The Flavor of Desire


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"Nice. I like it," said Lauryn. "Yes we should somehow get the point across that the lingering effects are quite wonderful the next day. We need customers to know they're getting a lot for their money with our product."

"One pill, twenty-four hours of fun."

"Ask your guests to stay over for a sex brunch."

"The twenty-four hour orgy."

"A different kind of morning after."

"I like that one, it's a nice sentiment, but we don't want any ad text that makes people think of pregnancy and abortion pills."

"Okay, so, how about...A different kind of hangover. No, that's no good. How about...The orgy was orgasmic fire, the morning wake-up sex a slow-burning dream."

"Very poetic, Fran. I like it. Did you and Brian have some fun this morning?"

Fran smiled sweetly. "It really was dreamy. In the past we've never had much morning sex, even when we were a lot younger. Today he...he was just so hard, and...he was on top of me, so deep and nice and...kissing me, and...he told me he loves me. My gosh, I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about it. He hasn't said that to me long."

"Fran, that's so sweet! Thanks for sharing that with us."

"Oh God yeah!" gasped James, his cock deep in Renee's throat.

Renee gasped even louder when she backed her head off the thick, slippery cock. "Oh my God I did it! I fuckin' did it! All the way in my throat!"

"Wow!" said Mya, her wide-eyed face so close to James' cock now. "Your first time? How did you learn? Teach me."

"Measure him again, Gabby," said Lauryn. "He's always nice and hard when he's in my throat. He's very fond of that kind of thing."

"Is there a guy who isn't?" said Fran.

"Almost six inches," said Gabby. "Definitely harder than before."

"You want my hardest? Climb on, little Gabby. Sixty-nine me. I wanna eat your sweet little pussy while Renee and Mya practice their throats on me."

Lauryn's eyes twinkled. "Jamie, wow. What's happened to our conservative scientist? Is my work husband just a horny man now? A naked horny man in a boardroom full of horny women?"

James' eyes sparked with deep lust at Lauryn. "Are you taking that bra off or am I going to have to imagine those unbelievable tits of yours?"

Jessica smiled. "Work husband, huh? Wow, I really did miss out on some big stuff. Jamie, maybe I can help you out. Want me to take Lauryn's bra off of her? Want me to put my mouth on her 'unbelievable' tits? Think that would help with your imagination?"

"Fuck yeah!" James gasped, Renee taking him deep in her throat again.

Jessica giggled. "Okay, this is officially my favorite place I've ever worked. Putting an orgy drug out into the world. Testing it yourselves. Yup, what an awesome place to work."

Lauryn smirked as she stepped in front of Jessica. "I'm glad you think so. I really did miss you last night. You could have joined us, you know. This is probably a horrible thing for me to ask you, but...have you ever experimented with bi-sexuality? Our men are all quite wonderful and caring."

"Been there, done that," said Jessica. "But...I thought a lot about you last night. I kind of wish I was there, with you..."

Lauryn smiled sweetly, leaned in and whispered in Jessica's ear. "If you eat my pussy, I've got enough stimulant in me for both of us right now. Shall we do it where Jamie can watch us? I want him to see how beautiful you are with me."

Moaning as Lauryn kissed her, open-mouth and passionate, Jessica reached around and unhooked Lauryn's lovely bra, and she backed her up against the edge of the big conference table, mouthing Lauryn's stunning, thrust-forward tits.

Lauryn sighed so beautifully as she lay back, her legs lifted by Jessica's soft hands, her panties whisked off, Jessica's moaning mouth so quickly on her pussy.

The others were stripping more fully nude now, women kissing each other, James' eyes on it all as he ate Gabby's sixty-nining pussy, still cherry-flavored from last night.

"God your ass is amazing!" he mumbled against her hot wetness, his hands all over the petite perfection of her beguiling buttocks.

"I thought you liked Lauryn's ass best," Gabby purred. "You two looked so good together, when you fucked her from behind. Wanna do me that way today, Jamie? Wanna fuck me from behind?"

"Ohhhh God!" Jamie groaned, his cock a pure pleasure plaything now, gagging the entrance to Mya's hopeful throat.

Fifteen minutes later he was on his feet, fucking woman after woman from behind, their lusty nude bodies bent over the conference table. Jessica and Lauryn were still up on the table top, feeding their pussies to the hungry mouths of the others.

A half hour after that it was Lauryn, by the door, buttoning her blouse, saying "Good meeting, people. Lot's of good ideas to think about and work on. Let's keep the creative energy up on this project. I'm going to have Megan schedule another meeting for tomorrow morning. I think we're ready to start finalizing some plans for production."

"Oh, shit, no more tests?" said Renee.

Lauryn smirked. "The women of the world are waiting for their orgasms, Renee. But I do see your point. A conscientious company should do regular quality control tests, don't you think? Maybe...a monthly 'meeting' in that fun hotel suite?"

Renee, nodded, smiling. "Just to check and make sure our Orgy Crank is still working as advertised. Sounds important to me."

Lauryn nodded. "Maybe we can cycle in some other people from the company, once everyone gets word about what we're marketing."

Talia's eyes widened. "We can put a sign-up sheet in the lunch room."

"Good idea, Tal," said Lauryn. "Good idea."


The next morning, at the staff meeting, Renee, head of marketing, began a discussion about whether to really call this new product 'Orgy Crank'. "It's a bit of an extreme name, but, extreme things are in vogue these days. Extreme sports and whatnot."

Gabby nodded. "Maybe we could lean into the 'orgy' angle and sell an orgy kit. A box with pills, and...I don't know what else in it."

"A dozen inexpensive but nice-looking masks for shy people. A dozen invitations with envelopes."

"A tube of lube."

"Good. Good," said Renee, nodding. "Since we're talking extreme, why not put one of those sneaky little video cameras in the kit. It ties in with the masks, right?"

Lauryn's eyes lit up. "If we're providing a camera we could also provide a video hosting service. A private section of our website where kit customers can post videos of their orgies if they'd like to."

"That's bold. Too bold, maybe."

"Jess, what do you think? Can you design a new area of the website with password protection and video hosting?"

"Sure, yeah, no problem. For maximum security we'd want to store all the data onsite. We'd need to update our storage and probably our servers, but it's all very doable."

"I doubt if many people would put up a video for the world to see."

"What if we went further than masks?" said Jessica. "If it catches on I'd need to hire someone to do this, but, for those users who wished it we could blur their faces and even alter their voices."

"Blur or no blur, I don't think people will go for this."

"Best bet would be to get some influencers on YouTube to try it. We could send kits to them, maybe give them some extra pills so they can try it alone with their partners first."

"Try it first, the way we did. Yes, I like all this. Good ideas, people."

"Influencers on YouTube? Wow. Can you imagine if orgying went viral? That'd be crazy. Pretty far-fetched, I think."

"The conservative world would blame us. I don't know if that's good or bad."

Lauryn nodded. "The fact that we're talking about an entire portion of the world thinking about us, that's kind of amazing. Do we have rose colored glasses on? I don't think so, but what do you all think?"

"We all want to wear whatever colored glasses you have on, Lauryn. You're our feerless leader. We'll follow you."


A little while after the meeting, Lauryn knocked on Talia's open office door

"Talia, got a minute?"

"Always, Lauryn. Come on in."

Lauryn closed the door, and sat down on Talia's couch. "I need some marital advice. Want to be my shrink? I figure, I'm having sex with you now, so why not tell all my secrets."

Talia smirked. "Sex with me and my husband, who's over the moon, by the way. I told him there might be more parties at the hotel. He's pretty thrilled about it."

Lauryn took a deep breath. "You're a lucky girl, that's all I can say. I tried to not let it bother me that Andrew wasn't there,'s bothering me. But also, there's quite a lot of pills missing at home. I shouldn't be upset, because I gave him his first one, and he's been getting plenty of the transference affect from going down on me, but...if he's enjoying it enough to steal pills from me why wouldn't he have been with me at the orgy test?"

"I don't know, Lauryn. Maybe he's shy? Maybe he doesn't want to see you with another guy? How much do you two talk about it at home? Have you told him about the guys? Have you told him about James?"

"Yes, but...not in a way that makes it sound bad. I've been clear that it's just work. I'm just doing my job the best I can."

Talia smirked. "Yes, well, I shouldn't feel light-hearted about this, do realize the drug we're all on has shifted our perspective rather drastically, right? I've been prancing around in my underwear at home, with the windows wide open, knowing my nice neighbor is watching. I nearly sucked my lawnboy's cock. I've already started thinking about who I want to invite to my first party when we get the orgy kits finalized, and three of my son's friends are on the list. Lauryn, I'm pretty sure we're all altered. The pill's are fucking with us. I'm not sure if it's horrifying, but maybe it ought to be."

"Talia, it's sex! It's fun! You just said Mike is hoping for more. We all are. Yes, we're altered, but it's in a good way, isn't it? We're free from that old puritan baggage. Finally, we're free from it! I've spent my whole adult life wishing the world would shake off its puritan nonsense, and now, we've invented the way! And it's so amazing and awesome, and I just want my husband along for the ride."

"Tell him that. Exactly like that. The missing pills worry me, though. Do you think he's using them with someone else?"

"Maybe. I mean, probably. At his tennis club he plays doubles with a woman quite often. If he's...with her, I'm...I'm okay with it. I need to be okay with it. I mean, look at what I'm up to. I've had sex with ten men in the last week."

"Wow. When you put it so bluntly, it sounds bad. I've had sex with ten men, too. Yikes."

Lauryn smirked. "Is it yikes, or wow, or hallelujah?"

"Well, for me, since Mike knows about it, it's hallelujah, for sure."

Lauryn nodded. "I guess what I'm learning is that having an open marriage is an oddly 'gray' thing. I'm not sure I understand it yet."

"Is it officially open? I sort of got the feeling that even that was a gray area."

"You think I should tell him more? About everything, and James?"

"If you're curious about his tennis partner, he's probably curious about you. I say tell him everything. If he doesn't think you're worth it, he's just crazy, that's what I think. As far as you and James, you've already fallen for him, I can tell. And I'm positive he thinks you're worth it. Maybe we're all crazy, but the way he looks at you, that's not crazy at all."

-- -- -- --

In just four months time, Orgy Crank was released to the public and available on store shelves, most notably in the form of the Free Spirit Orgy Kit. The company's V.P. of Marketing, Renee, asked Lauryn to meet with her in her office to discuss the 'publicity tour' itinerary.

"You booked me on Hot Harold's Sterno Burner? Oh my Gosh, Renee, that's..."

"Amazing, right. National Satellite Radio. It's big."

"I was going to say terrifying. Wow. You really think I should do that?"

"It's perfect. It's satellite, so they talk freely about sex, and he loves beautiful women. You'll knock his socks off. I'll be sending some Orgy Crank to him in advance of your visit, so he can try it out with his wife or whatever."

"Okay, yes, that part sounds good. Wow, Harold Sterno. This is the big-time."

"You might want start listening to his show, so you know what you're in for and how to play it. I'll tell you this, if you want him on your side, play along with him. It might seem outrageous, but...we're selling an orgy drug here, so, outrageous is our middle name, right?"

"Right. Yes. Let's do this. Wow, Renee, great job getting us booked with him. We're on a roll here, I can feel it."

Wait'll you hear this next one...I got us on the Shop At Home Network, on a late night show they call Hot Goods Fridays. Have you seen it? It's when they sell their sexier stuff, like hot lingerie and even some mild sex toys like vibrators. I called them, they were instantly interested, and we're booked. You and Talia. A full segment, and they even want us to do some kind of demonstration, I think. We'll figure all that out with the producers."

"Wow! The Shop At Home Network! Oh my God! This is huge!"

"We'll be able to talk about all our products, I think, but the segment is for the Orgy Kit. We'll have to ship thousands of them to their warehouse in advance of the show."

"All of this is amazing, Renee! Amazing!"

-- -- -- --

"Welcome to the Shop At Home Network's Hot Goods Fridays, everyone," said the show's smiling female host, the primary TV camera beginning a slow zoom outward to include Talia and Lauryn in the picture with her. The second camera, also on wheels, moved silently on the TV studio's smooth, shiny floor to prepare for a different angle.

"We have something very different for you tonight, and it's one of those items we offer that may make you want to send the kiddies to another room, or maybe just turn the volume down, or, if you're against public conversations about sexuality, maybe turn your TV off, have a snack, and check in with us again a little later. For the rest of you, we have the newest YouTube viral sensation, the Free Spirit Orgy Kit, and not only do we have its makers here this evening to tell us all about it, we have ten thousand of the kits ready to ship out. If you've been following this viral sensation you're probably well aware that they've been flying off the shelves everywhere and they're very hard to get right now. Let me introduce you to company president Talia Tallwood, and company CEO Lauryn Dutchass. Lauryn, am I pronouncing that correctly? Dutch...ass?"

"Yes, lately I prefer it pronounced that way. My fiancée suggested it, with a smirk on his handsome face of course. I called his bluff and went with it. He's the Principal Scientist at my company. His name is James Goode. My middle name is Bailey, an old family name, so when James and I are married I'll be Lauryn B. Dutchass-Goode, which is delightfully fun, I think, isn't it? It makes him smile like the cutest boy you've ever seen."

"Nice. I can see the love in your eyes," said the host. "So, this new product of yours that's become a viral sensation, tell us about it. Tell us about your company."

Lauryn nodded, eyes twinkling with excitement as she glanced at the big TV camera. "So, it's a kit designed to help you have the best orgy you can imagine. A dozen nicely printed invitations with high quality envelopes, pre-printed with postage so you can just address them to your friends and drop them in the mail. There's also a tube of our Easy Does It vaginal lube, and, for the more adventurous, a tube of our Back Door's Open anal lube. There's a small, unobtrusive Go-Pro style video camera, with a handy clip so you can clip it on a curtain rod or a picture frame, somewhere where it has a nice clear view of the room, and then for those who wish to, our new website will host your video, password protected if you wish, so just you and your party friends can view it, or you can make it publicly viewable, and we've even put together a service where, for a modest fee, we'll blur your faces and alter your voices, so you can have the fun of seeing your orgy on the internet while maintaining your anonymity. And of course the kit comes with a dozen doses of Orgy Crank, our patented, fully herbal and organic pills that are guaranteed to elevate your lust and freely release your orgasms."

"That guarantee is rather astonishing. Tell us more about it."

"Your money back if not satisfied," said Lauryn. "It's as simple as that. And by 'satisfied' I mean deeply, orgasmically satisfied, in a way that goes beyond anything you've ever experienced. So far, we've only had requests to purchase more kits. We haven't had a single request for a refund."

"Wow. That's truly amazing. After trying your pills myself, I can say I completely understand that level of satisfaction. My husband and I didn't have the full orgy kit to try, just the few pills you sent us, but yes, I completely understand it now. I'm actually hoping you brought a few free samples for us, but we'll talk later. Oh, and the flavors! We'll discuss more about that aspect in a few minutes. Thank you, Lauryn. Now, though, Talia, why don't you tell us about the demonstration we have today. And again, I'll warn you parents and grandparents out there, now's the time to get the kiddies away from the TV set. Talia, what do we have planned?"

Nervous in front of the TV cameras pointed at her, Talia's eyes shifted anxiously. "Okay, yes. We have a volunteer, from your staff here at the Shop At Home Network. She's a middle-aged woman who's had...orgasmic difficulties, shall we say, and Lauryn and I are very happy to have her try our pills."

The host nodded. "You've given her a one-pill dose of your Orgy Crank, is that correct? She took it an hour ago?"

"Yes, that's right," said Talia. "It's the standard dose, one pill. We always recommend to take it an hour in advance of your orgy. You'll feel it sooner than that, after maybe a half an hour, but an hour gives you the full effect, not only the orgasmic elevation but the full flavorizing effect on the vagina and the semen."

"Tell the viewers about the flavorizing."

"There are currently seven flavors to choose from. We include a random assortment in each kit. So, basically, by taking a single little pill, you not only experience the elevated sexual response and orgasmic abilities, you also get, if you're a woman, a fun flavored vagina, and if you're a man, fun flavored semen."

The host nodded toward the camera. "It really is remarkable, folks. My husband and I, oh my gosh we enjoyed it. I'm usually not a...well...shall we say, a 'taster' in that way, but, now, with these pills, not only do I like the flavor of him, I positively crave it. And he craves the flavor of me. Talk about an elevation, wow!"

Lauryn chimed in. "Yes, it's really quite something. Has he tried the chocolate flavor yet? There's something about chocolate semen that's just...well, you know how we women love our chocolate."

"Oh my gosh, now I really need you to get me some more," said the host. "Okay, let's ask our volunteer how she's feeling, shall we? She's in a private room down the hall, and she's chosen not to use her real name, so we'll call her Jane Doe. Jane, can you hear us okay?"

"Yes, I can," said the woman, there now in a split screen window on the TV, her husband standing behind the upholstered chair she looks comfortable on, his reassuring hands on her shoulders.

"Jane, tell the viewers at home a little about you."

"Oh, Okay. I, um, I started out as an intern here at the Network, and now I'm part of the production staff. I'm...forty-seven years old. I enjoy sex..." she said, putting her hand on one of her husband's hands on her shoulder, "...but I'm one of those women who...I've never been able to have an orgasm. I've learned to live with it, and I really do enjoy sex with my husband. It's certainly not his fault, he's tried, for so many years, so many ways, body, or my mind, maybe, just can't get there. I've made my peace with it."