The Click of Heels


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"My god that was amazing." I whispered as I nestled under his arm, neither of us wanting to move.

"I think a shower is in order." Jeremy moved his hand up and down my back. "And I think you lost something." His other hand offered me one of my boobs that had come off in all the excitement.

We both laughed, kissing softly as we untangled from our passion and headed for the bathroom to clean up.

The shower was a continuation of our tryst, our hands exploring each other's bodies.

We kissed and fondled each other. There was a copious amount of soap involved, our slick bodies rubbing against each other. I had never thought of touching another man like this and yet, with Jeremy, as Jazz, it was all so natural. I wanted to know his body as well as I knew my own. When I reached for his crotch, I found him rock hard again. "Damn, did he ever stop?" I laughed to myself as I gently stroked his shaft.

Jeremy pulled back and slowly turned me around. I knew exactly what he wanted, and I arched my back to give him access, bracing myself under the shower. The hot water cascaded over my body as I let him take me once more. This was not making love, it was base, animalistic sex, and he fucked me fast and hard, driving me into the wall with each thrust. My only defense was to thrust back into him as he pushed into me, which made the sex that much more intense.

Before I knew what was happening, I was totally erect. My orgasm rushing up from inside me. My knees grew weak, and Jeremy had to catch me, exploding deep inside me as I painted the wall of the shower with my cum.

Turning in his arms, I kissed him passionately, "I could so get used to this." I smiled as our lips parted.

"Me, too," he gave me another light kiss. "What do you think Claudia is going to say?"

"I don't think I really care anymore. Thank you, Jeremy. I needed this in ways I can never explain."

Fortunately, Claudia had left a few supplies at Jeremy's. I fixed my makeup and cleaned off my forms so that the adhesive would work again and borrowed some jeans, a top, and a pair of shoes from her closet. The walk of shame averted; it was well afternoon when we got back to the house. Tony's truck was still there.

I could hear their passion drifting down from the bedroom, so I got Jeremy to help me start the grill, pulling out four nice steaks while Jeremy washed off four potatoes and wrapped them in foil. I cut and rinsed a bunch of asparagus and made a large salad.

When I heard the shower, I put the potatoes on the grill. Jeremy and I set the table. When I heard the shower stop, I put the steaks on. Jeremy and I were outside at the grill when Tony came downstairs. I went inside, grabbed a beer, and offered it to him. The look of confusion on his face was beyond priceless. I was thinking Claudia hadn't told him the entire story.

"Look, it's ok," I smiled and offered him the beer again, "I'm actually Claudia's husband, well soon to be ex, but I do still live here. We're trying to figure all that out. For now, let's just all get along and enjoy the steaks I have on the grill. I'm guessing you guys haven't eaten since last night, right?"

Tony took the beer and followed me out to the grill as I continued to explain, "when I told Claudia to dance with you, it was more than just that, she and I both knew it, so while you were fucking my wife, I was fucking her brother and it's all good."

My description of the situation was intentionally graphic and probably unnecessarily so, but it felt right for the moment.

To my amazement, Tony didn't cut and run, instead he asked me questions and I answered them. Gay, bi, I didn't really know or care. I just enjoyed being with Jeremy. Yes, I still loved Claudia, but we both knew we would never be lovers again; it just wasn't in the cards. As sexual as she was, she needed a partner, but he had to be a good man; I believed Tony was a good man. So far, he had proved me right, and he certainly seemed to keep up with Claudia.

I amazed myself at how calm I was as I stood there cooking steaks on my grill talking to my wife's lover about what had happened and explaining that it was all truly alright.

"What the fuck?" it was Claudia, aside from the confused look on her face. She looked more radiant that I had seen her in a long time.

"Hey babe, Jeremy and I thought you guys might be hungry, and I thought we should all probably talk, so I threw some steaks on the grill."

I don't know why he did it, but Jeremy came up behind me, put his arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek, Claudia's jaw dropped, "and yeah, Jeremy and I kind of fucked each other's brains out this morning. I think we're dating now, but I'm not sure."

"Oh, we are definitely doing more than dating." He turned my face to his and kissed me hard.

I could see the wheels turning in Claudia's head, but knew she hadn't quite connected the dots.

"Claudia, we've been dancing around this for months. We both knew this was coming, probably not quite like this. I love you and want you to be happy. You love me and want the same. It's just not going to happen with us together. Tony is a good man, polite and kind and from what I heard when we got here, more than capable of keeping you satisfied." She turned bright red.

"Jeremy does the same for me. Now who's hungry? Steaks are coming off the grill?"

Awkward was the operative word when we sat down to eat, nobody knowing quite what to say. Slowly things thawed, and we found out that Tony owned his own company. Divorced with no kids. His ex-wife had run off with her Pilates instructor. They were all better off for it.

We slowly got comfortable with the new dynamic, Claudia finally believing that I honestly wasn't upset that she had brought Tony home and fucked him in our bed.

She even admitted that, while it was something she had never expected, she was ok with me and Jeremy.

"Trust me, I never expected it ether." I smiled at Claudia. The way Jeremy grinned at me, I thought he might have had a suspicion.

Tony and Jeremy left, leaving just me and Claudia to deal with the fallout of everything that had happened. To be honest, there wasn't much left to talk about.

I helped her change the sheets on our bed, noticing that she and Tony had been very busy.

She told me it had been like when she and I had first gotten together, raw, passionate, exciting. It was everything she had loved about us.

I admitted that being with Jeremy had been the same for me. We climbed into bed and cuddled for the first time in a long time.

It wasn't sexual; it was just comfortable.

The next few months were awkward. Claudia and I filed for divorce, agreeing to split everything evenly. I got my 401k; she got hers. That kind of stuff. I moved in with Jeremy, and she moved in with Tony.

We split the proceeds from selling our house and most of the stuff in it. The last of Jeff's clothes went to The Salvation Army. I started taking hormones and got boobs a little bigger than the forms Claudia had bought me. Jeremy liked that and with his and Claudia's blessing, Jasmine Adams became official.

The most surprising thing for me was when Claudia quit her job. She put her talents to helping Tony with his business. It didn't surprise me when it exploded.

Facial feminization surgery and getting my Adam's apple shaved helped me get closer to where I wanted to be.

Except for me losing the ability to fuck Jeremy, everything was fine. I had learned to suck his cock like a pro and still loved it when he pounded my ass. Jeremy loved my boobs, but he missed me fucking him. The strap on we bought just wasn't the same, but he tolerated it. There was just something about your partner coming inside you that made it special. I knew all about it.

The four of us became regulars at Rangers on Friday nights, switching partners on the dance floor with Claudia and me dancing a few times. For the hell of it, Tony and Jeremy even danced once. The crowd made a big circle around them, hooting and hollering as Tony spun Jeremy around like a top and taking him into a serious dip as the song ended.

Claudia and Tony had a destination wedding, and I got to be her maid of honor. We hung out on the beach all day, where I worked on a distinct set of tan lines. Jeremy and I fucked like teenagers all night. It was amazing.

Considering the surroundings and the event we had just taken part in; I could sense what Jeremy was planning to do.

"Jeremy." I rolled close to him as we lay on the beach under the stars. "We need to talk about something."

"I was just going to say the same thing." He grinned at me.

"No listen. I'm serious. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I want to schedule my last surgery." I knew it would be a step too far for him.

The surgery would take away the last vestige of what had made Jazz so special to him. He didn't like that it didn't work anymore, but he could handle it if it was still there. He could fondle me and suck on my flaccid little cock, even milking small amounts of clear liquid from me by massaging my prostate at the same time, but for it to be gone.

"Oh." He took a deep breath. "I was going to..."

"I know." I interrupted. "And I would have said yes. That's why I wanted to talk first. But that wouldn't have been fair to either of us. I'm sorry Jeremy. You are and always will be my best friend. I love you. I just don't think I can be what you want me to be any longer. I have to be Jazz all the way."

We laid next to each other for a while. I was afraid to say anything else. I knew Jeremy was working through what had just happened in his mind. He seemed to relax a little, almost as if her were relieved.

"Ok." He let out a sigh. "I understand, and I agree it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Best friends..." He got up and offered me his hand. "... with benefits?"

"Absolutely with benefits. Why don't' we go back to our room and discuss that?"

We talked long and hard into the wee hours of the morning, enjoying the nuances of our discussion immensely until neither of us had anything left to say. We were a slimy, disgusting, completely sated mess, covered in sweat and cum and spit, glowing in that special afterglow of two people that knew each other as only we knew each other could.

Claudia's old room became mine until I found my own place, a nice apartment in downtown not far from my office.

I got promoted to lead developer/architect and found I had a knack for the added responsibility.

A guy named Ben that I had started with when I joined the company was my counterpart. He knew all about me and we got along probably too well to be working this close together.

It had been a casual, "let's grab a drink after work" kind of thing that had evolved into dinner and then a walk along the river.

We ended up at his apartment where, after a passionate round of kissing and making out, I showed him everything Jeremy had taught me about sucking a cock.

Ben surprised me by returning the favor, lavishing my new pussy with his tongue and driving me to an incredible orgasm before taking me for the first time and driving me to another orgasm with his re-surging cock.

"I've never... as a woman, I mean." I whispered into his ear as we nestled close, enjoying the closeness of each other's body.

"I was your first?" Ben turned to kissed me. I nodded and met his lips with mine. Slowly moving down his body, I kissed and nibbed my way across his chest, biting and pinching his nipples, ultimately finding my way to his flaccid cock. It didn't take much encouragement to get him hard again. This time I climbed on top of him and, straddling his hips, lowered myself onto his rigid shaft. Moaning, I kissed him hard and rode him harder, chasing another orgasm and relishing the feeling of a man inside my new vagina.

As much as I had enjoyed Jeremy taking my anal virginity, I liked this more, possibly because the love I felt growing for Ben was different from the love I felt for Jeremy. I loved Jeremy like a brother. What I felt for ben reminded me of what I had felt for Claudia and that made everything I was feeling more powerful. Trembling and shaking, shudders of pleasure ripping through us, Ben and I exploded together, our bodies convulsing in tandem. I collapsed on top of him as he wrapped my in his powerful arms.

I was done. I knew I was his for as long as he wanted me.

A true advantage of being trans is that I got to keep my prostate. Ben took full advantage of that the next morning when we showered together. Just as Jeremy had that first time he and I showered together, Ben turned me gently toward the wall of the shower. Understanding what he wanted, I bent my waist and spread my legs, letting him take me. He exploded inside me as I rubbed my clit fiercely, collapsing under the intensity of the climax that tore through me.

Ben really enjoyed having three holes to play with, and I loved him using all of them.

After about six weeks of me waking up in his bed on the weekends, we realized that a conflict of interest might be developing.

He talked to our boss and took a position as director of technology in another organization in the company. I started waking up in his bed every night. Life was good.

It was Claudia and Tony's second anniversary, and I was running late.

My heels clicking on the marble floor of the Four Seasons lobby as I hurried to meet my friends. I smiled at the sound, that click, click, click, I adored so much, relishing the feeling of their eyes on me as they admired the tall, leggy blonde in the dark blue dress.

Flipping my hair, I turned and winked at a guy I caught looking just a little too long. I felt alive in the knowledge I was who and what I should have always been.

Thinking back over the past few years, thinking about how it all started, that skimpy lace thong I had been sunbathing in and the fallout of Claudia finding me, I remembered something my father had told me years ago when we moved out of the only home I had ever known so they could build a new hospital complex.

"Sometimes you have to destroy something you love to build something even better." He had answered a question I hadn't even asked.

I smiled as I approached the table. All the people I loved in my life were there. I felt so full, so happy. I didn't think life could get any better than it was in that moment.

Ben pulled me into his arms and kissed me when I got to the table. How I loved being wrapped in his arms. Jeremy smiled at me nodding his head in approval as I sat down next to Ben.

"Let me see. Let me see." Claudia was more excited than me. I showed her the ring Ben had given me last night at dinner.

Jeremy smiled again and winked. I had called him first, telling him all about Ben surprising me and that I had given him an emphatic yes.

I smiled and raised my eyebrow in response, nodding at the girl sitting next to him making a mental note that his new girlfriend could use a few pointers. I had been in her shoes not that long ago and knew of a few makeup tutorials she might benefit from watching. Of course, me taking her to lunch would give Jeremy a lot to worry about and that would be fun, too.

Tony had little Jeffrey on his lap and was so involved with the little bundle of joy, I wasn't sure he saw me arrive.

I watch Claudia take Jeffrey from Tom and smile at the joy they shared.

Ben saw me looking and took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

In the end, I guess Claudia and I got our win-win after all.

Maybe one day, I'd get to offer the wisdom my dad had given to me to my son. Ben and I had talked about adopting a boy and a girl, after all. I hoped I would be as eloquent as my dad had been.

If nothing else, I could tell my son to stay out of his wife's panty drawer if he knew what was good for him.

Well, maybe not.


Authors note:

Claudia confesses that finding Jeff in the thong was just an excuse. I'm aware she never tells him the whole truth, but by the time they have the discussion, the point is pretty much mute. We all know Jeff is going to choose Jazz. Claudia is stressed by her job and tired of driving her relationship with Jeff, too. Just like she wanted Jeff to physically come get her and bring her home, she wanted him to step up and be more of a leader in their relationship. More of a man, if you will. Since you've read the story, you know that wasn't going to happen. Of course, she finds that with Tony and Jazz finds Ben to take care of her. Jeremy, well, it looks like he found what he wanted, too.

Just another happy ending.

Thanks for reading my story. Again, please leave me a comment letting me know what you think of my little tale.

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FigjamkissFigjamkissabout 2 months ago

I think your story is very good! The plot, the dialogue, Jeff/Jazz's internal voice, the characters all make for a great romantic tale. I agree it is not a realistic picture of the real life that I know, but it is very human. Fine job.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Too idealistic; everything morphs too quickly, too easily. For a "feminine" fantasy, it's o.k., but leaves me unsettled.

As far as realism, just doesn't work. Biggest glaring inconsistency - it takes a man 30+ years to suddenly realize he's a woman? Stretches credulity beyond the breaking point. Realization of sexual identity occurs far sooner; usually by puberty if not earlier. Definitely not after early twenties.

In my case, preliminary recognition occurred when I was 4 years old, with the overwhelming, electric thrill of owning my first pair of thonged plastic 3" heeled mules (1st pair patent 4" stilettos at 8 yrs old followed shortly with slips, panties & full-fashioned seamed stockings at 9; custom 6" stiletto heeled patent skyscrapers, fully cross-dressed in public at 10 yrs old); full blown realization by the time I was 11, even though I didn't have a clue what it was called or meant.

huggybarebodyhuggybarebody3 months ago

Yet another talented bit of writing. I am so engrossed in the story i feel like i am there with them all living it myself. That is the kind of believeable writing talent you so kindly share with us all. Thank you.

BrendaNWBrendaNW7 months ago

Beautiful story .. my feelings were up and down following the losses and then finally happiness 🤗 😘

StrappySandalsStrappySandals8 months ago

As always, A good read... But in this case I felt like Jeff's transition was awful quick! And I thought Claudia's response was inconsistent. From anger and unaccepting to buying him bras and breast forms in a matter of days. Seems illogical. But, well written and hard not to like your characters.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

OMG; loved it!

JackiemichelleJackiemichelleabout 1 year ago

Great story. To find yourself and become who you truly are and be accepted,is the perfect ending. One day it will happen with everyone

CybrOtakuCybrOtakualmost 2 years ago

Another excellent story!!! Soo glad I was finally recommended one of your works earlier this week. I can't help but wish I had come across you sooner. You're a fantastic writer ( it doesn't hurt that I'm a hopeless romantic with a huge love of happy endings lol). Can't wait to read more. -Tysvm 😘

SuddenlyMaddieSuddenlyMaddiealmost 2 years ago

I love the hope that threads through your stories and motivates your characters. It displays a sunny outlook on life. Thanks for sharing.

Kathryn65Kathryn65almost 2 years ago

Loved every word you have written and the way your characters weave together is such a joy to read . Thank you for sharing your craft with us all. You know I’m gonna have to read all of your other stories now 💋

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