The Four Years: Year One Ch. 11


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I looked at Andy and he just shrugged. "What can I say," he said. "I'm young, horny, and I don't have enough time to find a girlfriend. So I do what I got to do."

"Do what you got to do?" Amy said. "Seriously, you have a stack of magazines half my height in your closet."

"Seriously?" I asked, and Amy nodded.

"And some of it is fucking weird shit," she said.

"Hey," Andy said. "Hentai is not weird."

"Yes it is," Amy said. "When a chick is getting anally raped by a space aliens tentacle, it counts as fucking weird."

"I gotta agree with your sister," I said. "That shit is kinda weird."

"Whatever," Andy said. "Can I have some money so I can get some nachos?"

"Here," Amy said, handing him ten dollars. "And get me a taco supreme while you're there."

"Will do," Andy said as he hopped down from the machine. "You want anything?"

"I'm good," I said, and Andy walked out of the laundry mat.

Amy remained silent until I started the washing machine. "Okay," she finally said. "Now tell me what happened."

"Not much," I said. "She and I talked for a while. Cuddled. Took a nap. Went out to dinner... Some other stuff."

"You fucked," Amy said.

"Maybe," I said with a smile. "Then again, I'd like to think of it as she and I made love. At least, the second time we did."

"Only twice?" she asked. "You did Rosa three times in one night."

"I was also so drunk that I don't remember having sex with her that night," I pointed out. "For all I know, it could've been really quick five minute fucks."

"I seriously doubt that," Amy said. "I was your first and if I remember correctly, you lasted a decent amount of time for someone who'd never done it before. Which reminds me, I haven't been fucked in a while."

"Can't help you there," I said.

"Like I want you to," she said. "Anyways, there's a guy in one of my classes that's been flirting with me. From what I can tell, he's packing a big brush, so I think I'll see if he'd be interested in a night of fun."

"Good luck with that," I said. Outside I seemed calm, but a small part of me inside felt a pang of jealousy for some reason. Probably because Amy was my first, and deep down I felt a bit protective of that. Yeah, the must be why.

"So you and her are together now," Amy said. "Heh."

"Yep," I said. "And tomorrow, we're going to Disneyland."

"Wow, Disneyland for a second date," she said.

"Not really a date," I said. "She wants you guys to come along as well. You know, so she can get to know everyone, and you guys can get to know her."

"Really?" Amy asked. "Interesting."

"So what do you say?"

"Well... I haven't been since my parents took me and Andy when I was five, so..." Amy thought for a moment as she leaned against the washing machine. "Yeah, sure. It'll be nice to go on something other than Mr. Toad's Wild Ride."

I had to fight the urge to make the obvious joke, and it seems Amy was waiting for it.

"Not even gonna take the open joke?" she asked.

"Nope," I said. "Too easy."

"Just like Becky when she went out with creepy Carl," Amy said with a half grin.

"That's low," I said, and her grin faded.

"Yeah, sorry," she said. We were silent for a few minutes before Amy asked, "What do you think happened with her anyways? Think she kept the baby?"

"No idea," I said. "I haven't talked to her since right before she went out with creepy Carl."

"I don't think I could do it," Amy said.

"Do what, go out with creepy Carl?" I asked.

"Fuck that, I know I can't do that," she said. "Just thinking about that makes my stomach churn... No, I'm talking about having a kid. I don't think I'd be a very good mom."

I just stood there as Amy looked at me.

"This is where you're supposed to say that I'd be a great mom," Amy said.

"Sorry," I said. "Just a little taken by surprise about where this conversation turned to. Why the sudden thoughts about you being a bad mom? You're not pregnant, are you?"

"What? No," Amy said, a little alarmed. "God no... Actually, I haven't had sex with anyone since you and I did it that night. Not that I don't want to. I just haven't found the right guy. I may like sex, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of slut that will fuck anything with a cock."

An elderly woman a few machines down gasped as Amy said that. "Well, I never," she said.

"Well, you should," Amy said. "And stop listening in on other peoples conversations, it's rude."

I shock my head and tried hard not to laugh as the old woman walked away in a huff.

"Anyways," Amy said. "I guess I've been thinking on and off about the whole 'being a mom' thing since we found out that Becky got pregnant. And how over protective my mom is with Andy and me... Especially Andy. You know, there are times where I wonder if mom actually regrets giving birth to him. Like she'd have preferred to keep him safe and secure in her womb for the rest of his life or something."

"That's an interesting mental image," I said. "A giant Andy shaped protrusion sticking out of your mom's stomach."

"Eww," Amy said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Anyways," Amy said after a moment. "I just don't think I'll ever have kids myself. You know, I like having my freedom. I like being able to go and do what I want, when I want."

"And who you want," I added.

"That to," she said. "I want to work on my art. I want to be able travel the world at the drop of a hat without some screaming little brat asking 'are we there yet' every ten seconds."

"See, you're only thinking about the negative aspects," I said. "What about the positives?"

"Such as?" Amy asked.

"Um..." I said, and tried to think.

"You can't think of one, can you?" she said.

"Not really," I said. "But you know what... I'm sure one day, when I'm much, much, much older, and I have a kid, I'll know what it is."

"You do that," Amy said. "And when you do, pick up the phone and call me. I'll be living free and having fun somewhere in Japan or Australia, or who knows where."

"Fucking hell," Andy said as he returned carrying a plastic tray of nachos. "Those people there are idiots. Couldn't get a simple fucking order like nachos without beans."

"Where's my taco?" Amy asked.

"Sorry," Andy said. "I got so hungry waiting for them to get my order right, I ate it."

"Of course you did," Amy said as she rolled her eyes.

After I was finished with my laundry and got back to my room, Jake and Lisa were there waiting for me.

"So what did you need to talk to us about?" asked Lisa.

"Well," I said as I dropped the bag of clean clothes onto my bed. "You guys obviously know about the letters."

"Yeah," Jake and Lisa said in unison.

"Well... I know who she is," I said.

"Who?" asked Lisa, obviously excited to find out who the mystery girl is.

"Roxanne," I said.

"No fucking way," said Jake. "No wonder she wanted to come up here with you yesterday. She wanted to tell you the truth."

"Actually... Amy told me," I said.

"Amy knew?" Lisa asked. "That bitch. I asked her if she had any idea on who it could be, and she swore to me that she didn't."

"Don't be mad at her," I said. "Roxanne made her swear not to tell anyone."

"Then why'd she tell you yesterday?" asked Jake.

"Well..." I thought for a moment. "Actually, I don't know for sure why. I never did ask her."

"Okay," said Lisa. "So found out that Roxanne is your secret admirer. What happened next?"

I told them everything. The cuddling. The nap. The talking. The sex. How she got up early to get us breakfast.

"I take it you love her as well?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah," I said. "At least, I'm pretty sure I do. I feel really happy when she's around. We get along really well."

"And the sex?" she asked. "How was it?"

"There's more to life than sex," I said.

"True," Lisa said. "But you can't have a healthy and happy relationship someone if there isn't anything going on in bed. Otherwise it's just a friendship where you guys actually just sleep in the same bed. And that's just sad, am I right?"

"So right," Jake said and they gave each other five.

"Alright," Lisa said. "I guess all that's left is for Jake and I to meet her so we can get to know her."

"And grill her for information?" I said suspiciously.

"Of course," Lisa said. "Nothing personal against her. But Jake and I want to look out for you. We've seen you get hurt too many times."

"It's only been twice," I said.

"Three if you count what Jessica told you about the time you were going out with her in high school," Jake said.

"Alright, three times," I said.

"Which is three times too many," Lisa said. "Before things go any further between you two, I want to talk to her. So I'm thinking the four of us go out to dinner tonight."

"Actually," I said. "She and I already talked about you guys meeting her, and she's looking forward to it and want to do it tomorrow."

"Alright," Lisa said. "Dinner tomorrow night."

"Well," I said. "She was actually thinking something along the lines of Disneyland."

"Disneyland?" Lisa said. "Why there?"

"So we can have fun," I said. "It is Spring Break after all, and it's Tuesday night. So far all we've done with our week off is go to the bowling alley one night and get drunk."

"He's right," Jake said. "Going to Disneyland does sound like fun. Plus, you've never been. I can show you Mr. Toad's Wild Ride."

"You show me that ride everyday," Lisa said with a grin.

"So?" I said, hoping to distract them before they started having sex right in front of me.

"Alright," Lisa said. "Why not." She then looked at Jake as she stood up. "Which means you and I need to go back to my room right now and have a few rounds of sex, then get to sleep so we're not dead tired tomorrow."

Jake jumped up, grabbed Lisa's hand, and dragged her out of the room saying, "See you tomorrow morning. Call us when it's time to go."

A few hours later, Roxanne showed up. I told her that everything was set for tomorrow and she was very excited by the news. So much so, that she dropped from my bed to the floor, unzipped my pants and slipped my quickly hardening cock into her mouth. After a few minutes of that, I pulled her up, took her clothes as well as mine, and we got into a sixty-nine position. I came first, and now with my full concentration, I doubled my efforts to get her off.

Roxanne cried out in pleasure as she came. The two of us then cuddled falling asleep.

The next morning, Roxanne woke me up a little after six. "Come on sleepy head," she whispered in my ear. "It's time to get up."

"Five more minutes," I grumbled.

"No, no," she said. "Time to get up now. You got to take a shower before we go."

"Alright," I mumbled as I stood up like a zombie and shuffled out into the hall, unaware that I was still naked.

"Hey Marc," someone shouted from down the hall. "I can see your noodle."

Suddenly I was wide awake and looked down. "Ah shit," I said and ran back into my room to find Roxanne doubled over with laugher.

"Couldn't have said something, could you?" I said.

"Sorry," Roxanne said as she tried to control her laugher. "It was just too good to pass up."

"Uh huh," I said as I grabbed her and pulled her right up against me. "You do realize that means I'm going to have to punish you for this."

"Ooooo," she smiled. "I like the sound of that. But it'll have to wait. You really need to shower and get dressed so we can get going. I want to be there when the park opens."

"Alright," I said and gave her a quick peck on the lips before letting her go. After a quick shower and shave, I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Just as I was tying my shoes, Amy and Andy walked into the room.

"Morning," a sleepy Andy yawned as he walked over to Jake's empty bed, fell down face first and pulled a pillow close to him.

"Don't mind him," Amy said. "He spent half the night in the science lab."

"Will he be alright for today?" Roxanne asked.

"Oh yeah," Amy said. "We'll stop and get him a soda on the way there, and once he sets eyes on the park, he'll have enough energy to rival the Energizer bunny."

"I'll keep going, and going... and going... and...zzzzzzzzz," Andy said as he fell asleep. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"So, I got a question," Amy said. "There are six of us going, but Marc's car only sits five..."

"Oh yeah," I said, never having thought about how all of us would fit in my car.

"I have my car," Roxanne said. "So we'll go three and three."

"You have a car?" I asked.

"Of course," Roxanne said. "I'm local here in LA, so I don't bother living on campus."

"Where do you live? asked Amy.

"With my parents," Roxanne said.

"Your parents," I said, suddenly having images of her dad bursting into my room with a shotgun and screaming about me violating his little girl. "And how did you explain to them that you haven't been home the last two nights?"

"They know I'm staying with you," Roxanne said.

"They do?" I said, a little worried that those images might come true.

"Yeah," she said. "They're not old fashioned. They went to college. They know what happens. They're just happy that I'm spending the night with my boyfriend and not just some random guy. Though... They do think you and I have been dating for a few months no, so when you do eventually meet them, don't be surprised if they ask you if you plan on asking me to marry you."

"Marry?" I said, the color draining out of my face.

"Uh oh," Amy said. "I think we should end this conversation quick, before he has a stroke or something."

"Please," I said.

"Alright," Roxanne said. "We should get going anyways."

Amy walked over to her brother and slapped him on the arm. "Come on numb nuts," she said. "Time to wake up."

"Damn you," Andy said as he suddenly woke up. "I was having such a nice dream about Eliza Dushku and how she wanted me to lick whipped cream off her naked body."

"Did you?" Roxanne asked as we left the room.

"No," Andy said disappointedly. "I was just about to take my first lick when queen bitch woke me up."

Amy punched her brother on the arm just as we stopped in front of Lisa's room. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Jake and Lisa walked out.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Like spaghetti," Jake said. Lisa shook her head and said, "You are such a dork," with a bit of a grin on her face. "But I wouldn't have you any other way." Lisa gave him a quick kiss.

"Um, so, we're gonna have to take two cars," Roxanne said. "How are we going to do this?"

"Jake and I will ride with you," Lisa said to Roxanne.

Only one thought went through my head when I heard her say that. 'Uh oh'.

"Okay," Roxanne said, then turned to me. "I'll see you at the park." She gave me a peck on the lips and she, Jake, and Lisa headed towards her car while Amy, Andy, and I headed over to my car.

Within a few minutes of pulling onto the freeway, Andy said, "Are we there yet?" in a joking manner.

"I swear," Amy said, "as soon as we get there, I'm throwing your ass right off the top of the Matterhorn."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Disappointed 😞 it was never completed.

This is a good series but disappointed that you never completed it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

OK why didn't you finish the dam story?????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
good imagination and splendid writing

Well... it was a very good read.. with very natural & refreshing pattern..

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Need more

Why did it stop???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Love it - where are the next installments?

I just love your writing. You are a great storyteller! Please continue this story for many more chapters. You have developed interesting charecters with so much more to do. Your fans are waiting. Please do not disapoint us!!!

Kinggeo327Kinggeo327about 14 years ago
I'm Loving this story.

I just read parts 1 - 11 and I have to say I love this story. Your characters seem to a real personailty to them, there is character development not just sex. I truely care about who Marc is going to hook up with next, or when Amy is going to fall for him, or what the hell Andy is doing. I don't know if you will like this comment or not but I love How I Met Your Mother and this kind of has that feel to it. I can't wait to follow their journey though their Four Years and maybe even beyond.

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