The Dance instructors and us


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"Thank you dad, I have been fretting about this for days!"

Kate piped up, "yes it was my idea love I thought you would like it."

I chuckled to myself again as I drove home.

As we unpacked the car I looked at my wife with a quizzical look raising one eyebrow, "your idea huh."

Kate punched me in the arm and we carried the cases in. Sharon flew up the stairs like she was ten again dragging her fiancé with her. We heard her laughing.

Kate nuzzled into me slipping her arm through mine saying "I think any worries we had are gone, it's very obvious they are in love."

I nodded smiling back.

When they came back down we were in the kitchen making a coffee, Sharon held out her hands to us holding us both and said,

"Mum, Dad, I love you both, thank you for all you have done for me but now this man is going to look after me for the rest of my life. I will look after him too, hopefully as well as my mum and dad."

Kate burst into tears sobbing, Sharon hugged her. "Sorry mum I didn't mean for you to cry."

Kate tried to talk but she couldn't.

"I think you have made her the happiest mum in the world love."

I held my hand out to Juan but he stepped in and hugged me, "Dad, I hope I can call you dad. I am looking forward so much to joining your family if you will have me."

It set me off crying too.

I phoned my mate who owned our local restaurant and as it was midweek they said if we could fill a few tables they would do their best to give us the best night ever. I rang around the family and we got nans, grandads, cousins, all in all 25 people for a great welcoming night home. Tony gave me the food and drink at cost, he owed me for a few favours in the past and I collected all in one night.

We all got very drunk and got cabs back. The next morning I paid for it, my head felt like it had been through a washing machine. I looked over at Kate feeling happier, at least I couldn't look as bad as she did!

Sharon knocked on the bedroom door bringing in some black coffee and toast on a tray, she looked like she hadn't even had a drink last night, oh to be young again!

"We are going to disappear for a few hours ok dad, I am going to show Juan the local sights. We will be back later lightweights. Love you, bye."

We both took a sick day, neither of us were fit for anything. I got up around 11am and left Kate to sleep it off. I sat in my lounge and thought about last Tuesday and how excited I got watching Kate with the Ivan and Lisa. The more I thought about it the more excited I got again, I found I was hard. I slowly stroked myself thinking about how she stroked Ivan's cock. I was midway through a lovely wank when I heard.


I nearly shit myself, I jumped from the chair covering myself,

"Shit Kate, don't creep up on me like that!"

She was standing there in the doorway, arms crossed tapping her foot grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Number one, I wasn't creeping. Number 2 don't wank off when we have company in the house! Number 3 if you need to wank, I will do it for you ok." Then burst into giggles.

"Oh my head, don't make me laugh, it hurts!"

I pulled my jeans back up and I walked sheepishly past her and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on.

She came in smiling saying, "Seriously love if you need a hand, I am here."

I thought to myself bloody cheek after what she was doing the other week!

As if she could read my mind she said,

"We all wank Terry, its natural. I mean I saw you only a few weeks ago spying on me in the lounge."

"You saw me?"

"Yes, actually it was you that set me off, I heard a sound and slightly opened my eyes to see you standing in the doorway, my orgasm hit me out of the blue, I mean a real strong one. When it was over you had gone."

"You never said?"

"I figured if you wanted me to know you would've come in, you didn't so I kept it to myself. That's one reason I fondled Ivan, I have realised you like to watch."

We never got to finish the conversation because Sharon came crashing through the door,

"See." Said Kate, "Two minutes earlier your daughter catches you with your cock in your hand!"

"I have KFC, anyone?"

Kate declined graciously looking rather ill at the thought of it but I tucked into it like a starving man. Over the next few days at the weekend we all learned to give each other time and space, we only have a small three bed house and its surprising how cramped it feels with four adults living in each other's pockets. We were at work on Monday to Friday, so the kids had the house to themselves. Our other daughter Sally came down from Scotland Tuesday so her and her husband took the third bedroom for two days. It felt really cramped now, but we got a few hours to ourselves because Tuesday night was salsa night.

We felt like guilty teenagers lying to our parents making excuses about where we were off to all dressed up. But it was worth it to get out for a bit. In the car Kate sparked up our conversation again about the voyeur in me, I told her it had surprised me too, I didn't know I liked to watch but I did, very much. It was just as we were parking the car when she dropped a bombshell. As she got out she said.

"Do you want to watch Ivan fuck me?"

"What! What? had I misheard her? I called after her......What?

Too late she skipped into the Salsa club. I ran after her but she was in there already. She was checking her coat in and as a passing remark said, "He's with me can you do his coat too please," and disappeared through the door.

Had I heard her right? I am sure that's what she said.

Lisa grabbed my arm and slipped hers through it as I got to the bar.

"Hi Terry, I hoped we hadn't scared you off, Kate said you would be ok. She knows you well I think. Did you enjoy last week? Are you ready for more?"

I nodded dumbly not knowing what to say. She smiled and took it as a yes.

"I think Ivan already has taken your wife."

"Taken her?"

"Well to the dancefloor anyway, look." She said with a mischievous grin still holding my arm tightly.

I glanced to the dancefloor, there were many more couples here tonight and it was crowded almost to capacity, Kate and Ivan were in each other's arms towards the back near the decks.

"We will carry on from last week if that is ok with you Terry, I will take Kate's part for your dance so when the wedding comes around you both know exactly where the other is going ok. No two left feet."

Again I nodded dumbly. I knocked back a scotch for courage and offered one to Lisa,

"No thanks, not when I am at work. Maybe another time though, I'll take a rain-check."

She took my hand and led me through the crowd taking me in her arms we started slow like last week. Slowly the dance began to get more sexual again. I was not sure about all this now, all I could think about was the words Kate had said as we left the car. I looked around as we danced.

"Oi, me! Look at me! Only at me. Into my eyes, forget the others, I am the only thing that matters. It has to be that way or the spell of the dance is broken."

She again took my chin into her hand and swivelled my head until it faced hers. She was beautiful, her eyes sparkled especially at this moment while she was annoyed with me.

"Sorry Lisa, I just wanted to see Kate, that's all, sorry."

"You will, a little later, but for now you are mine. My pupil to do with as I wish ok!"


Again she started to writhe around me touching me rubbing her legs on me as we danced, I had become to get more involved now and was moving to the rhythm much more. I started to really enjoy her touch when I saw Kate and Ivan over Lisa's shoulder. She looked at me directly and kissed Ivan as she looked me in the eyes. Lisa had gone around to my back and her thigh was coming between my legs, I felt her arms going around my waist and one hand brushed my over my cock. I groaned involuntary as she passed her hand back and again over my cock. Her fingers traced the outline of my now hard cock. Kate smiled at me and carried on kissing Ivan. Lisa whispered into my ear.

"You love this don't you? What do you love more, me playing with you or watching your wife sucking on Ivan's tongue?

She grabbed my balls and said

"Careful Terry, we don't want an accident here do we?"

Then went back to running her fingers over it. rubbing it harder through my trousers now. She twisted back into her dance routine as if she had never stopped dancing and once again writhed around my body. Kate had stopped the kissing too and was running her hands over Ivan's torso. God she looked so intense and sexy as she put her fingernail to his chin, flicked him away and turned her back to him. He grabbed her and turned her back to face him, their faces touched with the slightest of kisses when the music stopped.

Lisa clapped her hands loudly.

"Refreshments" She shouted and the dancefloor cleared as we all moved to the bars. Kate met me at the bar and looked me in the eye.

"Well? didn't answer me."

As I opened my mouth to speak she grabbed my face in both hands and kissed me passionately. Her tongue entered my mouth and licked my teeth. I backed up to the bar but couldn't go any further as she attacked my mouth. She grabbed at the front of my trousers kneading at my cock.

"Well, what's your answer?"




"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I want to see Ivan fuck you!"

She smiled a wicked smile running her tongue over her red painted lips while her fingers were torturing me.

"Are you sure that's not little Terry speaking for you?"

"Fuck it Kate, right now all I can think of is little Terry, Little Terry has taken control over all of my senses!!"

Again she gave me that wicked smile. She grabbed my hand and took me to the floor. The music blared up again and she started her routine but this time with me. She took both of my hands in hers and we started to sway in time, I turned her as Lisa had coached me and put my arms around her waist pushing my hard cock into her rear. She twisted out of my reach and danced backwards, I followed and took her in my arms again. We danced for what seemed like hours, we kissed, we stroked, we writhed in each other's arms. I held my wife with more passion than I had ever done before. I didn't ever want to let her go. We twisted and turned across the floor, I kissed her again and again, I held her and spun her holding onto her outstretched hand. The music died down to rapturous applause from the crowd. Everyone had stopped to watch us dance together, we had not even noticed them.

Lisa and Ivan came rushing to us Lisa was crying. She held out her arms to me and hugged me into her embrace. Ivan had Kate in a tight hold too. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Ivan took my hand and shook it.

"You have passed the course with flying colours my friends, that dance would have won a championship honestly that was world class, so much passion and grace. It was special with so much emotion."

Lisa was smiling and laughing through the tears, Terry you have caught up with Kate, that was incredible to watch. I began to well up too. We stayed for a drink with them after closing before we grabbed a cab home, I would come back tomorrow for the car.

Kate snuggled into my arm in the back of the cab and whispered quietly, "Did you mean what you said."

"I played dumb, What, when?"

She punched my arm, "You know, would you have let Ivan fuck me?"

I let out a big sigh, "At that moment I am ashamed to say yes, yes I would've."

"God, I love you so much Terry."

We made out in the back until he dropped us at our door, then again for five minutes at the front door.

Sharon and Juan went back to South America until the wedding. Sally and John went back to Scotland. We had our house back for six weeks until the wedding. It was probably the best six weeks of our married life. We danced, we made love, we kissed at every available opportunity. We didn't spend more than twenty minutes together without me taking her into my arms. We carried on with the salsa lessons just to keep me supple we made more friends there now we could dance.

The wedding went amazingly well, Juan had over thirty relatives attend. Our family put up whoever we could fit but some had to stay in hotels too.

We invited Lisa and Ivan plus some of our friends from the salsa club about 3-4 couples that we had become friendly with. We had a live salsa band for the reception hall and were treated to an exhibition from the world champions. They were on a whole other level. But the highlight of the night was me and my dear lady wife. We received a standing ovation from everyone with our dance.

We shocked our kids and family, we had kept it quiet until the night and asked for five minutes on the floor alone. Our girls were against it at first fearing for our embarrassment. But after the first few moves they were jumping and screaming at the tops of their lungs from the side. It was the best night of my life. My little girl got married to her prince and I had my queen in my arms.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This author I think rubs people up the wrong way for some reason, the stories run from serial killers to soft wimps. i cannot quite get a handle on him/her yet. The 1 star or 0 star dicks jump on this writer the instant the story is published. I for one think this one is outstanding, far better than a 5. the sexual tension build up is fantastic. the way they have made the main character get so aroused that they actually want the wife to fuck another. The way the pro dancers bring out the dancer in him, to excite him to want his wife so much that he becomes so enthralled with the actual erotic dance is one of the best things i have read on here. Beautifully written, well done. Please more, and ignore the stupid futile commentators, they are not worth your time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hot story? If you're fucking cuck maybe. One Star.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

For me, your stories go from awful, to fair, on to decent, and now right back into the gutter.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

Well-written and a lot of sexual tension, which you artfully conveyed through your writing. There's almost a Limey Feel to most stories out of the UK, which centers around weepy, emotional men who are almost servile. Knowing a lot of men from The Lizard to Orkney, I don't see these traits in them. Is this like a trope, a stereotypical "Oi, glad that ain't me, mate," character? Fascinating, really.


Hey, unrelated, but I can envision that as Juan pounds Sharon into the mattress, he'll be screaming, "¡Viva Las Malvinas!" (The ONLY kickball match I'll watch is England v. Argentina, which the Argentinians make highly personal!) Like your writing style. 5/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

1*-enough said.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 2 years ago

That was a truly hot story! Congratulations. I loved it. 5* ~~JB

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 2 years ago

Why on earth would he say that he wants to watch his wife have sex with another man? Is he supposed to be a closet cuckold? Another wimpy husband in the making.

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