The Confessor Pt. 02


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Then Nadine looked at Samuel, "What do you think, Samuel?" she asked jovially as one of her hands drifted down between Delilah's legs. "Where do you want me to fuck her? Any preferences?"

Samuel found himself gripping the six-pack as anxiety overtook him. Was it going to happen again? Was he going to have to watch Nadine take his wife for herself like she did during the wedding consultation? He stared back at Nadine, wondering why the Goddess was doing this to him, when her smile slowly started to fall from her face.

"Samuel," she said, sounding confused, "why are you looking at me like that? You've had that look on your face ever since I got here."

She turned to Delilah, "What's up with him? Why is he acting so weird?"

Delilah, who had been looking down at the ground all this time, turned to Nadine and gave her a sheepish look.

"Delilah," Nadine said reproachfully, "you told him, right?"

Delilah gave Nadine an apologetic look. "I'm sorry," she said in a small voice.

"Oh, by the Goddess! Delilah, you had two weeks!" Nadine said, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"I know, I know," said Delilah sounding slightly distressed. "I tried, but I just didn't know how to say it right."

Say what? Samuel found himself thinking but not saying. His mouth didn't appear to want to cooperate with him at the moment.

"Okay, okay, shh," Nadine said soothingly as she gave Delilah several small kisses on her lips. "I'm sorry, it's okay. It's probably better if we all talk about it together anyway. Come on, let's sit down."

Nadine led Delilah over to the couch.

"Come on, Samuel," she said when she noticed that he was still standing. "You should sit, too. This is probably going to be a bit of a shock."

Samuel moved woodenly as he sat in his chair, feeling a mixture of anticipation and dread at the thought of finally having his questions answered; questions that he was still afraid to have answered.

The two of them sat very close to one another on the couch. Nadine encircled her arm around Delilah's waist while she held her hand, the hand wearing the black ring, in what appeared to be a gesture of support. Delilah sat with both her hands in her lap as she leaned into Nadine, her lips pursed in what looked like worry as she sent furtive glances in his direction.

"It'll probably be easier if I just say it straight out," Nadine said as she looked him in the eye. "Samuel, Delilah and I are in love; we want to be together."

Samuel swallowed hard.

The two of them looked at him silently, their eyes searching his face as if trying to gauge his reaction; but he quickly turned his gaze towards the six-pack in his lap, unable to look at either of them anymore. He felt like all the blood had suddenly drained out of his body, and when he spoke it was an effort to keep his voice from shaking.

"Are-are you..." he swallowed hard again, against the lump in his throat. "Are you annulling our marriage?" he asked as he felt a pit forming in his stomach.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw them both shoot each other a quick look before speaking at the same time.

"No, no, no, Samuel, that's not what I'm saying," Nadine said hastily.

"No, Samuel, of course not!" Delilah exclaimed, sounding horrified at the thought.

Samuel turned back to them and saw Nadine rubbing the bridge of her nose with a frown on her face.

"By the Goddess, why am I so bad at this?" she sighed. "Okay, let me just explain everything from the beginning, that should clear things up."

She collected her thoughts for a moment before she spoke again.

"Do you remember when I asked you to wait outside after the wedding consultation, Samuel?"

Reminded of the wedding consultation, Samuel found himself reflexively addressing Nadine by her title.

"Yes, my lady Confess—" but he had to stop short to dodge a couch cushion as it flew by his head.

"What did you just call me?" Nadine said in mock threat, pointing at him accusingly with the hand that had thrown the cushion.

Delilah turned her head from him appearing to do her best not to laugh.

Samuel frowned at Nadine for a moment, not sure how to respond to her sudden playfulness.

"Right... I'm sorry. I remember, Nadine."

"Good boy," she said, sounding satisfied, and continued with her explanation. "After you left I made Delilah an offer. Well, I had to calm her down a bit first, if you catch my meaning," she said with a wink as she kissed Delilah on the forehead affectionately.

Samuel winced internally at this but said nothing.

"You see," she said as she began rubbing Delilah's hand affectionately, "I was so impressed by her devotion to the Goddess that I asked her if she would be interested in extending the Benediction."

"Extend the Benediction?" Samuel repeated as he sent a questioning look in Delilah's direction, but she was staring fixedly at the floor, apparently content to let Nadine do the talking for her.

"Well, 'extend' might be a bad way of putting it; I was actually inviting her to perform a ritual that serves as an adjunct to the Benediction, allowing her to deepen her relationship with the Goddess."

"W-why only her?" Samuel asked.

"I'm sorry, Samuel," Nadine said sounding sincere, "but the ritual is exclusively for women. In fact, men aren't even supposed to know that it exists; I'm bending the rules of the Church just by telling you this much."

Nadine continued, "Anyway, I made her the offer, but she initially refused because it would require her to be away from you for at least a few weeks without telling you why."

Then she raised Delilah's face with her hand and kissed her softly on the lips. "But, thank the Goddess, she changed her mind at the last second."

Nadine turned back to Samuel, "I know those three weeks were difficult for you, Samuel, but they were difficult for us, too. Although I can't go into detail about the ritual, just know that it can be... taxing; it required us to maintain unbroken contact with each other, sleep being our only reprieve."

Nadine turned her gaze to the floor as she spoke.

"The first week and a half was fine for the most part; I performed the ritual with Delilah as I had been taught to, but after that...," she trailed off and then looked at him. "Samuel, as a Confessor, I'm expected to keep a certain distance between myself and those who come to me seeking the Goddess, but... I just couldn't do that with Delilah."

"Nadine," he heard Delilah whisper in sympathy, gazing at her in a way that almost broke his heart.

"I mean, I'm supposed to be the Goddess's chosen," Nadine continued, sounding like she was trying to suppress her own emotions, "but Delilah," she turned to look at his wife, "Delilah was the one who I wanted to choose me."

Delilah brought her hands up to cover her face and he could see tears glistening in her eyes.

"Oh, Nadine."

Nadine gave Delilah's thigh a squeeze before continuing, "I was struggling to focus because my feelings for Delilah were distracting me, and she looked like she was having the same problem; we each had our roles to play in the ritual, but both of us were failing to live up to them. I was starting to get really frustrated with myself for not being able to guide her properly."

Then Nadine's gaze turned upward as religious awe crept into her voice.

"But then the Goddess spoke to me, and I realized that denying what I was feeling was the same as denying Her. So, for the sake of the ritual, I decided to tell Delilah how I felt about her." Then she looked at Delilah and gazed lovingly into her eyes, "I nearly cried when she told me that she felt the same way."

Samuel frowned and looked at Delilah for confirmation, but she returned his gaze unflinchingly, nodding in agreement with Nadine's words.

"But she loves you too, Samuel," Nadine said hastily. "I can personally attest to that; it took quite a bit of effort in the beginning to get her to forget about you and focus on the ritual."

Forget about me? Samuel thought, but Nadine had already moved on.

"So I had an idea," Nadine said, her excitement from earlier returning. "Confessors can't get married for obvious reasons, but we're still allowed to have private lives outside of our duties to the Church. So I gave Delilah this," she said as she raised Delilah's right hand and showed him the black ring. "This represents my love and commitment to Delilah; not as a Confessor, but as myself, as Nadine."

Samuel had had suspicions about where the ring had come from, but it still stung to hear it stated so plainly. But the meaning of the ring was nothing compared to Nadine's next words.

"So, starting today," she said after taking a deep breath, "I'm going to be living here, with you and Delilah, as her partner. Delilah told me that you have a spare room that you never use, so I was thinking of having a few men come and—"

"Samuel?" Delilah said with a note of concern in her voice.

He wasn't looking at either of them. He was staring at the six-pack again as he tried to process what Nadine had just said to him.

She's going to live here? he thought as he felt his stomach twist into knots. In my house? I'm going to have to see her every day? I'm going to have to watch her be with Delilah every day? In my own home?

He closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth.

No, this is a dream, he thought. Just another bad dream; all I need to do is wake up. Please, Goddess, just let me wake up.

"Delilah," he heard Nadine say after a moment of silence, "would you mind letting me have a moment alone with Samuel?"

"...Okay," Delilah said hesitantly, "I'll just go make us something to eat."

"Thank you, little flower," Nadine said, and he heard them kiss before Delilah got up and began making her way to the kitchen, pausing for a moment in front of him before leaving him alone with Nadine.

After Delilah had left, Nadine rose from the couch and walked over to him, coming to a halt in front of his chair. Abandoning his desperate hope for this all to be a dream, Samuel opened his eyes and, when he looked up at her, his heart skipped a beat.

Nadine was staring down at him with a look that he could only describe as compassion on her face. She gently took the six-pack out of his hands and placed it on the floor beside the chair, then she lowered herself down onto his lap, wrapping her arm around his neck as she did so.

Samuel flinched in surprise at the sudden intimate gesture, and he felt his pants tighten at the feeling of Nadine's soft behind pressing into his member as she shifted around to make herself comfortable. The pleasant weight of her body, the sweet smell of her perfume, and the feeling of her breast as she leaned into him almost made him forget his anxiety from a moment ago.

But only almost.

Nadine gazed into his eyes for a moment, her face barely inches from his own, before speaking in a conciliatory tone.

"I'm sorry, Samuel. Delilah was supposed to have told you about all this when she got back, but I guess she was just too afraid of how you would react."

Samuel turned away from her. He didn't want to be alone with Nadine, and he certainly didn't want her sitting in his lap. He even found himself growing frustrated with his own body for reacting so honestly to her touch.

"You really don't like me, do you Samuel," she asked when he broke eye contact with her. "I get it; we didn't really get off on the right foot at the wedding consultation, but it's one of my duties as a Confessor to test the faith of men who get married. I needed to know that you were capable of yielding Delilah to the Goddess."

"Is that why you sent me that recording?" Samuel asked bitterly. "To test my faith?"

Nadine was silent for a moment.

"Yes, Samuel," she said gently, "and I'm glad that you passed the test. It would have been a shame for Delilah to come home only to find that you'd been taken by the Church."

Samuel tensed and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and then flinched when Nadine suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

"Relax, Samuel," she said pleasantly. "That wasn't a threat." When it was clear that Samuel wasn't going to relax, she added, "Samuel, let's try something; while I'm in this house, just forget that I'm a Confessor. That way we can speak honestly with each other. Okay?"

She leaned away from him and then offered him a handshake, "Why don't we start over, hmm? Hi, my name is Nadine Caesar. May the Goddess bless our meeting, Samuel."

With a dubious frown on his face, Samuel hesitantly shook her hand and returned her greeting, "May the Goddess bless our meeting."

Apparently satisfied, Nadine put her arm back around him and once again he felt her soft breast spread across his chest.

"So, Samuel," she began conversationally, "what do you think about Delilah and I being together?"

Samuel hesitated before he answered, still unsure about forgetting Nadine's position as a Confessor.

"I don't like it," he said flatly.

Nadine laughed.

"Well, at least you're being honest," she said good-naturedly. "Why not, though? Didn't you see how happy she was to see me again?"

Samuel remembered the two of them passionately kissing in the doorway, how lovingly Delilah had been looking at Nadine on the couch and turned away clenching his teeth.

"Or is that the reason why?" Nadine asked a little teasingly as she tried to maintain eye contact with him. "You don't like seeing your wife that happy with someone else?"

"Of course I don't!" Samuel snapped, causing Nadine to flinch away from him in surprise.

She blinked at him a few times before a small smile spread across her face.

"That's good, Samuel," she said as she leaned back into him. "I would have been worried if you weren't at least a little jealous. But you don't have to be; Delilah still loves you, and it's not like I'm trying to change that."

Then Nadine took his hand in hers and interlocked their fingers.

"Besides, I think you and I are going to get along really well with each other," she said as she looked down at their joined hands.

"...What?" Samuel asked, resisting the urge to free his hand from hers.

"Do you love the Goddess, Samuel," she asked as she turned back to him.

"...Yes, of course," he replied hesitantly, unsure of the sudden change in topic.

"Do you believe that She guides us; that She intended for you and Delilah to meet each other in high school; that she wanted the two of you to be together as husband and wife?" she asked with her eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Yes. Yes, of course."

Samuel could feel Nadine begin to gently stroke his hand with her thumb as she held it.

"Then can you accept that the Goddess also wanted her to meet me," she asked carefully.

Samuel gritted his teeth and turned away from her without answering.

"And Samuel," she pressed on, "if the Goddess wanted both of us to meet Delilah," Nadine released his hand and gently turned his face to look at her, "then don't you think She wanted you and I to meet each other, too?"

Samuel was about to tell her just how much he doubted that, but the way she earnestly gazed into his eyes caused his retort to die in his throat, and his heart skipped a beat for the second time. No matter how much he disliked Nadine, he could not deny that she was a beautiful woman, and having such a woman gaze at him so intently was enough to give him pause. But he broke eye contact and collected himself.

"...I don't want to share my wife with you, Nadine," he said after a pause.

Nadine gave a sultry laugh.

"Don't think of it as sharing your wife, Samuel; think of it as gaining a second one." Then she began undoing the buttons of her blouse, revealing even more of her large breasts.

"W-what are you doing?" Samuel stammered as he shot a nervous glance toward the kitchen, suddenly very conscious of the fact that Nadine was sitting in his lap while Delilah was just in the other room.

Nadine briefly followed his gaze and laughed again.

"Samuel, relax. Delilah won't mind; she wants us to get along with each other," she finished undoing the buttons of her blouse and revealed her large braless breasts to him. "I mean, she and I have done plenty with each other already."

When Samuel tried and failed to hide how much Nadine's last statement bothered him, she smirked and leaned close to whisper in his ear.

"Aw, what's the matter Samuel?" she said teasingly as she pulled his hand up to cup her bare breast. "Feeling left out?"

Samuel glared at her but she just laughed in response.

"Come on Samuel, don't be like that," she said as her hand began drifting down to his crotch. "I'm just playing."

"What are you do—" he began, but was cut off when Nadine suddenly plunged her long tongue deep into his mouth.

Samuel gagged reflexively and tried to turn away, but Nadine held him firmly in place with the arm she had around his neck. He was stunned at how easily she managed to overpower him. Nadine was a large woman, but she was still a woman; he should have been able to easily free himself from her grasp, but all he managed to do was make her shift around a bit in his lap as he struggled with her.

Nadine moaned into his mouth as her tongue traveled deeper, dancing around slowly as if urging him to reciprocate. She skillfully undid his belt buckle with one hand and slid it into his underwear to stroke his fully erect member, eliciting a moan from Samuel in return. He was so frustrated by Delilah's constant refusal of him that having Nadine suddenly touch him directly sent shivers up and done his spine. It was so pleasant to him that he was momentarily lost in her touch.

Nadine broke the kiss.

"Don't fight it, Samuel." Nadine leaned over and spat onto the shaft of his member several times, then resumed stroking it until it was glistening with her saliva. "Just let me show you what I have to offer."

Then she rose up on her knees in the chair, straddling him, and before he realized it Nadine impaled herself on his member and he was completely enveloped by her.

The sudden sensation of being inside a woman's body for the first time was a shock to Samuel's senses, and he couldn't help but squirm and moan as he felt her clamp down around him tightly. Nadine returned to kissing him, more gently this time, as she began to slowly rock back and forth in his lap. But it was more than Samuel could handle, and, barely a few seconds after entering her soft body, he felt a rush of pleasure as he reached a sudden and violent climax.

Nadine stopped kissing him and leaned away with a look of surprise on her face, while Samuel moaned weakly as he continued to release his seed into her.

"So soon, Samuel?" she said with a laugh. "I barely did anything."

"I'm... I'm sorry," he said reflexively.

Nadine was silent a moment.

"Not good enough," she said. "If you're going to be my husband, you're going to have to do better than that. Come on, Samuel. Show me how much of a man you are." She leaned towards him, "Or am I going to have to take care of Delilah by myself," she added tauntingly.

Samuel felt anger as Nadine smirked at him, but at the same time, the softness of her body and a mad desire to prove himself ended up converting his hostility into an aggressive kind of lust. He grabbed her around her waist and stood up, drawing a throaty laugh from her in return. Then he turned and threw her onto the chair.

"Oh, Samuel," she cooed playfully, "so rough."

He ignored her and lifted her legs, placing her calves on his shoulders just like she had done with Delilah during the wedding consultation. Then, lining up his still erect member with the entrance to her body, he plunged himself into her forcefully.

Samuel began thrusting into Nadine as hard as he could, still attempting to mimic the way she had taken Delilah, but his movements were hesitant and uneven owing to his lack of experience as a lover. This was made worse by the intense pleasure he felt as he slid in and out of her body; even though he had just climaxed a few minutes ago, he still had trouble maintaining his pace.
