The Collaring


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"Slut," he began after several minutes of petting, "I have so many plans for you. Plans that will please us both. But I should ask you a few questions, first."

"Yes, sir?"

"Do you have limits regarding your sexual play?"

"None that I've encountered thus far, sir."

"Mmmm," he mused and scratched my ear. "For everyone's comfort, we should devise a means that allows you to say 'no' without saying 'no'. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, sir."

"We need a safe word for you to use when you're feeling uncomfortable. A word that you would not normally use but can remember in the heat of the moment."

"Yes, sir," I replied, nodding my head. I had heard of safe words but had never been in a situation where one might be needed. All of my former sex partners were vanilla compared to him.

"You may suggest one, Slut."

I thought about it. What word would never come-up while being fucked? I supposed that that was actually a long list. Finally, I suggested 'Mozart'.

"Yes," he replied, "that does sound usable. Mozart it is." A silence fell, one that I wanted to break due to the multitude of questions bouncing through my head. He broke the silence for me. "How does grilled salmon sound for dinner?"

The question was so ordinary, it shocked me. "Fine?' I said, then quickly remembered to add, "sir."

He patted my head. "There's a dog bed in the kitchen. Go to it and wait for me."

"Yes, sir."

From my perspective on the floor, he moved effortlessly around the kitchen. Sometimes humming a tune that held a distant memory for me. The aroma of the food reminded me that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast that morning. My stomach made rude noises.

"My slut is hungry?" he chided me.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir."

"No need to apologize for normal body functions, slut." He slid one salmon filet on a plate and added a spoon of rice pilaf and a helping of green beans. Then I watched him slide the other into a dog dish. He ground it with a fork. He added the rice. Then he chopped the beans into small pieces before adding them, as well. All of that, he set before me on the floor and waited.

I looked up at him and the word 'Mozart' nearly formed in my mouth. But how could I? "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, slut," was his simple response as he sat down at the table and I began to eat from the dish, like an animal, like a dog, like his pet.

It was a struggle at first, eating from a bowl with no hands, but I soon got the hang of it. He brought me some water, also in a bowl and I lapped at it, wishing it were a Chardonnay. Several times I looked up at him. I know he could tell that I was struggling with the whole idea. But then he'd smile and I would smile and my insides would tremble.

Just as he was finishing his dinner, his phone buzzed. He checked it and said, "I have to take this call. Clean the kitchen," he directed me. Then in a lower tone, he added, "spotlessly."

"Yes, sir," I replied. I was just thankful that I could stand and stretch.

As he walked away I picked up the dishes on the table and my bowls and placed them in the sink. With the table clear, I turned to the sink and realized - there was no dishwasher. I was going to have to wash and dry every dish by hand. He wanted it spotless, so that meant no dishes left out. I took a deep breath and began.

I felt his presence before I heard him. He was watching me. I grinned softly. There was something very erotic about being the object of desire. In some odd way, I had control at the same time, I had none.

I was drying the last dish, the frying pan he used, when I felt his hands on my waist, firm and warm. I felt his body lean in toward mine and his lips graze the nape of my neck. I tingled all over.

I stopped drying the pan and felt a quick and hard smack on my bare ass. I immediately resumed my duties and his kisses resumed on my neck. When the pan was dry, I had to place it in the cabinet. To reach it, I stood on my tip-toes. When I came back down, I felt his rigid cock slide along my ass crack. At the same time, the vibrator in my pussy started a low pulsing.

Both of his hands ran through my hair as his cock slid up and down and his body pressed mine against the cabinets. Then, one hand moved around to cup a breast. He pinched a nipple between his fingers, then rolled it, then pulled it.

"Oh my god," I moaned.

His response was to move his other hand to my mouth and clamp tightly over it. His motions on my ass became faster. I wanted him inside me but I knew that wasn't going to happen, not with the vibe there.

With no warning, he stopped, spun me around, and forced me to the my knees. "Lick and suck my balls only, slut." He punctuated his command by turning the vibe up on notch.

I leaned down and twisted my head to get to his sack. I licked all over it. The hairless rippled skin felt like warm corduroy and the aroma of him was, again, intoxicating. I sucked one ball in at a time, loving it, devoted to pleasing him. I soon felt the vibe tick up one more notch and I could feel my pussy leaking.

I felt his hand beginning to stroke his cock above my head. All I wanted at that moment was his cum. I worked my tongue and lips over his sack, nearly frantic in expectation. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back. He made my look up and he directed his pulsing cock to my neck. With a grunt, he exploded all over my neck, not allowing any to rise above my chin. Again, denied what I craved, I pouted.

He slapped my face and grinned. "Only my pet gets my cum, slut." He released my hair with a yank. "Clean yourself up and go to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I was sad but I knew he was right. He was always right. I got up with his cum dripping down my neck.

"Wait," he said. He took the dishrag from the sink and wiped his cum from me. It was cold. "We can't have you getting any treats...yet."

"Yes, Sir." And then he sent me out to bathe.

After cleaning, I laid in bed and thought through what I had done and what I was willing to do. I could leave now and that would be that. It would have been just a fun Sunday. But there was something about this man. And, unlike all the others, this man wanted me...all of me. I could go day-to-day. He made it clear that I wasn't a prisoner. I suppose it was the competitive side of me that eventually won out - I would become his Pet!

The next morning I was awakened by a knock on my bedroom door. I rose to answer it and found Him standing there, fully dressed in a suit and tie. His expression was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. "Wash and be in the kitchen in twenty minutes, slut."

"Yes, sir." I washed with urgency, seeing as the process could easily take thirty or even forty-five minutes. I was on my bed in the kitchen in eighteen minutes.

He proceeded to fill my dish with eggs and bacon which I relished in eating. When I was done, he told me to clean the kitchen then to go toilet and bathe again and be by his chair 8:15. It was 7:40.

By 8:12, I was kneeling by his chair like I was the night before. He stroked my head. "There will be a meeting this morning at 9:00 with my legal counsel. We will be signing our agreement. If all goes well, I have a surprise for you."

I smiled and snuggled up to his hand. "Thank you, Sir." I remained by him for the next thirty minutes as he read a book and occasionally scratched behind my ear.

At 8:45, He stood. "It is time, slut. Follow me."

I obeyed as he led me down the hallway opposite from the hallway of our rooms and bath. This one also had three doors. The one to the right looked very substantial. The one directly in front, directly opposite his room, was closed with a heavy wooden door which was hung on iron hinges. The handle was an iron ring.

He opened the door to the left and stepped in. I followed him in and was taken aback by the darkness save for one lamp on a desk to the right. "Go to the desk," he directed me and I obeyed. As I got closer, I saw a figure standing at the right. The figure, a man I soon realized, pointed to the chair behind the desk and I sat. I looked across the room and saw Him sitting in a large chair. One light illuminated him and he was watching us with interest.

"Miss Sanders, my name is Mr. Taylor and I represent Mr. Warren's interests." I watched him speaking and the words all tumbled around in my head. The man before me was Alonzo Taylor, the school's star alum; the only student to ever graduate Valedictorian and start for the football team. After five years in the NFL, he pursued and received his law degree from Yale and became the school's chief legal counsel. As I began to process that, then came the name of my....what do I call Him? - my Master?

Gregory Warren was a well-known tech entrepreneur and two buildings on campus are named for him. So many questions began to shoot through my mind. But that wasn't all.

He knew my name. They both did, even though I only told Him my first name. How? There were so many questions.

"I can see that you are a bit overwhelmed," his resonate baritone voice was reassuring. "Feel free to ask me anything you like. The process here is both lengthy and legal and neither myself nor Mr. Warren want you to indenture yourself without knowing what you are doing."

And so, my first question. "Indenture myself?"

"Yes, Miss Sanders. The documents that we will be signing today create and relationship of indentured servitude between yourself and Mr. Warren."

I let the simplicity of the answer go by in favor of my next one. "And how do you know my name?"

For that question, Mr. Taylor looked across the dark room. Mr. Warren spoke, "We've had our eyes on you for some time now, slut." His voice was unemotional. "It was pure serendipity that you walked into my shop yesterday."

"So I am to be your slave?" Oddly enough, the question was not as repulsive to me as it might have been two days ago.

Mr. Taylor took up that answer. "Servant, Miss Sanders. A slave typically has no rights. You, however, do and will." His thick finger directed my eyes down to the stack of papers on the desk. "This top page is a summary of your rights."

I read them, point by point. I had the right to leave at any time. I had the right to privacy for my personal needs. I had the right to seek outside counsel: medical, personal, or legal. I had the right to refuse any direction given me if I thought it would result in irreversible bodily harm, the definition itself was up to me.

Below the rights was a list of Incentives. If I agreed to this arrangement I would receive $5,000 a month deposited into a secure account that I alone could access. I would receive free room and board at any residence of Mr. Warren's at any time. Upon either Mr. Warren's death or Mr. Warren's dismissal, I would receive an lump sum of $10 million dollars. If I left of my own accord, all of the incentives would disappear.

"So," I mused aloud, "I'm a very expensive whore."

The room fell silent. It was nearly a minute before Mr. Warren spoke from his chair. "You will be a highly valued companion who will be sexually and financially satisfied for as long as you care to be. "I'm no pimp, Miss Sanders, unless you desire it."

I heard a muffled sound from the darkness that sounded like a cat's soft meow. "What about my degree, my profession, my future?"

Mr. Taylor spoke, "You will continue classes and finish your degree through the school's continuing ed and distance learning applications."

I looked across the darkness to Him, then up to Mr. Taylor. "Where do I sign?" There were so many pages to sign and initial, I lost track. It must have been at least five minutes before I put down the pen with a sigh.

"Very, good, Miss Sanders." He collected the documents as he spoke. "Mr. Warren said that you were a good girl. I can see that now."

I looked up from the desk and my eyes began to adjust to the darkness. Again there was that sound as if a cat mewed. I searched in the dim light for the source. There was something, or someone, there, near the center of the room but off to one side. I tilted my head and focused.

"I see that you've discovered my pet," Mr. Taylor said. "Her name is Aisha." There was the sound of a switch being flipped and a light came one illuminating the center of the room.

A large round mat took up the space. It looked to be covered in a soft pile carpet of some sort. But that was not the most interesting thing in the room. What caught my eye immediately was Aisha.

She sat on a short stool. Her dark skin nearly glowed and her long black hair flowed easily over her naked shoulders. She wore a pair of tiger-patterned cat ears and a matching tail that she played with. Her lips were a shimmering pink. Her eyes were green cat-eyes. She stared back at me and made a low "meow" sound that caused my insides to tremble.

After a moment, I heard my Sir speak: "This is your surprise, slut. We know how much you like the feminine as well as the masculine. I thought Aisha would tame one side for you."

I looked at Him across the room. How could a man so powerful, so 'in control' be able to gift this to me? Why would he when he didn't have to? My feelings for him began to grow toward love.

He stepped down from his chair. 'Come," he called me, "meet Aisha."

I rose and, trembling, walked over to see this creature. I don't mean to call her that in any derogatory way. She was a creature of grace and beauty and sexual energy. I could feel her heat even before we got close. I looked at Him for direction. He only nodded toward Aisha.

Awkwardly, I began, "HI, Aisha, I'm Ellen," and I extended my hand. Aisha said nothing. She simply extended both her hands to me, palms up and bowed her head. I was at a loss as to what to do.

"That is a sign, slut, of a pet's submission. Learn it." Sir was standing right next to me. "She is telling you that she is available for what ever you desire."

"Anything?" I asked in surprise.

Sir leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Anything."

I trembled at the thought. Here was this gorgeous woman offering herself to me. I realized how deeply I wanted her and needed her. How much I needed a woman's touch. I moved my extended hand to her face and stroked her cheek. Her skin was smooth, silky, and oh so dark. My white hand stood in stark contrast. She mewed.

I lifted her chin so her eyes met mine. The cat-eye contacts gave her an alien appearance. Yet, even so, she made my body ignite in passion. I pulled her face to mine and our lips met and the room spun. She didn't kiss like the girls from school. This was passion and I fell into our kiss, soon adding my tongue to hers, my hands began to travel over her smooth, chocolate skin.

Several minutes passed and I pulled back and lay myself down, legs apart. She wasted no time. She knew what I wanted. To see her dark face looking up at me from between my milky white thighs nearly made me orgasm right then. But I held back.

Her tongue knew exactly what to do and exactly where to do it. Men seldom do but Aisha was no man and she brought me to my first orgasm quickly. after I came down, I knew I had to taste her. I rose and pushed her back and took my place between her thighs and began to lap at her now drenched pussy. She was delicious

I flicked across her clit and lapped up inside her thick lips until I settled on rimming her opening and rubbing her clit. Every now and then, pressing my tongue in and feeling her pussy twitch. When she came, she growled.

It was soon after that I noticed that both Sir and Mr. Taylor were naked and laying beside us. Sir I had seen; Mr. Taylor was a shock.

His cock had to have been ten inches and thick. It was a glorious sight. His skin was a black as Aisha's and I had trouble keeping my eyes off of him as he slowly stroked it. Sir spoke: "Mr. Taylor asked to fuck you, slut. I agreed on the condition that I fuck Aisha. He agreed and so, here we are."

After that brief explanation, Mr. Taylor shuffled over to me and kissed me. His full lips nearly engulfing my mouth. My hand went to his cock and I trembled again at feeling it - massive, powerful, a perfect phallic symbol of its owner. I barely got my hand around it before his hand grabbed the back of my head. "Your mouth, not your hand," he growled.

I shifted myself around to take his black shaft into my mouth and struggled, at first, to do so. But I soon adjusted to it and sucked and licked and gobbled up to four inches. He filled my mouth and stretched my jaw.

I pulled off and licked down the length. I licked around and over his sack, heavy and full of the cum I craved. I wondered where he would deposit it. He just moaned.

And so did Sir. I ventured a glance to see Aisha working his cock in her mouth. She could easily deepthroat Sir. I could not with Mr. Taylor. I licked back up, tracing the veins of his massive member to the dark helmet, now oozing that sweet pre-cum.

I went down on him again and tried harder to take more, barely taking five inches. He moaned again. I began to bob up and down, letting him fuck my face. He finally pulled me off by the hair and directed me around to all fours. I felt his large heavy hand come down on my ass with a spank that echoed in the room.

"Careful with the merchandise, Alonzo," Sir said.

Alonzo laughed, "I haven't broken a slut yet, Greg."

His hand came down again and I stifled a cry. At the same time, I felt my pussy quiver. Who knew I liked pain that much? I felt his hands adjust my hips. Then I felt the head as he rubbed it slowly up and down my slit, getting it wet. I bit my lip and waited.

It didn't take long before that head stopped at my opening. His hands gripped my slender hips. And he pushed his way in, spreading me to the limits and sinking deep into my pussy. "Ohhhhfffuuuuck..." I moaned as I felt my insides surround his cock.

He began with short thrusts that soon turned into long ones. From the head to the base, I was taking all ten inches, being totally filled. The strokes sped up and I managed a glance to see Aisha riding Sir like a mad animal.

Alonzo pressed his thumb against my ass and I moaned. He pressed again and it slid in and the sensation drove me wild. I started fucking back at him. Both of us matching a rhythm of unbridled passion. Every so often, his hand would come down on my ass and I would let out a yelp and a moan.

I felt his hands tighten around my waist and his strokes became longer and deliberate. He was close. So was I. "Yessssss," I moaned, "unload in meeeee."

He muttered something I couldn't understand and sped up until he paused.

One last stroke in and he held....and exploded inside me and the feeling of his throbbing cock pushed me over and I climaxed with him. My pussy clenched his cock, milking it of the seed I needed. We soon collapsed on the mat next to a spent Aisha and Sir, a pile of happy, satisfied bodies.

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NavycobNavycob26 days ago

Very nice! Things happened fast. But your description was amazing. I like how your brought her feelings out.

CliffsnriversCliffsnrivers5 months ago

Ginger, fantastic detail - the collar is an incredible symbol - the scenes were well written but left me hungry for more

My life is wonderful - but very very vanilla - this allowed me to dream “what if” - like the others - I think it deserves a sequel.

rjr_1954rjr_19547 months ago

I'm speechless, an awesome story, incrediblely hot, please write a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What an awesome story! Very Hot!

gingerEllenPgingerEllenP9 months agoAuthor

OOoo....I love the 'disturbing' idea :)

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Unusual, perhaps even slightly disturbing, but incredibly hot.

gingerEllenPgingerEllenP9 months agoAuthor

NEthingGoze: I'm sorry for your loss and happy that this "silly little tale" brought you comfort - peace :)

NEthingGozeNEthingGoze9 months ago

Thank you. I'm not sure why this reminds me of my dear departed slave, but it surely did. She was my treasure for thirteen years and I miss her deeply every day. This story brought her to life for me for a few minutes. Again, thank you. I would love to read more about Ellen's journey.

StrappySandalsStrappySandals9 months ago

Weird for sure, but also provocative, and surprisingly stimulating. And absolutely well written. 5- Stars for this odd tale,and i'm gonna see what else you've got in your library GingerEllenP.

jleetechiejleetechie9 months ago

Rather silly little tale, but well written.

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