Ch. 03: The First Night


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With a tender smile, Chaim released his hold on Leah's cheek and nodded towards the other bathroom in the suite. "I'll go ahead and use the other bathroom then. You take your time, and we'll meet afterward."

Leah's lips curved into a shy smile, grateful for Chaim's understanding and respect. "Thank you, Chaim. I won't be long."

Chaim leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Take all the time you need, my love. I'll be waiting for you."

With that, Chaim left Leah's side, making his way to the other bathroom with a lighthearted bounce in his step. Leah watched him go, her heart warmed by his unwavering support and the consideration he had shown her.

In the quiet solitude of her own bathroom, Leah undressed, the anticipation and nerves returning as she prepared for the shower. She tried to calm herself but the hot water cascading down her body did little to calm her nerves.

Leah emerged from the shower, her body wrapped in a towel, the droplets of water clinging to her skin like precious jewels. Her nerves were heightened, anticipation and a flutter of excitement coursing through her veins. She took a moment to compose herself, her heart pounding in her chest, before embarking on the next step of their intimate journey.

As she stood before the mirror, Leah carefully applied her makeup, her hands trembling ever so slightly. The familiar ritual offered a sense of familiarity, grounding her in the midst of her swirling emotions. She adorned her face with a touch of color, enhancing her natural beauty, while stealing occasional glances at her reflection, her eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and a newfound boldness.

With her makeup perfected, Leah took a deep breath, willing her nerves to subside. She reached for the second set of lingerie she had prepared, a daring white silk negligee that hung loosely over her curves. As she slipped it on, the delicate fabric caressing her skin, a sense of empowerment washed over her. She decided to forgo the panties as they would just get in the way. It reached until right after her butt and this would be the most Chaim had ever seen of her. She felt a newfound confidence, a woman on the cusp of embracing her desires and intimately connecting with her beloved.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Leah stepped out of the bathroom, her heart in her throat. She found Chaim waiting for her on the bed, clad in a comfortable robe, his eyes alight with anticipation. Their gazes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Chaim's lips curled into a gentle smile, his eyes tracing the contours of Leah's figure as she made her way towards him. He admired her beauty, the delicate allure of the white silk that contoured along her curves and ignited the fires of desire.

As Leah approached the bed, a mixture of nervousness and excitement played across her features. She took a seat beside Chaim, her eyes meeting his with a blend of vulnerability and longing. Their connection, now uncharted territory, beckoned them towards a deeper level of intimacy.

Chaim reached out, his hand finding Leah's, his touch reassuring and grounding. He leaned in, brushing his lips against her forehead, a gesture filled with tenderness and affection. "You look breathtaking, Leah," he whispered, his voice infused with adoration.

Leah's anticipation soared as Chaim dimmed the lights, creating an intimate ambiance that cocooned them in a veil of privacy. Under the soft glow, they nestled together beneath the blankets, the warmth of their bodies melding as one.

As Chaim shed his robe, revealing his form to Leah, she couldn't help but admire the raw masculinity that emanated from him. A flicker of desire danced within her as she yearned to explore the depths of their connection.

Their lips met in a passionate collision, their kiss ignited by a newfound confidence that coursed through Leah's veins. Her fingers tangled in Chaim's hair, pulling him closer as their mouths moved in sync, their tongues dancing a dance of shared passion.

Chaim's hands, guided by an instinctual desire to explore and please, roamed down Leah's legs, tracing a path up her smooth thighs. This time, she didn't stop him as he ventured up her body.

His touch sent shivers racing along Leah's spine, her body arching into him as waves of pleasure rippled through her. The strength of his hands, the gentleness in his caress, awakened dormant sensations within her, setting her aflame with a newfound hunger.

Savoring the intoxicating dance of desire, Chaim's hands trailed along her side, his fingertips tracing invisible patterns that seemed to awaken every nerve in Leah's body. As he explored her back underneath the silk, his touch leaving a trail of electric pulses, her flesh responded with goosebumps and the sweet ache of yearning.

Descending once more, his hands ventured lower, hesitantly cupping the bare soft skin of her butt. Leah flinched ever so slightly at the new sensation, but the trust they had cultivated emboldened her to allow him to remain. A giggle bubbled from her lips, a mix of nerves and delight intertwining in a symphony of sound.

Encouraged by her reaction, Chaim's grip on her buttocks tightened, his fingers kneading the flesh with an intoxicating blend of passion and adoration. Leah, swept up in the sensations, surrendered to the moment, reveling in the playful exploration that brought forth a delicious blend of pleasure and laughter.

As their passionate kisses continued to ignite the flames of desire, Chaim's hand ventured further, delicately navigating the contours of Leah's body. With gentle hands, he raised the silken gown over her head and threw it off the bed.

Chaim's eyes widened with a mix of awe and reverence as he beheld Leah's bare breasts for the first time. In the soft glow of the room, they seemed to emanate a natural radiance, a testament to her beauty and the sacredness of the moment. They were a manifestation of her womanhood, a symbol of intimacy that now lay unveiled before him.

Their bodies, now exposed in their vulnerability, basked in the glow of desire, the intimate dance of exploration rippling through their beings. With each passing moment, the barriers that had once separated them faded away, replaced by an unspoken understanding and a shared journey towards fulfillment.

Their lips continued their dance of ardor and longing. Each kiss became an affirmation of their connection, a shared language that spoke of love and desire. In this sacred moment, Leah felt a newfound sense of ease, her reservations dissolving into the depths of their passion.

With a desire fueled by love and curiosity, Chaim continued his exploration, his lips leaving a trail of tender kisses along Leah's body. He started at her neck, a sensitive spot that elicited a moan of pleasure from her lips. The sound reverberated through the room, resonating with the unspoken passion that enveloped them.

Driven by a growing hunger, Chaim continued his descent, his lips caressing her skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. His kisses, filled with tenderness and adoration, followed the natural contours of her body until they reached the peaks of her breasts.

As his lips brushed against her sensitive flesh, Leah initially flinched, a mixture of nerves and anticipation coursing through her. But the overwhelming surge of pleasure and the knowledge that Chaim cherished her body eased her apprehensions. With a subtle push, she invited him to explore further, allowing herself to surrender to the wave of sensations that consumed her.

Chaim, understanding the unspoken permission granted by Leah, lavished her breasts with devoted attention. His lips danced across her delicate skin, bestowing soft kisses and gentle nibbles that sent shivers of pleasure cascading through her being. Each touch was an act of worship, an intimate communion between their souls, as they ventured deeper into the realm of physical intimacy.

Emboldened by her growing confidence, Leah's hands trailed along Chaim's back, her fingertips leaving a trail of gentle caresses in their wake. Her delicate touch ignited an electric response within him, sending shivers cascading down his spine, awakening a hunger that had long been dormant.

Chaim, lost in the sensation of Leah's touch, reveled in the tenderness that she bestowed upon him. Her hands, like a whispered promise, glided over his skin, tracing invisible paths that seemed to awaken every nerve within him. Each stroke, each gentle press, deepened their connection, bridging the gap between two souls yearning to be intertwined.

With a surge of desire and a hunger that burned within her, Leah seized Chaim's face and pulled his lips back to hers. Their kisses grew fervent, reflecting the raw passion that coursed through their veins. In this moment, time seemed to stand still as their bodies and souls melded together in a fiery embrace.

Driven by an instinctual need, Leah's hand ventured down, finding its way between their bodies. With trembling fingers, she guided Chaim's penis to the threshold of her dripping essence. The sensations overtook Chaim as the head of his penis was suddenly enveloped in the softest, warmest, slipperiest sensation he could have ever imagined. As he slowly entered her, Leah gasped as she winced in pain.

Concern etched across Chaim's face, his voice laced with tenderness, he offered, "Leah, are you alright? We can stop if it's too much for you."

But Leah, her desire undiminished, mustered her strength and whispered with determination, "No, Chaim. I want to continue. Please."

Her words, a testament to her trust and the depth of her yearning, echoed within the space they shared. With gentle reassurance, Chaim continued his steady push, inch by inch, while Leah's body adjusted to the intimate connection they were forging.

As the initial pain began to wane, Leah's grip on Chaim tightened. Her touch, both tender and commanding, conveyed her desire for him to go deeper, to plunge into the depths of their shared passion. In this act, their bodies merged, their souls entwined, as they embarked on an intimate journey that transcended the physical.

Their bodies intertwined in a dance as old as time, Chaim found a rhythm that both soothed and ignited the flames of desire. Leah, once overwhelmed by pain, now surrendered to the ebb and flow of their union. Each movement, each thrust, brought them closer to a place of profound pleasure.

As Leah's discomfort subsided, replaced by sensations that both startled and delighted her, she locked her arms around Chaim, their bodies melding in an intimate embrace. With each gentle pump, their connection deepened, building a bridge between their physical and emotional selves.

In the depth of their shared passion, Chaim's eyes met Leah's, their gaze mirroring the intensity of their desires. Their lips sought each other, hungry for the taste of their union, as their bodies continued their primal rhythm. The world around them faded into insignificance as they surrendered to the symphony of pleasure that swelled within their beings.

Leah's longing grew, urging her to embrace Chaim with even greater fervor. With a desire to feel him even deeper, she spread her legs wider, inviting him to explore the depths of her being. Her legs wrapped around his back, drawing him closer, locking them in an intimate embrace.

Chaim, guided by her unspoken desires, responded to her invitation, his movements becoming more intense and purposeful. Their bodies molded together, every thrust driving them closer to the edge of bliss. In that moment, as Chaim reached the very depths of Leah's being, she gasped, her body arching instinctively into him.

As they continued their passionate dance, their lips converged once more in a fervent kiss, their tongues intertwining, deepening the connection that extended beyond the physical realm. Chaim's caress brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen across Leah's face, his touch gentle and caring, a testament to the tenderness they shared.

As their bodies moved in unison, the tempo of their passion quickened, and the intensity of their desire escalated. The air filled with the intoxicating scent of their love and the sounds of their heavy breathing, echoing the depths of their shared pleasure.

Leah's heart pounded in her chest, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she surrendered herself fully to the sensations that washed over her. Chaim's muscles tensed as he held her close, feeling the rhythm of their connection synchronizing with the beat of their hearts.

Amidst the haze of pleasure, their voices found strength to profess the depth of their love for each other. In whispered declarations, they laid bare their souls, intertwining their passion with the words that carried the weight of their commitment.

Leah, her voice laced with raw emotion, gasped out her declaration, "Chaim, I love you... Oh, how I love you!"

"Leah," Chaim grunted between breaths, "I love you more than anyone in the world." Leah, cried with laughter and happiness, her moans filling the air.

As the waves of pleasure crashed over them, their bodies trembled, quivering in each other's arms, a testament to the intensity of their release. Their cries of ecstasy mingled in the air, a symphony of passion and love.

Chaim collapsed on top of Leah as his knees and arms gave out. His head snuggled between her neck and shoulder. Her hand came up and raked through his hair as she playfully nibbled on his ear. She smiled in satisfaction as they tried catching their breath.


As the waves of pleasure receded, their bodies stayed intertwined, reluctant to part ways even for a moment. They shared lingering kisses, savoring the taste of their love upon each other's lips. A playful giggle burst forth from Leah as Chaim kissed the nape of her neck, whispering his declaration of love again and again into her ear. However, the weariness of the day began to weigh upon them, casting a drowsy spell over their bodies.

Reluctantly, they knew it was time to separate, to adhere to the customs and traditions that governed their lives. Chaim, with tender care, tucked Leah beneath the covers, ensuring she was snug and comfortable. Her smile, though tinged with sadness, radiated a profound love and longing.

Leah's voice carried a melancholy note as she softly uttered, "I will miss you, Chaim. These twelve days will feel like an eternity without your touch."

Chaim smiled back at her as his heart swelled, his gaze filled with an equal measure of longing and affection, responded, "And I will miss you more, Leah."

With their eyes locked upon each other, they smiled, the silent understanding between them carrying a weight greater than words could express. As Chaim settled into the other bed, the distance between them seemed to shrink, for their hearts remained forever connected.

In the dimly lit room, their eyes remained fixed upon each other, sharing a silent conversation of love and devotion. The weariness of the day gradually gave way to the gentle pull of sleep, their eyelids growing heavy. Yet, their smiles lingered, a beacon of hope in the night, as they surrendered to the embrace of slumber.

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FrumSexStoriesFrumSexStories10 months ago

Well written. Love how you write with such a realistic touch

Red_22bRed_22b10 months ago

Love this. So well written

LucieLou007LucieLou00710 months ago

Great story and well written, will have to check more of your work :D

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