The Dutiful Son


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"You need to stay out of it." Her husband/brother admonished her.

"But baby..."

"Stay out of it, please."


"Let me hear you say it."

"Sigh, I will not spill the beans on Carolyn and Spencer."

"Ok. That's better. Now, all this incest talk has me ready to commit some of my own. What say we get out of these clothes and get into each other? Maybe even try out that new asshole that Sergio tore you."

"Baby, you know my creed. I'll never do anything with another man that I won't do with or for you. But you're going to have to give me some time on this anal.

That white dick broke things inside of my ass that I don't think are ever going to fully heal."

"It's really amazing." Brian noted.

"What is?"

"Chemistry, biology...whatever you choose to call it. You and me."

"What about us?" She asked as she squeezed her brother's now exposed cock.

"We make a pact at 18 to be each other's "special first time". We simultaneously take the other's virginity. Our reasoning being that such an act will ensure that we are always close, and that we will get to spend our lives together forever.

The two of us against the world."

"I agree." Beverly says as she starts to suck her lover's now hard cock.

"But when we do the swinging stuff; I must admit, I really like watching you go at it with other men. How can I want you all to myself and then allow you to be shared with the world?

How can those conflicting desires exist within the same head space?"

She raises up from her fellatio and responds to her brother's question.

"It's called "cognitive dissonance" my love. You suffer from it, I do as well, probably the entire swinger community and anyone who dares fall in love with an immediate family member."

Back to present day...

Remember Tasha and Jerome? Well, after the Jamaica trip, Carolyn and I got to know them really well. We became their best friends outside of the swinger lifestyle.

Tasha even threw Carolyn a baby shower and invited a bunch of ladies from their swinger group. I can't begin to describe all the amenities and gifts that will greet "Spencer the 3rd" when he makes his debut onto the world stage.

The test that the OBGYN does to determine if a fetus has any type of abnormalities proved successful. We will welcome a healthy baby boy into the world in less than a month.

We also took the unusual step of revealing some info to our new best friends. To this day, I can't believe we had the balls to go through with it.

2 months before present day... At an upscale Brazilian steakhouse.

"So, what is this big secret that you wanted to share with us today?" Jerome asked while we waited on our drinks to arrive. Out of respect for the fact that Carolyn can't indulge, we all stuck to tea or soda.

"It's something that could either end our friendship or strengthen it. Either way, it's something that we feel strongly that we can trust you guys with." Carolyn explained.

"Sounds ominous." Tasha said.

"To society at large? It really is."

"Well in that case...lay it on us."

Carolyn sighed. We had agreed it best that this comes from her, and I'd attempt to answer any follow up questions.

"Spencer is much more than my fiancée and lover. He's so much more."

Tasha spoke. "Oh honey, everyone can see that. You have such a genuine love for each other."

"Spencer is also my son. My biological son whom I am deeply in love with. That's our secret."

A few seconds of uncomfortable silence was broken when Tasha appeared to be having a seizure of sorts.

"Fuck! God damn it!" She said through clenched lips.

It turned out that it wasn't a seizure after all. She was having an orgasm. The news that my mom and I were in love and had an active sex life with each other had caused her to cream her pants.

Jerome apparently wanted to hear more as well. But what he did next perplexed both mom and me.

He reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed Tasha a $100.00 bill.

"I told you that I have awesome powers of discernment. I should have bet you $10,000." She said to her husband.

"Ok. I'm sure that you two are wondering what's going on here. But it appears that Tasha had you guys pegged from the beginning."


"I told Jerome that you two were related somehow. The resemblance was too on the nose for it to be a coincidence.

Either brother and sister, aunt and nephew, cousin and cousin, or of course..."

"Mother and son." Carolyn said.

"I bet Jerome while we were at the resort that you were not only related, but that you both knew it. He thought I was crazy as hell for thinking it.

And then one day while you and I were on a lunch date, you let the cat out of the bag."

"When?" Carolyn asked with deep confusion on her face.

"Remember when that cop got shot in the leg about a month ago? You started frantically calling Spencer, but he didn't answer.

You next called the station in near panic mode and told the sgt that you needed to check to make sure that your "son" was ok.

Then once it was confirmed that he was fine, you immediately broke down and cried uncontrollably. What you showed that day was a mother's anguish and a mother's elation.

I just kept it to myself until today."

"Spencer weren't you the one who nabbed the cop shooter?" Jerome asked.

"Yeah. Had I known what he had put you through mom, I would have blasted his ass."

"Stop saying that. You are too good of a cop to talk like that." Carolyn said to me in a sharp and scolding rebuke.

"So. Where do we go from here?" Jerome asked.

"It depends. Do you guys have any deep dark secrets that you'd care to share?"

"Nothing like what you just dropped on us." Tasha joked.

"Are we good still?" I asked.

"We are better than "good", I think that after today, we'd be better suited calling ourselves a family." Jerome stated.

"I concur." Tasha said. "What about you both?"

I looked over at mom who smiled at me and then she looked at Tasha and said, "baby girl, we wouldn't have it any other way."

Back to present day...

So here I am, right where I was when I started this tale. The only difference is that after reminiscing over everything that got me to this point; my cock which was sleeping soundly inside of my mother, has received new life and I'm now slowly stroking her pregnant pussy as she is suddenly aroused out of slumber.

"Not too hard my love. She said to me. You don't want your son coming here prematurely, do you?"

"Not at all." I grunted. "I just know that my window for fucking you Tre comes is rapidly closing. I'm trying my best to take advantage of it."

"I don't like the nickname Tre. He sounds like dice. Why can't he be a Jr, like you?" She asked as she gently pushed her ass back against my cock.

"Because mom, I'm the Jr remember?" I told her. She finally accepted the fact that I would use the words mom and Carolyn interchangeably.

Even when our son is born, I intend to still do so. It's a known fact that in certain black households, the man can often refer to his wife and the mother of his children as "mama". So, it won't seem like something weird.

"Baby are we ever going to tell him?" She asked as she nutted all over my dick.


"No?" She asked.

"Carolyn, all he will need to know is that he is the product of love. The purest type of love on earth. Our son will get to grow up in a home where his parents don't argue. A home where there is no infidelity, no strife. No lies.

How many children get to say that?"

"Is that really the only way to have a home like that? A son, marrying his mother?"

"I don't know, but you can't deny that it works for us."

"You haven't applied for the property room job yet, have you?"

"Mom, we've been over this. I'm still needed on the streets."

"Baby in the few months that you have been on the street you've caught a cop shooter, an arsonist, a counterfeiter and a serial rapist. Don't you think you should let someone else hog the spotlight for a change?"

"What you really mean is let someone else be in the line of fire."

"You know your mother very well." She said as she worked her way to a second orgasm.

It still hasn't changed. When she's sucking my cock and swallowing my seed, I'm her lover and fiancée Spencer. But, when she's worried about the fateful "knock on the door", then suddenly I'm back to being her first born son.

But maybe she's right. I have physically collared several very high-profile perps during these first few months on the job. Maybe a trip into the prop room might be best for all concerned. Especially her peace of mind.

"I'm going to apply today mom." I told her as I unleashed my own orgasmic seed inside of her dripping pussy.

"Thank you, baby." She said as she fought back tears. "You don't know what this means to me."

I pulled my dick out of her and her pussy made a loud squishy sound. I wondered how many more children could we theoretically produce?

I'm sure that she wants a girl, and I want to give her one.

And the very minute Tre makes his debut onto the world stage, and Carolyn's insides have a chance to heal then we are going to get busy working on producing a baby sister for him.

At the station that morning...

I applied for the property room job right before the roll call shift briefing. If I know my mother, she's already calling in favors (hopefully she's not promising any, "favors" of her own, lol), and lobbying on my behalf for the position. I surmised that I'd probably hear the news before the end of my shift.

"Patrolman Rhodes. Can I see you in my office for a second?"

Damn! That was quicker than I thought. I said to myself as I went to the semi closed office door of Detective Beverly Brooks.

"Come on in Spencer." She said once she sensed my presence.

Much to my surprise, she had an office full. There was Jack, my mom's ex. A man in a cheap suit whom I deduced to be from the secret service. And one more whose attendance made me a bit uneasy.

"Ok, why isn't he in a cell?" I asked as I pointed to the counterfeiter that I nailed a few weeks back.

"A judge finally granted me a bail. How do you like them apples? An upholder of the law who believes in the constitution."

"Do yourself a favor and button your lip asshole. You're still facing the prospect of spending the bulk of your good years in federal lockup." Jack told him.

"Ahem. Spencer this is Special Agent David Maloney. Our colorful friend Gene Adamos here; you're already well aware of."

"Yeah, he's lucky I didn't file a complaint against him for roughing me up." Adamos said

"You took a swing at me in front of witnesses, you moron. You gave me all the provocation I needed."

"We need your help Officer Rhodes for a voluntary but crucial assignment." David Maloney explained to me. In exchange for a reduced sentence and a new start in life, Mr. Adamos has agreed to point us toward some much bigger fish than himself. We have an opportunity to cripple a major counterfeit organization that is operating right here on American soil."

"And my part in this?"

"You're going undercover with me. You're going to watch my ass while I bring down a few of my paesano."

"If you don't shut him up, then I will." Jack said to the secret service agent.

"Spencer, you would go in as muscle for Adamos. He'll help us to build a case against the larger organization." Detective Brooks said to me.

"But I don't know anything about counterfeiting. Only what we learned in the academy."

"Which was enough for you to take down one of the biggest violators on the east coast. All we need is one fact! We are going about this the wrong way. What about this?" Maloney said. "How about instead of Spencer going in as a bodyguard, how about he goes in as a buyer?"

"Go on." Beverly said to him.

"Let's make Spencer a gangbanger who needs an absorbent amount of cash for a huge drug buy. He reaches out to our friend Adamos here for some funny money; if the price is right of course."

"Ok, ignoring the obvious gangbanger stereotype I still am not comfortable posing as a counterfeiter. What if they ask me to tell a fake bill from a real one as a test?"

"I'll teach you. When I'm done with you, you'll be able to tell a fake Mona Lisa from the original." Adamos said.

"This is voluntary right? I don't have to do this right?"

"That's correct Spence. You are under no obligation to..."

"Gentlemen, can you give me and Officer Rhodes a minute?" Beverly Brooks said as she cut Jack off.

The three men quickly exit her office while she pulls some papers from her desk drawer.

"Have a seat, Spencer."

"I'd rather stand."

"Suit yourself. Perhaps you can explain this?" She said as she tossed some papers in my direction.

"What's this?" I asked.

"One is your next of kin form. The other is your life insurance beneficiary form."


"Well...that's what I want to discuss with you. You see, on your life insurance beneficiary form you have Carolyn Rhodes listed as the beneficiary.

You also have Carolyn Rhodes listed as your next of kin."

"Both correct. Now, can we please get to the point?"

"The point is this." She said as she poured herself a cup of coffee and peered at me as she took a sip. "You listed a Carolyn Rhodes as your fiancée on your beneficiary form, but on your next of kin form, you listed Carolyn Rhodes as your mother."

Damn! Maybe I should sit down after all.

"So, tell me Spencer, is Carolyn Rhodes your lover or is she your mother?"


"I made a mistake."

"You certainly did."

"I meant on the paperwork."

"No. The mistake was made when you starting fucking and impregnating your own mother."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm sure that you don't. However, I have enough circumstantial evidence to put both you and your "mother" under the jail.

And enough to have that new baby of yours placed in foster care."

I wish my mom were here right now...she'd know what to say. She always knows the right words at just the right time.

It's been that way my entire life. She'd have "Detective Disgusting" shaking in her Tory Burch's right now.

But she isn't here. And it falls to me to keep my family safe.

"My family", I hadn't really given that a ton of thought before now. But the reality was that I truly was the man of the house and protecting my family now fell onto my shoulders.

And that meant protecting them at all costs.

"Ok. You got me. So, what is It that you want from me?"

"I'll make it very simple for you. Take the undercover assignment and I'll keep your secret."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Baby, I have no desire to hurt you or Carolyn. In another life, she and I might have even been friends as opposed to bitter rivals."

"Because of Jack?"

She scoffed at me. "Do you really think that Jack Morrison is the only man that has fucked your mother in this department?

By the time she got to Jack she was just working her way through the "M's" with 13 alphabets to go, N-Z. And I can assure you that despite what she did to Sergio, you don't want "Zachary" within twenty feet of your mom's asshole."

Before I could respond, I received the text.

"Your son isn't waiting until next month. Can you meet me at the hospital?"

"I have to go." I said as I rose from my chair and turned to exit.

"What about an answer?"

"Later detective; I'll call you later."

"Right this way officer! One of the attending nurses told me after I ran the short distance to the downtown hospital. Your...fiancée is in the delivery room."

I washed up and put on protective gear and went in to be with Carolyn and our baby boy with the last words of Beverly Brooks haunting my thoughts.

My mother was no saint. I understood that. But to be the office "pass around" girl?

Suddenly, some of the "compliments" that I had received over the last few months regarding her took on an entirely different meaning.

When Sgt Raymond Garza told me that "Carolyn is one "fine" woman, was he referring to her character or something else entirely?

But this would keep for another time I surmised as once again I held her hand and spoke encouraging words to her as her body went through a traumatic ordeal just as it was when Sergio had plowed her ass for four minutes.

But it made me wonder...when she claimed that she only wanted to enter the ass fucking contest with Sergio in an attempt to "show Beverly up" was she telling the truth? Or was she more attracted to Sergio than she let on?

Hey! Schmuck on wheels. You've got a baby about to be born. Focus, ok?

And maybe one day I'll figure out why the voice in my head sounds exactly like Silvio Dante'.

"You're doing great baby. Keep pushing." I said to her gently.

"We're almost there Mrs. Rhodes...give me one last push for all the marbles." The doctor said to her.

And with that, out came our beautiful, crying bundle of joy. The doctor handed him to Carolyn, who cradled Tre in her arms as I fought back tears.

"We will give you three a few minutes and then we will come back and let the father cut the cord and then we will deliver the afterbirth."

"Baby? Come closer and hold your son." She whispered to me.

"I'm scared. I don't want to drop him."

"You won't drop him my love. I know that you'll always do what you must do to protect him. I know that you'll always do what you must do to protect me."

"I'm sure that you don't. However, I have enough circumstantial evidence to put both you and your "mother" under the jail.

And enough to have that new baby of yours placed in foster care."

And enough to have that new baby of yours placed in foster care."

foster care

foster care

foster care...

I hand Spencer the 3rd back to Carolyn. "Mom, I have a call to return at work. I'll be right back in."

"Hurry back so that you can cut the cord and sign the birth certificate."

"Sign the birth certificate", she just makes all of this seem so normal.

I click a number preprogrammed into my phone and make the call.

"Detective Brooks; may I help you?"

"Yeah, it's me."

" everything ok at the hospital?"

"That's not your concern. Will you honor our deal?"

"Of course, I will."

"Fuck that. Let me hear you say the words."

"Sigh...if you go undercover for me, I'll never reveal the truth about you and Carolyn.

You have my word on this."

"In that case I'm in. Let's go catch some counterfeiters.


A cheap motel near downtown.

"Oh, you are so nasty daddy! Give me that big white cock! Fuck this black pussy like you own it!"

"You yellow bitch you! Why is your pussy always so tight?"

"So that I can milk your dick like an udder. I'm ready for that load baby. Shoot that milk into this pussy."

"Does this pussy belong to your husband?"

"Right now, it's all yours baby. Shoot your load.

Jack Morrison does just that as he coats the insides of Beverly Brooks with his seed with a loud yell that causes someone in the next room to bang on the wall.

Beverly starts to giggle as he extracts his cock from her pussy and lays down beside her.

"One of these days I'm going to drop dead on top of you." The now exhausted yet thoroughly satisfied law enforcement officer said to his equally satiated colleague.

"You do so, and I'll leave your ass in this motel room and return later to investigate your death."

"So, Spencer is on board now. I don't like this, Beverly. This is a dangerous assignment."

"He's a trained police officer. He'll be fine."

"This organization won't care that he's a cop if they find out. They will kill him same as look at him. They already did the same to a couple of undercover treasury agents."

"We'll pull him before it gets to that. You really care about him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. He's a good kid."