The Cat Easton Legend


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"Wonderful, that makes me happy; I guess you have figured that I WILL NOT be separated from Scotty for any reason, right?"

Andy grinned, "Sweetie, everybody knew that already. Angie and I are the same way. We can use the trip to see if POTUS has any more information on the 'first beau'. We haven't found a thing on him, that makes me even more suspicious. All his facts have been verified, but a further search indicated that no one remembers him. His classmates in high school do not remember him. His name and picture are not in their class year books. No one recognizes his current pictures. He was an invisible man in college too. We can't find a soul who remembers him, yet his name shows up on the roster of students and graduates. If this is a fabricated background it took a large sum of money to buy it."

I looked at Andy, "So a normal search of the school records, birth certificates, drivers licenses and such would result in substantiating his identity, right?"

"Correct. Now what do we do?"

"Fingerprints or DNA?" asked Cat.

I said, "Not likely, no data base exists for identifying average people. Records of DNA are not kept anywhere except in unusual cases and then they are usually not in the public domain."

Catherine grinned at Andy then looked at me, "I believe in you guys. You will find out who he is in short order. I bet you guys have something in mind already."

Angie said, "They haven't said anything to me about it, but I'll bet you are right, Cat."

Andy jumped in, "Hey, we are not in any way cutting you guys out of the loop. In fact, we want the two of you to look at everything we have on 'lover boy' and come to an independent conclusion on your own, untainted by our ideas; you can work together or independently. This will be a big help for us to have a fresh opinion to compare with our ideas. Here are folders containing everything we know."

The girls looked at each other, they nodded and said together, "We'll work together." Angie stood and took Catherine's hand and led her to the den. The door to the den closed then opened as Cat ran back out and picked up the folders and ran back to the den. We looked at each other and laughed delightedly. We heard the whine of the helicopter engines as it started up for the trip to Jacksonville. It was only a 75 mile trip each way or an hour of flight time round trip.

Andy pulled his cell phone from his belt holster and pressed a speed dial number. After a moment he said, "Honey, the buffet is almost ready in the dining room, I think Scotty and I are going to eat soon." He listened and looked at me. He smiled. "OK, I'll tell him." He shut the phone and grinned at me."Angie says Cat is getting edgy about not being able to see you. They'll be right out."

The group had finished lunch when we heard the chopper landing on the helipad behind the house. Andy went to greet the Agent who would represent Cat. Andy returned with a tall blond man with broad shoulders and a slim waist. He was very handsome and moved gracefully. He spotted Cat right away and moved swiftly to her. "Ah! Ms. Easton, I would recognize your beauty anywhere." Cat blushed as he continued. "I am Kiefer Lamont of the Lamont Agency. The two of us need to talk someplace private where we will not be disturbed."

Cat looked up at him and smiled sweetly, "Bullshit! I can talk in front of my friends, however, if it would make you feel better, Scotty and I can talk with you in a private place."


"Yes, Mr. Scott Murphy, my fiancée."

"Ms. Easton, we are talking about millions of dollars here, I would advise you to listen to what I recommend to ensure you gain the utmost profit from this event."

"Mr. Lamont, I don't believe you understand my object in hiring you to represent us. The object is to fulfill as many of the requests for appearances as comfortably as we can, without regard to profit. Our main interest is in utilizing the publicity to our advantage to promote the products of Mr. Murphy's Plantation while interrupting our normal activities as little as possible. I will defer to Mr. Murphy in these matters, I trust him totally."

Lamont frowned, "Do you mean you are not interested in making money from this opportunity?"

Cat smiled and looked at me, "No Mr. Lamont you do not understand, we have enough money, we value our time alone together or with our friends and family much more than money. Scott and I will be married in two months; we will be starting our own family as our number one priority at that time. Scotty did you want to add something?"

"Yeah! Mr. Lamont, Let me first say I am glad to meet you. We realize that your normal customer pays you a percentage of what they make. I have no idea of what you usually charge percentage wise but we would like to double or triple your cut in our case. We want you to schedule appearances and endorsements for us so we use as little time as possible from our normal routine. For appearances on TV shows we only want our expenses, for endorsements we want expenses plus a fair market price. I know this will not pay you what you usually make. Think this over for a while and give us an idea if you can put together a package the will be acceptable to your company and to us. Any reasonable ideas you might have will be given our serious consideration. We have one IRON CLAD rule. We will never be separated for more than a few moments for any reason."

He smiled, "I think we can work together. I have had other clients with similar requests and they have worked out very well. I will say that they have usually been much older that the two of you. I know Ms. Easton is very successful in her businesses but I have had no information about Mr. Murphy except that he seems to be well connected. I believe you got my name from the President."

"Mr. Lamont, we actually got your name from Commander Andrew Murphy, my cousin, who IS well connected. I haven't had time to discuss this with my future wife but I would like you to explore the possibilities of a TV show about sports fishing and directed at women anglers, it would be very educational and aim to teach women to enjoy the sport. It would cover everything from a female point of view from Fishing Fashions to tackle rigging and hook baiting. We can travel to the world's best and most glamorous fishing holes on our 75-foot yacht. The yacht can easily accommodate camera and production crews. For long trips married couple crews would be best."

Lamont stared at me. He glanced at Cat. He grinned, "Yes, a superb idea. I'm sure the people who want endorsements would be likely sponsors. I like it. It has wonderful possibilities. I will have to look into the financing and sales possibilities. Sales should be easy, everyone has seen her, thousands of men would tune in just to watch her. I envision beautiful sexy guest anglers too. I can get a camera crew here in a couple of days, we can shoot a short pilot or demo somewhere close. We can use this other beautiful lady as a guest." He pointed at Angela.

Angie and Cat grinned at each other. Cat said, "Oooooo! That sounds like fun."

Angie said, "I will make a good student, I have fished some with Andy and have caught bream, small bass and one huge bass, nothing compared to your tarpon, but I do want to learn."

Cat smiled, "How big was your bass?"

Andy spoke up, "Do you want to see it? It is in our big aquarium in the next room."
Cat jumped up, "Oh! Honey! Show us." We all followed Angie and Catherine to the giant tank. It was beautiful, it looked like a big slice of the river outside, transported inside.

Angie proudly said, "There she is. Isn't she a big old hog?"

"Oh my God, she is huge." Shouted Cat, "That's the biggest bass I have ever seen. What does she weigh, twenty pounds?"

Andy said, "She weighed 16 pounds 8 ounces when she was caught. She looks much bigger now. We haven't wanted to disturb her by taking her out of the tank, she seems happy, she has been in there for a year and a half now."

Cat hugged Angie, "You are so damned lucky, you can see her every day, I wish my big fish was still alive. It would have taken a damned big tank though."

Kiefer Lamont grinned happily, "That will be the first scene in our demo. It will be killer good. I can't believe you guys; you really live stuff most of us can't even imagine. It will be great because it is real. Reality sells these days. I'll bet the boys at Fox Network will jump on this with both feet." He chuckled "If you girls show a little skin the show will go right off the charts."

The girls looked at each other and giggled, Cat said, "We couldn't do that, could we, or maybe a little would be OK." They hugged each other and giggled hysterically.

The girls pulled apart and suggested we all relax around the pool and think about my suggestion and how it would effect our lives. Lamont was shown to his room and everyone went to change to swim suits. Andy and I talked for a few minutes and he mentioned that he had received a text message that his people had more information on the 'First Beau'. It would be ready in half an hour. We decided to change to our swim gear then go to see the information later.

Cat was in a little Bikini and looked delectable. I stood and looked at her, "WOW! You must be trying to seduce somebody, that suit ought to do it."

She giggled and threw her arms around my neck, "You are the only one I want to seduce. I always want to do that."

I told her I was going to change and would meet her at the pool. When I got there, everyone was sitting around the chickee hut bar. I went behind the bar and got myself a Mick Light from the tap then looked for a place to sit. Lamont was sitting close to Cat and Angie, they were talking together, so I went to the other end of the bar and sat next to Andy. He asked if I was ready to go see the new information on the Presidents future son-in-law. We got up and left. Cat didn't see us leave.

Our people had gotten a make on the 'First Beau'. He was a phony.

All the records had been altered, some had been done as long as ten years ago. We had a positive ID on him, he was a Ukrainian named Uri Kostinoff. Age thirty-three. We were not sure of his motive or who he worked for. Andy made a secure call to the President and gave him the information. POTUS told Andy he would have to think about what he wanted to do, he would let us know.

We went out on the pool deck and didn't see the girls. Lamont was there talking with Martha and Sally. Martha laughed, "Both of your women were so funny. Cat was talking to Kiefer when she suddenly realized you were not here. She looked around and nearly panicked until I told her you and Andy had gone to the office spaces. Angie was upset too. I think they both are in the den. I smiled at Andy, "Should we go see or just let them stew for a while?"

"I don't know about you but I need to hug my wife."

"Yeah! Me too." We headed to the Den. As we entered the den we saw them sitting across the desk from each other. Cat had her left hand extended and was holding Angie's left hand. They looked towards us and both smiled instantly, they leaped to their feet and headed towards us. We each pulled our lady into a hug and a long sweet kiss.

Catherine pulled back a little, "We were just talking about the two of you. We were just talking about how damned lucky we are to have both found our soul mates. We both are fortunate to each have a man who we adore and who adores us too. We are both intelligent and educated women, we just don't understand why we both seem to almost panic when we lose sight of you for a few minutes. We agree that this could be a sign of several things, first would be insecurity, being afraid of losing you. We each have a problem with that because we are each very self-confident women. Second, it could be a manifestation of low self-esteem; we don't fit that category either. What do you guys think?"

I looked at Andy, "If I may, I would like to voice my humble opinion." Andy nodded. I continued, "I happen to believe that each of you is a normal woman. You love your men. I believe that women do not view things the same way men do, initially women look at an event or a happening emotionally, they do not look at the facts logically, they get feelings and intuitions about things that men do not get. These feelings are not hard and fast things, they change or morph into other feelings or emotions. I think that if you think about things a little longer you arrive at the same conclusion as the men do only from a different viewpoint. I don't think I explained that very well. In a nutshell, we each miss our lovers if we are apart very long because they are easily the most important things in our lives. I know I have a much stronger attachment to Catherine than I have ever had to any other person in my whole life. The old 'better half' cliché seems to fit perfectly, we are very close to being one person. That's how I feel anyway."

Andy sniffed, "I think you did damned good for an illiterate ol' red necked country boy who sounds like he's talkin' 'bout his huntin' dawg or his pick-up truck."

Cat held up her hand and everyone listened as she said, "Scotty, Honey, that was a very accurate idea of how we females think, you are very perceptive. I did notice a big change in the way I now think as compared to the way I thought before I met you. I looked at Kiefer this afternoon and really admired his muscular build and his handsome face without the slightest trace of lust or sexual arousal. There was a time when I would have just teased him enough to see if I really wanted him, if I did then I would drag him off to bed to try him out. I didn't even check out his 'package' today, I guess I am converting to a stodgy old married lady."

Angie giggled, "I didn't notice either."

Andy said, "I checked him out, I always check out the competition." Angie stared at him, "You look at him as competition? Him?"

"Can you honestly tell me that you didn't check out Catherine as competition when you first met her."

"No, I can't tell you that, she worried the hell out of me until I saw how much she loves Scotty."

Cat smiled, "You worried me too, girl, Scott told me you were beautiful and that you always dressed and acted perfectly. He was right, but I don't feel challenged anymore."

I looked at Andy, "Do you look at me as competition?"

"Naw, I can whip your ass at anything."

Angie laughed, "They are just like brothers. They will never really compete hard against each other because they are afraid they might win and hurt the other's feelings. They are both very sweet and care a lot about each other. They will cuss and tease one another, but heaven help an outsider who knocks the other cousin."

Cat grinned, "You have known both of them for a long time haven't you?"

"No, not really, I have loved Andy since I was a little girl. I didn't meet Scotty until a couple of years ago, Andy talked about him all the time but I only met him at our wedding. He is like a brother to me now. Cat, I hope you and I will be like sisters."

"I already feel that way."

We all gathered, Kiefer, Andy, myself, Cat, and Angie aboard Ranger so he could see what we were talking about. Lamont was very impressed with the yacht and our properties. We were trying to arrive at the size of a camera crew we would need aboard for filming. Kiefer mentioned needing a makeup artist for Cat and Angie, plus a wardrobe mistress. I said, "Why?"

"To make them beautiful, they are professionally made up now aren't they?"

I looked at the girls, "I don't think so! I saw Catherine put on her make up this morning in about thirty seconds. She probably has done a touch up or two, but she does everything herself. I am fairly sure that Angela does her own makeup too."

Angie nodded, "Yes I do, I might add that Cat consults on makeup and fashions professionally, and is a personal shopper for many clients."

Kiefer smiled, "We do not need a makeup artist or a wardrobe mistress. I agree. I took a few shots with my digital camera and viewed them on my laptop. Both of you ladies photograph exceedingly well. Even on extreme close-ups, you are both flawless. I have a team of a photographer and an editor who have done many similar shoots. They are very picky about what they will do and who they will work with, but I think they would be interested in this project because they spend their spare time on fishing trips. They are both certified divers and do underwater work too. I'll step outside and give them a call on my cell phone."

Andy said, "Use one of our phones, there is no cell phone coverage here."

Cat leaned into me and kissed my ear, "I need you my love." She whispered. I turned my head and gently pressed my lips to hers. Her hand slipped behind my head, pulling me tighter. I heard Angie giggle and say, "Wow, they are only engaged now, what is it gonna be like when they get married. They make me hot too."

Andy whispered , making sure we heard him, "Me too! I guess I'll have to order a case of Viagra to keep you happy."

Kiefer returned beaming, "The Preburnaskis are excited about meeting the famous 'Cat' Easton and doing the pilot, they feel that compatibility is essential on a close environment like the episodes will be. They will make up their minds after the pilot."

Lamont returned to Hollywood with a tentative date to tape the pilot show. We had decided that Cat wouldn't represent herself as an expert on all aspects of sports fishing, we would have real experts aboard for various genres of fishing, I suggested we should preferably go for a female. Cat vetoed that idea, she wanted the best in that niche, regardless of gender, and she felt that there were very few topflight girls around in every genre.

Kiefer was sending a good producer/director to help with the production end of the show. We had pretty well decided to use Key West for the first show; there would still be plenty of tarpon on the flats by the Mullet Keys, Cottrell, Mule, and Archer Keys should be good as well as Crawfish, Man, Ballast, and Woman Keys slightly to the south. We needed a few romantic or glamorous places of interest to women and a night spot or two to add a touch of mild spice to the show.

We discussed a dozen other shows that looked like they would be fun, including Miami, Palm Beach, Marathon, Naples and the Everglades, and the Bahamas, would not be too far from home for the first few shows. We could also drop down in to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico for many shows. Wow! This could be fun, fun, fun. We had the whole world to choose from if the show was successful. Angie and Andy were missing their kids so they had the Chopper pick them up to take them home. That made us realize we had to provide for the children and a nanny aboard Ranger.

Cat looked at me and smiled, "Alone at last, my love." I lifted her from her seat and led her to our cabin. We stripped quickly jumped in the shower. Cat clipped her hair on top of her head to try to keep it dry. We washed each other knowing we both would be aroused way before we were finished. When we were dry I picked her up and carried her to our bed (I know; 'bunk' on a boat.) and gently placed her on her back in the center.

I moved beside her and very softly kissed her lips while my hands roamed her sweet body with butterfly touches. I moved my lips to her neck, which she dearly loved to have kissed. She moaned softly and she tried to move me up over her. I wasn't ready and slipped down between her legs. Her legs spread wide and I transferred my kisses to her hot wet pussy. I gently spread her delicate lips and softly ran the very tip of my tongue everywhere I could reach. I felt her gently shiver and heard a soft moan followed by a sigh. Then, "That is so damned good, Honey, I love the way you do that."

I moved a bit and lavished my attentions to her little pink rosebud, I wet her tightly puckered hole with my saliva, spread with my broad tongue. I coated the area with several thick coats from my mouth, I smiled to myself as I thought of the difference between my normal saliva and how thick and slippery it becomes when I am sexually aroused. I pressed hard and insistently in the center of her rosebud, it relaxed and I slid in as far as I could reach, just inside the sphincter muscle I think... I lubricated the hole as best I could with my tongue then withdrew and spit a gob on my fingers and slipped them inside her.
