up a credit for what she needs."

"Sure, Aaron," Frank agreed, but he looked confused.

"Think I could borrow that hand cart of yours? I guess I'll be haulin' things over from her place. Muse, you want alla it? You aim to take over bakin' 'n all, makin' deliveries?"

"No, sir," she told him quickly. "I guess we could sell off the bakery. Maybe the tavern would want that extra oven 'n it could just be a home or whatever. I don't really care, but I want no part of bakin' or his business."

"Frank, you in the business of sellin' off houses and the like?" Aaron asked him.

"I could ask around," Frank agreed. "You know, I think maybe Daniel and Lyah might like to try their hand at the bakery? Her a good cook like she is and him with his bum leg now after he got trampled by that bull. He cain't keep up no more. He might sell off his cattle 'n move into town so she could bake. He can still drive a cart for deliveries, pick up where Cole left off. Might even get more business since Cole was a man hard to like. No offense, Muse."

"None taken," she spoke quickly, feeling stressed as Aaron loomed over the top of her.

"Ask 'm then," Aaron told Frank. "They need ta make payments, I kin do that. They pay me some of their profits every week till they're paid off. Them cattle won't bring much just now, not this time a year. I'd work with'm if it's what they wanted. Even trade off that shay for his wagon so's he could work easier and be faster with deliveries. It ain't so hard to hook up 'n only takes one horse, he could sell off t'others. Muse, you get what you needed?"

"I wanted to see what all I had at the bakery first. See what I needed after. I'll leave the baking pans 'n things for whoever wants to take over, I don't need alla that, but I have everything there I need for cookin' 'n all."

"I figured. I'll get that cart then, Frank. Anything she comes over for, you put it on my credit. Order her more books, too. Paper 'n all too, she was always drawin'. Colored chalks or paints or whatever too. All that shit she needs to..."

"You don't need to do that," Muse spoke up quickly, embarrassed, but also a bit pleased.

"I'll do as I damn well please, woman, and don't you forget it! Never tell me what to do. Order it. Order her a couple dresses too. Or fabric, I'll have Celia make her a couple. Blue. Lots of books, not just a couple, she reads quick. Keep'm comin' too. Let's go, Muse," he commanded, going out the back door where the hand cart was parked.

Muse followed, feeling completely off.

Going back into her house felt odd. The ovens were cold and it was empty, there was no sound at all. It already felt abandoned to her as she hurriedly gathered her things, then went to the kitchen to get all she would need.

At the last minute, she remembered the book and hurried out back to find it. She felt cold and sick as she picked it up off the ground. The dew had soaked it, warping the pages and making the ink smudge on the pages that had been on the ground.

Turning, she went back out front, but Aaron was already gone with the hand cart. She walked with the ruined book, feeling like her life was just as ruined. All skewed now, and messed up. Useless and unreadable.

Going into the house that joined the smithy, she looked at the kitchen things he'd already set on the table, then her blanket and pillow he'd thrown on the sofa.

He came in the door and looked her over. "Took his cart back. What all else do you need? Step over 'n tell 'm, I need to get the forge up," he told her, then headed back outside.

Muse stood there hugging the book for a long moment, then looked at it again. Setting it up on the mantle, she stared at it. The thing that had started all of this and how it was destroyed right alongside her.

"Forge is heatin' up. You aim ta make somethin' this morning or we goin' down to the tavern?"

"Oh... I... I didn't start the stove and... I haven't put anything away yet."

"Don't go gettin' off in the head! Fix that mess on your head 'n less go. I wanna eat quick 'n get back."

"You go ahead, I'm not hungry and..."

"I said c'mon!! Fix that rats nest 'n less go!"

Muse hurriedly went to her things and fumbled around for her brush, then fixed her hair as quickly as she could. More than once she considered trying to say something to Aaron, but everything she thought of to say she dismissed. She didn't know what to say to him at all.

"Less go!" he demanded as soon as she put the pin in her hair.

Turning, she followed him out the door, trailing behind helplessly, still feeling lost.

When they went into the tavern, everyone stopped eating and looked at them. Aaron didn't seem to notice as he went to the back and sat along the wall.