The First Foundation Pt. 02


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"Thanks!" Trish said. Iris went back downstairs. Trish looked through the clothes for a few seconds. They seemed like they were hardly worn.

She looked around the room. On a shelf, she saw a row of photo albums. Out of curiosity, she took down the first one in the row. She started flipping through it, seeing Iris and her other siblings, as children. She got fascinated and lost in them, and absently sat down on the edge of the bed, flipping through them.

Suddenly, the door was yanked open, and Trish jumped up hastily, tossing the album behind the bed. Daniela, carrying a fresh glass of wine, stood glowering at her.

"What the hell!!!! The cheek of it! You lazy little thing! Get up... What did you hide? Were you stealing! Yes!" she sneered, feeling confirmed in her suspicions by the guilty, startled look on Trish's face. She shouted over her shoulder,

"Thief! Thief! Iris, call the police!" Daniela shouted self righteously, now blocking the door way. "You wont escape. You foreign criminals all need to be sent back home! The whole bunch!"

Iris ran up the stairs and stood in the doorway.

"Mom, I told her she could have those clothes. I mean, we don't wear them."

"She was stealing. She hid something behind your bed! Check your money and and jewellery. Empty your pockets, you little scoundrel!"

"I wasn't stealing anything. I was just looking at photos. Sorry..." Trish reached and picked up the photo album.

"Liar. Thief! Call the police Iris! Right now!"

Then Rudiger came charging into the room, brushing past his wife and daughter, to grab Trish's arm so hard she winced. He snatched the album out of her hand, tossed it on the bed.

"Enough of this! You stupid cunt! Get lost! Right now!" he growled at Trish, and started dragging her out.

"Dad!" Iris exclaimed.

"Ah ah. Don't let her off lightly. Call the cops on her! Little nigger thief..." Daniela shouted after her.

Trish gave an animal growl, her eyes flashing with anger and shoved Rudiger away.

"Excuse me! Who are you calling a nigger, you drunkard!" She snarled at Daniela like she wanted to smack her and the mom gasped and flinched.

"Trish! That is enough! Out! Or else!" Rudiger growled.

"Or else what!" Trish snarled at Rudiger. She stepped at him with no fear, just rage. "You are gonna hide and deny me, huh! Daddy!"

"What!" Iris and her mom exclaimed.

"Trish! Get the hell out of here!"

"Not until the truth is out!" Trish charged down the stairs to the bathroom where she had changed. Iris and her mom chased after her, with Rudiger trailing behind, rolling his eyes and groaning. Trish snatched her passport out of her handbag and handed it to Iris. Rudiger tried to snatch it away but Iris nimbly dodged away, and opened the page with Trish's full name and date of birth.

"You are two years younger than me, huh!" she said dryly, and handed her mom the pass port. "Must be the time when daddy was working in your country, huh."

Daniela looked pale like she had just seen a ghost as she read the passport.

"Precisely!" Trish said.

"Oh, this is just what I need to start my day! You stupid fucking cunt! You emotional, dumb, foolish, insolent, little piece of shit!!!!!" Rudiger stated, as a matter of fact.

"I guess I am a chip off the old block!" Trish retorted insolently.

"You are lying! I don't believe you! This is fake! Say something Rudiger!"

"Calm down. Its an old story! Go pour another glass of wine down your throat!"

"I hate you!!!!" Daniela shouted and threw the pass port in Trish's face. Then she charged at her and smacked her across the face.

"Why are you hitting me! Did I tell him to fuck my mom or what!"

Daniela reached back to smack her again and Trish caught both her hands.

"You ever hit me again, and I will knock all your fucking teeth out!"

Daniela whimpered with fear and ran behind her husband.

"Rudiger! Do something! Throw her out! Send her back to the hole she crawled out of...."

"I will go to the press."

"No!!" Iris gasped. "You will ruin Dad. Just calm down, we will find some solution." Iris was reeling, but she was the calmest of all.

Erich, Lena and Kata now walked up, attracted by the commotion. They asked what was going on.

"All right!" Rudiger said firmly, clapping his hands. "Everybody, get lost! This is none of your business. Patricia, come with me!"

"No. I want to be introduced properly, to my brothers and sisters." Trish said firmly. Rudiger tried to snatch her arm, but she ducked behind Iris and put her hands on her shoulders. Iris instinctively spread her arms to protect her.

"I knew it! Hi hi hi! I told you daddy was a player, didn't I mom!" Kata laughed gleefully.

"Shut your stupid face, you stupid cunt!" Daniela growled with wrath at her daughter.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us to her dad?" Kata asked, laughing.

Chapter 8

The whole family gathered together at the dining table. Erich and his girlfriend, Lena were sneering at Trish. Daniela was drunk and kept snorting at her and glaring murderously at Rudiger. Rudiger didn't give a fuck. In fact, he seemed very impatient, like he wanted to rush off to work and his appointments.

Katarina, the youngest was very amused. She wore a thick perfume that hardly covered her stink of the joint she had just consumed. Other than that, she wore little else, just skimpy hot pants and a tank top and she sat with her legs thrown apart, like she wanted everyone to see her outlined pussy. And she was eyeing Trish with fascination and open lust, giving her the come fuck me look.

Iris sat besides Trish and was calm. If the situation could be equated to a meeting, then she was the calm chair. She kept giving Trish small smiles and winks.

"What do you want?" Erich asked Trish.

"She wants your inheritance. I tell you, that is why this greedy creature is here," Daniela snapped.

"I just wanna get to know my family."

"We are not your family! Do we even look like you!" Erich snorted.

"Are you blind, Erich! Look at her and Iris!" Kata snorted and laughed.

Trish and Iris looked at each other and smiled, with warmth and fascination.

"Oh, this is a very touching moment!" Daniela snorted. "Rudiger, sort out this mess. Pay her off. Give her ten thousand. That is a lot of money in Africa."

"Yeah Dad! Pay this greedy slut off!" Erich snorted.

Trish's eyes began shining and she blinked back the tears.

"You know something, if you guys came to my country, I would be so happy and so proud to show my friends and everybody my dad, my sisters and my brother."

"Those from below must look up to those above!" Daniela said sarcastically.

Trish's eyes flashed. "Back home, we are taught to respect adults, and adults are also taught to speak and act like adults!"

"Shut up you stupid monkey! Go the hell back to the hole you crawled out of! Bimbo!" Daniela sneered.

"Daniela, I know this is difficult for you, but I am a person just like your children. I am not made of wood and stone..." Trish started sobbing heavily. Iris put her hand on Trish's shoulder to calm her down.

"Look, I don't have much time for this. I have an interview in an hour. Trish, what do you want? Concretely?"

"I am going to go and jump into the Elbe and drown myself. What life is this that my own dad and my brothers and sisters deny me as if I stink!" Trish wailed in anguish.

"Go! If you want I can drive you!" Daniela snapped.

"You are staying here. Daniela, back off her."

"What! I don't want her in my house! No way! Ah ah!"

"Look. The campaign is heating up. We cant have her running around out there, all emotional and loose. You and I will work this out later, all right?"

"I hate you, you ass hole! You hypocrite, liar and selfish ass hole. Kiss my fucking ass!"

"I would get a new car and Holiday house if I were you mom!" Kata laughed.

"For once, the loser speaks wisely. She is staying! Eric! Come!"

Rudiger stood up and Eric rose to follow. Lena stood up too. Rudiger waved her back.

"You ride with Iris or take a cab." Rudiger said. Lena looked questioningly at Erich. He shrugged helplessly. Then dad and son were gone.

"You can sleep in my room tonight, I will sleep at my boyfriend's."

"Iris. Just leave her alone. Let her find her own way, our African Princess!"

"Relax mom! Just calm down."

"And who is gonna clean up? That is what I wanna know!"

Daniela refilled her wine glass as Iris led Trish up the stairs.

Trish kept sobbing, quiet, heavy sobs, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Iris made her sit on the bed and knelt besides her, hugging her. Iris seemed a bit lost as to what to do, as if such an emotional outburst was something strange for her.

"Calm down Trish. Its gonna be all right. We are not as bad as we seem."

"No! Nobody wants me here. Even my own dad doesn't want me."

"I want you here. Just be calm and patient..." Iris said in a calm, mature voice.

Trish turned and looked at her, "I guess its really weird to have to thank my own sister for liking me, but thanks."

"You are welcome honey. Now, stop crying."

The Kata walked in, puffing on a big, fat joint. Iris sneered in disapproval.

"Kata, you need to find your lazy ass a course or something, instead of taking all those drugs."

"Chill. I am working on my career. Here..." Kata passed the joint to Trish.

"Don't! Its weed."

"I can smell it! And I need one right now!" Trish said, and took a deep puff.

"Finally, a cool elder sister..." Kata chortled. "Go on to the office, our diligent Iris. Go earn mom and dad's approval. I will show Trish around the place."

Iris gave Trish some sleeping clothes and showed her where things were. Then she said she had to leave for work. She went downstairs and found her mom, and Lena, Erich's girlfriend in the living room, drinking and talking shit about Trish.

"There comes mother Theresa!" Daniela snapped and Iris was cast evil glances by both.

"Mom. Its not her fault, if anyone is to blame, its dad!"

"On whose fucking side are you, you traitor. That bitch will take away your inheritance. Is that what you want? You are so naïve and stupid! After your dad has won the senate seat, I am getting rid of her. You can bet on that. And I don't want you associating with her. Is that clear?"

"Yes mom!" Iris said obediently and walked out.

After the joint, Trish was feeling better. She said she would clean up the house. Kata said not to bother, but Trish did it.

Chapter 9

Iris drove Trish to the hostel and they picked up her stuff and moved her into a guest bedroom. Iris gave Trish her cell phone number and told her they shouldn't speak much in the house, but she could call when she was in town and they could do some stuff together.

Trish would leave in the morning for her language courses and return in the late afternoon. She tried to appease Daniela by doing some housework and cooking but she didn't even receive a single thanks, and except for Kata, nobody else ate what she cooked... Kat sometimes talked and flirted openly with her, but she was usually busy with pissing off her mom. Trish was mainly left to herself. Erich ignored her, Daniela glowered at her and Rudiger was hardly home. Iris would talk nicely to her when her mom was out of sight, but when she was there, she would ignore Trish too, casting her furtive, warm glances once in a while.

Her German family was strange for Trish. Rudiger and Daniela lived around each other, not together. He wasn't around that often. He ignored Daniela for the most and she was rude and not even respectful to him. They insulted each other in front of the kids. He would call her "blöde Fotze!" which meant stupid cunt, and she would say, "Leck mich am Arsch! Kreuzweise! Du Arschloch! (Lick my ass. Crosswise! You ass hole!" Trish couldn't believe it, for her parents back home never would have talked like this to each other, especially not in front of the kids or visitors.

Rudiger did not have much of an emotional connection with his family. He had little time for anyone. He however had a soft spot for Trish. He was fascinated with her. Once she was moved in, he always came to her room and took her downstairs for coffee. But he would only indulge in small talk. He did not like to get into emotional things. Just like the rest of the family. For them, "How are you?" was a greeting and not a question.

Daniela drank a lot, starting in the mornings. She usually dressed up in elegant costumes and tonnes of jewellery and drove off in her chic, convertible, shiny, new sports car, to visit friends, shop or get beauty treatments and massages. Trish seldom heard her laugh or saw her smile. She was a rich, unhappy, frustrated, selfish drunk.

Trish tried to be win her step mom over by being nice, cooking, cleaning and washing up. But Daniela, Erich, Lena started using her like a servant, making demands and giving orders, rudely even.

Daniela hated Trish and did not bother to hide it. She was rude, speaking to her like an idiot. She banished her to her room when visitors were around. However, when Trish walked around in skimpy clothes she caught Daniela gazing at her, with fascination, mixed with lust, for Trish could identify lustful glances from women.

Erich was like Rudiger and Daniela's dog, he sucked up big time, like a champion brown noser. He agreed with whatever his mom or dad said, and was rewarded with admiration by them, like a dog being fed a bone. Trish realized quickly that her big brother was a spineless ass kisser. He even kissed his girl friend's ass big time. But he bullied Iris around, and he was very arrogant, rude and mean to the staff and everyone he perceived to be lesser beings.

Iris was the calm one in the family. She was reserved and diplomatic and tried to be on good books with everyone. Her mom dominated her and her dad always put her down. Erich snubbed her and Katarina ignored her, unless she needed money or favours. But she never rebelled or complained, for she had been well trained, to be obedient and put her parents first and never question them. She worked in her dad's main office as the girl for everything. When Trish asked her what she intended to do, Iris said she would marry her boyfriend in a couple of years and look after her family.

"Stupid cunt!" she thought to herself. "I ought to smack her stupid face and make her eat my pussy," she thought to herself in exasperation.

Katarina and Daniela fought like cats and dogs all the time, screaming at each hysterically and using language so rude it burned the ears. Trish was shocked initially, and chided Kata that she could not talk to her mom like that.

"If you were born by a selfish wolf, you have to treat it like one," was all Kata retorted. "Now get off my back. You are pissing me off!"

Kata was very short tempered, lazy, rude, selfish and spoiled. She was very rude and showed no respect to her parents and siblings. She was given lots of money by her mom and threw it out of the window. Her favorite occupations were shopping, partying, smoking weed and watching TV. Trish was amazed at the liberties Kata was allowed. She walked around the house half naked. She never cleaned her room, and it looked like a pig sty, and she never cooked or did any of the things Trish grew up doing for herself.

Chapter 10

On her third afternoon in the house, Trish met Kata's boyfriend, some tall, lanky, long haired, unkempt, tattooed, pierced, filthy, stinky loafer named Jochen. Kata let him in and proudly took him to Daniela, and announced that he was there.

Daniela glowered at him and did not return his greetings. Trish could see that Kata was dating him just to piss off her mom. Trish was fascinated by him. She had never met a human being that resembled an unkempt, lowly animal like him. She was amazed he could even speak. She would never have touched him with long pair of long, insulated tongs. She wondered if Kata had a soft spot for wild beasts.

When Kata introduced Jochen to Trish, he leered at her openly and called her a tasty piece of chocolate. Kata's stoned eyes flashed with jealous. She then meanly said Trish would be real pretty if her hair was straight and she didn't have those fat lips and dirty, dark skin. Trish gasped and wondered if she should smack her later. Kata then led her boyfriend to her room. They smoked so much weed that the whole corridor was soon stinking and cloudy. They put on loud trash metal music, the sounds of loud fucking came from Kata's room. Trish assumed they were fucking, until she walked past the door, which was ajar, and saw Jochen lying on the bed, fully dressed, watching porn.

Trish felt so embarrassed by all this. Daniela however, simply ignored it. This happened over the next two afternoons. Trish could not believe it. Her mom would have whipped her for pulling such a stunt. And she would have felt so ashamed to do something like that at her home, anyway. Talk about no respect.

On the third afternoon, Trish heard smashing things and raised voices coming from Kata's room as she walked by. She put her ear to the door. Jochen was shouting angrily at Kata.

"You fucking cunt! Give me the cash! Mike will fucking kill me!"

"Mom is not around, where the hell can I get the money from? Hell Jochen, I gave you the money and you took most of the drugs yourself anyway. It ain't my fault you kept the cash!"

"Mike doesn't play. You know those fucking Turks. He will fucking knife me!"

"Go suck his dick or offer him your ass hole or something! I don't give a fuck!"

"Yeah, well fuck you Katarina. Fick dich ins Knie, du kleines, verwohntes Gör." (fuck you in the knee, you little, spoilt brat).

"You ass hole! You fucking loser!" Kata snarled wrathfully then Trish heard a loud slap.

"Was zum Teufel!" (What the hell!) Jochen roared. "Jetzt bist du dran, du kleine, blöde Schlampe!" (now you are gonna get it, you stupid little whore!)

Trish heard a loud slap! Kata screamed, then her voice was muffled. Another slap followed. And another.

Trish yanked the door open and burst in. The room was submerged in a thick cloud of weed. Empty beer cans were scattered all over the floor. There was some white powder a folded bill and little mirror lying on a table next to the bed. Jochen and Kata were both naked. Kata was lying on the bed, face down, ass up. Jochen was kneeling over her, grabbing the back of her head with one hand, shoving her face into the pillow as he spanked her ass hard with his other big, meaty hand. His dick was hard and rearing, his pink, reddish tip engorged. Kata's small, round ass cheeks were red with welts. She was crying into the pillow. It didn't sound too much like pain, but Trish didn't care. She ran at him, and nearly slipped over a used rubber. Disgusted, she shouted,

"Hey. Enough. Get out right now or I am calling the cops!" she shouted at Jochen.

"This is none of your business. Either get naked and join us or get lost!" He snarled at Trish. His eyes had a bright shine from the cocaine he and Kata had been sniffing. Kata struggled to raise her face but Jochen pressed it down and smacked her ass hard. She whimpered and trembled.

"Look at her wet little pussy. She loves it rough!" Jochen rasped to Trish, stroking Kata's pink, wet pussy. Kata shivered.

"Get your dirty animal hands off my sister, you sick ass hole! Get lost, right now!" Trish snarled and tried to pull him off.

"Oh, halte die Fresse, echt! (close your gob, really)" He pimp slapped her, back hand, sending her staggering.

"Zeig deine Schwester wie sehr du dass liebst. Ich reiss dir den Arsch offen, du kleines Luder!" (Show your sister how much you love it. I will tear your ass up, you little slut). He smacked her ass real hard. Kata shuddered and moaned. Then he grabbed his cock and tried to line it up with Kata's hole.