The Coffee Shop Pt. 02


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A few heartbeats later, Bert nodded his head and continued to struggle to keep his eyes open. "Deep Sleep!" I whispered forcefully in his ear as I put my right hand on his forehead and pushed his head down to his chest. The combination was too much. Bert's eyes closed and his body sagged slightly as his head wilted and dropped to his chest. I did not have to apply much force. His arms dangled by his sides loose and limp. "Drifting even deeper now, Bert, with each word that I utter and with each breath that you take. Still able to stand easily and comfortably no matter how deep you go, Bert." Bert's body continued to become more relaxed as he started to sway just a bit. "Just letting go completely and drifting deeper and deeper. How do you feel, Bert?" I asked him.

"Warm. Relaxed. Comfortable. Really good," he muttered.

"I bet you never thought hypnosis would feel this good, did you Bert?" I asked.

"Hypnosis? This? Didn't know it was like this. Nice, " Bert replied sounding slightly confused and a bit doubtful.

"Do you want me to take you even deeper?" I asked him.

"Would you? Want to. Yes." He replied softly.

It was a simple matter to count Bert even deeper and to suggest to him that when I finished the count he would be able to tell me whatever it was that he most wanted to say or to do. He was safe and comfortable. I expected something along the lines of wanting to obey me or to let me take control, since that was the usual result of such a deep trance. I waited for Bert to speak.

"Want you to know that I'm faking this. It's not real. Just humoring you. I never went under," Bert said calmly and smiled to himself. Now this was a surprise. Bert didn't think he was under even now. It looked like I was going to have to prove it to him.

"Bert," I said to him without a hint of anger in my voice. "You are hypnotized, even if you don't acknowledge it to yourself. Furthermore, in this state you cannot refuse any suggestion I give you, because it feels very good when you carry out my suggestions. When I wake you up, you will open your fly and not realize it. You will have no knowledge that you fly is open. You will also not remember how to work a fly. The only way you can close your fly is to ask me to tell you. Further more the next time you put your hands in the front pockets of your pants your hands will remain stuck there until I hypnotize you again or tell you that you can remove your hands from your pockets. Finally, Bert, you will return to this wonderful state of hypnosis each and every time you hear me say, 'cherries are blue'. Understood?"

"Yes," he replied softy. "But it will not work." Bert smiled that self confident smile to himself and just stood there with his head bowed. I counted him out.

"How do you feel, Bert?" I asked him.

"Pretty good. But all that stuff you told me when I was hypnotized? That was bunk. It's not going to happen, you know," he said as he grinned at me. He looked around the balcony and noticed that we were not alone. There were a few other men off in the far corner talking and smoking. Bert looked at the cluster of men as his hands moved to the front of his pants. He was turned away from me, but I am pretty sure I hear the sound of a zipper. He raised his arms above his head in a big stretch as he turned back to speak to me. I glanced down at the front of his pants, and noticed that his underwear was white. Yup, his fly was open all right and spread out just a bit too.

I looked at him. "Oh?" I said. "Too bad. Still it's nice to know you have clean white underwear on, Bert."

"What are you talking about?" He asked me as he slipped his hands into his front pants pockets, standing there looking cocky.

"Look down, Bert," I said to him. His expression changed to one of surprise as he saw the white of his boxers standing out clearly against the black fabric of his tuxedo pants. He tried to move his hands towards his fly, and was shocked when he discovered that he couldn't take them out of his pockets.

"What the heck? I don't understand? What's going on? It worked?" He asked in a puzzled and frightened voice. "Yes it did, Bert," I said to him calmly. "You can take your hands out of your pockets now." I smiled at him as he yanked his hands out of his pockets and frantically moved them towards the front of his pants. It took only a few seconds for him to realize that he didn't know how to work a zipper. He looked at me in amazement for a few seconds. Then he started to be come upset.

"Please, tell me how to work a zipper, okay?" He asked softly, the worry clearly evident in his voice. "This could be really embarrassing if anyone sees me like this." A mean person would have said 'no', and a petty person would have insisted that Bert admit he was under first. I was neither.

"Cherries are blue," I softly said to him. Bert's eyes closed instantly and his head nodded forward as he reentered his trance. "You now know all about zippers. You will not open your zipper again when you wake up this time, Bert. That earlier suggestion was a one time suggestion and does not remain in effect any longer. The same is true for the suggestion regarding your hands being stuck in your pants pockets." I counted him out. Bert's eyes popped open instantly as his head came up and he looked at me. He quickly reached down and closed his fly.

" Bye," he said and walked away from me very quickly, returning to the awards dinner room. He reminded me of a frightened rabbit running from a fox, and bolting down a nearby hole.

I sighed. Maybe I'd pushed him too far and too fast. One thing for certain, though, I'd scared him. It didn't look like I'd be seeing him again tonight, or even anytime soon. A few minutes later I went back to the awards dinner as well. I received a lot of 'thank you's' for the show I'd put on. There were even suggestions made that I should do it more often. I accepted the warm thanks and tried to make it through the evening without thinking of Bert. Phil was there, but I wasn't really in the mood for him. The rest of the dinner was quiet and uneventful which was just as well. I really wasn't in the party mood anymore. I saw Bert a few times during the remainder of the evening, but he always turned away from me when he saw me looking in his direction.

I got back to my apartment at around 11:00 PM. The awards dinner had broken up early this year (or so I was told). I had only just arrived and taken off my coat when my doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting company of any type so I looked through the peephole carefully. It was Bert! Still dressed in his tuxedo, with his tie undone and looking a bit nervous. Curiosity (and delight) got the better of me. I opened the door.

"This is a surprise!" I said with excitement. "Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee or something Bert?" I offered.

"No thanks," he said. He shuffled his feet and looked around nervously. "I'd just like to talk with you about tonight if that's okay. But you have to promise me not to do ANYTHING. No more funny stuff or putting me back under. Okay?"

"I couldn't do that unless you agreed to it, Bert, and I won't even try to put you back under until you do agree to it," I told him calmly. "Come on in to the dinning room. I was just able to make myself a cup of tea. It won't take long."

I settled him in, and put the water on to boil. "Now what is all this about, anyway? I can guess that you are a bit upset with what happened a the awards dinner. I am sorry if I took things too far but you did want proof." (I was amazed at my self control. Bert was just as good looking and desirable as before. More so now, with his tie undone and the first couple of buttons on his shirt open. He did have a wonderful chest, at least the little bit of it that I could see.)

"Well, that's part of it, I guess," he looked at me cautiously. "I guess I'm not upset about you hypnotizing me. You did prove to me that you could do it. I'm just kind of scared that I went under so easily. I've never gone down that deeply or that quickly before. It was scary and at the same time I enjoyed it too. Until now I've been told I'm a poor hypnosis subject, but you didn't seem to have any trouble with me at all. I'm not sure exactly what happened or why I agreed with the suggestions you gave me. I was sort of hoping you could explain it to me." He looked at me with those fiery smoldering brown eyes of his and I felt myself melting. My arms ached to hold this man. It was hard for me to stay focused on what he was asking me.

"Each person is different Bert," I said to him. "I just used an approach that was particularly effective with you. I can't tell you all my secrets." I smiled at him.

"No that's not what I mean,' he said worriedly. "It's not THAT you hypnotized me that has me worried. It's how I felt while I was hypnotized. I didn't have a care or a worry in the world. Anything you said to me seemed to make sense and to be the right thing to do. If you'd told me to walk back into the awards dinner and drop my pants in front of the entire room, I'd have done it. Willingly. And I wouldn't have cared even though I knew I was doing it. Afterwards I'd have died of embarrassment, though. I don't understand this. It just does not make any sense." Bert was really starting to become scared about this. I could see the worry on his face. But there was something he was hiding. Something that he wasn't telling me, and it was part of all this.

"I understand that you feel confused about this," I began hesitantly. "I am not a psychologist, but I would guess that when you are hypnotized the submissive part of your personality comes to the front of your mind, and you just like to let go. That's probably all it is." I said soothingly.

"No, it's more than that,' he disagreed with me. "Other hypnotists have never been able to take me as deep as you did. I certainly never felt that way with them. It's something more."

"Bert," I said. "A big part of hypnosis is trust. If you are willing to do those things as I said them to you, you must trust me a lot, for some reason."

"But that's the point!" He exclaimed. "I don't trust you. Not THAT much. Somehow you took control of me. I don't know how, but you did. It scares me. I came here tonight to ask to beg undo whatever it is that you did. I know that I can't break whatever hold it is that you have on me. All I can do is to beg you to let me go!" Upset does not begin to describe the state that Bert was in. He was nearly hysterical. It surprised me that he knew how much actual control I had over him now that I'd used my super hypnosis on him. I quickly reviewed the evenings events in my mind but I could determine where I might have slipped up.

"You need to calm down, Bert," I said to him.

"Oh, no! Not that again!, PLEASE NO! DON'T HYPNOTIZE ME AGAIN!" Bert cried out. He jumped up from the chair beside me and backed away.

"I wasn't going to do that, Bert," I said to him, remaining seated where I was. "All I was going to suggest was that you take a couple of deep breaths and try and relax. You're upset and it's hard to talk with you like this."

"Fine," he said. "But if it's all the same to you I'll just sit over here." He sat down in a chair across the table from me.

"I really don't know what more there is that I can tell you," I said to him after he'd taken a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit. "I am sorry that your first session with me was so upsetting to you. I am sorry. Maybe it would be best if you just leave now."

"But then you can still put me back under anytime you want," he complained to me.

"I can't remove the suggestion to return to hypnosis, unless I hypnotize you gain," I told him. He looked at me, like an animal trapped in a cage. I sighed. "Bert, if I'd wanted to hypnotized you again, against your will, I'd have done it already. Besides I can't put you under again unless you agree to it." He still looked scared. Something was still missing. The whole thing just did not add up. "The suggestion will fade with time, but I can't give you an accurate estimate. It could be days or it could be weeks or even months." This bit of news didn't cheer him up at all. If anything he seemed even more worried and scared.

"Bert, I'm not a mind reader," I said to him. (Add one more to the lies told counter.) "Something else about all this is troubling you. I don't know what it is, but I want you to know that you can talk to me about it. You can trust me. I know you don't believe that, though. So, I'll have to trust you first, I guess. But first how you do feel about gay men? Do you dislike them?"

"I don't dislike them or hate them, if that is what you are asking," he replied cautiously.

"Good," I said. "Because I'm gay. Very few people know that about me. I am trusting you with this information." I sat there and waited to see what he would say. "You could be lying," he said. "You could be making all this up."

"Yes, but I'm not." I answered simply. "There is nothing more I can say. Either you accept me at my word or you don't." Actually, there WAS something else I could do. I could create a link with Bert's mind and we could talk. It would be easy to do and even easier to remove all traces of the event afterward, but I didn't want to take that step. It would be too much like forcing myself on him.

"I want to believe you, and what you say," Bert said quietly. "But I just can't. It doesn't feel right."

"Well, then leave," I said to him. "There's nothing more to say."

"But you can still hypnotize me whenever you want!" He exclaimed, frustrated.

"Cherries are blue, Bert," I said to him quickly. I'd had about enough of this. Bert was cute but he just was not worth the trouble. Mind you he did look very desirable sitting there in his trance. I quickly removed the suggestion to return to hypnosis, and I brought him back out. "It's gone, Bert." I told him. "I removed the suggestion to return to hypnosis. You are 'free' as you requested."

I stood up and looked as him sitting there with a puzzled look on his face. "Now go, please," I said. "This has been a most disappointing evening for me and it would be better if you just left. Now." I saw him to the door, and repeated his trigger phrase several time to prove to him that I'd removed it. He seemed satisfied and left. I closed and locked the door behind him. Now I was really depressed, and it was 11:15 PM. I sighed and went to the kitchen. The kettle had long since shut itself off. I flipped it back on. Maybe a cup of tea would make me feel better.

About a half an hour and a cup of tea later, the doorbell ran. I was still wearing my tuxedo. It was so comfortable that I didn't want to change out of it. Besides I wasn't going to have many opportunities to wear it. I don't go out to high class affairs very often. I went to the door and peered through the peephole It was Bert Pope. "Great! What the heck does he want now?" I thought to myself. I had little fear or worry that Bert might try to hurt me. I could freeze his body with only the briefest eye contact. If necessary I could project an override command into his mind without eye contact, but it would be somewhat more of an effort. My powers had developed to the point where mental control did not require eye contact, but eye contact made it a lot easier. I opened the door. Bert was standing there in his tuxedo, and his shirt and tie were done up. His hair looked neatly combed and his face looked freshly washed. He was holding his hands behind his back. I didn't have any real concerns about that though, as I explained earlier.

"Hi, Paul," he said nervously. "Might I come inside for a bit?"

"Why?" I asked him. "I thought we did not have anything more to talk about. You can't bring yourself to trust me, so what point is there in talking?"

"Well, I've been thinking about what you said. I've come to some decisions and I want to talk to you about them, because they involve you."

"I suppose it would be okay," I said reluctantly. "Come on it." Bert walked in and carefully kept his back away from me as he slipped past me. I closed and locked the door, keeping one eye on Bert the entire time. I tuned back and looked at him. God he was good looking! I definitely wanted to spend some 'quality time' with him, but the price was just too high. How can you have a relationship or even a friendship without any trust? I sighed softly to myself. I looked up at him and saw he was grinning from ear to ear.

"What's so funny?" I asked him sounding peeved. Well, I was peeved. It seemed to me that Bert was starting to play games and I didn't need that after the evening I'd had.

"Nothing," he said quietly. "I'm just so happy to see you again. You're one good looking hunk of a man, you know."

"Pardon me?" I asked befuddled.

"Well you are," he said simply. "And I would like to ask you to go out on a date with me." Bert brought his hands out from behind his back and presented me with a dozen long stemmed red roses! Where or how he managed to get hold of roses at this time of night I have no idea. Seeing the stunned look on my face as I held the beautiful bouquet in my hands, Bert held his hands behind his back and stood tall and proud as he spoke to me. "Paul, I am very sorry for all the difficulties I caused you tonight. It's hard for me to come out and admit to anyone, even other gay men, that I am gay. I'm so afraid of being found out and what it might do to my life and career. I was afraid of you and what you could do with me, after you'd hypnotized me several times. I am impressed that you removed the suggestion and set me free. You are a man of character, and integrity, and I would like to get to know you better."

"Ah...let me put these in some water and we can talk about this," I stammered. "I'll meet you in the living room."

"I can't wait, " Bert said and smiled at me. He walked gracefully into the living room and sat down on the sofa. My eyes watched his every move. I enjoyed it a lot. It was with some difficulty that I attended to the bouquet of roses. Once I had them safely in a vase on the dinning room table, I walked into the living room and sat down on the soft near Bert.

"So what now, Bert?" I asked him.

"Well, since it's too late to really go anywhere we could sit here and talk for a while," Bert looked at me hopefully.

"People don't just change their minds like this, Bert," I said to him coolly. "Something else has brought you to these decisions, and I'd like to know the whole story, from the beginning."

"I didn't think it was going to be that easy," Bert sighed. "I guess I do owe you that much. Well, it all started when I saw you giving your show tonight. You had some really good looking guys up there and I was impressed at how careful you were to keep everything and everyone under control. That was when I started thinking about what it might be like having you hypnotize me. I didn't think the show was real which is why I talked with you about it afterwords." Bert stopped and looked at me.

"And after I'd hypnotized you, and you took off like a scared rabbit?" I prompted him.

"To begin with, I didn't really think you'd be able to hypnotize me," he replied. "When you did, I got very excited, sexually. I was afraid that you'd notice that, especially after you had me open my fly. I wasn't sure how you'd react and so I left as quickly as I could. Later I thought about what had happened and finally realized that it was being hypnotized by you that was turning me on. I just couldn't stop thinking about how good I felt like that, so I decided to look you up and try and find out more about this."

Bert took several deep breaths and then continued. "Later here at your apartment, things were going very well, except that I was uncertain what would happen when you found out I was gay. I wasn't sure if I even wanted you to know that. You seemed to have so much control over me that it was frightening. I wanted to trust you but it doesn't come easy to me. When you removed the suggestion to return to hypnosis and sent me on my way, it impressed me. I came to realize that you meant what you said. When I left here, I went to a nearby coffee shop, to think about things for a while. That's when I came to realize that there was the possibility of something wonderful happening here, and that I'd be a fool not to try and find out for sure."