The Cunt Catch

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Bridenapping, Sorcery, Carnal Events, and Time.
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Long, Long, Long Ago in Evergreen

"PUSSY BE FREE!" shouted runners and those at the forest edge in all octaves. An assortment of men in various bright and muted clothing with multiple dialects and excited commands cheered and jeered as the scores of fresh ladies were about to be released.

The crimson sheet was dropped from Great Tree of Promise and the chase was on by large call of Great Horn. Hundreds of scantily dressed maidens in frills of white, cream, beige and lace ran as their lives depended into the large mass of thicket, brush, thorn, and leaves. The cacophony of whistles, screams, shouts, and bellows echoed the Evergreen as the Marriage Run commenced.

As laws dictated upon Third Thaw, Marriage After Births.

So many married couples from the prior year had given so slowly that it was Third Thaw that saw the Marriage Run-which was unusual, but not unknown. Caravan was worried, but not as close to danger as it had been so many worse times before. They needed better lands, safety, and options for healthcare. The older guard had fallen at a faster rate than divined, and they worried. Third Thaw Marriage Run had been blessed and full of ritual to a most desperate degree-the nail biter of who would obtain whom was of the insurmountable importance.

Many girls ran to safety they had cultivated in secret over the seasons, others gave themselves outright to breed for the their clan in Caravan, and still others gave True Chase to prove they were the most worthy in the Marriage Run. To be caught as a True Sought was royalty in Caravan and would have the most expensive and most lavish wedding upon the end.

Mer de la Mer had a plan of many years and her abilities helped where the landscape failed, but it was all different the moment she realized something greater was at work. All had come apart and options filled her mind as revelations rose to the surface of her consciousness and gifts. She ran and could sense the hired men-Obstacles, as they were called-attempt to flank her near the thicket of Snatch Arms. Snatch Arms looked like giant green labia out to capture. She saw it in her mind's eye as the Arms stretched out to almost a human proportion. She knew she had mere seconds before the grab occurred. She played it out in her head and her speed increased into a jump through the line of arms, felt the scrapes against her soft, glistened skin as she kept her arms against her body. Her eyes were closed, her body rotated ninety degrees, then landed in a roll that led her to jump up onto her feet. She continued her run as foreign Obstacles and Chasers were snatched into the thicket, their screams pitched out and muffled as a slow paralysis set.

Peripherally, she heard ragged breath, smelled the sweaty excitement, and felt the electricity of the chase. She looked around for the strange blond foreign man, but couldn't quite find him. She felt a shimmer and bolted to her left. She didn't want him to find her easily, but she knew the sooner he found her the quicker the adventure of her new life would begin. She stopped to scan by eye and touch of the winds, but she found herself in mid flank to her left by a mixed group of men-all with different motives for different girls. She saw in her mind's eye her jump. She could make the top of the tallest tree, which would be the best vantage point. Grunts, curses, and shouts of claim neared just as the large hands made a rush to grab, but her stained slippers touched their tips. She was gone high above them.

She grabbed the branch above a sturdy one and slid to a sit with a large exhale. She saw the entire forest kissed by the early sunlight, glittered like diamonds by the reflection from the dew, and she listened to the clouds whisper their secrets. She knew she could never live in any place as magical as Evergreen. She inhaled the brisk virgin air for the last romantic time. Time. It was hers and a new chapter had to begin. She closed her eyes and realized the soft line of tears down her cheeks in the middle of her mental scan. She sensed him far to her left-his vibrancy was different from the others. He had strong will of purpose and a great sense of responsibility with a very cold edge. She shivered, but knew where she had to go.

The tree house her oldest brother, Marius, had built almost a generation prior. Inside was the man that Destiny chose to take her. She rubbed her knuckles together in excitement and gave an inward squeal with her butterflies.

Long, Long, Long, Long Ago, Toth Castle in the Mountains that border Evergreen

She ran her hands over the pool of mercury and it turned blue like Caribbean water. She clapped and opened her hands wide and the pool rose and spread as water would, but it stopped where her fingertips were. She snapped her fingers and it stayed in place. She spoke the words in whisper and the girl appeared. Her red gown and long curled dark hair waved by the winds in the cavern. She turned to the young lad to her right, his eyes were wide with wonder.

"Madre, who is she?" he asked in amazement. His mother had power that confused and scared him at times, but other moments fascinated him. He was in black velvet like all other royal schoolboys and his eyes were an innocent shade of blue.

She smiled, answered with a cup of his cheeks and thick in her native accent. "Your bride. One day you will marry her and become richer than your father ever dared to dream!"

"Where is she?" he asked as he stepped closer to the wavy image and saw how she looked like girls in the nearest village, but also very different. A part of him felt like he knew her already.

"Traveling. She is what people call Thumbers. Caravan is what her clan calls itself. They are part of the forest and part of the world. Never have a true home, really. She will want to have one-like this castle."

His brows questioned before he spoke, "Does she know who I am? Where I am?"

"In time, she will learn. I will tell her in her dreams, slowly. I will make her the perfect wife for you."

Suddenly, the sound of boots in a rush toward them broke the conversation. A youthful accented voice called out,"Domina, Dominus has arrived. He is wounded and needs your medicine."

She kept her countenance stern and looked back at the image and ran her hand over it as if it were an eraser. The image disappeared and her son was mesmerized. She turned to the servant who approached them. "Juris, take Silvanus back to his nurse. I will attend my husband with no interruption whatsoever. Anyone who does will see my fury."

"Yes, Domina." Juris took the boy's hand and went opposite her direction. He looked down at the young lad and spoke with reassurance. "Nothing bad. Just a scratch. He misses your mother."

"Will I get to see him this time?" Silvanus asked with great concern. "He left last time before I got to see him."

"Soon. He has lots of work for his people. One day you will have such work and become busy too."

Time wore on and Silvanus, the boy, grew older. His curiosity for his bride greater in between the palace dramas of young love, study, and sport. Each time his mother would surprise him with a peak at the girl's progress. She grew into a lovely maiden. He matured into a stoic heir of the title his father had bore for decades or possibly longer. It was his twenty-first summer that he asked his mother to see what he would truly have in wedlock with the Thumber, which he learned was a derogatory term for the girl's people. He didn't like the idea of marrying beneath his station, but his mother was wise and assured him riches and power beyond all comprehension.

Once again, as many times before, he stood next to his mother as she brought the image to air. At that time, he stood taller with sharp features that drew fainting admirers and jealous foes. In his deep voice that seemed to hold a deeper echo than any before him in the cavern, he inquired, "Show me who will please me."

Countess smiled and tapped her tips to the image.

There was the maiden, Mer de la Mer. Her hair a cascade of wavy brown punctuated by tiny jewels and flowers. Her lips full and kissably red in an innocent beckon. Her eyes were large, brown, full of wonder.

Countess whispered into the image.

Mer was on a bedroll, head on pillow, and soft lamplight illuminated her cream nightgown. She suddenly shook with a gasp. Her youthful body arched, which brought her small nipples to harden against the thin material. Then her body rolled into a pelvic thrust that brought her gown up to her waist, curly dark haired pubis exposed. Her small hands ran down her body and the hair. He watched her part the hair and find the kernel that brought her pleasure.

Countess whispered again and he got a clear view of her slickness that dampened hair nearer her lips. He saw how tight she was for him-untouched in wait for him. She never used her fingers inside of herself, only the outside. He watched as her tiny asshole opened slightly as her expert flick of her pleasure kernel set off a massive orgasm that she bit her lip to hide. Her face became red as she fought to remain silent. He watched her body convulse as she rubbed herself calm. She suddenly became paranoid and looked about as if someone had watched her.

Countess erased the scene with her fingers. "For you, My Son, when your father finds you ready."

At the Food Village, Not Too Long Ago, in the Suburbs of City

The fluorescent lights and the piano music of a disco tune greeted her with swish of sliding doors and the rush of hurricane scents in a busy building of food and goods. It excited her-all the options! Her eyes always went wide and she felt the blush rise to her cheeks.

Ah, if Caravan saw this! No looking for roots and animals chased for stew-it's all here! Spoiled are we in this world! Millions of chips/meats/vegetables I've never heard of and all assortments of things to be shoved in orifices or paper to wipe it! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!

She watched people take a trolley basket and put things randomly in it and it was ALLOWED! She wanted to squeal and dance, but she knew by the music and the pace of the people in rote mannerism that it wouldn't be allowed. She took it all in as a sponge! Her freedom was loud, scary, and glorious!

She watched everything, pushed the cart so light and efficient that she almost threw it expecting a stubborn ox or broken wheel. How much her people needed to learn! She could teach them if she ever learned how to get back to Evergreen! There was meat wrapped in a weird clear skin and the fruits and vegetables so clean they took baths every twenty minutes! She put her face in the mist and then ascertained by a cough and a stern gaze only the fruit and vegetables bathed there.

She realized when she got to the aisle marked "Personal Products" that she was in over her head. There were things that went inside and came out. Things moved in a woman and over a man. She was baffled, bewildered, and beatific about the whole venture. She read every box and considered every option. Life was simpler in some ways with it, complicated in others. She took the box that went inside her during certain moments. She was frightened of the other things.

When she saw everyone go into a line with their trolley basket she followed. They all sought the bargain with women at the punch box. Mer had never heard of such-most of her people dealt with a man at the Crossroad Bridge with the wares in a large lodge filled with things only men would know. She had her box of the things that go and come out, but only at a certain moment and definitely within a strict amount of time. She memorized it. If she didn't, the box assured she would die.

It was her turn and she almost cried, but she mimicked what all had done before. They threw a black block between her and them, sighed, then looked weird in a sense she didn't understand. Were they ready to go or mad that they weren't gone? She listened to a woman in curlers and a floral quilted housecoat with matching shoes. She repeated all statements in her mind as she pushed her trolley cart forward, as the small box of in and out for a certain time chimed in front of the woman at the punch box. She raised a brow as Mer repeated what Curler Woman said.

'Ma'am, you aren't doubling down on match coupons for potatoes. You are buying Extended Thick Tampons."

Mer looked back and forth and handed her a red bill with an old guy with a surprised face.

"Ma'am, I cannot break this. I have to call the manager." She flicked a switch and the number 10 above her face glowed as well as call on the punch box that echoed a manager to Box 10.

Mer bristled. She did everything right. She was perplexed. The girl looked at her with amazement and stared at the red bill with fascination. Mer shook her head-she never heard the men really complain when they dealt with the man at Crossroad Bridge. She felt anxious, but fought to keep her breathing calm. She felt very alone in a strange world and her curiosity and bewilderment of a new place suddenly became a frightening venture; felt a touch on her arm and jumped with a gasp.

He was in a white dress shirt and black slacks with very kind brown eyes that looked at her with surety and safety. "Miss, let me help."

She was frozen in shock, fear, and confusion. All she could do was nod.

He flashed a smile and spoke to the fascinated cashier. Mer couldn't keep up. He paid for the box and took the red bill back then handed it to Mer in one fluid movement. Before Mer knew it, they were in the parking lot and she shook in disbelief.

He stopped her in front of his white van. "Are you ok, Miss?"

She looked at him confused, got hold of herself with a breath, swallowed, and then said in almost a whisper. "I'm grateful. . . for your help. I'm Mer Abernathy."

He received her small, shaky, cold left hand with both of his warm ones. "Blake Hopper. It's very nice to meet you, Miss Abernathy."

She felt so much warmth and safety in his smile. This gentlemen had just come out of nowhere to her rescue! She felt her stomach fill with fireflies of Evergreen. She realized, as she fully took in his presence, she relaxed for the first time in a very long time-even after the death of her husband months ago.

That moment reminded her that Life could change direction at any second just as Evergreen had taught her so.

Long, Long, Long Ago in Evergreen

His face was young, blank with half empty eyes of blue hazel. His form was solid muscle on a stature perfect for his usual line of work. His body was in a heal from the latest round of scars. He had promised his wife he would take a break and do something respectable-like international kidnapping-to make her life in Napfeny with their children easier socially. She was with child and he hoped it would be their last for a while. She seemed to grow angrier with each birth and more resentful with each following birthday. Lucinda Kovacs wanted money and status; why she married an orphan mercenary was beyond him.

He looked out the large opening that was window to the tree house and watched the sun rise as the horn filled the wind. He heard the chaos of the Bridal Chase begin and looked at the pad on his wrist to check his target. Her mother had sewn the tracker into the white shift the tall thin girl wore. She appeared young, but carried herself older and he watched her evade small hordes of determined and confused hired grabbers.

He knew he had a bit before he made a mess of things. He looked at the majestic view and felt his mind twist away from his mission and into a memory. . .

He was on his knees before the fire he had made once they had entered the cabin. Commander Mitchell had secured it for him after his father-in-law had pulled mysterious strings. The cabin was large and smelled of smoke, wood, and incense that Lucinda burned for luck and blessing. It was a large lit room by fire and candle with a bathroom and large closet opposite the door to the right and behind him. He was in a sweater his mother and grandmother had made him for his birthday, but no pants. His erection was in full swing and his lightly scarred legs had him in a jump to expose the large phallus to his hungry wife.

She walked out of the bathroom in a long marital nightgown with bows on the shoulders. Her long blonde shiny hair bounced around her with every step. After having four children, she still seemed like a young bride in his eyes. She was a few inches shorter than him and stopped to look at his hard cock that she knew was hard for her. She grinned and wanted him to force her to take it. He strode up to her, placed his hand on the back of her neck, and pulled her into a kiss to press his dick into the silk of the gown. He moaned and she gave a slight shriek of excitement into his mouth. He stained his precum into the gown and carried her to the bedroom portion of the cabin, which was just a large old bed made of antler and wood, covered in furs. He placed her on the bed in a sit and he grabbed his dick to gloss her lips with more of his precum. He loved shiny lips, especially when he made hers that way.

Her eyes told him she hated it, but she took him into her mouth with a lazy tongue kiss. She just wanted to do her wifely duty and go to sleep. He untied the bows of her straps and the gown fell away to reveal breasts that had fed and bled. He touched them, then kissed them, and pushed her back onto the white and gray furs to part her legs, then split her hair, to kiss her slit that was extremely dry. He licked her unexcited button in hopes of starting her.

She just sighed in disgust and sat up. "Ag, why won't you take the job Father has for you?"

His erection withered and he stood up. "Lucy, I am not talking about this again."

Her face grew furious. "Our children are being raised that Kovacs stands for Killer! This is not the future I deserve!"

He kept his face calm. "We are not discussing this again. I provide you with a perfect life-the home you want, with the kids you want, in the place you want, with all the pretty things you want. What more do you want?"

"You with me! You escorting me to events. You shopping with me. You walking around the town square holding my hand! I'm seen as a Hunter's Harlot-not a wife or a mother-just a whore to a soldier who occasionally comes home!" she wailed in anger and hurt.

He detested when she cried. He never wanted her to feel as she did. He never wanted any of it to be rotten. The pressure of his life weighed on him like no other and he was tired. Extremely tired of all of it and wanted to disappear further from it, the only reason he didn't act on his fatigue was his kids. They needed him and he gave them the safety, security, and sustenance that he never got when he was their age. If only he could take his children with him, although he knew that was an eternal impossibility. He did the only thing he could think of to end the conversation. "I-I'm sorry, Lucinda. I don't want our life to be full of tears."

He sat next to her on the bed and held her. As he stroked her back to control her sobs, his voice flatly stated. "You know I love you and our family. You know my work sends me away. I'm good at what I do-you know I couldn't do anything else. Your father's connection is outside my normal channels, but I will talk to him about it. I may not be the best fit for them, but I will talk to him."

She sniffed and rubbed her snotty face into his sweater and gave a muffled. "Really, Ag? You'd speak to Father for me?"