The Fantasy List Ch. 04


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Never in all his life had she looked cuter to him.

On the bed Abria took her mouth off Marcus's dick -- the mouth that had been on his own penis just a few moments ago, Clyde thought, with a longing bordering on a physical ache -- then bounced off and stood in front of Clyde and Selena. Abria slipped out of her shirt and hadn't bothered with a bra after the shower, Clyde could see.

"All right, girl," she said, looking at Selena, and putting her hands on her hips. On the bed behind her, Marcus raised himself onto his elbows, still stroking his cock in a way Clyde wished he himself could replicate, but for the chastity cage. "Come here. But stay on the floor like that."

Selena swallowed hard and crawled the short distance to Abria's feet, giving Clyde a perfect view of her alarmingly pleasant backside as she did.

Abria reached down and took Selena's chin in her hand.

"Let's fill Clyde in a bit, shall we?" Abria asked. "We started talking about sex stuff after your divorce, right? And you said you thought you might be bi, and maybe on the kinky side? Or maybe...really on the kinky side?"

Selena swallowed hard, but nodded into Abria's hand. "Yes Mistress."

"And I asked you to write out some of your fantasies and fetishes, right?"

Selena nodded.

"And you found that hard to do," Abria said. "Why is that?"

Selena pursed her lips and tried to look away, but Abria forced her face up.

"I...I'm really...I'm really embarrassed about...about some of the stuff I...think about," Selena said. "It was hard to write that out to you."

A slow smile spread across Abria's face. "You did seem to have a hard time with it. But you're a fucking freak, girl. You've got a filthy mind, and I love that."

Selena blushed, and Abria squatted on her heels in front of her.

"So I'm going to humiliate you like you've never felt before," she whispered. "You volunteered for this, to get my dear cuckold into the room, and I appreciate that. I thought it was very kind of you. But someone has to pay the price, and you volunteered. So I'm going to humiliate you and make you squirm and I am going to get off so fucking hard while I do it. Again and again. Just the thought turns me on more than I can say, my new little slut. So."

She stood again.

"I'm going to have you explain to everyone in the room, in great detail, each of your fetishes and fantasies before I make them come true," Abria said.

She might as well have slapped Selena across the face. "I...wh-what?"

"You heard me," Selena said. "I'm going to indulge your fantasies. You'll get to live them out. You'll just have to tell us in excruciating detail about each one before I make it real for you. I want to hear what you think about as you touch yourself."

The blush on Selena's face deepened. "I...that...I can't do that Mistress."

Abria laughed. "You're so shy and making you do this is so fucking hot. God. I can't wait to watch you squirm. I'm wet just thinking about it. But really, girl, you should be glad. At least you're getting to live out your fantasies. My cuckold just has to watch as another man steals his and then plays them out with his *wife*."

She stroked Selena's hair.

"All right though, first things first," Abria said. "You're wearing too many clothes. What was the first fantasy you told me about, Abria?"

Abria's face was deep scarlet now, and Clyde could all but see a sheen of sweat on her forehead.

"I..." Selena paused, and looked at the floor.

"No, no," Abria said, and grabbed a fistful of Selena's hair, turned her to face Clyde and Marcus. "Actually, why don't you tell the guys here about it. I want eye contact with them while you do, Selena. They are going to hear about how fucking filthy you are and I want you to burn with shame while you tell them, my slut."

" want..." Selena closed her eyes and kept going, her voice quivering. "I want people to see me naked. Like a group of people."

"Good girl," Abria said. "Is that all you told me in your message about it?"

Selena blinked. "Mistress, I..."

"So it wasn't?" Abria asked, a wicked smile on her lips.

"I...I touch...I touch myself while thinking about it," Selena said, and made one sharp moment of eye contact with Clyde before she looked away.

"Mmmm, I bet you do," Abria said, and grabbed a fistful of Selena's ass, then she slapped it hard. "Let's make that a reality. Strip. Now."

She let go of Selena's hair and threw her forward. Selena turned, scanned the room.

"I meant *right* now, girl," Abria said, hands on her hips. "That's an order. And how do you respond to orders?"

"By saying 'yes Mistress' and then following them," Selena said, as she lifted the hem of her blouse.

"Good girl," Abria told her. "Get those clothes off. And don't look at the ground while you do it."

Selena nodded because she knew what that meant. She took a breath, then slid her blouse off the rest of the way, and slipped out of her skirt as well. She kicked off her shoes and stood before them in just her bra and full-backed panties.

"All the way, Selena," Abria said, looking for all the world like some sort of insanely hot movie villain.

Selena nodded -- the blush still heavy on her cheeks -- and then reached behind her to unclasp her bra. It tumbled to the floor and she slipped out of her panties after that.

A rush of guilt washed over Clyde as he acknowledged it -- for a few different reasons -- but...fuck was Selena hot. Assholes at their last job had talked about her like a piece of meat. She'd mentioned more than once her shitty ex-husband wanted her to dress in a way that covered up as much of her body as possible. At every turn, men had been shitty to Selena, and all she'd wanted to do was live her life. Clyde felt guilty about what he was watching. And guilty about enjoying it.

But he knew Selena too. He knew she'd negotiated this scene. And he knew she'd never been able to approach anything even resembling this level of kink in her last relationship. She wanted this, truly. He'd seen her face when she said she touched herself to the thoughts.

Abria stepped toward her and took her face in both hands, kissed her.

"Everyone's looking at you, girl," she whispered.

"I...I know," Selena whispered back.

"Let's give them a better view," she said, and dug her fingers deep into Selena's dark hair again. "Since you wanted my cuckold here so badly, let's give him a show. You wouldn't have had to do this, but since you signed up for more pain to get him in the room, let's make it more painful."

She pulled on Selena's hair hard enough to make Selena yelp, and dragged her to her knees. Then she pulled Selena over to Clyde's spread legs, his penis safely locked in its stainless steel prison.

"Bend over," she said. "Ass up. And reach behind you and spread those fucking cheeks, girl."

Selena did, the left side of her face pressed against the floor, both hands on her ass cheeks, spreading them as wide as she could in front of Clyde. The view left nothing to the imagination. He could see her pussy and asshole; he could tell she'd shaved just today. He could smell her arousal from here. His penis rushed against the cage's confines, to no avail.

He tried to tell himself he didn't enjoy this. He tried to tell himself this was not delicious. But it was.

"Giving my cuckold quite the view," Abria said as she walked over to Selena, still kneeling with her face on the floor.

She took a knee next to her, and then turned and put her hands on Clyde's thigh.

"I bet you wish you could touch her, don't you?" Abria asked him.

Clyde couldn't help himself; he nodded.

Abria snickered and then stood, and paced around Selena, who didn't move, as deep in subspace as she was.

Abria crossed the room to the closet in the corner and returned with a riding crop, something Clyde had bought her as an anniversary present a few years ago. She'd made good use of it since then. Clyde knew it's sting well.

She stood over Selena and ran the riding crop down the length of her back, to her face; she used the tip of it to brush a strand of hair out of Selena's eyes, wide with anticipation now.

Then she gave Selena a hard spank on one ass cheek with it. Clyde watched the mark it left grow first white hot then red.

"Up, girl," Abria told her. "On your knees. Now."

"Yes Mistress," Selena said.

Again, Abria curled a fistful of Selena's hair around her knuckles and pulled her -- on her knees -- toward the bed where Marcus sat.

"I think it's time we talk about another fantasy you told me about, girl," Abria said, as she took Marcus's dick in her hand. "Do you remember what else we talked about?"

Abria bent over and put her lips on Marcus's cock again. Clyde had to sigh around the dildo in his own mouth.

"I..." Selena began, and now she was blushing again, her face turning the same shade of red as Abria's hair. "I...I have a thing...I have a thing for...feet."

Abria took her lips from Marcus's dick with a loud sucking noise and then nodded. "Mmmhmm. And what did you say to me about it?"

"That I want to kiss your feet, Mistress," Selena said, eyes on the ground. "That I want to lick the soles of your feet and suck on your toes."

"Good girl," Abria said. "When did you decide you wanted to do this? What was the event that sparked this interest for you?"

Selena looked like how Clyde had felt when he realized Abria was going to compare his penis to Marcus. That was the thing about Abria: she always made you realize yourself where she was going, someplace just a step more sadistic then you thought she'd get to.

"Mistress, please, this is so..."

"They want to hear it, I'm sure," Abria said with a wink, and looked at Marcus.

"I'd be curious," he said, and grinned.

"Clyde can't speak, but I'm sure he feels the same way," Abria said, nodding to him.

Clyde did feel the same way. For the fifth or tenth or fiftieth time, he told himself he did *not* want to take pleasure in Selena's humiliation.

But something about this was hotter than anything he'd ever imagined. And he had the pain in his groin to prove it. Plus, he could see so much of himself in her right now: the drop into subspace, the way Abria could put you in humiliating situations you never knew you'd enjoy on some level, hate on another.

Selena took a breath.

"I decided I wanted to...kiss and rub and...and lick your feet after the big Galina Attorney Association charity dinner," Selena said, eyes closed.

"Eye contact, girl," Abria said, and snapped her fingers.

Selena opened her eyes. "You were wearing those high heels that looked I just got divorced and I kept...noticing how I felt around women. Like...Alpha women. Like you. And I overheard you mention to one of your coworkers that your feet were killing you and you couldn't wait to take your shoes off. That was after you gave that big speech and did it perfectly. And I just...I wanted, so, so, so much, out of the blue, to just kneel in front of you and rub your tired feet and kiss them for as long as you wanted me to."

"And do you touch yourself thinking about *that* too?" Abria asked.

Selena didn't say anything, kept her face down.

Abria hooked her foot under Selena's chin and forced her to look up.

"Answer me, bitch," Abria whispered.

"Yes, Mistress, I went home that night and touched myself thinking about licking and kissing your feet," Selena said. "And then once we started talking and you told me about the cuckold thing, I...I really wanted to do it while you pleased your man. Someone worthy of you."

"Mmmmm, someone worthy of me," Abria said. "You hear that, cuckold?"

Clyde heard that. He nodded, defeated.

"All right, girl," she said. "I give credit where it's due. I know that was humiliating for you and I'm never going to forget how embarrassed you looked. But you were a good girl and you did it. Now you can enjoy yourself. Get that tongue out. Heel to toe, now."

Selena nodded, then did as Abria commanded, as Abria held up one gorgeous foot for her to lick.

Selena moved quick, ran her tongue up to the tip of Abria's toes, and then back down again.

"You're getting them when they're clean, after I just showered," Abria said. "Count yourself lucky. My cuckold has to pamper them when they're sweaty and dirty after a long day. Between the toes, Selena."

Selena nodded, and Clyde could see her hands tremble as they lifted Abria's foot to her face. She licked between each of Abria's long toes and painted red nails then back down the length of her soul, kissed around her heel.

"The other one now, girl," Abria said, sitting up from blowing Marcus and reaching for the riding crop again.

"Yes Mistress," Selena said, and switched to Abria's other foot, equally perfect. She was more confident now, Clyde could see.

She'd wanted this for a long time, Clyde could tell.

Abria gave her a smack on the side of her ass. "Slower, girl," Abria said. "I don't need to feel like a dog is going at my feet."

Selena slowed down, but Abria still gave her one more whack with the crop, just for good measure, before she returned to blowing her lover. For the next little bit -- it felt like an eternity, but it couldn't have been more than a few minutes -- there was only Selena licking Abria's feet, and Abria blowing Marcus. Jealousy burned hot in Clyde's gut -- and, maybe more so, throbbed in his locked balls -- just watching it.

And he didn't think he could have stopped watching it even if he'd wanted to.

"All right, girl," Abria said. "I'm losing my shit here. I need a good fucking, and my lover here is just the man to give it to me. So I'm going to ride this cock now, but I have a job for you in the meantime."

Selena said back and looked up, hands clasped between her thighs. "Yes Mistress."

"You're going to keep my cuckold company while he watches my lover fuck me," Abria said. "I want you on his lap, girl. And you can take the gag out of his mouth -- or not, your choice -- but you're going to kiss him and touch him everywhere. You'll be his sexy little consolation prize, even though he has to stay in chastity. You're going to top him though, Selena, so feel free to keep touching yourself and have fun with it. Actually, I'd prefer that."

Selena nodded and cast a glanced over her shoulder at Clyde. She hadn't stopped blushing since Abria had made her take off her clothes.

"And Clyde," Abria said, and he recognized the no-nonsense, don't-fuck-with-me tone of her voice now. "Even if she does decide to take the gag out, you don't say a goddamn word, you hear me? You will be in a world of hurt if you do. You belong to her until I say otherwise. Don't embarrass me."

Clyde gave a slow nod.

"But," Abria said, and leaned down, grabbed Selena's hair again. "*You* don't forget there's a hierarchy here, girl. Clyde is your plaything, but you still answer to me and do what I tell you to do, yes?"

"Yes Mistress," Selena said.

"Good girl," Abria said. "Which reminds me, I think you should tell Clyde about the last thing we talked about. I think you and him share a fantasy. And what's ironic -- or funny, at least to me -- is that you could probably make it come true for him, except for the fact that he's handcuffed to the chair."

Again, Abria brushed a lock of hair out of Selena's face with the tip of the riding crop. Selena's eyes grew wide.

Abria leaned forward, elbows on her knees.

"Tell him all about how you want to be spanked, Selena," she whispered. "I *know* he'd love to be able to do that to you. It's one of his special fantasies on his Fantasy List too. And Marcus and I...well..."

Marcus laughed next to her.

"The two of us crossed that off the list for him a few weeks ago," Marcus said.

"But I'm sure he'd love to imagine hearing in extreme detail about how you'd love to be taken across a strong man's knee and spanked," Abria said. "Go whisper that in his ear for me. Distract him from the fact that his wife is getting her brains fucked out."

Selena looked as if she needed time to process this, which -- Clyde assumed -- she probably did.

Abria kissed Marcus full on the mouth -- always the most difficult, hottest thing in the world for Clyde to watch -- and Selena turned toward Clyde, still on her knees.

Abria threw a glance over her shoulder as she lowered herself onto Marcus's cock.

"Stand up, Selena," she said. "You're going to dominate him. He belongs to you until I say otherwise."

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AkeraAkeraabout 1 month ago

I don't think selena is a boring addition. In this chaper she is not really exciting to me, but i'm waiting for what she can become eagerly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Selena is a boring addition.

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