The End of My First Marriage

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The end of my first marriage, the begining of my second.
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The first 24 years of my first marriage I would have to describe as near perfect. Yeah, I know, almost every man cheated on thinks that and that they were perfect husbands. So did I. I was blind and unaware of my own flaws.

The end started a year ago last Summer. My wife was withdrawing from me. Our conversations were shorter, she became annoyed when I flirted with her, and she would respond with a chill when I would pat her butt when we were alone in the house. And there was much less intimacy. Finally, we had settled into mere coexistence for the last few months of our marriage.

My name is Mark. For most of this I was 50. So was my wife, Lisa. I am a lawyer, I used to be a litigator, but I recently moved over to Estate Planning. Lisa is a 4th grade schoolteacher. We are both fairly fit. This is the story of the end of my first marriage and the start of my second.

We met and fell in love in college. We married while I was in law school, and she took on the job of supporting me through school. For almost all of our marriage, our love never dimmed. Until this fateful year.

At the end of this summer our youngest daughter, Linda, left for state university. Our other child, Larry, was already at State, so Linda's departure made us empty nesters.

Lisa became depressed at becoming an empty nester. She was a great mom. She put most of her energy into being a great mom. But with the kids having flown the nest she had no place for that energy could go. She moped about and her reaction to anything I suggested was to bicker. I tried to direct her energy toward activities we could do together, but she had no interest.

Only her return to teaching at the end of summer vacation lifted her sadness. But it did not improve our relationship. By December our relationship had declined to near zero, and efforts by me to do anything about it only annoyed her. To her, everything was my fault.

She did tell me of a new teacher who had moved into the classroom next to hers. Lisa's description talking with this colleague were the only thing animated our conversations. By December this colleague was the only topic of our rare conversations. Any topic I would suggest resulted in only bored responses from Lisa. Jeremy was such a clever and funny guy. Eventually, there was little talking at all. All we really had together was quietly watching TV.

December saw a dramatic change. She started coming home later, an hour or more later. Instead of grading papers and working on lesson plans at school after the students were dismissed, she was now doing it at night in the den instead of watching TV with me. We were rarely in the same room together. She even took her meals into the den to eat. She watched TV there when she finished schoolwork. It was like I was living with a ghost.

Christmas vacation with the kids home from college had Lisa happy and talkative with the kids, but she still ignored me. Even an expensive gift of jewelry elicited no positive response. The kids noticed and asked about it. I told them I was worried about it, but I couldn't figure it out. Lisa told them it was nothing, it was just the way old couples are.

A week after Christmas, after the kids returned to college, I tried to confront Lisa. I walked into the den said we needed to talk. She just sighed and shot back a sharp "What now?"

"Do you still love me?" I asked.

"You are so fucking needy! What the hell do you think?" I was stunned. She had never used obscenities before. She then turned away and continued to grade papers. I stood there looking at her for a full minute, then said with a sigh, "I don't think you do. You are not a wife and you're not even a very good roommate. I still love you, but unless things change, that won't be enough." She just kept grading papers as if I wasn't there. I walked out of the room with what I knew was my answer.

Then one evening, a few weeks later, Lisa came home much later than ever before. It was after 10. She had never been this late from work before. I was genuinely worried, but when I called her cell phone, it went to voicemail. When I finally heard her car pull into the driveway, I went to the door to meet her, but she rushed past me with a quick "got to go to the bathroom." Her hair was messed up, her clothes wrinkled and carelessly put together. Her lipstick, makeup and mascara badly smudged. "Are you okay?" I called after her.

"Yeah, fine" she called out without bothering to stop or look my way.

I followed her up the stairs, but she rushed to our bathroom and locked the door behind her.

I could no longer even pretend that she wasn't having an affair.

I went out and sat on our front porch, staring into the darkness and pondering what to do. Was there anything in this marriage that I wanted to salvage. Even if she came crawling to me on her knees, could I stay with this woman who so callously threw away our lives together and inflicted so much pain on me.

After a half an hour I got up and went upstairs to our bedroom.

She was already in her frumpy night gown and on her phone tapping away. She didn't even look up. I walked into the bathroom and took my shower.

On returning to the bedroom I found her feigning sleep. Her still lit cell phone was proof she had just put it down. I gave her a push and said in a harsh tone. "Get up! It is time to talk."

She turned and looked at me. "We're finished. Tonight, you revealed that you have absolutely no respect for me or the 25 years of our marriage. Tonight, you went far beyond the daily humiliation you have had me endure these sad months. Tonight, you waltzed in her like a well fucked, two-bit whore who has been ridden hard and put up wet. You didn't even try to hide it. I have been hanging around vainly hoping that the woman I had loved for 25 years, the women who so tenderly raised my two dear children would return. Clearly, that woman is dead. Murdered, I suspect, but whatever you are."

I could see in her eyes a growing terror at this utterly unfamiliar tone I was using. "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be gone soon. I just want you to know it will probably take only a couple of weeks to move my stuff out and be gone. I'm done."

"You will get half of everything and you your lover can live happily ever after. Just keep him out of this house until I leave. I walked out of the room and moved into our guest room.

The next morning, I was up early and waited for her. When she finally got up, she came downstairs, glanced at me at the kitchen table, then quickly scurried into the den.

I then pulled out my laptop up onto the kitchen table and began to rebuild my life.

Lisa's Journal, March 12

All week Jeremy had been promising me that on Friday we would reach a new level in my sexual experience, but I had no idea what he had planned. My anticipation was sky high. When we finally reached the motel, I could barely stand it. In the room, we both stripped as soon as the door was shut. Jeremy had brought his 'special' bag, so I had some idea what was in store. But first we had sex. I laid Jeremy on his back on the bed, straddled him, and slid his hard penis into me. No foreplay was necessary. It was a fast and furious fuck. Jeremy was as excited as I was.

Though this first session lasted only ten minutes or so, we both orgasmed at the same time. Afterwards, as we lay arm in arm, Jeremy told me that before we started the next bit, he whispered to me, "Do you trust me?" which was code for our Master/slut game.

"Yes, Master."

"First thing, slut, and this is nonnegotiable, you have to snort this coke." Jeremy demanded. He has suggested this dozens of times in the past, but never when we were playing his Master/slut game. I had always refused, but the rules of Master/slut was to never break character unless it was absolutely necessary, and I had never broken character yet. Besides, I had seen Jeremy use that stuff before, and I have to admit I was curious.

"Yes, Master," and I did it.

Jeremy got up and went to his bag. He then tied me to the bed spread eagle, adding a blindfold and a ball gag. I was a bit surprised by the gag, it was not part of the usual game. I then felt him between my legs, licking me with great passion. I was orgasming within minutes.

I then heard Jeremy slide up next to me, take out by gag and whisper into my ear, "are you ready for the big surprise, slut?"

"Yes, Master" I said.

"Do you trust me?" he repeated.

"Yes, Master."

"I'll be right back." He got up, walked away, then I could hear the door open and close. Three minutes later I heard the door open and close again and Jeremy came up to me in the bed, turned my head to the side and placed his hard cock into my mouth.

"Suck it, slut!" he demanded, and I instantly complied.

Then I felt him moving between my legs, which at first, I found strange, but then immediately realized that it was impossible for him to be standing next to me and between my legs at the same time. It took a second or two to realize that there was someone else on the bed. And this 'someone else' was eating my pussy.

It took me longer to come this time as I adjusted to the thought of having sex with my lover and a stranger. When I did orgasm, I had to stop sucking Jeremy's dick, but it found its way back into my mouth as soon as I caught my breath.

After a few more minutes of this wild and forbidden oral, both men stopped. I felt them unfasten me from my spread-eagle position, and still blindfolded, stood me up and moved me over to the room's small table. I was bent over the tabletop when I felt my mouth once more take the familiar cock and the stranger then he slid his cock in and started to fuck me from behind. I found this position a bit difficult in the beginning, with my body concentrating on what was happening in my pussy, while my mouth was trying to figure out a proper rhythm for the cock in my mouth. But the thought of two dicks in me at the same time was wonderfully wicked and exciting. I came twice more in this position.

Then the mystery dick pulled out, and slowly entered my ass. By now I knew how to take it in my ass, thanks to Jeremy's excellent instruction. Before long I could her the mystery man grunt and then feel cum filling my ass. With the stranger satisfied and withdrawn, I could concentrate on my lover. I moved from the table still blindfolded, got on my knees, and really gave Jeremy's dick my attention. He didn't last long before he came in my mouth, which I happily swallowed.

I was so excited that I hadn't noticed the stranger leaving.

After Jeremy finished, he took off my blindfold, and we both laid on the bed resting. After a few minutes as we both caught our breath, I told him how happy I was that he was able to talk me out of my sexual inhibitions. Starting with letting him cum in my mouth, swallowing, anal, bondage, the master/slut thing, and now the threesome. Things I would never dream of letting my wimp of a husband do. I told him how much I loved the adventure and how much I loved him for taking me on it.

He told me that he was glad that I finally got to see how a real man did it. I told him that Mark had suggested some of these things, but when I told him no, he dropped it. Jeremy said that was why he was dickless wimp, a real man takes what he wants.

Jeremy then got up and grabbed his cell phone from its stand in the corner of the room and showed me the video he had made of our "performance."

What I saw was wild. Watching it aroused me again. I just had to fuck again, so I climbed on top and we did it again. I came more often that day than on any other day in my life.

I got a look at the mystery man. He was old, fat and bald. Strangely, that he was ugly made it even more wicked. I was truly a slut.

We had lost track of time, and it was well into night. We both knew that by being this late, we would face questions at home. I didn't care that much, but I really didn't want heighten suspicion since we had the big weekend coming up. But Jeremy was worried. He rushed leaving and we skipped our usual shower to clean off all traces of sex.

When I got home, Mark was there at the door. He may be dull, but he is not an idiot. He knew something was up. I was a mess and I quickly rushed past him and upstairs to the bathroom. I heard him following me up the stairs, so I quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door. Mark just turned around and went back downstairs.

I took a shower and climbed into bed and texted Jeremy. He told me his wife was furious for his being so late. He really needs to tell her and get it over with.

Mark came in later while I was still texting Jeremy. I ignored him, keeping my eyes focused on the phone. He went into the bathroom and took his shower without saying a word. When he came out, I was turned over pretending to be asleep.

He then gave me a heavy push and told me to sit up. He was angrier than I had ever seen him, angrier than I could imagine was possible. It was a strange anger. He did not yell, his face did not redden, he spoke slowly and deliberately, but his words and tone warned that he could not be trifled with. His anger was measured, his words deliberate and carefully chosen.

He called me a whore. He told me the woman who he used to be married to and who raised his children was dead. He then said it would take him a couple of weeks to move out. He then left for the guest room.

Well at least that was done with. Jeremy had insisted that we not break it off yet, but Mark had other plans. That it is finally done, it is not so bad. I had thought that there would have been more crying and complaining, but no crying or complaining.

When the kids find out, that they will love Jeremy. They will want me to be happy and Jeremy will make for a good father figure for them. I need to think of a way to tell them. There's no hurry, and I don't really have to worry about Mark, he doesn't really know how to talk to the kids.

Next weekend is all set. Jeremy and I will spend it up the old "Mountain Rest" cabin I've been to so many times. The idea of finally waking up next to my love has me excited. And now that everything is out in the open, everything will be so much easier now.

That Saturday morning, I spent moving money around to insure she didn't get there first. She would get half, but I wasn't going to let her into our accounts until we settled. I did leave enough in our checking for her to continue without noticing any difference for the next week. She never checked our finances anyway. I applied for two new credit cards and prepared to cancel the joint cards. We didn't talk the whole weekend, she hid in the den, and I finished my little project and went grocery shopping.

The following Monday, after she left for work, I called the office and told them I wouldn't be in. I then went into the den. Lisa kept a written diary on her desktop computer. A creature of habit, she preferred her desktop to laptops or tablets. I had never seen her diary, but I knew it was there. It was password protected, but she had all her passwords written on a sheet of paper in her desk. Every Sunday night for most of our marriage she went to the den and wrote a page or so.

What I read in her diary was shocking. She wrote about the affair in disturbing detail. She was into stuff I would not have thought she would like. Bondage, domination, anal and even group sex was described. And drugs. References to me were few, but when mentioned, it was insulting. I printed off copies and emailed myself the whole diary.

I then checked emails. More than half were from the prime suspect, Jeremy Simms. A dozen of the more recent ones had attachments. Jeremy had been sending video clips of their sexual adventures. How romantic.

Later that afternoon, after the students had been dismissed, I called Betty, Lisa's best friend at work. I asked her if we could talk.

There was a pause, and then a tentative, "Hey, Mark, how are you, what's up."

"Betty, I need your help," I pleaded. "Can you spare half an hour, can we meet? It's about Lisa."

There was a very long pause, "Yeah, sure, Mark. Let's meet up. We have a lot to talk about. I can be at the Starbucks near the school at 4 o'clock. Can you be there?"

"I'm leaving now." I was at Starbucks 10 minutes early. So was Betty.

As I walked up to Betty, she hugged me and said, "I am so sorry, Mark. I should have called you before now. I just didn't have the courage."

I bought us both a coffee. We sat down, and she explained that almost from the start of the school year, the new teacher, Jeremy Simms, had been monopolizing all of Lisa's free time. "Then in early December things took a turn at a Christmas faculty party. The teacher's lounge had been decorated for Christmas, and Simms had hung some mistletoe up above the door. When Lisa walked in, he pointed to the mistletoe and demanded his kiss. Lisa embraced him and they kissed passionately. Several other teachers and I saw it. We were all shocked.

Lisa and Simms left the school together. They drove separately in the same direction."

"That's what I figured."

"One day I left early. There is a motel down the road from the school. I drove by and both their cars were parked there. Other teachers have told me that they had seen the same thing."

Betty continued, "she doesn't have any friends anymore. Everyone avoids her. And she avoids me, I guess my opinion means something to her and she clearly doesn't want to hear it."

"Does everyone know? Does the principal know?" I asked.

"Everyone knows. Principal Connor knows. In fact, Connor and I have talked about in detail."

"Shit." was the only response I could utter.

"Mark, Simms is a real snake. He is still hitting on other teachers, mostly married ones. They have all come up to me telling me to warn Lisa. I tried, but she called us liars, and said I was just jealous. The principal knows too, but no one wants to bring a sexual harassment charge against him. The principal told me in strictest confidence that he was transferred here because of two substantiated sexual harassment complaints at his previous school."

"Thank you, Betty. I am sorry I have put you in the middle of all this."

I then drove by the motel Betty told me about and there was Lisa's car. Even though I knew it was over, actually seeing it was painful.

It was another very late night for Lisa, well after ten before she got home. Neither of us spoke. I left for bed as she reheated the dinner I had made for her.

The next couple days I'd work in my office in the morning and go back to the house to do more work with the diary. By Thursday, I had almost all that I needed, and I had printed several copies of her journal just in case. At three o'clock, I left for Lisa's School. I arrived a few minutes after my cheating wife left had left with her lover and went in to talk to the principal.

"Collins, you need to get rid of predator and keep him away from children while he is trying to fuck every woman in this school. You are only lucky that the only woman stupid enough to give in to him was my idiot wife."

"Yes, Mr. Murphy. I guess I have been expecting this. Problem is I don't have the evidence to do anything officially"

"Well, you damn well better do more than that now. Here is your evidence." I handed him copies of the diary. "These are from her computer."

"Now, I expect you need to fire Jeremy Simms. You tell that to the superintendent and if he's not going to fire him, the media will find out you are covering for this sexual predator. My wife is to be put on probation, and I want her to stay here at this school as a condition of her probation. But I ask you to hold off till Monday, I need the weekend to get my stuff out of the house with no drama. She and Simms are off on a secret junket this weekend."