The Dregs of Murder


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He lowered his lips to mine. "Never too tired for that."


After an explosive round of love making last night, and another one this morning, Hunter had called work. He told me he had anal myopia--he couldn't see his ass at work today--but on the phone, he said he had something come up he had to deal with, and took a day of vacation. As he was on the phone, I stood behind him and caressed his manhood so he wouldn't be lying. After he hung up, he took me back to bed, and I helped him reduce the uncomfortable swelling he was experiencing.

Our desire for each other finally satiated, at least for the moment, we slept until nearly eleven. After a round of slap and tickle in the shower, we had lunch, and then we set about finishing moving me in. I'd claimed the kitchen, so all my pots, pans, and dishes were still in their boxes, waiting for me to put them where I wanted them.

Other than a few pieces, all the furniture was Hunters, but he didn't have many knickknacks, so while the dishes washed, I placed my collection of memories about the rooms. It felt so cozy arranging my space, asking him for advice, and seeking his approval.

We were hanging pictures when I began to cry. "Cam... what's wrong?" he asked.

Nothing was wrong. It had suddenly hit me that this was my life from now on, that we'd never be apart again. In the future, I'd seen the love in his eyes, and the love in mine in return, and knowing that filled me with so much joy I was leaking... but obviously I couldn't tell him that.

"Nothing," I said as I wiped my eyes.

"It certainly looks like something."

I sighed heavily as I reeled in my emotion. "I just realized this was home now."

"Okay..." he said slowly. "And that made you cry?"

I smiled wetly. "Yes. I'm here with you... and... I don't know, moving out of the place I'd shared with Mom."

"Oh..." he said slowly. "Do you want to go back?"

I sniffed and laughed at the same time. "No, silly. I started crying because I'm happy."

"Oh..." he said again, but the relief in that single word was palpable. "I'm glad you're here too."

"Promise me something."


"No matter what happens, promise me you'll fight for us."

He held my gaze for a moment. "Okay, I promise."

I smiled. "I promise too."

"What brought all this on?" he asked.

I sniffed as tears threatened again, but I willed them away. "I don't know. I guess while I was gone I learned what was important. Who's important. I learned that we need to live, to enjoy each day as it comes."

He nodded slowly. "Sounds like good advice. Maybe I need to go visit this group sometime."

I felt my lips twist into a lopsided grin. "You know, in a few years, maybe we can do that."

He looked at me so intently it was almost uncomfortable. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"I'm not sure," he said after a brief pause. "I just have a feeling you know something you're not telling me. You didn't meet some guy up there, did you?"

I snickered. "Of course not. There were only three men on the island. One of--"

"You were on an island? Where?"

"In the middle of Lake Champlain. It's a private island owned..." I waved my hands. "Never mind, it's not important. As I was going to say, there were only three men on the island. One was old enough to be my grandfather, the other was married, and the third... you know, he reminded me of you. He was older, old enough to be my dad, but he was a serious stud muffin." I waited to see if Hunter would say anything, but he didn't. "Anyway, he and Aunt Vicki are, shall we say, close, and she threatened to toss me into the middle of the lake if I so much as glanced his way."

"That's good to know... I guess."

I sauntered up to him, took the painting from his hand, and propped it against the wall. "You have nothing to worry about. I have everything I want right here," I purred before pulling him into a kiss.

"Nice," he whispered.

"Very," I agreed. "I'm supposed to have dinner with my aunts this evening. Why don't you come too."

He hesitated. My aunts knew he and I were sleeping together, and knew I was moving in with him, but I'd been keeping those two parts of my life separate. I had Hunter, my friends, and my aunts. They mixed some, but I was going all in with my future husband, so I might as well start combining Hunter fully into my life.

"I guess, if that's what you want."

"It is."


"Do you not want to?"

He pulled a face. "It's not that."

"What is it then?"

"I don't know. It feels like the whole meeting the aunts thing."

I snickered. "It's not like you don't know them."

He sighed. "I know, but this is different."


"It just is. How'd you feel about going to Texas to meet my parents?"

"When do you want to leave?"

"Really?" he asked, his surprise obvious.

"Really," I confirmed. "If we're going to make a life together, then we have to be together, right? You do want to make a life together, don't you?"


I grinned. "I'm not asking you to marry me, but I want you in my life. All of it. It's you and me, taking on the world, one day at a time... together."

He smiled down at me. "Yeah. That's what I want too."

"So dinner with Aunts Vicki and Liz tonight?"

"Love to."

I grinned. That's more like it. "I'll let them know to expect you."

"Were you serious about meeting my parents?"

"I'd like to check in on Cathy's, and Coffee with Cream, but we can leave right after that."

"That's a big step, you know."

"I know."

He glanced away with a smile before his gaze returned to mine. "I think you need to go to this island more often."

"No..." I said softly. "I have everything I want right here in Pokagon."

He lowered his lips to mine, pausing just before they touched. "So do I," he rumbled before taking my lips into a caress.


I opened my door as Hunter switched his Supra off. He'd retrieved it from the storage unit where it lived so that we could arrive in style. We'd arrived about five, dinner had been at seven, and it was now past ten. It was by far the longest single stint he'd spent with my aunts.

The visit was a bit strained because I knew Aunt Liz, and probably Aunt Vicki too, wanted to talk about what happened on the island, but we couldn't because of Hunter. We'd talked about what we could, focusing on the lack of technology. Rather than putting him off, I think living on the island without any modern amenities intrigued him.

As we were making our goodbyes, I'd quietly suggested to my aunts lunch tomorrow, and both had readily agreed. Now we were back home. We had worked our asses off all day, putting the apartment to right, but it was done, and all the boxes had been dumped into the recycle bin. I'd let Coffee w/ Cream know I'd be there in morning, and I should be thinking about sleep, but while I was thinking about going to bed, sleep wasn't what I had in mind.

I treaded lightly up the steps to our apartment. We lived on the top floor, but someone in the building climbed the steps like an elephant. I'd heard him a couple of times, and I didn't want to be like that guy and disturb the neighbors.

I didn't pause upon entering our apartment and went straight to the bedroom, Hunter following closely on my heels. Taking turns at the sink, we brushed our teeth, I removed my makeup and brushed my hair, and he shaved.

We tumbled into bed. I knew we were going to make love, but the longing of our absence had been soothed last night and this morning, so I snuggled in close to enjoy his warmth and closeness.

"Did you have a good time?" I whispered after our kiss.


"So you wouldn't mind going back?"

"Not at all. Your aunts are funny as hell."

I smiled in the darkness. "Just wait until they loosen up around you. They were on their best behavior tonight."

He chuckled. "If your mom was like them, I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to meet her."

"Yeah... me too," I said softly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bring you down."

I rocked my head. "You didn't. Everything happens for a reason. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't have met."

"You don't know that."

I did know that, but I couldn't say so. "Call it a feeling."

"Maybe," he murmured.

"I'll never say I'm glad she died... but I am glad I met you."

"I feel the same."

"Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if we'd never met?"



"No. I can't imagine not having you in my life."

I smiled in the darkness. "Oh... that was smooth," I purred, drawing out the last word.

He huffed out a single laugh. "Maybe, but I meant it. Having you gone for almost two weeks reminded me of what my life was like before, except worse, and I don't want to go back to that."

"Worse? Worse how?"

"Worse because you weren't here, and I missed you."

"I missed you too." We were quiet a moment. "If I go again, you should come too."

"Will I be allowed?"

"You will be or I won't be going back." He grunted. "I don't need to see you every moment of every day, but--"

"Gee... thanks..."

I snickered. "Let me finish. I don't need to see you every moment of every day, but I want you with me. During the day you can be out there catching bad guys and helping old ladies across the street, but at night, when you're finished protecting Pokagon from evil doers, I want to be with you, and I want you to be with me."

He shuffled in the bed as he pulled me closer. "Count on it," he whispered, his lips so close to mine I could feel the tickle of his breath. "That's what I want from you too." He paused and I sensed his smile. "Except the part about catching the bad guys. You do that many more times and you might put me out of a job."

I was giggling as he kissed me.





Cathy was getting fussy, and I smiled. Today was the day. I'd been waiting forty-six years for this moment, and it would soon arrive. I picked Cathy up, removed the bottle from the cooler, and broke the seal to start the bottle warming.

Earlier, I'd brought Mom's mirror down from our bedroom and placed it under the temporary light that Hunter had stuck to the ceiling this past weekend.

"Jeffery," I said as the bottle chimed, announcing it had reached body temperature.

"Yes, Cam?"

"Who's a good girl?" I cooed as I smiled at Cathy while popping the nipple into her mouth. "Please verify you can access the new light."

As I watched, the light slowly brightened, dimmed, and then began to strobe rapidly. I smiled as Cathy stopped nursing and her eyes opened wide as she gazed at the blinking light. The light stopped flashing, and after a moment, Cathy began sucking on the bottle again.

"Access confirmed."

"Thank you."

I walked to the front window, watching the sidewalk that crossed in front of our house. We were living in Old Town, where houses still had sidewalks and real grass, not the fake grass so many new houses had.

My attention bounced from Cathy, to the walk, and then back to Cathy. The bottle was about half empty. "Jeffery... what's the time?"

"Three minutes." I smiled at Cathy as her eyes began to get heavy. She was such a good little thing, unlike her mother, who would never sleep. "It's time," Jeffery said.

Smiling, I opened the door and stepped outside to welcome myself to the future.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

SanityCheck, I'm about 90% through everything you have written on this site. It's all excellent. This trio of stories might be the best, it's such a wild mental ride but you made Cam come to a peaceful spot. The uncertainty became certain. Nicely done.

I sort of read over the long comment that was bitching about the story line. Everyone has their opinion, but it is just their opinion. In my opinion, you wrote one hell of set of stories and you should be very proud of them. Excellent work, I'd love to see more and if you ever write books I will happily buy them.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter10 months ago

Thaw whole series has been a delight to read, and your treatment of the complicated paradoxes of time travel were insightful. This third instalment brought quite a few potential issues to light, some of which were addressed by the comments made by “onlythelonelylove” below. I must are issue with those comments, because it seems that they ignore the central reality of Cam’s conundrum concerning the unforeseeable effects of altering the past. Changing or illuminating Landon’s past had as much chance of creating a much worse situation than it did in providing a remedy to his sense of loss. I do not find her actions hypocritical in any way. If she had continued on her plan to eliminate her mother’s murder, but chose not to help Landon it could have been construed in that light. However, she discovered the danger of going back to alter the situation that resulted in her mother’s death and chose not to change history in spite of her desire to have her mother back. It was the singular lesson that defined her conclusion regarding time travel in general. Yes, it created a moral dilemma, but one she recognized that she had to avoid by refusing to take risks she could not comprehend or control.

So much for the moralizing! A great story, well fleshed out, with interesting characters. I’d love to read a prequel about her two aunts!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I haven't read the other two stories yet but this was great. However I agree with commenter below: I think Landon was handled poorly, I wanted him to know what was that issue in his past so he can move on with his life.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What do I think? A masterpiece, no, a master series!

Well done, high to the right.

Thank You for the time and effort put into this series. Wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Simply Outstanding! Hate to see this series end!

Thank you for sharing your stories you are a very talented author!


onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove12 months ago

Hi Sanity Check,

“It won't. It can't. If you become a different person because I tell you something you want to know, that person is inside you already. You don't need me to change you. I can't change you. Only you can do thaT.

First, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed the series. It has the makings of a good novel. The plot is good, and your explanation of time travel paradoxes is as good as anyone’s! It is the sudden lack of empathy of your character and her clueless and sanctimonious hypocrisy that I abhor.

I realize this is a strong statement but let me back this up with textual support. First, “the idea of being that different person already.” I could offer the insights of therapeutic traditions that one has to face the problem head on—only then can it be dealt with. Landon is faced with originary trauma caused by parents for an event that he has no recollection of or way to understand. His whole character is defined by his parents’ negative perception. They are not here anymore.

Clueless and unempathetic. Cam has a good life—she knows she is loved and valued by multiple people. Landon is not. He has grown up with negative value, so what is his basis to build some sense of personal identity and sense of reality given his parents sustained efforts to deny it? Not much I think. So, what will be the basis for Landon to find what he needs—especially unlike Cam—he has little formal education or capacity to function in the world; a worry Cam does not have to deal with. So, how will Landon “pull himself up by his bootstraps” in this situation? How will he find the “True Landon Within” without a roadmap? He will manage just like Cam did on her own… even with the skill set she took years to acquire.

Which leads me to: hypocrite. Cam has the help of two people who help her become who she is and of whom she is IGNORANT of when she gets to the island—namely, Happy Cam and Desperate Cam. Her actions set in motion the access to these people who act as EXTERNAL guides to her—she has no access to them prior to this story. Through them she finds how to control her powers and is advised not to do things that would be catastrophic and to which she assents. And yet, she says that Landon has to do it on his own without her help. Because that is what she did? Fuck that! Because he can do this—please explain how when she has so much support and he does not?

This is not rocket science and I am at a loss as to how Cam can even believe that this few she has makes any sense if she actually follows her character’s behavior. Assuming that this makes sense to you that means that there are further adventures for Cam, on her way to becoming Happy Cam.

Happy Cam says:

“ Not stop... but after that night, the night you're living now, you'll lose the desire. You'll find yourself traveling only for convenience, to remind yourself to pick up something at the store you forgot, find where you put your phone, check to make sure you locked the door, that sort of thing. I will sometimes travel to give Hunter the hint he needs, but I don't interact with the past, and I've found traveling to the future... ruins the surprise.”

She also says she didn’t make mistakes. Not helping Landon is not necessarily a mistake. It is growing and recognizing that sometimes extending GRACE to someone who hurt her is a good thing to do, to help develop characteristics and values such as kindness and caring.

The reasons she offered Landon are bullshit. When she has calmed down, she will realize this—I believe—and realize that she did this out of anger at him—he in fact says exactly this and it is a natural reaction for Cam to have in this way. She is not obligated to help him but what bites is that she did not help someone in deep distress. Landon is not working this out on his own—many of us, in real life, need the help of others—therapists and/ or friends / family. Landon has none of these and was poorly served by the Masters who used him badly as a means to an end. They did Landon wrong.

So, Happy Cam uses her power to help Landon with information because this is not changing the past—so the impact moves forward… options to consider—Landon has a second gift that is “self-blocked” by the trauma of the event. That could lead in bad directions but it might help Landon become the person he was meant to be—after all, Cam COULD NOT ACCESS her gift on her own—she needed help (from her hither till now unknown selves AND from the Masters, Her aunt, AND Landon) to become who she was going to be (see the hypocrisy point I raised above). Alternatively, it is just his parents reacting to him using his gift when he was young and shutting him down emotionally. Other options also are available.

So why does Happy Cam not tell about this adventure I propose? She wants Cam to be “surprised” by her own decision when the time comes. Why? She told us so in the quote! And further, Cam only becomes Happy Cam because of the freely chosen choices she makes, something Happy Cam finds out more fully after helping Future Landon.

Anyway, that is my two cents worth. Once again, thank you for the thoughtful trilogy. In my opinion it needs a further adventure to actually show us the solidity and coherency of the path Cam follows…

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Excellent. More please. 5 Stars.

RandyPandaRandyPanda12 months ago

Great story 👏

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Thank you for a remarkable read. You have a very apt user name!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Whew, you tied my head in knots. But I really enjoyed the story, and the characters. And the ending was very satisfying.

I do feel like this book is more like an appendix to the first 2 stories though. The conflict is more of an internal conflict than an external conflict; based on the title and the precedent of the first 2 stories, I was expecting another murder mystery would need to be resolved.

KeithW66KeithW6612 months ago

What a fantastic story. It had me captivated when I saw the 3rd book was released. I has been a great story from beginning to end, one I am sure I will need to reread a few times. Thanks for your efforts, and but allowing us to read your works

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy12 months ago

Wonderful ending to a great series!


texquilltexquill12 months ago

This is a great story, and a fitting capstone to an outstanding series. Thanks for the hard work!


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I enjoyed all 3 stories, well done.

MordechaiJonesMordechaiJones12 months ago

I really like the way you handled the paradoxes. Kind of a "Kobayashi Maru" scenario where the rules were changed in order to circumvent the no-win problem. I would love to see more of these characters, but unfortunately I think this loop is now closed. This is some damn fine writing.

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