The Boss Who Came to Tea

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Nick is falling behind at work, can he win his boss back?
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"I told them seven o'clock, they'll be here any moment."

Sarah said casually as she straightened her silver necklace in the mirror, gently turning left and right to make sure it looked presentable from all angles. Once satisfied she rolled her hands down her lowcut, black, bodycon dress getting out any and all creases she could. With how tight it was to her slender figure; she'd likely be doing that many times that evening.

"You look... incredible." Nick smiled as he walked in behind her, seeing her brush her long blonde hair as it draped across her bare shoulders.

"Well, it is your boss and his wife after all. If I look good, it makes you look good." She smirked, peering at him over her shoulder in the mirror. He was dressed in a casual white dress shirt and black slacks, typical man. Luckily for him he was conventionally attractive, short brown hair and close shaven stubble with enough of a jawline.

"I'm so glad you agreed to it, he's been really hounding me lately."

"I know sweetie. What better way to keep that job than by letting him taste my roast."

"You could make a real difference in world peace negotiations with that roast." Nick smirked as he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a gentle kiss on her neck. But as she let out a pleasant hum, closing her eyes and leaning back against him, the doorbell took them out of the moment. "That'll be him." Nick sighed, letting go. "Meet you downstairs."

At the door, Nick put on his winning smile. Checking his teeth in the mirror before opening it up to welcome the guests. "Victor! So glad you could make it!" he said excitedly, shaking his hand and offering him inside. "And you must be Joan." He added, leaning in to kiss her cheek politely as he took both their coats.

"Hell of a place you got here." Victor chuckled "How much do I pay you again?" he joked. Victor was an older man, and he certainly looked as though he'd enjoyed the many luxuries life had offered. Balding atop his head with an idea of a beard growing on his chin, along with a belly that was just about held back by his own white shirt.

"Just enough." Nick smiled as he motioned the two of them through to the living room. Joan had been fairly silent other than a slight mumble as she entered. She wasn't the type of woman you'd expect with a man like Victor, you'd think of him as the womanizing, trophy wife type. But she was about his age and showing it.

In the living room, Victor and Joan took a seat on the sofa as Nick offered the two a glass of wine each. "Good stuff." Victor smiled, holding the glass out as he inspected it, swirling the red liquid in his mouth. Joan, on the other hand, had turned her nose up after the first sip, placing it back down on the coffee table to Nick's disappointment.

Before Nick could try to offer her something else, Sarah entered with a soft smile on her face. Both Victor's and Nick's eyes lit up as she strode before them. "And you must be Sarah, Nick has mentioned you ever so much." Victor said suavely, standing up and taking her hand, leaning down to plant a kiss as his wife watched on, less than amused.

"Only good things I hope." Sarah giggled, jokingly offering a little curtsey.

"Of course, of course." He smiled, eyes almost unable to leave her as they moved from her face to the necklace and bust. "Lovely house and fancy jewellery, maybe I do need to speak to HR." he chuckled, reaching up to hold the jewel of her necklace, inspecting it with a smirk as Sarah stood sweetly before him.

Nick watched on from behind her, wondering just what was going through their minds. "I think the beef should be almost done, no?" he spoke up as Sarah moved away with a nod.

"Yes, if you'd all like to go to the dining room." She smiled, quickly heading to the kitchen, her cheeks a little flushed as she returned her focus to the food.

Her husband offered a slightly awkward chuckle as he motioned them all to the next room. Victor was rather pleased with himself as Joan rolled her eyes. "You know, we never used to be dinner party people. But since we've hit our thirties, it becomes part of you." Nick chuckled as he pulled out the seats for the two of them.

As Joan sat down, Sarah returned with a freshly roasted cut of beef along with roasted potatoes and asparagus. "This looks marvellous!" Victor exclaimed as it was placed before him. "I'll carve." He added just as Nick was about to grab the knife. As he stood up, Sarah took her seat opposite him, leaving Nick to sit before Joan.

He was pretty adept at slicing the meat evenly, taking the role from the man of the house. Deftly he plated up the beef to each plate as they helped themselves to vegetables. "So, Joan, what is it you do?" Nick asked, trying to bring her into the conversation.

"Other than spend all my money?" Victor jumped in as she opened her lips.

Her eyes looked wearily to her husband, before continuing "I offer Astro therapy to those in need."

"Bunch of bollocks if you ask me." Victor added as he took a seat, licking his lips as he looked over the food.

"What... what is Astro therapy?" Nick asked, trying to not seem rude to his boss.

"Well, it combines astrology and psychotherapy to help people really understand who they are and how they can be better." She explained, seemingly happy to be able to discuss herself for once.

Victor, meanwhile, had his eyes fixed forward at Sarah as he shovelled the beef into his mouth. Sarah had noticed and offered small smiles his way between eating and drinking.

"Why don't you tell him how much it earns you?" Victor smirked, eyes not moving from the younger wife.

Joan sighed "Well, if you must know, I volunteer my services." Picking at her food with her fork.

"Spends my money on all these fancy charts and furnishings for her little office and gets nothing for it. What's the point, am I right?" Victor laughed heartily as Nick and Sarah awkwardly joined in.

Joan looked down to her plate, lips pouted tight before quickly standing. "I've had it. Every night you say you'll be respectful about my work and every night you make a joke out of me." Her words silencing the rest of the room. "I'm going home. You can get a taxi." And with that she stormed out of the room, front door slamming on her way out.

Nick and Sarah looked to one another, unsure what to say to ease the tension. "She'll be fine, wave a few tapestries in front of her and she'll be all over me again." Victor chuckled, finishing off his last slice of meat. "Come on, let's get some more wine, have some fun now the old bat is gone."

"Sure..." Nick responded after a couple of moments. "We'll just clear the table and grab some." The two of them stacked the plates as fast as they could without seeming impolite, before convening in the kitchen.

"What can we do? This night is going all wrong." Nick sighed, leaning against the counter.

"It'll be fine." Sarah said softly, stroking his back gently. "We'll just have a drink or two with him and then he'll forget all about it."

"I'm not sure I want my boss drunk in my house."

"Have some yourself and it won't be so awkward, we've got to get him on your side, remember?"

"I know... I just thought it'd be easier."

"Come on, we've got to get back to him." Sarah said softly as she turned him around, gently placing her lips to his. A smile forming on his lips as he rested his hands on her waist.

"You two were taking your time, thought I'd grab it myself." Victor chuckled as he entered the kitchen, seeing the two of them intertwined. "You're one lucky man, Nick." He added, eyes looking down the back of Sarah and to her perky behind in the tight dress.

They quickly parted lips and turned to him with a blush. "Well, uh... thank you, sir." Nick smiled shyly.

"Drinks!" Victor grinned, motioning the two of them back to the living room as he took a couple bottles of wine. Nick and Sarah eyed each other, but after a defeated shrug followed behind.

Victor sat himself down on the sofa, pouring out three glasses and nudging them to the couple. "You know, sometimes I wonder whether I messed up settling down too soon." He started as the other two sat beside him on the sofa, Sarah stuck between them. "Do you think I could have done better?"

Nick found himself unable to answer, lips apart but no words leaving. "I think you're a very attractive man, any woman would be lucky to have you." Sarah said with a smile to get him out of danger as she started on her wine.

"You think?" Victor asked, a particularly smug smile on his face. "Well, if I could have had a woman like you, maybe I should've waited." He chuckled, placing his thick hand on her thigh and patting it.

Sarah looked down at it, before turning her head slightly to Nick who shrugged, not wanting to annoy the boss now that he seemed happy. The husband took a long sip of wine as Victor eagerly gulped down his third of the night.

Victor let go of her leg and leant forward to pour another glass, topping up the other two, before nodding to them to keep drinking. "Ever think about leaving for a richer guy?" he asked with a dirty grin, turning her way and moving her hair behind her ear.

"Well... maybe sometimes." Sarah blushed as she responded, her eyes looking up to him.

"I might not have the looks... but I don't lack in experience." He smirked, his hand now on her cheek as he ignored her husband, his employee. Sarah could see the drunken lust in his eyes as she sipped gently on hers, nibbling her lip as she waited to see what he'd do.

Nick was shocked by how forward his boss was, especially so brazenly in front of him. He expected Sarah to stop him at any moment, but he found himself worried about how far she intended to go to keep him happy.

"I don't doubt that." Sarah giggled, cheeks still a soft red as she felt the warmth of the wine in her belly, her reluctance to the situation being lowered by the second.

"I imagine she can make any man happy." Victor spoke once more, eyes still on Sarah as he seemed to address the husband.

"Oh yes... she's made me a very content man." Nick coughed, gently placing a hand on the thigh closer to him as he watched the two of them get closer.

Victor didn't respond, but instead grinned dirtily as he leant forward, taking Sarah by surprise as he placed his lips to hers. Her brows raised as she felt his lips hungrily taste hers, thumb stroking her cheek. But she didn't stop him, instead placed her hand atop Nick's on her thigh to tell him it was okay.

Nick couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the love of his life making out with his boss just a metre away. Yet, he'd never admit it, but he too could feel a stirring below as he listened to the faint smacking of lips.

"Now this is my kind of dinner party." Victor grinned as he gently pulled himself back. Sarah's lips still parted as she looked up to him, in amazement at his confidence. "Why don't we kick it up another notch?" he suggested, taking her hand and helping her to her feet.

Sarah did as he intended, finding herself stood before the two of them. Victor inspected her from head to toe as Nick watched on, almost hypnotised by it all. The boss leant forward, placing his hands on the waist of her tight dress, gently turning her around. He lowered his grip until he was at the hem of the dress, eyes wide as he lifted it up to bunch around her waist. Her lacey, black panty covered behind on show for the two of them.

"No wonder you want to spend more time at home." Victor chuckled, cupping and squeezing both cheeks in his hands before leaning forward to gently sink his teeth into one of them. Nick couldn't hide the excitement below as he watched, the sweet smile on his wife's face only adding to it.

Sarah looked back to the boss as he fondled and played with her ass, giggling as she showed no signs of wanting him to stop. Her eyes looked up to her husband for a moment, seeing him entranced by the situation she knew she had no worries.

Victor got to his feet, stood a few inches taller than Sarah. He gripped the already lifted hem of her dress and pulled it the rest of the way up, before throwing it to the floor, leaving her in a just the panties and the necklace. "I knew there was no way you could hide a bra under this little thing." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her from behind, cupping her breasts and squeezing the firm nipples between thumb and forefinger. She leant her head to the side, their lips meeting once more as Victor felt her soft behind swaying enticingly against his crotch.

Nick knew now that this was going to be a special kind of night, one that could almost certainly up his standings in the company. Of course, that could have just been the alcohol speaking as he finished off a fourth glass to the sight of his, almost naked, wife being played with by a man older than both their parents.

The feel of her tanned, pillowy ass was enough to drive Victor to needing more. Turning her back around he nodded for her to kneel down, to which she obliged almost instantly. Undoing his belt and zip with relative ease, she tugged his pants and boxers down in one go, his firm older cock freed before her eyes. He brushed her hair away from her face as she reached up to grip it, gently stroking it with her sweet smile.

Her husband couldn't control himself as he watched, his hand slipping into his dress pants as he rubbed himself urgently. His rubbing getting faster as he saw his wife's lips wrap around the old cock, bobbing up and down as she looked up past the boss' belly to his eyes.

"Get over here, no point wasting a free hand." Victor chuckled as he saw the husband sat alone rubbing himself. Nick shyly got to his feet and walked over, pulling his own cock out, letting Sarah grab it and stroke with a bit less vigour than she was giving the boss. "How'd you find one like this?" he smirked, patting Nick on the back as the wife's forehead pressed to his large stomach, nose tickled by the grey pubic hair.

Nick laughed awkwardly, unsure how to respond as he stood beside his half naked boss. His own cock already tensing as he watched how excitedly his wife was sucking, the necklace that he'd spent months saving for as a birthday gift, bouncing around her chest.

But just before Nick could unleash one of the biggest loads of his life, Victor patted Sarah on the head. "Up you get, sweetie." He grinned as her lips popped off his cock, hand letting go of her husband as if barely a second thought. Victor took her hand and lead her to the sofa once more "Bend over." He grinned, pointing to the arm of the couch. Once more she obliged his orders, panty covered behind pointed out as the boss walked round behind her, removing his shirt in the process.

Cheekily he gave her offered behind a sharp slap as he arrived, enjoying the squeak that escaped her lips. Stood over her, he gripped the top of her panties, pulling them all the way down and helping her step out of them. His eyes glued to her naked behind as he, once again, gripped her cheeks, pulling them apart to view her married holes.

Nick remained stood in the centre of the room, watching it all play out, cock standing on end, desperate for release. He felt it twitch as he watched his boss kneel down, face pressing between his wife's cheeks, hearing her surprised moans.

Victor's tongue gently explored up from her pussy to her tight ass, running circles around both as he felt her shake from the teasing. He pressed into the tighter of the holes hearing her gasp as his thick fingers reached up between her legs, thumb pressing her clit, swirling around it.

"Ah... oh my god..." Sarah managed to splutter, shocked by how well he knew his way around. Eating her with as much excitement as he had the specially prepared dinner. She felt her, usually untouched, ass stretch a little around his tongue as his chubby forefinger slipped inside her pussy. She was almost tempted to tell Nick to take notes as her legs started to get weak beneath her.

The boss couldn't help but grin as he felt her reaction, lifting his head up to kiss her lower back. "Now... cum for me." He ordered, speeding up the movement of his thumb as she gasped and squeaked. Sarah nodded quickly, toes curling as her moans grew louder by the second until a sound so high pitched left her lips. Her legs held together tight, keeping his hand in place, breathing heavily as her body went limp over the arm of the sofa.

"I'm sure you see that every night." Victor teased as he stood up behind her once more, looking over the exhausted wife and pulling her legs apart. Nick was about to say that he should let her rest a moment, but seeing his boss' cock line up to her pussy, he wanted to watch more than anything.

With a deep grunt, Victor pushed himself inside her, a muffled moan leaving her lips as her face pressed into the sofa. His thrusts grew in speed very quickly until his hips were slapping against her ass, sofa shaking beneath them. The lust in Victor's eyes was almost animal as he held her hips tight, occasionally slapping her behind with enough force to make Nick wince.

Nick's hand was back on his cock, stroking even quicker now, his own lust just as strong just from watching. But for him, he didn't have a warm pussy to finish inside. Instead he was taken by surprise as he spurted across the floor, the ejaculation so hard that some drops hit Sarah's back.

"Just me left?" Victor grinned, pounding into Sarah's pussy without mercy. But before he came, he suddenly pulled out, pushing Sarah onto the sofa, motioning her to flip over, which she did groggily. With a guttural groan, Victor stroked himself to completion before her, his load splashing out with force as it hit her face as well as the necklace, the last piece of apparel on her body.

Sarah giggled as it hit her, licking the drops that cascaded over her lips. She looked up sweetly to the boss as he wiped his brow, looking mighty pleased with himself.

"Do you mind if I stay the night? I doubt the missus will let me back in... as usual." He chuckled.

"Of course, we'd be happy to have you." Sarah responded before Nick could open his lips, stood there awkwardly behind Victor.

"Lovely, we can carpool into work tomorrow." Victor added with a smirk, looking back to the tired husband. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower before bed? Feeling a tad sweaty here."

"This way." Sarah grinned, getting to her feet and leading him out the living room. As she did, Victor placed a hand on her bare behind, the two of them heading upstairs together.

Nick, meanwhile, watched them leave. Still at a loss for words but feeling good about his job prospects. He didn't feel quite as good about getting the wipes out to clean the two loads of cum from his shag carpet.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Excellent, horny old boss will show hubby how to do it, my wife had an older boss who she was happy to be shared with, once a month he would come to dinner and we would end up three in a bed, my wife loved having two cocks pleasuring her, we did all the things one cock can't do, DP, pussy roast and anal roast, she especially loved it when we would wank off together and spunk in her face, she worked for him until he retired early, we would still get together periodically but as he got older he would watch me bugger her and stroke his semi hard cock into her mouth, when he died he was very generous in his will, we miss him.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

I had no idea that the cuckolds on "LW" were ready to applaud in such large numbers. But as the saying goes: idiots don't die out, you can see it in their positive comments!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 Star. Victor had a great time with Sarah, more than likely Nick slept alone that night while his wife satisfied Nick's boss. Needs an encore to see what the future holds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
But her unmarried ones remained hidden?

"His eyes glued to her naked behind as he, once again, gripped her cheeks, pulling them apart to view her married holes."


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey man. A story is like anything else in life, some people will like it, some won’t. Regardless, it doesn’t warrant the abuse you’ve received on some of the comments. Ignore them and keep doing you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Victor needs to be introduced to a shotgun at very close range!

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

Good lord this repressed little homo certainly got the other wannabe BJ givers a little chubby didnt he!

Usual by the numbers, dumb as shit with a lousy set up story. Thanks for the effort Nancy boy.

Good thing cliches arent copyrighted you'd be sued into the grave. Not sure whats dumber, you, your cheerleaders or the story. Might just be a three way MMM tie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"What is Astro therapy?"


Watching the team from Houston beat the Yankees' assssses! Again. "Muh twenny-sebm riiiings, yo!"

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 1 year ago

Once the video of the night's drunken excesses were presented to the HR department, along with the young couple's demands, their life on easy street was assured.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Trash. What Lit doesn't need is another cuck writer, especially one this bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice hot little story. A shared wife gets to learn new things and enjoyi the tingling excitement of that newness! Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good thing this story isn't based on true events. If it had been, Victor would be dead. Sarah would be severely injured from accidentally falling down the stairs. And I would not only be fired, but a fugitive on the run.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love the story.

Nick knows his place as a cuckold now. He'll be sleeping in the spare room while his boss takes his place with his wife in the marital bed. Her pussy is now owned by Vic.

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 1 year ago

Same old, same old...

Whiners around here always decried that BTB tales are always so predictable, but where are they when some authors keep giving us the exact, same bad cuck stories again and again and again and again and...?

Its worst offence wasn't merely been bad; it was being so unoriginal. The good news is: its unoriginality made it that much more forgettable. So... there's that.

Regguy69Regguy69over 1 year ago

Pimping out your wife for a raise/promotion? Pathetic loser! She should dump him and find a decent guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It would have been a much better story if Nick had Victor out of his house for being an asshole and Joan had stayed for an MFF threesome to apologize for his behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just goes from decent wife making dinner to bosses slut in a nano second? A decent story would have had some background or explanation that would lead a reader to understand. Maybe not approve but a reader would know why. This way we just see her as a slut always and he a cuck.

hobie1010hobie1010over 1 year ago
Grab a baseball bat

And throw both their asses out into the street

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