The Cat Easton Legend


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She wiggled around delightfully until I was in just the right place beneath her. Then she started fucking me. She bounced furiously on my shaft. It was pure dynamite and I was ready to explode. I moaned and told her I was getting close. "No! Not yet Honey, not yet!" She rolled off of me and twisted around to grab my cock firmly, not moving her hand at all. I felt her warm breath on the head of my cock and I held my breath for a second, then it was gone and I relaxed a bit.

She lifted and grinned at me. She laughed and crawled up over my body again only further up over my chest. I lifted her with my hands under her thighs and lowered her over my face until my tongue touched her sweet pussy. Her juices dripped on my face and then into my mouth when she got nearer. I let her down 'til I could reach all of her pussy with my lips and tongue. I went wild with my tongue and lips, sucking, licking, nipping, and slurping. Then I assaulted her clit, pressing up with my lips until the little pearl was open for my tongue. The tip of my tongue circled it, then flipped rapidly across it. Her legs started jerking and twitching, and her hips worked forward and back while she pressed down hard on my face. I had to lift her up a little to get a breath.

I rolled her off of me, grabbed her legs and spread them as wide as they would go. I lifted her hips and plunged my face into her pussy, licking, slurping, and sucking anything my lips could reach. She squealed with delight. I kept my pleasuring of her sweet little sex until she seemed to just collapse in a quivering heap.

I moved up beside her and pulled her into my arms, then dragged the bed clothes up over us. I held her tightly against my body and watched her sleep. She snuggled against me and softly sighed. I watched as a smile curved her lovely lips. I saw her eyelids quiver then slowly open. She said, "DAMN! I didn't know what it meant when they said 'mega orgasms', now I do! WOW! You are really so damn good I can't believe you aren't famous world wide."

"Don't be silly, famous for what? How I love my fiancé? I have never done this before, I just try to please you, Sweetheart. I just hope and pray that I do. I know I couldn't do that with anyone else."

She giggled, "Oh, you please me alright, you sure do! I have never had anyone to compare to you. I believe you are a one of a kind lover. You know I am never going to let you get away from me."

I had to laugh at her, "It's not easy you know, trying to be better than 22 or more other guys. It's hard work thinking of something a little different each time."

She lifted up and moved so she could kiss me. "Scott Murphy, no man compares to you. Your worst is way the hell ahead of anyone else's best. I simply adore your loving."

"How long did you hang under the Blarney Stone?" I hugged her tighter, "Cat, you know of course that when you say something like that I will try even harder next time."

"I sure hope so!"

"Babe, actually, I never think about anything like that when I'm lovin' you, I'm just doin' what feels right. I often dream of just softly and gently lapping at your sweet pussy by the hour, but I am afraid you would get bored."

"Oooooo! Let's try it and see sometime. I think I would love it. I love everything you do to me."

"Hey, Sugar, I think I'm getting' hungry, wanna go see if we can talk someone into feedin' us?"

"OK, I guess we can't live on love alone. Besides we need to find Daddy and Sally and spend some time with them."

"Right we are only a couple of hours from dropping them off."

We got dressed and went into the salon; there was a nice buffet there. I am an aficionado of pancakes and those the girls served were outstanding. They had wild blueberries inside them and a blueberry syrup to go with them. I also loved the homemade country sausage they served. Cat had her favorite, creamed chipped beef on toast topped with a poached egg. We joined Cliff and Sally at their table. Cliff raved about the Old Murphy Plantation Country Cured Ham. I tried a very thin slice. It was great.

Cliff and Sally were amazed that the ham, bacon, sausage, jams, jellies, cane or blueberry syrup and other items were produced on our farm, The Olde Murphy Plantation. Cliff wanted to talk about our production capacities and prices. I pointed him to Callie and told him to deal directly with the big boss. It turned out that Cliff's best buddy, of 50 years, owned and operated Superior Gourmet Food Stores with several outlets in Miami, Miami Beach, and Palm Beach. He said his friend's customers thought nothing of paying $9.99 for a package of six hotdogs, or $30 a pound for Kobe beef.

Callie gave him her phone number and e-mail address. She had the cooks prepare samples of most of the things we produced. They had a large cooler containing meats plus a package of jams, jellies, and other products to load in Cliff's boat.

Catherine, Sally, Cliff and I sat and chatted for a few moments when I noticed Callie waving at me. I excused myself and met Callie. She led me up to the pilot house. She said they were going to have to borrow money from me to build new facilities if the orders Catherine's father was talking about came in. She said they had the plans for such an expansion ready. I grinned at her, "Will that conflict with the plans for the Wedding Factory."

She laughed, "Hell no, that is Cat's and my baby. That will be another part of the 'Olde Murphy Plantation' line. I think they will all compliment each other. We will have an 'Olde Murphy Plantation Foods Store' on the highway out front. After eating our food they will want to take some home with them or order some on-line. The food store will not be visible from the Plantation house or the entrance to the Plantation."

I smiled, "You and Cat work this out, just keep me advised on what is goin' on. OK?"

She grinned, "Yes Suh, Mista Boss Man! Why did you tell Cat's dad I was the 'big boss'? You know my dad is the boss."

"Sure he is, just like I am Catherine's boss, right!"

Her eyes opened wide, "Miss Cat loves you with all her heart, she would never go against your wishes."

"Right, and you would never hurt your Dad, but all of us know who really runs the show."

She smiled at me for a long time then said, "Yeah, and you let Cat think she is running the show too don't you."

I smiled back, "No, not really, I like to think we are equal partners. She is one very sharp little girl."

Callie nodded, "I'll buy that, I think you are right."

I returned to the Salon and chatted with Cliff, Sally, and Cat. Her father took my hand and gripped it hard. "Son, I can't believe what you and my daughter pulled off at that tournament. I have actively fished for the last twenty years trying to break records, I was lucky and broke eight records in various line strengths , but I never came close to what Cat did. I have seen her fight many fish before and she was damned good. Yesterday she was magnificent! I have never seen anyone keep so much consistent pressure on a fish before. She tells me you taught her to do that. What is your secret?"

"Well Cliff, Catherine herself is my secret weapon. I just showed her the trick I have used for years in fighting fish. It works for us. I made her practice on a rig I made up. It is very simple. What you do is rig up a pulley so you can take a weight equal to 80% of the line or leader strength you are going to use, run the line over the pulley and fasten the line to the weight. Then you get back twenty or thirty feet and lift the weight with the rod. The weight is behind something so the angler can't see the weight. You memorize the bend in the rod. You memorize the way it looks from different angles. You practice this for hours and hours and learn how to keep that perfect bend in your rod, that bend tells you how much pressure you have on the fish. Later you add more weight and let the angler try some more.

"With the drag on the reel set to slip at exactly 12 pounds, in this case, you adjust the bend by feathering the rim of the spool of the reel with the fingertips of your right hand. That is why we wear the little light weight work gloves with the leather fingertips when we are doin' some serious fishin'. Our Cat can keep the drag she is applying at between 16 and 18 pounds for hours. She reacts to a change in the bend in her rod instantly. She doesn't even think about it.

"She is like a good boxer, he doesn't think, 'Here comes a lazy left jab. I will counter with a hard right behind it.' That right hand is automatic. Correct?

"That tarpon about wore out her gloves. Her fingertips were

getting' hot there for a while, she learned to switch hands when he was runnin' on a long run. It has to be a subconscious continuous adjustment of the drag. It takes a lot of very boring training to get to your daughter's level of control. Then when you have mastered that gadget, I have a more interesting set up to teach you even more. I have an electric motor hooked into a large 12 aught reel with a super sensitive drag. The whole thing is hooked into a small computer that has 6 different programs that run in random order. For tarpon, the program simulates short runs, jumps, head shaking, and deep dives. This baby will break your line if you don't play it correctly."

Cliff looked at me, "You designed and built these rigs yourself? Are they onboard? I'd love to try them out."

"No, Cliff. They are back in a shed on the Plantation. Come and see us and you can play on them all you want."

"We will have to do just that."

We stopped off Fowey Light and put Cliff's skiff in the water. They promised to come up and visit very soon.

I checked in with Andy and we talked for several minutes before he said, "Damn it Scott, when are you going to tell me about Cat? Damn boy, you can't turn on a TV without seeing her lovely face. I have watched her fight that tarpon twenty times and still don't believe that sweet little girl did that! Now the news people are all wondering why she disappeared and why no one can find her."

I told him we were kind of hoping that all the fuss would die down if we laid low for a while. He said he didn't think that was going to work, he said that the close up video of her accepting the awards was on constantly. He laughed, "Even Fox News has asked us to find her for them, what'll I tell them? They are offerin' quite a bit of money for an exclusive interview. On Fox and Friends this morning they were saying she is the most news worthy story in the world right now. Everyone wants to see more of her and hear her story."

"Andy, Catherine didn't want the publicity or the money from endorsements to interfere with our privacy. Do you know anyone who could guide us and handle the press and appearances for us. We really don't know the best way to do this."

"Scotty, let me talk to some people and find you a good agent. Your little girl is the world's darling right now, but if you are not careful it will chew you up and spit you out. For the time being tell your people to keep completely quiet about where she is. OK?"

"Right Andy, I'll swear all of them to silence. They all seem to really like her so maybe they will help protect her."

"That would be great. Keep her hidden for now. I suggest that you have anyone who knows where she is, keep quiet too. When you are settled in I'll send the chopper for the two of you. The 1st daughter and her friend will be spending a weekend with us later this month so we have to figure out how to expose him as what he is. OK."

I told Cat about my conversation with Andy and she called her father and told him to please not reveal where she is. I called an 'all hands' meeting in the salon and asked everyone aboard to please keep our secret.

Callie stood and said, "I know we can trust everyone to keep this secret. Any leak will be treated severely, like being kicked out of the family; that means losing your job, home and pension. These folks ARE part of our family now, we will protect them as such. Any questions?"

Jack raised his hand and looked at me. "Boss, may I suggest that we slow down some and move further off shore where we won't be so easily seen. I think we should dock her at the old Dock Bluff. If we enter the Jacksonville Jetties after dark tonight and ease down the river in the dark, we can back Ranger in and she will be very hard to see. We can run everything on our generators until we can rig some shore power."

I grinned at him, "Perfect, do it. You better contact Mike and be sure he keeps quiet too." I looked at my lover. "Sweetheart, are you OK with all of this?"

She looked up at me, "I never wanted all of this." Tears ran down her cheeks, "I just want us to be together."

I took her in my arms and held her tightly. "Sweetie, for this to work we are going to have to have two Catherines, one, 'Cat', my sweet girl, the second one will be the public 'Catherine' who will make appearances and give interviews on our terms and at our convenience. We must have strict rules about that. No impromptu interviews or photos. We will not charge, other than for expenses, for interviews. Appearances or endorsements are another story, all of this will be handled by an agent. We don't want any invasion of our privacy, however the right publicity would be a big boost for the Olde Murphy Plantation products and services."

Cat looked at me wide-eyed, "I hadn't thought of that, what a wonderful idea. Later, maybe we can tie this all together."

I looked at Callie, "Girl, you are going to suddenly find yourself very busy as the CEO of a pretty big operation."

Callie smiled back, "Scotty, I want to keep this a family business. I think I may interview Cliff for a job as head of Product sales. I think Sylvie Suarez can help us too. She has a degree in marketing. And you, Scotty, have a lot of relatives around here too."

I grinned at Cat, "Callie, don't count on Cat for too much help, she is going to be busy fishing, being beautiful, and having babies."

Cat grabbed me and kissed me, "Wonderful, just the way I want it."

The next morning we awoke and found we were alongside the "Dock Bluff" bulkhead. I got dressed and told Cat I would meet her in the salon for breakfast after I called Andy and see what he wanted to do. Andy said he would send the helicopter for us in two hours. I went to the salon and was greeted by a cheerful Mike. He asked what I wanted for breakfast. I ordered OJ and toast with peanut butter.

I heard Cat's heels clicking on the deck as she entered. God! She was gorgeous in sleek black boot cut pants, a black tunic length turtleneck Jersey top covered by a little faux leopard fur, cropped jacket. Stiletto heeled boots and a wide belt completed her outfit. Her golden hair framed her beautiful face and flowed over her shoulders. I fought mightily against the strong urge to drag her back to our bed.

She came to me and bent to press her sweet lips softly against mine, smiling sweetly she said, "Good morning! I love you with all my being."

I looked into her eyes, "I love you too, How about we skip breakfast and go back to bed."

She put a hand on each side of my face and kissed me again, "Can we?"

"I guess not, the damned 'chopper' will be here shortly."

She pouted for a moment then grinned happily, "Damn!"

We heard the whopping noise of the helicopter in the distance as we finished breakfast. In a few minutes time we were greeted by Andy, Angie, and Molly when we walked up to the entrance to the house. Molly was excited to see Cat. "Aunt Catherine, we sawed you on TV with that BIG fishy."

Cat picked the tiny girl up and hugged her, "I missed YOU Molly Murphy, I am very happy to see you again. Wasn't I a mess after fighting that old tarpon?"

"No, you were beautiful, you are always beautiful Aunt Catherine."

"Thank you Sweetie, you are beautiful too."

Cat put Molly down and hugged Andy and Angela. She had a tear in her eye as she said, "We missed you guys very much."

Angie held her tightly and whispered, "We missed you too, a whole lot." Then she grinned, "Hey, 'Miss world famous Mystery Woman', 'darling of anglers all over the world', and 'one of the sexiest women in the world' how does it feel to be famous?"


Andy laughed, "Don't you guys watch television? Your face is all you see on TV any more." He turned more serious and said, "Your new agent will be here this afternoon, he is most highly recommended. You are lucky he just happens to be on the East Coast today. He said that you guys have played this brilliantly so far. He is very excited. The chopper is meeting his plane in Jacksonville in a couple of hours.

"I think you two should sit down and watch a little presentation our guys made up of what is on TV about Cat. I have it ready to go in the den."

We followed them into the den and watched the huge screen light up with a picture of Catherine standing beside the huge tarpon. She was looking up at the giant fish with a serene smile on her beautiful face. She was sleek and exuded glamour but looked like the girl next door. There were flashes from flash bulbs and she smiled for the cameras. She raised the fly rod with her left hand and the flash from a camera caught the diamond on her engagement ring causing a blinding flash from the big diamond on her finger. The picture faded into a wide scene of Cat fighting the fish. The huge fish erupted from the water about twenty feet in front of the boat, flipping back and forth in midair several times before hitting the water with a tremendous splash. The picture showed me step up on the bow deck next to her and whisper in her ear. She flashed me a beautiful smile. You could see her lips form the words, "I love you too!"

The clips from various TV shows indicated she had been well researched.

They had her father, saying how proud of her he was, but that he didn't know exactly where she was and that he would not talk about her personal life. They had her life's history pretty well documented, showing her business offices and interviewing people who worked for her and some of her customers.
Each one told how wonderful and beautiful Catherine is.

She sat beside me hugging my arm tightly. She didn't comment until the show was over. She looked up at me and said, "Wow! Somebody went to a lot of trouble to dig all this stuff up about me. All those old pictures from the Fashion and the Social Pages of the Miami Herald are not just lying around; someone had to dig then up."

Andy grinned, "Ah! The wonders of modern science, computers can dig that stuff up in minutes. It's easy."

Cat laughed, "Well, they still don't know where we are."

I patted her hand, "Honey, they will find us very soon. I hope your agent will be able to keep them off of us. I need to talk to Andy about maybe divesting myself of the intelligence business so I don't drag his company down too!"

Andy smiled at me, "Cuz, thanks for the thought, I love you for it. Neither one of us do anything illegal; all they can find out is that you work for an independent information gathering company that is owned by a company based on South Caicos Island in the Bahamas. What is wrong with that? Your pay checks are in U.S. Dollars, you pay your taxes. None of us have anything to hide. The president of the United States is going to extend an invitation to his good friend Ms. Easton to visit the White House to congratulate her for her great feat in landing that huge fish on a thread."

I looked at my love, she started to cry and I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek. She looked up at me, "Isn't that sweet of them to invite us for that?" Catherine looked at me again, "I hope he invited you too, I would hate to disappoint him, but I go nowhere without you."

Andy laughed, "I'll tell him that, but he invited all of us and your father too."
