The Empress' Body Double


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"Right so the way I see it, you got one of your guys to switch out one of my girls for your pussy, tits and mouth." Yerod thumbed his way through his record book. "So let me guess who it was, was it Baldock? Nah I doubt you would trust a government minister with something like this. Your head maid Elrice and some of her friends once sold themselves through me, but I don't see when she would have had the opportunity to pull a switch, so it would have had to have been one of the 6 or 7 regulars from your personal guard that did it." The Empress' mind boggled, was there anyone in her life that hadn't either bought a prostitute or sold their body through this man. She picked up the quill and wrote 'Ganrick'.

"Ganrick? I really hope he replaced the Baroness with you. She's a high value client, she went into the vault when all this started." The Empress shook her head and wrote 'Anna the knocker upper'

"No fucking way, Anna's a masochistic freak, oh the shit you must have had done to you in the past couple of days. Did you know what you were getting into replacing her?" The Empress kicked the desk. "Alright, I think I know what that means. Right, so your doll isn't here, and funnily enough it isn't with the Templars, I actually know where it is but that info will cost you."

'gold is no issue' the Empress wrote.

"Isn't an issue for me either." Yerod smirked, "I got an opportunity in front of me worth more than all the gold in your treasury and you better believe I'm going to make the most of it. You ever wanna see your pussy and tits again, you can start by taking off that armour." The Empress gave him a stare that would have withered a lesser man, but Yerod just kept grinning. "Come on, it's not like I'm gonna see anything important." The Empress gripped her hands so tight, it felt like her metal gauntlets were bending. She reached up and pulled off her helmet.

Full plate armour is not easy to get on and off, it took the Empress several minutes before she was stood in front of Yerod in just her gambeson and bloomers. Her hand began to tremble, if anything it was more humiliating to be stripping down to reveal the absence of her body, her shaking hands peeling off the gambeson to reveal the wooden proof of her deviant experiment. She dropped it to her side, before grasping her bloomers and pulling them down to the floor. She had spent the last couple of days being violated, but stood in front of Yerod baring her all, she felt far more naked than ever before.

"Wow nice, you haven't been slacking in your exercise since becoming Empress have you?" He gawked, causing Henrietta to squirm on the spot. He turned around and opened the bottom draw of the cupboard behind him, he pulled out a stiff crop top and shorts, with the familiar portal spell applied to them, effectively making them another person's vagina and breasts that could be worn like clothes.

"This is a prototype I have been dying to try out, wearable sex doll parts. It's not particularly comfortable but I hope you'll indulge me." The Empress gingerly took the clothes from Yerod. The sensation was strange, on the inside they felt like the hard surface needed to conduct the spell, but grasped from the outside they were soft as holding a naked person, she pulled on the tight pants and poked her head through the slim top. They felt like wearing a barrel but from the outside she had all the appearances of being naked.

"That's great, and now I'd like to introduce you to the invention that has kept me safe during my difficult business ventures." He pulled out a large wooden box from behind a screen and pulled on a length of wire, a puff of smoke emitted from the top and Yarod grinned. "This here is a device that captures images, half the police have had their likeness captured by this so I can keep running. Now I have just taken a nude picture of Empress Henrietta the Chaste. This is my insurance." Yarod pulled out a sheet and held it up for the Empress, she couldn't believe her eyes, captured in lifelike detail was her, looking like she was stood naked for the benefit of a pimp, her signature blonde hairstyle a dead giveaway that it was the Empress.

"Now that I have something to leave to the public in the case of my untimely demise, I can ask for the payment I truly want, lie down on my desk, it's not going to be your pussy but I still want to experience the feeling of fucking Empress Henrietta the Chaste." The Empress remained frozen in place, she had never had a commoner wield such power over her, she couldn't believe that her naked likeness now rested in his possession, Yarod decided to interrupt her stunned inaction with a reminder of the stakes.

"Every moment you waste your pussy gets further away from you." He sung, pulling down his trousers to reveal his erect penis. The Empress was crimson with rage as she slowly walked over to his desk and climbed up, ignoring the strange numbness as somebody else's ass cushioned her seat. She lay back and felt Yerod wrap his arms around her, running his fingers up and down her body, caressing her in a way she had never experienced before. She started to feel her body rhythmically bumping against the desk as Yerod plunged his penis into her surrogate pussy, his head resting on her shoulders, pressing his body against hers. After some time of having sex, Yerod looked down at the Empress' and another evil smile came to his face.

"Very good, one last thing and you can be on your way." He pulled out his penis and offered his hand to lift the Empress off the desk. "I want you to finish me off, by getting on to your knees and jerking my cock onto your face, no more hiding behind dolls, I want to see you debase yourself for my sexual pleasure." To drill his point home, Yarod pulled the wearable sex doll off of the Empress, leaving her naked and kneeling in front of him.

Henrietta slowly reached up and grasped Yarod's erection, wanting nothing more than to rip it off, but knowing that she would never get her body back if she followed through with that. Slowly she began to stroke it, feeling his firmness in her hand the strokes became more firm and rapid until she was looking up at Yerod, furiously masturbating his cock over her face. She was not going long before Yerod let out a grunt, suddenly cum was flowing out of his penis, arching through the air before splashing onto Henrietta's face. The Empress shuddered as she felt his semen sliding down her cheek and onto her shoulder.

"This is the best day of my fucking life" Yerod announced, "right, there's some rags behind you there. While you clean yourself up and put your armour back on, I'll tell you what I know."

"So yesterday a bunch of idiots from the big main Grand Templar group turned up to 'put an end to my licentious corruption', gotta admit there was a lot of them so I told my guards to stand down, after all the girls are on contract and mannequins are cheap, I figured let them have it, I didn't even stop them smashing up the bar, just gave me time to hide the high value dolls and turn off the crystals. But when they started hauling away my stock on a big cart, a bunch of the local homeless saw an opportunity. I'm telling you if these guys brought the focus and discipline to anything other than getting their dick wet we'd be in a whole bunch of trouble. Now at the time I just sat and laughed as all they were hauling away was as pile of useless mannequin's, I was very confused when they found one that still had a portal spell active on it and squirrelled it away."

The Empress was reeling, she spent the entirety of last night being raped by the homeless, the vagabonds and destitute of the city took it in turns to violate the Empress' body and they had no idea. She finished putting on her armour and stormed out of Yerod's office.

"Hey don't be a stranger, your majesty, any future fantasies I can discreetly provide just let me know." Yerod yelled after her.

The Empress' mind was spinning, she desperately tried to think of what to do next, how could she find out where the homeless had stashed her sex doll. There was one avenue but it left a very bad taste in her mouth, there were food kitchens and shelters for the homeless dotted around the area, but they were all run by Grand Templars. She began to wander the docks knowing that there would be a sign of some type, when all of a sudden there was a burst of pain on her pubis, she screamed such obscenities that whoever was near her mouth would certainly know her opinion of what they were doing, and she was sure they had heard it when the next thing she felt was a gag being roughly stuffed between her lips.

It felt like her skin was on fire, and even as the original pain subsided her pubis throbbed with heat. The Empress was trying to figure out what was happening when she felt a piercing pain in her left nipple, swiftly followed by a similar pain on her right. She had no idea what was going on but somebody was doing something drastic and painful to her sex doll, she would need to move fast. As she walked the streets she felt her nipples being pulled downwards, as if something had been attached to them. As the revellers in the streets bowed before their chaste and powerful Empress, she felt two large cold protrusions easing into her pussy and ass, once they were deep inside her they simply remained, someone had pushed something inside her sex holes and just left then there. Walking became a lot more difficult.

The Empress spent the next few hours confused and angry, walking the streets of her city, her pussy and nipples throbbing with pain while her pussy and ass were left filled. She checked any place that appeared to be providing aid to the homeless, but without parchment and weary of giving away too much since Yerod's keen display of deduction, she wasn't sure what she could really do. The day was wearing on when at a soup kitchen she caught the eye of one of the Grand Templar priests, his eyes lit up and he joyfully skipped over to the Empress.

"Empress Henrietta the Chaste, it is a deep and delightful honour to meet you. I am Father Tend, humble servant to the wisdom of the Grand Templars and spiritual leader to the faithful of the docks." The Empress fought hard not to roll her eyes, but was at least grateful to have someone who wouldn't try to take advantage of her. "I have heard wonderous things about your recent studies, I know there is an announcement coming soon but I would love to share some wisdom now if you have time." The Empress pointed at her mouth.

"Oh yes your vow of silence, most admirable, my brothers have often suggested that I should take one but I feel that is more out of annoyance of my verbosity than concern for my spiritual well-being. If you wish there is a small office for keeping track of food inventory where you could use some parchment. Oh joy, a discussion with the empress not in some grand castle or gaudy place of wealth, but in a humble office doing the work of the grand Templars in feeding the hungry, what a delight." The Empress felt like by the time this man had said all he wanted to say Yvette would have woken up, grown old and died.

The moment she got some parchment to hand, the Empress decided to quickly steer the discussion in a direction she wanted.

'what is it like tending to the homeless?' she wrote. Father Tend was overjoyed at her concern and began a long diatribe on spiritual fulfillment, amongst his words the Empress saw an opening.

"...Of course it is not all indulgence, sometimes you have to have a steady hand and discipline to curb the immoral urges of those you tend to. Recently I have seen some things I would not dirty your ears with." The Empress tapped her quill on the parchment to get his attention.

'please tell me of the immoralities you have seen, it is relevant to my research so please spare no details simply for the sake of proprietary.'

"My Empress, you truly have a desire to fortify your faith from all angles, I am so overjoyed. Of course the Grand Templars from the central guild confiscated these unholy tools of prostitution and magic, you may not have heard but some wizards have been using portal spells to separate a woman's sinful parts and place them on a doll for sale, can you imagine such an immoral use of magic?" The Empress did her best to convey shock with her eyes. "While this noble seizure took place, some of the community I tend to decided to steal one of the dolls for their own licentious uses, I literally walked in on a group taking it in turns to fall for the whore's sinful promises." This is it, the Empress was on the right track and made sure Father Tend knew she was listening intently.

"Of course they were not ready to give her willingly, so I had to fetch some of the warrior parishioners I have on hand to seize the object of sin. Would you believe it soon after they removed the whore from the vulnerable, I walked in on my own parishioners violating her body. I snatched it from them myself, and I drew on my faith that I may protect the weak from this powerful object of evil. Do you want to see what I did to neutralise it's sin?" The Empress safely nodded, hiding her immense joy that this ordeal could finally be over. The priest lead her out the door and the Empress' mind was racing to think of what she would need to say to con this man into giving her possession of her sex doll. He led her to a small temple a short walk away from the docks and as she turned the corner her recent pain made sense.

Mounted on a hastily made plinth next to the entrance to the church was her sex doll. Wooden protrusions sticking into her pussy and ass held it in place. Just above her pussy, the word 'WHORE' had been branded with hot irons. A sign with the words "REPENT SINNERS" had been threaded through holes in the nipples. The Empress was in shock, this pious asshole had unknowingly permanently marked Empress Henrietta the Chaste as a whore and put her desecrated body on display for anyone to see. She took out some parchment she had brought with her from the soup kitchen, leant against the side of the plinth and began furiously scrawling on it. Father Tend stood proudly in front of his creation as he read the note.

'Considering there are many who desire the degradation of their objects of sin, do you really think it is a good idea to take something with a historic corrupting influence on the faithful, degrade it and hang prominently it in front of a holy sanctuary?' The priest's face turned pale as he read the note.

"I.. I didn't know."

'The crown has a vault of forbidden items, please allow me to take it and lock it away where it cannot do harm.' The priest stood considering the offer, as the Empress noticed he was stood directly beneath her pussy, she squeezed and felt no small amount of pleasure watching Father Tend jump with shock and disgust as she pissed on him.

"You are right, please take this vile item away from the pure. The priest exclaimed, handing the doll to the Empress. She snatched it and with as much fake decorum as possible made a beeline for the safety of the castle.


The Empress stood on a platform overlooking the crowd, she had set out on a journey to engage in anonymous degrading sex and was now on the precepice of issuing new doctrine to the state religion. It had been quite a month.

On stage she waxed lyrical bullshit about her discovery that the power she gained from her extremes was only able to manifest in a world in balance. The chaste are only powerful in a world of sexual immorality, her silence only made her strong in a world of noise. Thus those who live a different lifestyle should not be repressed, they should be thanked as the source of your power.

It was the best line she could think of to get people to stop killing each other.

"Now I am aware that there are those who will dispute what I have discovered, and for them I have arranged a demonstration." In front of the crowd, the Empress took out her family's sword and plunged it into her stomach, slicing from left to right to allow the audience to see guts fall from her stomach.

In the cells below the castle Ganrick was thinking over how bright his future is. It was great for his future that the Empress had confided in him the truth of the last couple of weeks. It was positively amazing that he had been so swift to recover the naked picture of her and that he now stood in front of Yerod's jail cell as he screamed in pain, clutching his stomach.

"You think that's long enough Yvette?" He asked. Yvette agreed and cancelled the portal spell, the Empress' stomach returned to her, and whatever remained of Yerod's stomach returned to him.

Back on the stage the Empress glared at the audience.

"If anyone thinks they know more than me about the wisdom of the Grand Templars and the noble path to immortality, they are free to borrow my sword to prove it."


The Empress snuck into the secret entrance she had covertly built into what was formerly Yerod's office, Yvette in tow. Behind the desk Ganrick rose to greet his Empress. With the military strength of the royal guard and the secret financial clout of the treasury, Ganrick had not only seized control of Yerod's operation, but had managed to expand beyond that to a point where the Empress controlled a significant portion of the city's organised crime, able to curtail the most immoral and damaging of its practices. Although that wasn't why she had ordered Ganrick to do this.

"So after everything that happened last time you want to do this again?" He queried.

"Oh yes, I have scheduled two days for me to be 'on a spiritual retreat' and this time I won't be alone." The Empress dropped her simple robe to reveal her naked body. "Now as you can see, I have some imperfections in my body, the word whore has been permanently branded above my pussy and my nipples are now threaded with metal rings. This means that I don't think you can justify the fee of 3 gold pieces that I went for last time."

"You're asking to be even cheaper than three gold pieces?" Ganrick prompted.

"Well given that you will be under strict instructions not to clean me for two days I think we couldn't possibly justify charging more than one... copper piece." Ganrick almost fell over with surprise.

"One copper price are you insane? You'll be selling your body for change. I wouldn't bother to stop to pick up off the street. What do I tell my customers when they ask why you are so cheap?"

"You tell them a version of the Truth, that I am a woman of nobility, doing this because I enjoy it." The Empress stated in a perfect calm. Yvette went through the ritual motions and in no time at all Empress Henrietta once once again split between her body and a sex doll.

"Yvette I think you screwed up..." Ganrick began.

"She has not, the Empress interrupted. I asked her to also place my eyes on the doll. This time I want to watch helplessly as I am violated for one copper piece at a time."

The Empress watched as Yvette led the rest of her body out of the door to be returned to the castle.

"I suppose I should add you to the inventory then?" Ganrick sighed.

"Indeed, and if you could put me in the front window with a clear price tag, that would be fantastic."

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sapna_prakashsapna_prakash11 months ago

This needs a sequel...

will_shakespearewill_shakespeareabout 2 years ago

This is very cool, part 2??

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I liked the story, it would be good if you continued it, perhaps humiliating yourself more and more.

FerrumitzalFerrumitzalalmost 4 years ago

I thought the story was good, even if the character development was a little flat in the beginning. The use of magic to allow her to try things in private was pretty unique and I liked it.

I'd love to see a continuation of the story. The queen has a taste, maybe an addiction, and that can lead her to trying even more base things. I loved the branding and rings, but wonder if it wouldn't be even better for her to be there 'in person' rather than just 'in part'. As much fun as she might have during these short vacations, will that be enough or will her drive for debauchery demand she go further.

I could envision a maid seeing her in the bath, her rings and brand showing clearly, and remembering how she'd abused a doll with those very same markings. A little bit of investigation... and the queen is now under her control.

Or maybe the sorceress finds a way to "help" the queen while protecting herself from the queen's wrath. A little spell here and there to encourage the queen down a path of debauchery....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please continue

I loved it. Can you please continue this

qexiqexqexiqexalmost 4 years ago
Wonderful ideas

I love portal stories, and this is an exceptionally good one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
10 / 5

@iwroteathing I have read all your stories. You are my most favorite writer of literotica. Every story you wrote has some unique idea which makes them awesome. Please continued writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

In general I'm not a fan of using magic. It allows so much freedom that every plot line becomes pointless. But it is still a good idea, that let's the empress engage in very perverted activities.

I like better Cherri's split personality idea. Self-blackmail. It's witty. ;)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Surprisingly interesting...

I'm really surprised how well built and interesting this story was. Reading on literotica I do usually browse through the text to "skip to the cheese" but with this text I didn't even notice when I started reading it because of the story line.

As non-English speaker I can't say much about if language in this story is good or bad, but surely it's written in clean and easy to understand way. Surely it could be more sparkly, be more dynamic and etc, but overall it's well made.

sloopbsloopbabout 4 years ago

A good read. I am not usually a fan of stories set in other realms or magic, but this kept my attention. It sits well with Queenfall. I shall be interested to see where your fertile mind take us next on the journey of humiliation and degradation.

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