The Ebony Alpha Ch. 07


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She had to get her away from the likes of the animals that had caused her child harm. If she had too, she would enlist the power of the Witches Council. Enough was enough.


Maddie emerged from the emergency room doors being pushed in a wheel chair by Sullivan. He had an angry look on his face even though relief shown in his eyes.

"I am okay everybody, I am a little battered and bruised but I will live." Maddie's smile was glorious and put everyone at ease accept her brooding mate.

"Why aren't you happy Sullivan? Maddie is going to be okay." Megan helped her cousin to stand as Sullivan pushed the wheel chair to the side.

"They questioned me like I was the one who hit her. It was all I could do to control myself."

"I told them that I had fallen and they looked at me like I was lying, but dropped the subject."

Maddie held up a pamphlet one of the nurses had given her after Sullivan had went to put up the wheel chair.

Spousal Abuse and You. "I had to laugh when she handed that to me. If they knew how wonderful Sullivan really is they never would have accused him of such a thing."

The group of them laughed as Sullivan lifted Maddie into his arms carrying her out of the hospital. Raphael opened the door to the waiting SUV and they headed for Baton Rouge to the Boscoyo Compound.


As they entered the forested area that surrounded the Boscoyo pack lands; Megan gasped when she saw the beauty of the land before her. The tree lined road gave way to an open field that was green even in the month of March. In the distance she could see an old Ante Bellum Mansion that sat right in the middle of the field.

The compound was on one of the old cotton plantations and Napoleon had restored it completely. He had changed all of the old slave cabins into modern homes for his pack, and the mansion had become his home and the main headquarters. It was huge and had guest quarters as well as a large kitchen and dining hall to hold communal meal and parties.

This was the place where Napoleon was born and his memories here were not all good, but it was still home. He stood on the front porch and waited on the SUV he saw approaching in the distance. He could feel Raphael's bond as he entered the property and was relieved to have his Beta home. Bachtrane joined him as well as Joslyn his mate and together they formed a welcoming committee for their guests.

There was much to discuss and with all parties involved now present, they could begin their loathsome task. Remy would get his time to say goodbye to his Mother, and then they all would say good bye to him. It was time for justice to prevail. By sunset tomorrow Remy would be a vapor of smoke rising to meet the Moon.

"Welcome to the Boscoyo Compound my friends. You all know Bachtrane." Napoleon said patting his son on the shoulder. "This is Joslyn my mate. She will be more than happy to help you all get settled in."

Joslyn looked at the group of friends before her and smiled. They looked like they needed a good night's sleep, the circles under their eyes drooping heavily.

"Come on in folks and you will be shown to your rooms. Just let Becky here know how you need to be split up and she'll get you all fixed up."

Jackson looked at Megan and sighed. They couldn't take the chance of sharing a room, it would be pure torture. Megan walked over to Jackson and took his hand. "Don't look so worried. We are two adults and I think we can handle ourselves for a few days." Her confidence made him feel foolish for doubting himself and he pulled her close to his side.

"Becky you can put us in one room, and I'm sure Sullivan and Maddie will want to share as well." Maddie blushed but didn't protest, as Sullivan scooped her into his arms.

"That goes without saying Jackson, I'm not about to let my mate out of my sight."

Becky giggled and looked at Mama Louisa, "Ma'am I will show you to your room first." Mama Louisa followed the small woman slowly she was very tired and just wanted to get some rest. A shower sounded real good about now.

"Here you go Ma'am. If you need anything just let me know. There are some clothes in the closet that we keep for our guests."

"Thank you Becky I'm sure I'll be fine." Mama Louisa smiled and closed the door. Megan and Jackson had better be careful. She thought. They were too close to the Blood Moon to ruin the Prophesy now.


Sullivan and Maddie were taken a little further down the hall and shown to their suite. "Thank you Becky." Maddie smiled at the young girl as she closed the door to the room.

Sullivan gently sat her on the bed and walked to the bathroom to run a bath. "You need to have a good long soak young lady. It will help with your aches and pains."

Maddie stood up and Sullivan slowly undressed her. He removed her sweater and blouse cursing at the bruises on her stomach. Running his fingers lightly over the marks; his hands longed to strangle the man who had dared hurt his mate. Lowering her jeans to the floor she held onto Sullivan and lifted each foot out of her pants.

Sullivan pulled her into his arms and undid her bra letting the lacy material fall to the floor. He couldn't help cupping her full breasts in the palms of his hands and squeezing the softly.

"I want you terribly my love, but you must heal first. If we were mated already your body would have healed by now." Maddie looked at him with lust filled eyes. His declaration of love made her catch her breath and reminded her of their first time together.

"I have to figure out what to tell my parents Sullivan. How do I just disappear and not let them know what is going on?"

"That is a problem Jackson will have to solve. We are not against others knowing who and what we are, but we must be able to trust them."

"I am pretty sure we can trust my parents Sullivan. They are from New Orleans and they have seen a lot of strange things. They may not be surprised after all."

"Let's discuss this in the tub; water always helps me think better." Maddie swatted him with a towel as he undressed to join her in the water.

Sullivan sat in the tub pulling Maddie's back to his chest, fitting her bottom onto his lap. He tried not to get too excited, but his erection betrayed him. She was just so soft and smelled so good; it was hard for him to think about anything else. He wanted to make love to his mate.

"Sullivan there is something poking me in my back." Maddie laughed at her man and squirmed on his cock. "Stop that woman! You have to take it easy for the next few days."

Maddie pouted, but stopped her teasing. It looked like Megan wouldn't be the only one that wasn't getting any right now.

"I know how to ease your frustration my mate." Sullivan eased Maddie's thighs open and pulled her back against him. Slowly his hand began to rub the soft hair of her mound. Sliding further down, he took her hand and placed it on her swollen clit.

"Touch yourself for me Maddie; I will give you a little incentive to help you along." Sullivan slid two fingers into her wet slit and began to thrust them in and out of her hole. Maddie relaxed against him as she started rubbing her sensitive little button.

The movement of two large fingers in her pussy drove Maddie to rub harder and the friction of each movement threatened to make her lose her mind.

"Ooooh baby it feels so good! Oh yeah!" Maddie was close to her climax and she jerked wildly trying to match the movement of Sullivan's hand. "Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!" Maddie shuddered beneath Sullivan's hand and slowly melted into the water.

"That was wonderful baby, but it will never replace the real thing." Maddie turned around and began to slide her wet warm hand up and down Sullivan's hard cock. He sighed and pushed her gently away.

"We have to wait Baby. I want to fuck you so bad, but I want you to be one hundred percent." He leaned in and kissed her pouting lips and held her close.

"I want to feel you inside me and I will do everything I can to get better real soon." She snuggled into her mate and let him bathe her sated body.

The smile on her face said it all. They were mates and she would find a way to make their lives work around her parents.


"Would you like to flip a coin to see who showers first Jackson?" Megan was walking around their suite and liked what she saw. Becky had led them to a more private area upstairs away from the other's rooms.

This bedroom had a sitting area with a leather recliner and loveseat. She touched the leather material on the furniture and it was buttery soft. The large windows over looked the back of the main house and the view was spectacular.

Then there was the bed. A giant four poster king sized bed that sat right in the middle of the room.

"ladies first." Jackson said claiming her attention. She should have known he'd say that. Smiling she walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Jackson stared at the door Megan had just closed. He should be in there washing her back and anything else he could put his hands on. Sighing he took a seat in the large recliner and pushed it as far back as it could go. He closed his eyes just meaning to relax a little, but was soon in a deep sleep.

Megan showered quickly and put on the fresh clothes she had found in the adjoining closet. The sweat pants and tee shirt were perfect, and she was ready for a short nap. Stepping into the bedroom she couldn't help but smile when she saw the big strong Alpha curled up in the leather chair.

His hands were folded beneath the side of his face and he snored softly. Jackson looked just like a little boy, vulnerable and at peace. She felt her heart melt at the thought of having a little one who looked just like him.

Where did that come from? She thought.This mating thing must really be getting to me. She got in the bed, still looking at Jackson and feel fast asleep.


Remy Sandorian was slowly waking up. He was no longer trussed up and stretched his aching body as he stood. He was back on the plantation and in the old smokehouse they had converted into a holding cell.

The cell he was in was made of pure silver and he could feel its power affecting him even now. He knew he wasn't going to get out of this predicament alive. His Uncle had passed his judgment; there would be no mercy this time. He was going to die.

There was a large covered try on a table by the door. He could smell the food and smiled. He knew his Mother's cooking anywhere. Lifting the cover off of the plate he licked his lips.

There were black eyed peas, fried chicken and collard greens. On a small plate nearby was his mother's famous sweet potato pie. Remy was starving; and he couldn't have asked for a better last meal.

As Remy settled back from his meal he patted his protruding belly. His Mother had not lost her touch in the kitchen. The door to the outer building of the cell opened and Regina Sanders entered the open area.

"Mistress Regina; Alpha Boscoyo said no one is to see the prisoner." Remy heard a beta trying to convince his mother to leave, but he knew his mother. She wasn't going anywhere.

"I am the Alpha's sister and this prisoner is my son. You are dismissed Josiah. I will visit with my son."

"Hello Mother."

"Hello Remaldi. It pains me to see you in this horrible cell."

His Mother insisted on calling him his given name. Before he had become Remy Sandorian he had been Remaldi Sanders.

"Convince Uncle Napoleon to release me. I promise to change my ways this time. I will even leave the country if that will help convince him."

"Your Uncle is not hearing anyone on this subject Remaldi. He has sealed your fate. I come to offer you comfort."

"I don't want your comfort mother! I want a fucking key to get the hell out of here!" Remy stood to his full height and tried to intimidate the woman outside of the bars.

"Such language my son. I cannot change things now. It is too late. By sundown it will all be over."

"How can you be so calm when your brother is about to kill your only son? You sicken me woman. How can you let this happen?"

"You are mistaken my son. Napoleon will not be killing you."

"What do you mean by that mother?" Remy felt that his Mother wasn't telling him everything. Did she have a plan to free him?

"I found this little bottle in your belongings after you were banished from the pack."

Remy was shocked to see the little black bottle he had acquired form a witch over a hundred years ago. He had poisoned the food his Mother had prepared for his Uncle Napoleon, but his Father had eaten it instead.

Remy could only watch helplessly as his Father died in his Mother's arms. He didn't think anyone knew what had caused his Father's mysterious death.

"It contains Wolf Bane. You know what that is, don't you Remy? Carlotta Guyon assured me she had given you her very best batch."

Remy could only stare at the woman before him. She knew everything, even who had made the poison for him. Drusilla's horrid mother had thought his success would result in him being named Alpha.

He was only supposed to use a small amount to weaken Napoleon and challenge him for leadership of the pack. Then he would take her daughter as his mate.

"I realize this is entirely my fault; I spoiled you when you were a little boy. You always thought that you should have whatever you wanted. I never had the strength to tell you no. "

"Mother I think you should leave now. You are upsetting yourself. There is no reason to bring up the past now."

"Oh, but there is my son, you killed your Father all those years ago, but also my mate.

Do you know what the death of one's mate can do to a wolf Remy?"

His Mother walked closer to his cell and grabbed the bars.

"We mate for life and you took a part of my life away from me. The last century has been hell on this Earth. I have only existed from day to day not living any kind of life. Now that the time of the Blood Moon is only a few weeks away, I will have the chance to mate once more."

"That is good news Mother, your life is not over you could even have another child." Remy thought this would make his Mother happy, but she glared at him with her wolf behind her eyes.

"I would never take the chance of bringing another child like you into this world Remaldi. You were a bad seed. Our line ends with the both of us."

Remy looked at his Mother and froze as she drank the poison in the vial. Smiling as she sat down on the floor in front of him, she asked; "Did you enjoy your food my son? It was the same meal your Father ate the night he died. The very same."

Her words struck him hard in the chest as he realized what her words meant. He began to feel his body stiffen. It was becoming hard for him to breathe and he suddenly lost control of his legs. He fell to the floor in a tangled heap, his head facing the dying woman before him.

"It was an accident Mother. I never meant for Father to die."

"He is waiting for us now Remaldi we will be a family once more. Pray that your Uncle shows mercy on your soul and cremates you as well."


Napoleon Boscoyo was sitting at the desk in his office. He was trying to figure out how he was going to convince his sister that it was time for Remy to pay for his crimes. He thought of Regina fondly and let his bond send warmth to her. What he felt knotted his stomach in excruciating agony.

A howl of despair shook the plantation as the Boscoyo Alpha bellowed out his rage and grief. Regina was no more! How had this happened? Oh Luna let this not be so he prayed, and slowly rose from his chair.

Joslyn ran into the office tears streaming down her face. She was holding a letter that Becky had delivered to her only moments before.

"She is with Remaldi. She has taken revenge for the death of her mate."

"But how could she leave me Joslyn? Why would she do such a thing?"

Joslyn held out the letter to her mate and he read it with tears streaming down his face.

A knock sounded at the door. "Excuse me my Alpha, please come you are needed at the jail."

Raphael pretended not to see the tears on his Alpha's face as he waited for him to compose himself. They walked to the old smokehouse together as Bachtrane joined them on the way.

The rest of the large Boscoyo pack surrounded their Alpha with their thoughts of love and grief.

The scene before them was almost surreal; Remy lay on his stomach facing Regina who was sitting collapsed against the bars of the cell. Their hands were joined together as if she had tried to comfort her evil son even in death.

Napoleon picked up the small black bottle and smelled its contents. "Wolf bane." Was all he said and threw the bottle against the wall breaking it into a thousand pieces. He picked up the body of his Sister and cradled it against his chest. His anguished howl shook the small building as the other members of the pack howled back in response.


Joe had watched Mama Louisa and the others go into their rooms. When the little omega came back downstairs he approached her innocently and smiled his biggest smile. "Excuse me, Becky isn't it?"

"Yes sir. How can I help you?" Becky couldn't help but appreciate the tall man in front of her. He smelled like soap and coffee and the jeans he wore fit him like a second skin. His bald head was very sexy and the light bounced of its shiny surface.

"My mate has finally arrived and I don't seem to have the key to our room. It's this one here." Joe pointed to the door that he had seen Mama Louisa enter.

Becky looked at him in confusion. How could the old woman be his mate? Shrugging her shoulders she took out her master key and unlocked the door. Joe thanked her with another smile and disappeared into the room.

Joe could hear the shower running and he slowly took off his boots. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair in the corner. He padded to the bathroom door in his bare feet and opened the barrier between him and the Voodoo woman. She had nothing on her body now to protect her from his senses.

He looked on the counter of the sink and noticed an intricately carved necklace . He picked it up and took a closer look. The words were in a language he had never seen before and it was very heavy. Probably some Voodoo trinket she used to make spells.

He absent mindedly put it in his pocket and turned around as the water stopped running. Leaning in the frame of the door, he waited for the woman to emerge from the shower.

What he saw when Mama Louisa opened the shower door took his breath away. The scent that accosted his nostrils made him weak in the knees.

"Mine!" He claimed approaching the wet woman, He pulled Louisa into his arms. She was nobody's Mama anymore.


I hope Remy's demise was satisfying and I know you are wondering just WTF is the ASI? Just keep reading and all will be answered. I think Raphael and Drusilla should be another story. What say you? Thanks for all the comments and don't forget to vote. Thanks so much!


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Abuse and you

Why lie? Why not say she was attacked by some thug on her way to meet Sullivan? By saying she fell down some stairs she was practically pointing her finger at him. Tsk tsk

NikkiAKLNikkiAKLover 11 years ago
Great Story

I love it!!!! Please keep writing and finish the story lines for both Mam Louise and Drusilla......

NajmaxueNajmaxueover 11 years ago
Very good read!

I look forward to more installments definitely more opportunities for stories. I can't wait for the Voodoo Woman and Joe's story, Must be the cajun blood in me

PinkYarnPinkYarnover 11 years ago
Thank you very much.

As always it is a pleasure to read. The overall story is good if not great. A spin-off with some of the people in the story maybe in order. Just finished this one first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I don't mean to beg but

Please please please continue writing I'm hopelessly in love with this series. It's so interesting, I can't wait to see what you have in store for mama Louisa and Joe!

drews_lette11drews_lette11over 11 years ago

This story is really good. Could use a little work. More detail and leading into the story. But otherwise very good. However, I think that your cliff hanger ending is a pain in my ass because that is so unfair. You lead on through this whole chapter how she isn't really an old woman and when we finally get to see what she really looks like, you drop us all on our asses. that was cruel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Good story. Continue writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is awesome, and I agree that Drusilla and Raphael need their own story.

whenwilliwhenwilliover 11 years ago
Wonderful story.....

Loved the progression with everyone. Definitely, Drusilla and Raphael should have there own story but dont forget Mama and Joe. So glad Joe was a little sneaky. Thank you and waiting for more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great story, hope to read more of your stuff soon. Can't wait to see what happens with the other characters. Well done.

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