The Exchange Student Pt. 03

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A girl gets introduced to sex and a threesome.
31.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/12/2023
Created 12/05/2023
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Author's Note,

Our story wraps up with this last part. Thank you so much for reading!



Belinda drove a small, maroon Ford 4-door sedan. Her house wasn't too far from the Harris's house and so we were there lickety-split. Her parents' split-level house was a good 25 years old, and I could tell no updating had ever been done to it. But it was a warm house full of laughter, with a mom and a dad and five kids including Belinda. There were kids running around everywhere! Belinda was the oldest, and it was plainly evident that Belinda's mom would be having another baby in a couple of months from now.

"Nice to meet you, Molly!" One of the younger kids said to me. She stuck out her little hand for me to shake, and so I did. "My name is Carrie. I'm six years old and I'm in the first grade," she told me all in the first five seconds I'd met her.

I grinned at her. She was a cute little thing with dark pigtails with pink bows at either end. She climbed up in my lap as if I had asked her to.

"Have you seen my black cat? Midnight likes to go outside but he stays out too long and he makes me nervous," she said. "He's black so I can't see him well in the dark," she said.

"No, I haven't seen a cat," I said.

The three of us eventually went upstairs to Belinda's room. She shut and locked the door. "Mom assured me that the littles wouldn't bother us tonight, girls," she said.

"That's good, Melissa said. "Your little sisters and brothers are cute but they can be..."

"Little pains in the asses?" Stephanie filled in.

We all chuckled. But I wasn't sure. Their house seemed so full of love and laughter, very much unlike my home in Minnesota. Being an only kid really sucked, I thought to myself.

"Ok, now, Molly. Do you have any aversion to messing around with a Ouija board?" Belinda said.

The other girls chuckled.

I shook my head. "Not really," I said. "Diana's mom has one, I think," I said.

Belinda nodded. "Well, we like to contact spirits from the beyond. It's really fun and we've gotten a lot of neat information from the Ouija board," Belinda said. "But we won't do it until the sun goes down. Everybody knows you can't do anything with a Ouija board unless it's dark out."

"I brought candles and matches," Stephanie said.

"And I brought some..." and Melissa made a drinking motion with her hand.

"Ooh! Molly, we're going to have such a good time tonight!" Belinda said.

Belinda's dad grilled a stack of hamburgers out on their grill. Belinda's mother had made a green bean casserole and had put some canned fruit salad in a bowl on the table. Several bags of potato chips were set out and the family lined up in a line to eat.

"Why don't you girls go first?" Belinda's kind mother said.

"No," Belinda quickly said. "Feed the littles first because they're hungry. We're bigger and can wait and go last," she said.

So the line switched up with the littlest members of the family getting their hamburgers first. There was cheese and tomatoes and lettuce and ketchup and mustard and pickles and mayonnaise set out, for dressing your hamburger just as you liked it.

I watched with a grin as all the little kids got exactly what they wanted to eat. It took awhile, and a lot of hands were grabbing at things that they could barely reach, but finally the littles were all seated around their massively-big dining room table, eating. "Go ahead, girls," Belinda's kind dad said. "Get your food now," he added.

And so we did. I sat down with my lettuce and tomato and mayonnaise and cheese-decorated hamburger and bit into it. It was absolutely delicious! The little boy Carter sitting on my right kept asking me if I liked tomatoes too and I kept telling him that yes, I sure did.

Belinda's parents asked me a bunch of questions like: Where are you from? How do you like Ohio? How has school gone for you? Are you settling in okay? How are you liking the Harris family?

I answered each question as succinctly as I could, leaving out the most juicy of details, of course.

We talked about Othello and biology. Later this semester we'd be dissecting frogs which I was not looking forward to. I'd miss the cat dissection that was to happen second semester, but I'd be doing it back in Minnesota so I was kind of screwed either way on that.

The little kids had lots of funny stories to tell and they kept us older girls laughing. Their dad had a whole arsenal of bad dad jokes that he started telling. The little kids laughed raucously but I couldn't help but wonder if they really knew what they were laughing at. But the jokes were really funny, and we all laughed too.

After dinner we headed down a couple steps into their sunken family room. Belinda asked me if I'd seen Dirty Dancing yet. I grinned and said, "no, not really," since I had been getting seduced during my first viewing and hadn't paid much attention to it.

The littles stayed in the kitchen playing with play-dough at the cleaned off kitchen table while we watched the movie. It actually was very good! Patrick Swayze was so sexy I couldn't help but pretend I was Baby and in her place.

"Wouldn't Patrick Swayze be awesome to kiss?" Melissa said, shaking her head.

Stephanie took a handful of popcorn Belinda's dad had brought in for us. "Yeah. He's sooooo dreamy," she chuckled.

"You ass," Melissa chuckled. "But I'm right, am I right? He's a dancer. And you know what they say about dancers and sex," she said.

"What's that?" I asked.

Melissa grinned. "That dancers are great lovemakers," she said.

The other girls tittered about it but I seriously thought about it. I wondered if Robert was a good dancer? He sure was good in bed. So if it went one way, it probably went the other way too. Maybe I'd ask to dance with him when I got back to their place. I had high hopes that he would probably blow me away.

After the movie it was starting to get dark outside. We all moved back to Belinda's room and she shut the door.

"Girls, Midnight hasn't come home yet," Belinda's mother said, abruptly knocking on her door.

"Oh, this again?" Melissa laughed.

Belinda rolled her eyes.

The next several minutes found the four of us outside in the dusk of the evening in Belinda's backyard yelling "Midnight!" over and over, and it was only 9:30pm.

"This is so embarrassing," Stephanie said. "I feel like a town crier who can't tell time," she said.

We all doubled over in laughter.

I'm not sure whether the cat heard its name or heard us laughing, but pretty soon he came running. Belinda shut him up in the garage for the night and we informed Belinda's mom that the cat had indeed come home.

Then we all went up to Belinda's bedroom again. "Mmmmuuhhhahahaha," Belinda laughed, putting her palms together and tapping her fingers together one after the other. "Are we ready to contact some departed spirits?" She asked.

We all nodded, and so Belinda got her Ouija board out from under her bed and left it on the floor.

She went over to Stephanie and took the little tea light candles she had brought. Belinda lit them on her bedside table and then she turned off all the bedroom lights.

We all sat in a circle on the floor around the Ouija board.

"Now," Belinda said. "Have you ever played before?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "No."

"Well!" Belinda grinned at me in the darkness. "You're in for a treat!" She said. "Okay. First, everybody hold hands," she said. We did and she grinned again. "Now, the Ouija board works like this: you can ask it yes and no questions. Everybody puts their hands on the planchette and you move it around on the board. When a spirit contacts us, the planchette will land on letters, or on the 'yes' or the 'no' words. That's how the spirit answers questions. Everybody got it?" She asked.

We all nodded and Belinda said, "okay! Then let's get started! Everybody close your eyes and see if we can feel a spirit in the room."

We all got quiet and listened. Melissa giggled, breaking the silence and Belinda frowned at her. "Are there any spirits in the room?" Belinda asked.

The room was absolutely quiet. I heard nothing.

"I think I heard something!" Stephanie suddenly gasped.

"Hands on the planchette!" Belinda said.

We put our hands on the little plastic indicator and ran it in a sideways figure 8 shape back and forth over the board.

"Are you a friendly spirit?" Belinda asked.

Strangely, the planchette stopped on the 'yes'.

We began moving it quickly in the figure 8 shape again.

"Are you a girl?" Belinda asked.

The planchette landed on 'no'.

We moved the planchette again. "Can you tell us our futures?" Belinda asked.

The planchette landed on 'yes' again.

"Ooh, I have a question!" Stephanie said. "Will I get a boyfriend this year?" She asked.

The Ouija board's planchette landed on 'no'.

We all chuckled softly.

"Well, crap," Stephanie said.

"Ooh, will Molly get a boyfriend this year?" Melissa asked.

The planchette sped up and landed on the 'no'. But then the planchette moved again and it landed on the letters H, then the A, then the R, the R again, then the I, then the S.

"Harris?" Belinda said, confused. "That's the family's name she's staying with. The planchette moved to the 'yes'.

Everybody looked at me and I just shrugged, but my face heated. I didn't just have a boyfriend. I had a girlfriend, too, I thought. Technically the board was correct!

"Is Molly going to date LC?" Stephanie asked.

I blanched.

The planchette moved directly to the 'no'.

"That's so weird," Belinda said, confused. But she shrugged and the questions kept coming.

I kept quiet and didn't ask any questions but the girls were full of them.

Finally, the planchette stopped responding to our questions. It just kept moving in a sideways figure 8 across the board.

Belinda took her fingertips off of the planchette and it stopped moving.

"I think we tired out our spirit," she whispered. "Thank you, spirit, for your time and for your wisdom!" She said loudly.

We all breathed a big sigh. Melissa stood up and turned on the bedroom lights.

"That was excellent!" Stephanie said. "Our best one yet!" She said.

"It's because Molly is here. Her presence brought in a spirit we'd never heard from before!" Melissa said, blowing out the candles.

I grinned at the girls. This was a very fun evening so far!

We went into the kitchen after the littlest kids had been put to bed and we made a batch of cookies. They were yummy and we went up to Belinda's room to eat them.

We talked and drank from the flask a little until the wee hours of the morning. It was great to feel like I belonged with a group of girls. I'd never had that before; it was new and made me feel awesome.

Belinda's parents went to bed finally, leaving us the only ones who were still up. It was way past midnight and we were starting to fade. Melissa and Stephanie had brought their sleeping bags and pillows and I hadn't had any to bring. So Belinda brought down an inflatable king sized mattress that she and the other girls crashed on, and I crashed on the comfy couch.


Sunday, September 8, 1991

Sunday morning dawned. The littles came running into the sunken living room and woke us up rather early.

"Kids!" Belinda's mom scolded. "Not in the living room! Sissy and her friends are still asleep!" She said.

But we were not. We all stirred and awoke, then.

Carter was in my face with his juice cup. "Wake up, Molly!" He said. "Play with me! Hey, I can do a dance! Wanna see?"

I chuckled. I most certainly didn't care to see a tiny boy do a jig, but I asked him to show me anyway. He put his juice cup down, took a big breath, and then he ran in place and did jumping jacks at the same time for about three seconds. "Ta-da!!!" He finally said.

Telling a little boy his dancing sucked would have been more than cruel, so I told him he looked like Fred Astaire.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"A man who was such a good dancer he danced in a whole bunch of movies," I said.

"Ooooh!" Carter said happily. Then he grabbed his juice cup and he ran off.

Belinda stirred and chuckled. "Fred Astaire. That's a good one," she said. "I have to try hard not to laugh at his dancing because if you laugh at him it makes him mad," she said.

I chuckled. Carter sure was a sweet little boy.

We stumbled out to the kitchen. The littles had already eaten so it was just us four at the table. We raided the pantry for cereal and crunchily ate.

I felt a pang in my chest because somewhere close by Robert was flipping pancakes and making scrambled eggs. And I wasn't there.

We finished eating and got our clothes on. Belinda and everybody else got in her car and we prepared to head home.

"Wait!" Belinda's pregnant mother said, waddling out barefoot down the driveway. "Molly, it was very nice to meet you!" She said.

"You too! You have an awesome family," I added.

Belinda's mom blushed and the pride showed on her face.


"Thank you!" I yelled at Belinda as she drove off. I was finally back at the Harris house. I walked around to the front door and knocked. Eventually LC came to the door and let me in.

"Hey," he said groggily. I figured he'd been at The Barn last night and was still hungover from whatever it was he had been doing.

"Who's here?" I heard, and then there was Robert standing bare chested and in his sleep pants. He gave me the most beautiful look of relief I'd ever seen.

But then he grabbed my hand and ran me up the stairs into his and Celeste's bedroom. When he shut the door on us both, he turned around and shoved me roughly back against it and kissed me like he hadn't seen me for a month.

"Robert!" I gasped into his mouth. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing! Does something seem wrong?" He asked, kissing me very deeply again.

I let my hands come up and I brushed my fingertips over his nipples and he shuddered hard.

"You act like you haven't seen me in forever!" I said.

He chuckled. "Feels about like that, yeah," he said. "Celeste and I tried to make love last night but neither of us had the heart to go through with it," he said.

"Awww! You missed me!" I said.

He chuckled. "Understatement of the year," he said, kissing me hard again. "And I'm going to rectify that right now," he said. He tugged my hands and pulled me away from the door. I shrugged out of my backpack and I let him lead me to the bed.

Robert undressed me slowly, and when I was naked and squirming on the bed, Celeste came in looking rather excited. "LC just told me Molly was...oh! There you are!" She said.

"Sorry I started without you, Celeste, but I couldn't wait," Robert said. He then urged me to spread my legs and his mouth came firmly down on my pussy.

Celeste immediately climbed onto the bed and kissed me. I moaned into her mouth, because Robert was doing some fantastic things with his tongue. Celeste's hands went immediately to my breasts and she slowly rubbed my nipples. After she kissed me, she sucked a nipple into her mouth.

"My God, you guys!" I exclaimed. "I feel like I'm being mauled...but in a good way!" I said.

Celeste and Robert both chuckled. "We missed you," Celeste said. "What can we say?"

Robert climbed up my body and kissed me hard, sharing my taste with me. Then he kissed Celeste, sharing my taste with her.

Robert shimmied out of his sleep pants and got in between my legs. I spread them wide for him so he could enter me.

I looked into Celeste's eyes while he did it and she grinned. "Missed his cock?" She asked.

"Mmm-hum!" I gasped, his big dick filling me up in the most delicious of ways. "Take off your clothes. I missed you too!" I said.

Celeste grinned as Robert fucked me. She took off her pajamas and settled down next to me on the bed.

"Robert," I gasped. "I have to taste Celeste. Doggy me," I said.

Robert quickly pulled out and he helped me flip over. I got up on my elbows and knees between Celeste's legs and rubbed my closed lips all over her pussy. She was gasping by the time I parted her slit with my tongue and entered her with it.

I grinned up at her as I ate her, Robert thrusting into me hard from behind.

"Mom," Diana said, suddenly knocking on the door. "Somebody's here about life insurance," she said.

"On a Sunday?" Celeste whispered. "Tell them we are not interested!" She called out.

Diana grumbled as she walked away. "You guys tell him we're not interested," she was saying.

"Always something," Robert whispered.

"Yes," Celeste agreed. "Always."

Celeste played with her magnificent breasts as I licked and sucked on her clit. Suddenly, miracles of miracles, she was coming. I could feel her whole pussy throb around my mouth as she cooed.

She rolled out from under me and I laid my face down on the bed and started frantically rubbing my own clit.

"Can't wait to get back in here," Robert murmured, thumbing my back door.

I closed my eyes hard. The clitoral stimulation paired with Robert's anal stimulation paired with the vaginal stimulation had me coming in no time. I squealed into the bedding as my body started to sing.

Robert started pounding into me for all he was worth then, when suddenly he stopped, grunted loudly, and came gasping inside of my pussy.

Things got quiet after that. I collapsed on my side facing Celeste, and Robert collapsed behind me.

I idly ran my fingers over Celeste's beautiful body. Her breasts, tummy, and thighs were mine. I ran my fingers low across her pubic bone and thought I maybe felt a scar. "Is that from your c-section?" I asked her.

She grinned at me and nodded. "Can you feel it?" She asked, moving my fingers directly over it.

I shook my head. "Well, maybe a little. I just remember Robert saying before that you'd had a c-section."

Celeste nodded. "That was a stressful day," she said.

"Tell me about it!" Robert said from behind me. "This amazing but crazy woman, pregnant with twins, was hell bent on having a home birth with a doula."

"Wow," I said.

"After going into labor later than her doctor was comfortable with, and after laboring at home for what was it...nearly 24 hours? She wasn't making any progress at all."

"The babies weren't coming down?" I asked, shocked.

Celeste shook her head. "No."

"So the damned doula made a pronouncement that she could do nothing more to help Celeste, and that we needed to go to the big hospital 45 minutes away in Arapahoe. So I had that little crappy car, remember? And we crammed you into the back seat and you laid down and cried for the entire ride," Robert said. He next barked out a laugh. "I was running red lights like a mad man that night," he said.

Celeste looked sheepish. "I honestly thought I could do it all by myself," she said.

"Well, had Diana and LC cooperated, you could have. Women have been having babies since the beginning of time, you said, right? You just failed to consider the possibility that not all births are successful without medical intervention."

"They checked me when I got to the hospital, and were worried I was going to get an infection because my water had broken so long ago. So they immediately rushed me into an operating room," she said. "Robert looked adorable in his scrubs," she said.

"Fuck that," he chuckled. "I'd never been more scared in my life," he said. "They numbed you up faster than I thought was possible, and a few minutes later, there was Diana, screaming and crying in the doctor's arms. The doctor handed her off to a nurse and then out came LC," he said. "It was the most amazing moment of my life," Robert said.

Celeste reached around me and touched Robert's face. "Mine, too," she said.

I wiped a surprised tear from my eye. "What a story!" I said.

"I'm sure your parents were as amazed with your birth too," Celeste said.
