The Devil and the Sea Ch. 11


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That little voice was picking up signals, trying to warn me that Anya was going off-script. There was something about her behaviour that I had never seen before, and I began to suspect that Anya had been researching material on her own. I realised just how powerless I was, pinned down in the hotel bar with no keycard to even get to their floor, let alone the room itself. I thought I'd planned for all eventualities. I clearly hadn't.

Mistress X reached down into the suitcase, pulling out several lengths of rope.

"Stand up," she said, "Then bend over. Lose the heels."

Jen rose to her feet, kicking off her stilettos and then bent double, grasping her ankles with her hands, standing with her beautiful, heart-shaped bottom high in the air. Mistress X crouched down next to Jen and began to weave a length of rope in a figure-of-eight between Jen's wrist and her ankle. She fed the rope back and forth until Jen's wrist was firmly secured in place over her ankle by half a dozen turns of rope. Mistress X tied it off, and then repeated the procedure with the other leg. She straightened up.

"There, now you're secure," Mistress X said, stepping back to admire Jen's bent-over form.

"Now there is going to be some discomfort while I install your control mechanism."

Mistress X bent down over the suitcase again and retrieved a small bottle of clear liquid and what appeared to be a string of beads. She ran her hand over Jen's upturned buttocks and caressed Jen's puckered anus with a single gloved finger.

"Hold very still while I do this," Mistress X said.

"Anya," I hissed into the headset, "This wasn't part of the deal. I meant just a finger. Where the hell did you get the beads from?"

I began to wonder what else Anya had purchased, and how difficult Jen's life was about to become.

"She will not be okay with this," I said.

The black hood nodded. I watched Mistress X squirt some clear liquid from the little bottle into Jen's upturned bottom cleft. She began to work the lube into Jen's hole.

"You're going to feel very full in your backside in a moment. Try and relax and let it happen to you. If you tense up, it will hurt, but either way I'm not going to stop unless I hear your safeword. You remember what it is, right?"

Jen's dirty blonde hair had cascaded over her head and was pooling on the floor beneath her. I saw her hands grasp her ankles tightly, in preparation for what was about to happen.

"Yes Mistress," Jen said, "My safeword is fucktoy."

Mistress X didn't reply, instead she pressed the first bead against Jen's defenceless hole and began to push. I watched in utter fascination as Jen appeared to resist the intrusion of the foreign object into her, but Mistress X kept up the pressure. The bead began to disappear into Jen's anus and I heard her panting. Mistress X continued to push and I could see Jen's hole dilating to accept the bead, the puckered pink ring stretching around the black silicone object and then suddenly closing over the top of it.

"One down," Mistress X said, "Five more to go."

She applied lube to the other beads, holding the string up by the ring at one end, the other end anchored firmly in Jen's clenched anus. With the index finger of her free hand she began to feed the string into Jen all the way up to the next bead. Once again, she nestled this over Jen's puckered hole and began to press down on the slippery bead with her latex-covered finger. Again, Jen's hole appeared to resist, but Mistress X's pressure was inexorable and finally the bead was admitted.

The process was repeated implacably and methodically with the remaining beads until all that remained visible of the long string of black spheres was a short length of string protruding from Jen's rear, ending with a small black ring.

"There," Mistress X said, "All in place. Now you're going to learn what I can do with them. Follow my instructions very carefully."

I had no idea what Anya was going to do next; this was her show now. I watched Mistress X slip her finger through the ring and tug gently towards her. She waited a moment and then tugged again, harder, forcing Jen, bend double with wrists and ankles bound together, to take a small, unsteady step towards her. I wondered again at what research Anya had been doing in private, planning this scene.

"It understands," Mistress X mocked.

She tugged again and Jen took another small step towards her latex-clad controller. Mistress X pushed the ring forwards and Jen edged incrementally away from her, towards the window. Mistress X moved the ring in a clockwise circle and Jen began to shuffle around, rotating on the spot. I was given a full view of Jen's body as Mistress X turned her with the slightest movement of her ring. She made Jen walk closer to the camera to give me a close-up, then rotated her around again and walked her back into the centre of the room. All the while, Mistress X walked casually next to her new toy, finger lightly through the anal bead loop flicking backwards and forwards on a whim, only stopping to make Jen spin in place or change direction.

"I think it's time to get a bit more adventurous," she said. "Maybe we should take a walk down the corridor."

My cock was straining against my zip at the thought of Jen being led by a latex-clad dominatrix through the hotel, naked and bent double with her rear and pussy completely exposed, but I knew that was going much too far. I needed to say something, but I had the nagging doubt growing in my head that maybe it wasn't Anya I was speaking to anymore.

Fortunately, Mistress X had other plans for her helpless toy.

"Or we could try something else."

Still holding Jen in position by the little ring extending from her puckered pink hole, I saw Mistress X reach down into the suitcase again. This time she retrieved another new instrument: a bright pink dildo with a suction cup at its base. Mistress X propelled Jen over to the window and drew back the curtains, exposing them to whoever would be watching in the buildings opposite. She licked the suction cup and stuck the dildo onto the glass at just below waist height.

Jen was facing the window and even upside down she would have been able to see that she was now fully exposed to the outside world. She would also have been able to see the pink shaft protruding from the glass.

Mistress X fumbled with it for a moment and I could now hear low humming. Methodically, Mistress X backed her helpless toy towards the window until the tip of the dildo touched Jen's dripping slit. She released the ring and stepped back to admire her handiwork.

"In a moment, you're going to take that cock inside you. You'll be filled in two orifices and I'm going to make use of your third," Mistress X said.

I watched Mistress X take up a kneeling position beneath the vibrating dildo, between Jen's doubled-over body and the window. Her back was pressed against the glass with both shiny, black, latex-sheathed legs spread wide, giving full access to her pussy lips.

Jen backed into the dildo, taking its entire length inside herself. At the same time, she edged her upside-down face towards Mistress X's crotch. She began to fuck the dildo and bury her tongue into Mistress X's spread pussy lips.

"Good girl," Mistress X said. She reached her free hand up to the ring of the anal beads and began to tug upwards. Jen's anus seemed to swell and then parted to emit a single black silicone bead. I saw Jen's leg muscles twitch as she felt herself expel the bead.

"Keep going," Mistress X admonished. "Your whole focus should be on giving me my next orgasm."

Mistress X pushed the bead against Jen's anus and gradually buried it inside her again, causing another spasm deep within Jen.

"Your husband told me you don't like pain," Mistress X said, "Which is unfortunate, because I believe it's a central part of teaching you what it means to be my toy. To give up your safewords and surrender yourself completely to me, where only I decide if and when to exceed your limits."

Mistress X tugged again and popped the bead back out. This time she pressed back down harder, popping it back inside Jen with a single movement. Jen was unprepared and her rhythm on the dildo faltered. Mistress X's fingers traced around the pink shaft until they came into contact with Jen's clit. She grasped the sensitive nub between thumb and index finger and pinched hard. Jen cried out, but her face was buried in Mistress X's pussy, muffling the sound.

"You see, I think training requires suffering. I might decide to torment you for hours, or even days, until all you remember is the suffering and that I'm the one that's causing it and you accept that I'm the only one that can end it. Only by suffering for me do you finally give me what I need. You are going to find that pain and pleasure and obedience are the same thing and will become as natural to you as breathing."

Mistress X's breathing was becoming more laboured as she built up to another climax. I suspected that, enveloped within the shiny, black latex cocoon, Anya was finding a bizarre enjoyment in Jen's predicament. She was certainly becoming very aroused; I had an awful feeling that she was also losing control, entering a headspace where dominance over her slave was all that mattered.

Mistress X resumed her toying with the ring of the anal beads, popping one and then two beads out before pushing them back in, all the time building to a climax herself. Jen was thrusting heavily against the window now, her thighs slapping hard against the glass, building up to her own orgasm. Seeing this was enough to push Mistress X over the edge and she came, violently. Jen's legs began to wobble and the cadence of her thrusts against the pink shaft became erratic. Mistress X reached underneath the shaft, found Jen's clit again and pinched hard. Jen screamed.

"That's enough. No orgasm for you."

Mistress X lay back against the window, panting, while Jen sank in resignation onto the vibrating dildo.

"Oh no, off you come," Mistress X said, and slapped Jen's bottom, hard.

Jen popped off the pink toy and stood motionless, bound and doubled over, unable to do anything except wait for her next set of instructions.

Mistress X traced her fingers down one of Jen's immaculately sculpted legs, over the ropes binding ankle to wrist, and then finally to the fingers of Jen's hand. She took Jen's wedding ring between a black latex thumb and finger.

"You'll really do whatever I want, won't you?" she asked.

"Yes Mistress," Jen breathed.

"Good girl. Here's a proper test."

Mistress X tugged at the ring, sliding it off Jen's finger. She got to her feet and made a show of examining it as she stood in front of Jen's doubled-over body. Then she dropped it, letting it bounce on the floor in front of Jen's upturned face.

"Oops," Mistress X said, "Looks like I just threw away your marriage."

Mistress X hooked a finger into the ring protruding from Jen's rear, propelling her forcefully away from the window and back towards the bed. I imagined that Jen would have been able to see her ring lying on the carpet as she shuffled away from it. Anya was being utterly cruel now, and I didn't like where this was going.

"You have a wedding ring but I noticed that your husband didn't," Mistress X mused. "Why?"

Jen didn't answer.

Mistress X continued, "He is your husband, isn't he? It's not as if he's just a friend of yours and you're actually married to someone else, surely? It would certainly explain how he was able to give you away so easily. I would have thought someone who loved you enough to marry you would have fought back at the idea of delivering the love of their life into my possession."

She paused for effect. When she spoke again, her tone was light and conversational, but I could hear ominous undertones.

"If someone was just playing a game, they might even convince a friend to play the part of a spouse, to convince me that I was talking to both halves of the same relationship," Mistress X continued, her tone becoming more acid, "Which would mean that your actual partner hasn't consented to any of this, hasn't agreed to give you to me, and that what I thought was the truth is actually a lie."

There was now cold fury in her voice and I understood, way too late, the full depth of Anya's feelings of anger and betrayal. I began to rise from my seat. I needed to find some way to get upstairs, fast.

"Anya," I warned, "Cool heads okay? This is no way to do a scene."

I saw the black hood shake from side to side.

"Are you still listening to me?" I hissed.

The figure paused and then her head shook from side to side. My stomach dropped.

"That's enough. Stop now," I called, desperately.

Again, the head shook. Whatever happened next was Anya's devising, and I was now superfluous and powerless. I wouldn't get there in time to stop her. I sank back down into my seat, feeling a weight descend on me. I gripped the little screen and watched mutely.

"Do you think you can just fuck everyone around to get what you want?" Mistress X spat. "Do you dare fuck me around? Answer me."

For a long moment, Jen remained silent. Finally, she spoke.

"Yes Mistress, I lied, I'm sorry," she said simply.

When Mistress X replied, it was icily calm, "Do you know what the penalty for betraying your Mistress is?"

Not waiting for an answer, she seized the bead ring and began to pull, sending shockwaves through Jen's body as each bead stretched her in quick succession. Jen squealed. Mistress X squatted by her suitcase again and retrieved two items, throwing them onto the bed. She reached down and tugged violently at the knots binding Jen's wrists and ankles together, freeing her arms, but before Jen could stretch, Mistress X wheeled her roughly around like a rag doll, and pushed her face-first onto the bed.

Jen knelt where she was thrown, face and chest buried in the bedsheets, kneeling on the carpet next to the bed, bottom sticking into the air, exposed. Mistress X towered over Jen's body in her tall stiletto heels, a living sculpture of glossy black. Her body bent over the stricken woman to retrieve one of the items from the bed and arrange it in front of Jen's face.

"This is your slave collar," Mistress X announced. "Do you know what's special about a slave collar, slut?"

Jen shook her head slowly, "No Mistress," she replied in a tiny voice.

"It's like a wedding ring," Mistress X explained. "Once it goes around your neck, it means you've made a commitment, for life. You never take it off. Even when you're not wearing it, you can still feel it..." Mistress X grasped Jen's swollen clit again between thumb and finger, "Here." She squeezed in emphasis, making Jen squirm and whimper.

"That's what's about to happen. I'm going to collar you and then you are going to belong to me. Your old life will be over. You will end all your relationships with family, lovers, friends. You will think of only me, you will live where I put you, you will do exactly what I say. I will become your entire world. This is what it means to be owned."

Mistress X picked up the other object from the bed and I recognised what it was: my leather belt.

"Oh Anya, no," I gasped, "This is fucked up."

Mistress X curled the leather strap around her hand and made a fist.

"But first, you lied, so you're going to be punished, and you're going to need to get used to this because I'm going to use this to correct your mistakes as I train you. Believe me, you are going to make a lot of mistakes."

She flexed her fist, making the leather creak. Her movements were fast, relentless, an onslaught on the quaking woman before her.

"Let's begin. I'm going to whip you ten times as hard as I possibly can. Once you have had all of your punishment, I'm going to put the collar on you and take you home. The life you have now will cease to exist and you will never see your husband, if that's what he really is, again. Your last remaining option here is your safeword. I need to know where you stand."

Mistress X flexed the belt and raised her arm high above Jen's quivering bottom. She paused for a moment, and I wanted to believe that Anya was going to call her own bluff, that she would find that she couldn't do this to her own wife. Then the blow came down hard and Jen screamed in shock and pain. My world crumpled.

"One," she counted, raised her arm again.

The second blow struck Jen across the other cheek, instantly raising a vivid, red mark.


I found my voice. "Anya," I begged, "Stop it, you're really hurting her!"

The belt dropped again and this time Jen's entire body shuddered with the pain. She buried her face in the bedsheets. The fabric muffled her cries.


Mistress X showed no sign of relenting, and I could imagine Anya, deep inside the black latex, reliving all the memories of getting fucked over in previous relationships. I should have seen this coming, I was a fucking fool. My mind raced, but I could see there was no way to stop this happening.

"No!" I growled into the mic.

My words echoed through the empty bar, a single figure pressed into a corner booth, alone.

The blows kept coming, each triggering a fresh scream from Jen, face buried. Her bottom was now a mass of angry, red stripes. Mistress X kept counting, relentless and unforgiving, without restraint, each blow landing before Jen had the time to recover from the previous one, magnifying the agony. Jen screamed each time, buried her face in the sheets, tears streaming, but without saying the word that would end her torment.


This time Mistress X didn't raise her arm. Instead, she grabbed a handful of Jen's hair and pulled back harshly until Jen's head rose up from the bed. I could see that she was crying freely, her breath coming in staccato sobs.

"Ready for ten? This is where I own you," Mistress X said, coolly. "The collar will go on. Your safeword disappears. Ready? Time to cross the line."

The arm was raised again, hovering in mid-air. I found that I couldn't breathe. Time seemed to stop.

"Fucktoy," Jen whimpered.

For one brief, awful moment, I believed that Anya would administer the final blow. I could see the shiny torso expanding and contracting in rapid breaths, the muscles in the arm standing taut under the glossy black latex. Then her hand slowly returned to her side and the belt fell through her fingers. I watched the shiny black skin crease as Mistress X lowered herself to the bed. Her latex-gloved hand traced across the angry, glowing landscape of Jen's buttocks, but this time with a gentle motion.

"So," she said at last, "Do you know what you want?"

Jen rocked back on her heels until she was kneeling next to the bed, looking up at the other woman, still sobbing.

"Yes," she said, her face a mess of tears, "I want to go home."

The black-clad figure drew Jen upright and tenderly smoothed back the blonde strands of hair that had stuck to Jen's face. She gave Jen a tender kiss on the lips, and I could see that Mistress X was gone. It was now Anya standing in her place, her wife under the latex skin. She moved around the room, retrieving Jen's wedding ring, stiletto heels and jacket from the floor. Jen allowed herself to be dressed and then Anya led her to the door.

Anya gave Jen back her wedding ring. "I hope you find what you're looking for," she said.

[Author's note: Follow me for updates to this and my other stories. If you like what you read, please leave a comment or a star rating. Constructive feedback is always welcome. If you want further adventures, or to check out the previous book, The Monogamists, my story page is here:]

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ToranAllairesToranAllaires10 months ago

Brilliant! You set up a scene where I could only see two outcomes and you slammed home a third in the most dramatic, intense way possible. Wonderful story - I can't wait for the conclusion! There's a beast inside all of us, some little more than an occasional whisper, some so demanding it needs to be collared and caged. Jen wanting to let her beast free is totally believable and heart wrenching. The toll it must be taking on all of them is told in an amazing way. Wonderful work! You really must consider publishing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I came late to this series and am thoroughly enjoying it. This was an incredibly hot chapter and I can’t wait to finish and move on to your other stories.

EssEssCehEssEssCehover 1 year ago

I don't know where these people and this relationship could go from this point. Everybody is betraying everybody.

I mean... Henri could have introduces Anya as Jens dominant Mistress... but this would have been too simple apparantly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


Fingers crossed then!

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This took a very dark turn...and it wasn't that enjoyable to read.

The questionable ethics of the catfishing were bad enough, but now they are all actively lying to each other and betraying each other, it makes the idea they are all in a 'relationship' a joke.

I can't see how they can possibly come back from this.

oneagainstoneagainstabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, that's very kind...! Two chapters left, so thanks for sticking with Jen, Henry and Anya. It feels a long way since Monogamists Ch. 01.

Do you think there's a happy ending?

tbone231tbone231about 2 years ago

This is outstanding writing. It's very far from my favorite genre, but the characters and story are incredible. It's unforgettable. Thank you so much!

topofthehamtopofthehamabout 2 years ago

OMG!! That was one GREAT chapter. Keep up the good work!

jacksfreewilljacksfreewillabout 2 years ago

Great chapter! The anger made so much sense. All the betrayal up to that point... I wonder if they'll recover?

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