The Dancing Queen


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I knew I should sober up a little before heading home, so I suggested we walk The Square. This is an area downtown closed to vehicles, with cafes, retail shops, bars and other restaurants.

The night was pleasant and Celia snuggled up to me as we walked. I think we were both feeling good a little tipsy but happy. A comfortable easy conversation as we strolled past couples and groups of people.

As we were heading back I noticed a group of young men ahead and as we angled past them all of a sudden one of them shouts"C C". I was immediately on guard but Celia moved toward them smiling and accepted hugs from three of these guys.

"Hey girl, what's happening, what you doing down here?"

Meanwhile I'm standing there ignored as they all connect. After probably a minute though it felt like a lot longer, Celia turns to me, flush faced and says "Cameron, these are my friends, Bobby, JT and Marcus".

I automatically reach my hand out to shake. The three look at each other, smile and elaborately attempt to shake my hand with all types of gyrations.

They chatted for 10 minutes about things I didn't follow. I gathered it was about music and a club that I had heard of called Evolution.

There was an overwhelming familiarity amongst Celia and these guys. I observed an intimacy especially with the one named Marcus that was curious to the point of unsettling.

I felt all the warmth and the goodwill of the evening draining away. By my observation she seemed to be loving the attention and the company of this group.

Finally with hugs and light kisses they parted, "nice to meet you" I said, Marcus just nodded and they turned and went the other way, about 15 seconds later I heard them hoot with laughter.

Celia snuggled back up with me but my relaxed mood of before was gone. Were these the kind of friends she had? Nothing wrong with them, but clearly not my scene.

She talked about them a bit and I gathered that this Evolution was a dance club in the old section of town that was once an old warehouse. She told me how fun it was and that we should go.

I chuckled and said I was not a great dancer. "no one cares it's just a place to have fun".

We drove home and I tried to be upbeat but something about that whole scene held me back from being as affectionate as I felt earlier in the evening. When we got to her place I walked her to the lobby and gave her a hug good by, "do you want to come up for coffee?"

Normally this is a no-brainer, but a combination of wanting to do the right thing and also sheltering myself from getting hurt stopped me.

"Thanks but I'm OK, I'll see you later." I gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek and I left.


Throughout Kimberly's freshmen and sophomore years at Colorado College we stayed close. In retrospect it was a warm friendship with sex.

We saw each other on all her holidays. I looked forward to her visits so much and she did too. Almost as much as I did.

When I would ask her about school she did not have a lot to say. Sometimes I would get jealous and quiz her about all the guys at school.

Finally once I may have gotten a little possessive about it, and she grabbed my shirt and with the most serious look I had ever seen from her she said, "I told you there are no other GUYS, leave it alone," and she walked out of the restaurant.

For the most part we got along great. I was seeing this ideal situation, being with Kimberly, and she and I running Specialty Timbers. It was too good to be true but it looked like it could happen.

I was learning so much from Kimberly's dad, Ted. He and I had a good comfortable relationship. I think he was also happy with my and Kim's relationship. I guess he saw me as a bit of an opposite of Mike.

Mike was flashy, arrogant and funny. He was at USC, barely hanging on while partying through his college life. I think he and Ted had a come to Jesus discussion and he buckled down and eventually graduated.

I on the other hand was not flashy. I made up the lack of flash with hard work and a knowledge of the wood products industry. Ted knew Mike was never going to make a career of Specialty Timbers.

QI on the other hand was looking like a long term employee and in a serious relationship with his daughter, Ted was definitely on my side in this whole thing.

Here's what happened: I proposed to Kimberly before her Junior year and she said she had to think about it. Half way through that year Kim asked for "some space".

I was heartbroken. I threw myself into work. We still talked and our friendship was strong but Kim was trying to find herself.

We didn't see much of each other through that Junior year. E mails and some phone calls, and occasionally I saw her when she came home. We worked together all that summer, but I gave her the space she asked for.

Throughout her Senior year our communication fell off. I had even gone on a few dates,

Nothing very serious.

All of a sudden she was calling and e mailing like pre " I need my space" times.

That summer she came back and we got back together, and she asked me if my proposal was still an option. I was shocked , happily I said yes it was.

We were married that Christmas. I was extremely happy, Ted was very happy and as I look back on it I would put Kimberly at medium happy. But at that moment I was blinded by my dream of the girl, the career and the father I never had.

Life for me was wonderful, for a while. Kimberly and I worked together at Specialty Timbers, business was good, I was learning a lot. My relationship with Ted was really good and continued to get better.

Surprisingly so did my relationship with my new brother in law Mike. I learned that even though he was a self absorbed, arrogant little jerk at times, he was fiercely loyal, and for whatever reason he liked me.

The first two years I thought were great, but cracks started forming in the foundation and the first big crack was our sex life. From once or twice a week throughout our first 2 years, by the beginning of year three it was once or twice a month.

In retrospect, I could tell she was just not into to it. Then Millie moves here. She was a friend of Kimberley's from Colorado. Her name is Ming Li Pham. She went by Millie.

Through Ted's contacts I had bought the house I'm still in cheap, $125,000.

It needed a ton of work and the bank would not even loan against it. I bought it on contract from Ted's old partner and actually the payment was made through Specialty, and deducted out of my check, confusing but Mike assured me this was the best way to do this transaction.

I got it habitable and Kim never complained. There was a small guest cottage at the back with plumbing and electrical. Millie moved in. She was an artist and the cottage became her studio.

Kim seemed to be spending more time in the cottage than at the house. Millie was always sweet to me and there was no tension. After 6 months, one day tearfully Kim came to me and said she was in love with Millie.

I thought she was joking, but she wasn't. There was no swearing, no violence, no arguments. I saw black and I cried. Cried for the first time in almost 20 years. The loss was intense and so sad.

I realized I had tied my relationship with Kim, to my relationship with her family and my job. My whole life was going to change.

For 3 days I sat at home and did nothing. The darkest of thoughts took up residence in my brain. I was at the point of very seriously ending my life and then Mike showed up.

He talked, then we talked and then he listened. He made a phone call and within 30 minutes Ted was there. Ted assured me that no matter what happened I had a home at Specialty. Mike told his Dad that I needed a week off, Ted agreed.

Mike took me on a road trip where we talked, drank, I cried a little and I thought. On the way back I began to realize a few things: I was terribly hurt, but I had a job I loved, I had a boss and ex father in law I truly liked and respected, and finally I had a good and loyal friend in Mike.

Even Kim and I found a somewhat comfortable friendship. The divorce was easy, she didn't want anything and I kept my house.

Most surprising was how nice and supportive Millie was. There were some difficult times but I had a good support system of people that seems to genuinely care. I did promise myself before I ever got close to a woman again, I was going to protect myself first.


On the way home from dropping Celia off I tried to come to terms with my thoughts. Nothing really happened with meeting those guys. I felt a little disrespected by them and a touch disrespected by Celia.

On the other hand this was just our second date. She had a right to have friends. But there was something about that meeting that told me there was a level of closeness with those guys. This did not fit with the mental image I had of Celia. Maybe I should back off a little.

Next day was Sunday and I had to finish the fireplace and repair some dry rot. After breakfast I plugged in to podcasts and lost myself in the work.

For me the ability to be able to repair and fix this house in to the version of it I wanted was fulfilling. For me to own my own home and have it be as nice as I know it will be was particularly satisfying.

It was mid afternoon before I checked my phone, 2 texts. One from Mike checking in and one from Celia. "Brandy and I are enjoying the weather and having coffee! Thanks for last night ❤️❤️." Hmmmm, I had to process this. Was I being too sensitive or should I trust my instincts. I need to think a little more.

Later that afternoon I sent back a non committal text saying, "have a good time!" And that was it. Monday evening I got another text from her saying "how was your day?" I waited a few hours and said "good, yours?"

I got a long text talking about work and a funny story about a dental patient. I didn't reply. Tuesday night nothing and I was a bit relieved.

Wednesday night she called. I was polite, but not terribly enthusiastic. Finally she asked me what was wrong, I said nothing and then she asked if I was upset with her. I said no, I just had been busy.

She invited me over for dinner Saturday night, I accepted. Maybe I was being too petty to get upset over something like this. I vowed to put it behind me and see what happened.

Dinner on Saturday was nice. She is a good cook and her condo was nice and well decorated. I began to feel comfortable again and was feeling optimistic.

After dinner we ended up in her bed and making love to her was fun and I think she had a good first experience too. We made love again that night and showered together in the morning with more action. Celia has a nice athletic body with a beautiful ass and nice B-C size breasts.

We spent Sunday together and the intimacy of sex enhanced the progress of our relationship. We went for a run and this time showered back at my place.

I showed her around my reclamation project and she seemed interested in all the work I was doing. I showed her the old redwood hot tub I had picked up from a project we provided material for and showed her where I was going to put it in the back.

Celia was impressed with my carpentry skills and she seemed to like my house.

For the next few weeks we saw each other 2-3 times weekly and spoke or texted daily. In a weak moment I agreed to go to Evolution with her on Friday night.

I can dance a little and don't mind it, but I had a feeling this was not my scene. Celia was so excited I could not help but get caught up in her enthusiasm.

Evolution was the hip new club in the warehouse area of old town. I had heard of it but had never been there.

I told myself in strong relationships you need to make sacrifices every so often, I guess this was going to be one of them.

We got there a little before nine. Celia seemed to know a lot of people there, employees and other customers. The place was dark with strobe lights going and a couple of DJ's on elevated platforms.

The dance floor was a mass of body's all moving to the music, and it was hot inside. We found a spot and Brandy and some guy came over amidst hugs and laughter.

It was difficult to talk with all the noise. Celia grabbed my hand and we hit the dance floor. She was good and I was way out of my league. Pretty soon we were in the midst of the throng. After a bit I wasn't sure if it was me or others dancing with Celia.

I watched her and could tell she was having a great time. A while later I shouted to her I was going to get a beer, she just nodded and smiled. I waited for a moment to see if she was coming with me, but she was caught up in the dance.

I stood at the table and occasionally saw flashes of Celia. So far I had not recognized any of the group we had run into downtown those weeks ago. Celia came back and had a drink, but I could tell she wanted to keep dancing so we went back.

I was actually having a pretty good time until I recognized a couple of the guys we had met downtown, and specifically Marcus. Marcus was a great dancer and he maneuvered so we was really dancing with Celia, I tried to move in and got an elbow, it may have been inadvertent, but I doubt it.

This went on for a bit, and finally I shouted in her ear I was getting a drink and did she want one, she just nodded and kept dancing. I made my way to the bar and back to our table.

I checked my watch and it a little after 11. I definitely wanted to get out of there and I kept waiting for Celia to come back and get her drink.

Finally she came back laughing and smiling with Marcus on her heals. She gave me a sweaty kiss on the cheek and grabbed her drink. She took a sip, and then Marcus grabbed it and chugged the rest. Celia just laughed.

"Come on let's dance" she grabbed my hand.

"No thanks I think I'm done" I said,

"Just one more" She asked

And them Marcus stepped in, "come on girl I'll dance with you", and they took off.

I was pissed, but it got worse.

While I was standing and watching they did all but screw on the dance floor. His hands were all over her and she looked like she was enjoying it.

I was now far beyond pissed. I checked my watch and it was now after midnight. I was done. I was going to give her until 12:30, then I was leaving.

I think it was 12:28 when she came back and I grabbed her and we headed toward the door. I was mad, I was trying to play it cool, I was not going to yell and scream.

All the way back to her place she went on about how good a time she had, how great the music was and how much she liked dancing. The fact that I barely said two words did not seem to register to her.

By the time we got to her apartment she realized where we were, "I thought we were staying at your place tonight",

"I'm beat" I said, "how about a different night". I said with a forced smile.

"Okay" she said and looked at me. I smiled gave her a kiss and took off. Without question not the way our dates had ended over the past few weeks.

The next day we had no correspondence. I was wrestling with my feelings. I really did like and care for her, but that scene and her enjoyment of it bothered me. And this Marcus, they looked like more than friends.

I was busy both Saturday and Sunday mostly trying to work the redwood hot tub into a spot on the deck. Sunday night I saw I had received a text from her "What's Up??" I didn't reply.

Monday night I got another text from her "hey you, I miss talking to you, call me". I figured I had to answer to this one, I texted back "sorry, a lot going on, let's connect tomorrow ".

"Okay" she said.

Tuesday night I was still struggling with the situation and I never replied, Wednesday I got home from work about 6 and in front of my house was her black Volkswagen. Uh oh, time to face the music I guess.

I found her sitting on my back deck. "What's the deal?" "Are you dumping me?" She looked a little angry.

"Look Celia, I don't know what's going on, I'm struggling with some things right now",

"What?" She asked.

And then I went into it. I started with my marriage to Kim and that hurt and then admitted the jealousy over her friendship with Marcus and my feelings of disrespect at the night club. I laid the whole thing out for her. Why not, I may never see her again.

She sat there staring at me and then the tears started rolling down her cheeks. "I am so sorry,". I didn't mean to hurt you, if it means keeping you I never have to go to that place again. I want you and I miss you and I think I may be falling in love with you"!

I was in shock, I thought this was the end for us, but we just took a left turn and we're going in a different direction. Love?! She pledged again that she does not need to hang out with that crowd or go to the dance clubs.

I asked her if she was sure and she said of course.

"If I had known that bothered you, I never would have asked you to go." We celebrated that night in my bed.

The next few months went great. We did lot's of stuff and went on vacation for a week in Hawaii, my first time there and we loved it.

We hung out with my friends and a few of hers but never Marcus and that crowd. I never brought his name up. We had been dating now for about 8 months and the holidays were coming up.

She was at my place almost every night and we started discussing living together. We spent the holidays with my family and the Robinsons.

She got along great with everyone except Millie. For some reason there was some distance there.

After the first of the year business ramped up. We were selling in to Northern California and the Puget Sound and with the building boom our products were in high demand.

Ted asked if he and I could get together on Thursday night. "Sure" I said " what's up".

We'll talk Thursday was all he said.

Thursday was busy and before I knew it, it was after 5. We met in Ted's office. I found myself a bit nervous by the formality of this meeting. Ted explained that he was going to be 60 this year and he was doing some longer term planning.

"Instead of a bonus this year I'm giving you 9% of Specialty Timbers".

I was shocked! This was not what I was expecting, he went on, " we have opened up Nor Cal and Western Washington and that has been successful as you know, but we are now getting a lot of demand in Colorado and some of the resort areas throughout the Rocky Mountains. I want you to open up those markets. It's going to mean some travel, probably a week a month, are you up for it?"

"Absolutely". I had seen so little of the country, getting to travel to these areas was exciting. And being a part owner, that was very exciting, I was so happy.

He went on to tell me that he owned now 51%, Mike and Kim each owned 20%, and I had the remaining 9%. Kim was the CFO, but Mike managed the big picture financial part of the business.

I asked Ted if Kim and Mike were okay with me being a part owner, " it was there idea" he replied.

"One other thing on your plate. Smitty is going to retire at the end of the year, Millie's brother, John Pham is going to start working in the shop with Smitty, I want you to keep your eye on him too."

"Will do". I said.

I could not wait to tell Celia, I was now an owner, I was going to start traveling, I was on cloud nine.

She was happy about the ownership part, but significantly less enthused about my travel.

"How much will you be gone?" I explained it would normally be a few days once a month. That seemed make her relax a little.

I jumped right in to it and was in Denver within 2 weeks.

I think my straight forward knowledge of the products and the process helped and we immediately started getting orders and I had barely scratched the surface.

When I got my direct deposit for March, I saw I had an extra $1500 gross in my account. I checked with Kim and she said "that's your commission". "We pay 3% of gross commission, didn't he tell you that?"