The Flavor of Desire


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The host nodded. "I think that may be a very common story, Jane. Talia, what do you think?"

Talia nodded. "Oh, yes, it is a very common story. We get so many letters, emails and phone calls, many of them asking if our pills will help, and others telling us that our pills have freed them into a whole new sexual world."

The host turned to the camera. "Wow, Jane, that sounds promising, huh?"

Jane smirked. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"You're skeptical?" asked the host.

"Very. Nothing personal against our guests, of course. I just...I know my body. Thirty years I've tried. Yes, I'm very skeptical."

The host nodded. "Okay then. Wow, this is so interesting. And on live television, no less. Actually, in the interest of complete honesty and transparency, we're coming to you live with a ten-second delay for this segment, just in case the language gets a little spicy. Okay then, first off, we have some video from two hours ago, right Jane? You and your husband giving it a try, orally, before you took the pill? Is that right? I should also tell our audience that Jane and her husband are back in one of our dressing rooms, just the two of them. Our camera and sound people set up their gear and left you both alone, is that right?"

Jane nodded. "Yes, we're alone. It's a bit nerve-wracking, actually, with the camera and all."

"Would you say your nervousness will make it even harder to reach your goal of having an orgasm?"

"Oh, for sure. Yeah, this is...not normal. I'm not really a public person. I'm beginning to regret volunteering for this, actually."

"Oh no," said the host. "Jane, we won't continue without your consent. You're free to opt-out of this if you'd like."

"Yes, I know, but...I'm willing. I'll give it a try."

"Good," said the host. Okay, let's show some of that video from two hours ago, and see what things were like before you took the pill."

The split-screen shifted to a bigger frame with 'Jane,' shown from the waist up, dressed in a buttoned blouse, looking quite blissful but not orgasmic, her breathing deep and often ragged, her eyes sometimes closed and sometimes half-lidded open. "Okay babes," she finally said, encouraging her husband to stop.

The split screen returned to everyone live again, the host nodding. "Okay. Well that looked pleasant, you receiving some enjoyable cunnilingus from your husband, but far from earth shaking. Am I correct in that assessment, Jane? I'm thinking millions and millions of women can relate to what we've just seen."

"Yes. It was nice. I love my husband."

"And he's a good sport, too, being here with us tonight. So, Jane, you took the pill an hour ago, not long after we videoed that last segment. How do you feel right now?"

Jane looked more sparkly-eyed into the camera. "Well, that's the thing, that's why I said I'm willing to go ahead with the rest of this tonight. I feel...really really horny. I mean, my husband's hands on my shoulders, I just want pull them down a little lower, do you know what I mean?"

"Breast sensitivity and nipple sensitivity increase exponentially when using the OC pills," Talia explained. "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's what I mean," said Jane, blushing.

"Just to be clear, when you say 'OC pills' you mean your Orgy Crank, correct?" asked the host.

"Yes," said Talia.

"Jane, our cameras are showing you from the waist up, as you know, and that part of you is fully dressed, so, as far as I know we can show hands on breasts as long as there's clothing, right? I'll say again to our audience to get the kiddies out of the room, but yes, let's go there. We'd all love to see how these pills are affecting you. Touching, us whatever you'd like to."

"Oh, wow," said Jane, blushing again. "I mean, I would like to. I'm feeling so very...desirous. I think that's a good word for it. Really very very desirous." Turning her head as she tipped it back, she looked up at her husband standing behind her, and her hands drew his hands downward, onto her breasts. "Oh, yes, that's nice," she sighed. "A bra is clothing, right? I mean...this surprises me, but...I feel like I want to open my shirt."

The host cocked her head. "Okay, maybe hold off on that? I see our producers discussing things off camera, they're nodding at me. Wow, okay. Yes, Jane, it looks can open your shirt if you'd like to. I'm hearing whispered to nipples. Wow, our staff is buzzing. This is exciting. Late night Friday on the Shop At Home Network. Lauryn, Talia, your product has certainly brought some excitement with it."

"We're so pleased to be here," said Lauryn.

On the Jane side of the television's split screen, her shirt was open now, her husband's hands thoroughly fondling her bra-clad breasts, her head still turned and tipped back, now moaning as she began kissing him in a deep, open-mouthed, passionate way.

"Since Jane can't speak at the moment, Talia, do you think you can give us some play-by-play? Based on your experience, what is Jane feeling right now?"

"Kissing is really something. Our exclusive, scientifically developed libido stimulant in the pill increases sexual sensitivity throughout the body. Everywhere you can be touched feels much nicer, but especially in the softer openings -- the mouth, the vagina, the anus. So, yes, she's feeling an elevation right now as she's kissing her husband, a lifting of her sexual spirit and her lust, especially so since he's fondling her breasts so nicely."

"Tell us about Transference. It's mentioned quite often on your website and in your videos."

"When we developed and tested these pills, Transference was a wonderful surprise. Of course the ultimate experience is when both partners take a pill, but if only the woman takes it, and her partner kisses her, or especially if the partner tastes the flavorized wetness of her vagina, the partner begins to feel the same effects of increased libido and desire. It's a sort of carnal hunger that quickly develops, not only in the woman being tasted, but in the taster as well."

"So, just from kissing, Jane's husband is beginning to feel the effects of this Transference, even as we speak?"

"Yes. And his kiss and his touch is making the effects already felt within Jane flare up in a warm, really lovely kind of way. She's heating up rather rapidly, becoming a slut who's hungry for it, right before our eyes."

"That's a strong assertion, Talia. Just how universal are these effects?"

"A hundred percent, as far as we know. No one who's tested it has felt anything less, and like I said, no complaints from customers so far."

The host turned to the camera. "Jane? Your moaning kiss is making me warm. How do Talia's thoughts compare to your own experience so far?"

"Oh," Jane sighed, her chest heaving with heavy breaths. "Right. Wow, I'm...finding it hard to think about anything but...but, yes, I agree with her. Everything she said. The pill very much seems to be...working."

"Does how you feel make you more hopeful with regard to the orgasm potential?"

"Oh my gosh, yes. Yes, can we...try it? Right now?"

The host smiled. "Hungry for it, indeed. Yes, let's have your husband switch positions, and be sure to put that sheet over his head and your lower body. Not that we can see that part of you but, maybe it will help, if you feel more private."

"No, too warm for that," said Jane, chest still heaving. "I need to take my shirt completely off. That's okay, right?"

The host glanced at the huddle of producers off camera, nodding after she got the nod from them. "Yes, Jane, that's okay. Good thing you're not wearing one of those see-through bras we sold last Friday night, right?"

Jane giggled, blushing as she shrugged her shirt off her shoulders and took it fully off, her bashful but lusty eyes finding the camera again. "Feeling the way I'm feeling, I wouldn't even care. I'm sure my mother would. Hi Mom."

"Lauryn," said the host, "would you like to add anything to what Talia's been saying?"

"I'm just so delighted to be here, and so pleased Jane decided to grace us with this demonstration. I'd like to say hi to her mom, too, and tell everyone that our patented pills work the charm on women of all ages. We've been contacted by women in their eighties who are having wonderful orgasms again, and for those who don't know, we sell a full line of feminine lubricants, including our Golden Girls Glistening, a specially developed lube for our oldest customers."

"Oh God!" blurted Jane, from her side of the split screen.

"Oh, It looks like we're underway again," said the host as she looked at the monitor. "Jane, it appears your husband has gone down on you, is that right? Is there a difference in sensation from when he did it two hours ago?"

"Oh my God yes!" Jane breathily blurted. "Wow! This is...! I'm not...not gonna be able to...I can't talk through this. Wow! Oh my God!"

"Talia, care to give some play-by-play?"

"Sure, yes. So, two things are happening right now. Jane is feeling the full effects of the pill she took, and her husband is...we sometimes call it 'feeding' off of her. His mouth is ingesting her flavored wetness, and with it some of the stimulant, and his hunger for her is growing. We find the partner's hunger grows at a similar speed to that of the orgasm that's building within her.

The host nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, and those orgasms really do grow, don't they."

"Oh my goodness yes," said Talia. " And with this being Jane's first...yes, she's in for something remarkable."

"Oh God!" cried Jane, her voice now deeper and guttural. "Oh yeah, baby, eat my cun(bleeep)! Eat momma just like that!"

"As we've just heard," said Talia, "another thing that happens is a certain verbal honesty often comes forth, with regard to sexual feelings and desires. It's really fun, especially for people who are normally shy about such things."

The host nodded. "Which is why we're broadcasting with a ten second delay tonight, with our quickest-fingered sound technician at the controls." She glanced at a signal from her producers again. "Speaking of sound, let's all sit back quietly for a few minutes, shall we? Let's give Jane some quiet and see what she and her nice husband can make of it."

"Oh fffuuu(bleeep)! Ffffuuuu(bleeep)! Oh yeah, fu(bleep) me with your tongue! Get it right in there! Oh God yes! God yes!"

The director minimized all the shopping info, minimized the split-screen window that showed the host and Talia and Lauryn watching. Leaving the half-screen shot showing all of Jane's upper body, her everyday white brassiere stretched tight on her heaving bosom, he then added a third window, a tight close up shot of Jane's open-mouthed, blissed-out face.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum. I'm really gonna cu(bleeep). Get your mouth on my cli(bleeep). Right there where my finger is, babes. Suck it, babes. Suck on my cli(bleeep). Oh God, that's it! Here we go! Here we go!"

The host and the others all watched the studio's monitors, rapt, watching Jane with her back arched upward now, her hands on her bra-clad breasts, her cleavage glistening with sweat.

"Oh God!...Oh fu(bleeep)!...I'm...!...I'm...!...I'm...! Fuuu(bleep) (bleeep) (Bleeeeep) cumming!...(bleeeeeeeeep) (bleep) (bleeeeeeeeeep)!"

"Oh my goodness!" said the host, wide eyed. She began to chuckle. "Wow, that was...amazing. For anyone who's just joining us, that's one of our staff, going by the name 'Jane' tonight, who's demonstrating this amazing new product that we many left? Wow, we had ten-thousand kits and we're down to just sixty left, folks. So call now or get on our website quickly because they're going fast."

"Oh, Jesus!" said Jane, gasping, her bosom wildly heaving. The director minimized the shot of her to just half the screen again, just the full shot of her bra-clad upper body, now thoroughly glistening with sweat. "Oh my God, that was f(bleep)cking unbelievable! Oh my God, babes, do it again. No. Don't. Turn off that camera. Turn it off and f(bleep)ck me. Put your big c(bleep)ck in me and f(bleep)ck me. I need it, babes. Oh, God, right now. I need it bad. Make me cu(bleep) with your big hard c(bleep)ck."

"Oh wow, are we on top of this?" said the host, worriedly looking toward the control room. "Okay. Okay, there, yes. Yes, black that out. Cut the sound. Let's give them some privacy. Phew! That was...steamy! Talia? Lauryn? Care to comment?

Lauryn nodded, eyes bright and twinkly. "Wonderful. Just wonderful. It makes us so happy, as a company, to bring this to the world. A beautiful orgasm for a lovely woman who's never been able to have one before. I'm so happy right now."

"Talia? Care to add anything?"

"Oh, um, play-by-play, do you mean?"

"Yes, or...anything," said the host.

"Okay, well, I'm assuming Jane and her husband are doing what she asked for. I can just say, for anyone wondering, the sensations during intercourse are truly mind-blowing. The pleasure receptors inside the vagina, and of course anally and even inside the mouth, are all so heightened, so electrified, it intensifies the experience so much, in such a good way, it's as if orgasms just happen, and happen and happen."

The host looked toward the control room again. "Any chance of checking in with Jane before we wrap up this segment? No? Okay, well that's unfortunate, but I'm getting a firm 'no'. It appears she's lost her bra, and...our control room technicians are getting quite the show on their monitors and their headphones. So I will thank Jane for being such a good sport on our show tonight, and I thank her husband, and...oh my goodness, I can hear her right through the walls. Wow. Okay. Talia and Lauryn, you've just made a customer for life, I'm pretty sure. And for all the rest of you out there in TV land, we'll have more of these kits here on the Shop At Home Network next month, is that right?"

"Yes," said Talia. "We can't wait to come back."

"May I just say one more thing?" asked Lauryn. "A lot of people are put off or confused by the 'orgy' branding on our kits, but it's nothing to be scared of or worried about. No one needs to be a 'swinger', or a drug user, or a drinker, or any kind of a partier. It's more about deepening friendships. Buy a kit, make a list of people you enjoy, people with open minds, and send them an invitation. I don't know if you noticed but there's a small pill holder built right into the invitation card, and there's full and easy to understand instructions printed on the back, including a few words about the tested safety and organic nature of the ingredients. It's really all very simple and fun, just a good excuse for an awesome party, one that your good friends will be happily talking about for years."

"Indeed," said the host. "My husband and I are already thinking about who we'd invite. Some of his choices have been very eye-opening, but that's part of the fun, right? Well, what a successful evening! Thank you Talia. Thank you Lauryn." The host smiled as she once again looked into the camera. "This is Hot Goods Fridays on the Shop At Home Network. Stay with us, we'll be right back everybody."

-- -- -- --

Two days later, after a long flight from the West Coast to the East, Lauryn's eyes saw the boom microphone extend over her head, this radio studio more claustrophobic and warmer than she'd anticipated. She felt exposed, out in the open, on a comfortable upholstered chair, a brightish light lighting her. Harold Sterno sat behind his desk a little ways away, more in the dark, a big, radio-style microphone not far from his mouth.

"We have a very special guest this morning. Her name is Lauryn Dutchass, and oh my God does she have one. The nicest ass that's warmed our chair in quite a while. She's the CEO of the company that's given us the Free Spirit Orgy Kit, and I know all of you listening have heard about it. Lauryn, how many kits have you sold so far?"

"Oh my gosh, more than fifty-thousand I think, but we're just getting started. They've only been on sale for two weeks. Our distributor is telling us we need to ramp up production into the hundreds of thousands, and probably more than that."

"Hundreds of thousands of orgies. That's incredible."

"It is," said Lauryn. "I'm so thrilled that all this is happening."

"Christ you're a beautiful woman. What size are your breasts?"

"What size? Thirty-two triple D."

"Jesus. I love triples. Triples are a home-run around here. It's well known that you wear beautiful French underwear. Show it to us. What do you have on today?"

"Oh, wow. You want me to...take my clothes off?"

"Sure, why not. I read the website interview you did where you talked about your extensive collection of French lingerie. What good is it if it's always hidden? Show it to us."

"It's not really an 'extensive collection', it's just a few drawers full."

"You're conveniently not telling us how big your drawers are."

"Hey!" kidded Lauryn. "Is that a sneaky way of saying my ass is big?"

"Your ass is amazing. Tits, ass, the whole package. Take off your clothes for us. I'm dying to see what makes French lingerie so special."

"Well...okay, but...just this once. You'll all go easy on me?"

"Easy peasy," said the Harold's sidekick, Shorty.

Harold nodded. "Our sound guy might start beating off in the booth, and Shorty might lose his mind, but other than that, sure, we'll go easy on you. Oh my God, that smile. I need to describe this for our radio audience. Lauryn has a smile that's just unbelievably sexy, and she just took off her blouse, and oh my God, her tits, in that little French bra, oh my God. Now she's taking off a really sexy pair of pants and...I swear to God my dick has never been this hard on this show. I really want to thank you, Lauryn, for sending the bottle of Orgy Crank pills. Great name, by the way. Of course I didn't share it with my staff, I kept it all for my wife and me. You might be interested to know I'm on it right now. I heard you're a dirty whore for chocolate flavored cock."

Lauren's eyes twinkled. "What woman isn't?"

"You're a fucking unbelievably beautiful woman, do you know that, Lauryn? So here's the thing. I'm all cranked up on your crank, and I feel like making some radio history today. We're on satellite so we can do whatever the fuck we want, and I want you to suck my cock. You're sitting there in that sexy french lingerie and I'm hard as a fucking rock. You've got me fucked up with your triple-D breasts and the rest of your beautiful body, and you've got me all fucked up with your pills, and I think the least you can do is suck my cock. Think of all the publicity you'll get from doing it."

"For cripes sake, Harold, do I get to leave the room?" said Shorty. "You're dick is that last thing I wanna see this morning."

"Yeah, but you want to see beautiful Lauryn riding the Sybian, don't you?"

"Fuck yeah, I wanna see that. A woman CEO having an orgasm? Fuck yeah, I wanna see that."

"Lauryn, you game?" asked Harold. "When was your last dose of Crank, sweetheart?"

"This morning."

"This morning! Wow! You're primed! I did not expect that. How often do you take it?"

"Every day. Sometimes twice a day. It's quite safe."

"Wow! No wonder you're such a beautiful whore. Did you hear that, all you women out there in radioland? A dose a day'll do ya. Keep your juices flowing. Keep every man in sight happy when you show 'em your underwear. What a world it would be if every woman was primed for a nice big orgasm."

"It'd give new meaning to the term 'hair trigger'," said Shorty.

"Lauryn, do you shave your pussy?" asked Harold.

"Not shaved, but...Brazilian waxed."

"That's where they do the asshole and everything, right? God, that must hurt."

"I had it done just a few days ago. I took a pill first was wonderfully enjoyable."