The Halloween Whore


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"Wow," I muttered looking anxiously at the lake. "And what happened to the guy who saw it all?"

"Well he just got the hell out of here and drove back to town, but he was so shook up and drunk that he crashed the car when he got onto the main road. He thought he was dying," Kyle said seriously, "so he confessed everything, and the authorities sent out a search party."

"And do you know what they found?" Chad asked softly.

I shook my head.

"Well, they didn't find a trace of the girl when they dragged the lake, but they did retrieve all the guys' bodies." Chad pulled a sickly face. "It wasn't a pretty sight, they were all bloated, but the real bad thing was... they were... cockless."


Chad grinned and chomped his teeth together a couple of times.

"She bit off their ...?" I couldn't bring myself to actually say it. The image was just too horrible.

"Well no one knows for sure what really did happen," Kyle said, "but people say she drowned out there on her way to the island and it was her ghost that took vengeance on those guys."

"It's not her ghost," Chad argued, "Ghosts can't do shit, its her! She's you know, like the living dead, a Zombie, like that movie you were watching earlier. She waits for guys to swim by and grabs their dicks with her teeth, like she did with Willie Stevens and all those others."

"Oh bull," Kyle said again. "I told you Willie got a fucking cramp and drowned. There was nothing about his prick getting chewed off."

I burst out laughing. I'd been so wrapped up in the story and actually believing most of it until Chad said that stuff about the girl turning into a Zombie. I can be a bit gullible at times, but I'm not a complete idiot.

"You wouldn't think it was so funny if you knew how many guys have drowned trying to swim out to the island." Chad said angrily.

"Yeah, well if they drowned," I replied, "It wasn't because of the Halloween Whore."

"That's exactly what I say," Kyle agreed. "I'm prepared to accept the part about her being gangbanged and drowned as truth. But the other business, well that's just complete bull. Someone's idea of poetic justice."

"Yeah, well I sure aint going swimming in there," Chad said, pointing at the lake. "No way. You believe what you want but I know the Halloween Whore is in there waiting..."

I looked out warily at the big patch of water between us and the island. It wasn't that I was spooked by the story, but if a whole lot of guys had drowned, maybe it was deeper than I thought, and I wasn't a great swimmer. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I guess I better give it a skip then as well."

Kyle nudged Chad in the side with his elbow. "Now see what you did? Why didn't you keep your big mouth shut with all that crap?"

"Yeah, well he had a right to know, and he was gonna wear his jeans. No way could he out swim her in jeans man." Chad was really getting pissed with Kyle now. "I know this is all a test on Tamsin's part. Her figuring that a guy who makes the swim is actually worthy of her. Yeah, she is smoking hot, but she's not worth dying for."

"Shit!" Kyle blurted. "You said her name, Chad you moron."

There was only one Tamsin I knew of. My heart skipped a beat. "Tamsin Collins?"

Kyle nodded and shrugged. "It was supposed to be a surprise and you weren't supposed to find out at all if you didn't make the swim."

For a moment my heart was slamming so hard in my chest I couldn't breathe properly. There was no way Tamsin Collins was waiting out there on the island for me. She was the only other girl in school who was as hot as Natalie. Long fair hair, baby blue eyes and a body to dream about. And man, had I dreamed about that body. She was one of my regular jerk-off fantasies, pure melt down stuff. She had a sweet personality too. No bitchiness like Natalie, and now that I thought about it, I did recall her smiling in my direction once in the Chemistry class. Still, that didn't mean she knew I really existed and wanted to jump my bones. It was simply too much to hope for.

'It can't be Tamsin Collins," I said finally.

"Yeah, she said you'd be shocked if you knew, that's why she wanted it kept a secret." Chad replied. " But she probably guessed you wouldn't have the balls to do it anyway."

I wanted to punch out his fucking lights. He was the asshole who'd said he wouldn't get in the water no matter what, and now, he was telling me about my lack of balls.

Kyle turned to face the island and called out. "Tamsin! Tamsin! You might as well come out. We're going back, Roger's not interested."

"Tamsin!" Chad bellowed.

A minute later, a pale yellow glow appeared through the bushes and trees near the tip of the island. The glow seemed to be moving and then I realized it was someone carrying a lantern as they walked towards the rocky shore.

Like I said before, it was a distance to the island and I could only make out vague things, but there was no doubting that shape. "My God," I whispered staring at her. Her golden hair was blowing in the breeze and her body was outlined against the darkness. At first I thought she was wearing some kind of skin tight outfit, like a leotard or something, but as she moved the lantern I saw dark spots where her nipples should have been and-

"Holy shit, she's naked," Chad gasped.

"Nah," Kyle said. "I don't think..."

"Roger... Roger... please come to me!" Her sweet voice drifted faintly over the lake.

"She's butt naked dude," Chad said excitedly. "I don't believe it."

"I do," I said as I hurriedly pulled off my jeans.

"I'm on my way over Tamsin! I'm coming!" I yelled as I hitched my boxers up and raced to the water. I glanced back at the guys. "See you later, gimme an hour, okay?"

"Yeah," Kyle muttered. He seemed distracted. Maybe he wanted to be the one going to the island.

"Swim fast, Roger," Chad called out. "Don't let the Halloween Whore get you."

"You can quit trying to scare me," I called back. "You just want me to chicken out."

I heard the guys laughing as the water surrounded my shoulders and I started to swim. I expected it to be colder but somehow it wasn't. The lake wrapped itself around me like a warm glove and I shivered with the pleasure of it. I was no great athlete in the water but I got myself into a steady breast stroke and kept my head up so I could see what was happening in front of me. I wished I could see what was happening beneath the water as well. It wasn't that I was scared or anything, but my cock was poking out of the slit in my boxers. One look at that naked form of Tamsin's and I was rock hard. Actually, it was a little exciting in a way; swimming to meet one of the hottest girls in school while the water licked and caressed my dick. And somehow the idea of the Halloween Whore made it even more thrilling. Like I was taking a risk. Offering her bait, taunting her with my hard cock as it stuck out of my fly.

Not that I believed that crap about the Halloween Whore drowning guys and devouring their dicks. But the image of her sucking off a load of guys on the shore before she drowned and the idea that I might finally get my prick sucked tonight was such an incredible turn on. I tried to imagine the Halloween Whore floating beneath me on her back. In my mind's eye she looked like a combination of Natalie and Tamsin, beautiful, gentle and horny, just wanting to suck me. I laughed at my thoughts. What was supposed to be a spooky Halloween legend had turned into a hot water fantasy for me. But I told myself to stop thinking about all that stuff. It was getting me too excited and I didn't want to shoot my load before I met up with Tamsin.

Thinking about what I would actually say to Tamsin gave me a jolt. Shit, I wasn't the most charming of guys, but then I figured that I probably wouldn't have to say anything. A naked girl who has you swim out for a rendezvous is not thinking about chit chat.

I raised my head a little higher and saw the glow of the lantern among the trees. I was making good progress, already past the halfway mark.

"You're into Halloween Whore territory," Chad shouted.

"Yeah, you better swim faster dude, get your ass into gear or she's gonna get you," Kyle bellowed.

Kyle? But he didn't believe in the Halloween Whore, why was he telling me to swim faster?

"Move it!" Kyle screamed. "Faster."

They were just trying to scare me. And it worked. Suddenly the water didn't feel like a warm caress it gave me the chills. I was all alone in the middle of a dark lake where people had drowned, where bodies had rotted away, and where a woman might not really be dead after thirty years. She might be lurking with sharp decaying teeth with nothing in her head except revenge and a taste for cock. Mine suddenly shriveled like it wanted to hide. I tried to push the terrible images from my mind as I swam faster, kicking like a madman, straining my arms and slapping the water.

Kyle and Chad were still shouting but I couldn't make out the words. I had only one aim in mind. To get to the island intact. Head up I blinked water out of my eyes. I was nearly there, just a couple more yards to go.

Then she touched me.

I didn't know I could scream like that. A long bloodcurdling one ripped from me as I tried to twist myself away from her hands. Her nails scraped across my chest and belly but they didn't hurt. They just made me squirm and I reached down to get them away from me. But I wasn't quick enough. Her hands hooked into the band of my boxers and tugged me down. My head went under and I choked and spluttered as I tried desperately to free myself from the Halloween Whore. She dragged me lower and lower by my boxer shorts until my lungs burned from lack of air. I felt the shorts slide down over my knees and around my ankles as she tugged at them and then they slipped off me. For a second I was free.

I kicked for the surface and sucked in a lungful of air as I looked around frantically for Kyle and Chad. They were both standing at the edge of the lake in the moonlight.

"Help! Help!" I yelled. "It's the Halloween Whore. She's got me! Help!"

"Yeah, I told you so." Chad called back.

'Tough shit you loser." Kyle shouted.

"For fuck sake, do something. Please!"

I stared in horror as they turned their backs on me and walked towards the picnic area, their shoulders shaking from laughter. Then a pair of hands underneath the water grabbed at my ankles and I let out another scream as I was yanked down.

Fear gripped me like a vice. This was it. She had me. Oh God! I clutched at my genitals and tried to kick. Any second now her teeth would be there gnashing and grinding away at me...

A strange gurgling sound caught my attention. It was stream of bubbles coming up from below the surface and I felt a kind of a tickle as some of them broke against my skin. No, it couldn't be. A corpse dead for thirty years and reduced to a rotting carcass wouldn't have bubbles escaping would it? Unless it was gas escaping. I shuddered in revulsion, but there was only one other thing I knew of that makes bubbles underwater.

Scuba gear attached to an air tank.

I stopped kicking and reached down between my feet and then made a sudden lunge with both hands. I caught hold of some equipment that I think turned out to be the pipe leading to her mouthpiece and I gave it a hard tug.

She must've taken in a mouthful of air when I did that, because the rest was fairly easy. She hardly fought back at all and from what I could feel, she was naked except for her face mask, scuba tank and weight belt. And she wasn't any corpse either

She was a calculating, cold-hearted bitch, but her skin was slick and cool and her tits looked even better than when I glimpsed them down her shirt. Her cunt was smooth too. I think that really did it, brought the animal in me out and I hurt her pretty bad ramming as many fingers as I could into her while I dragged her out onto the clearing where she had left her lantern.

In the light of the lantern I saw who it was, although I'd already guessed from touching those awesome tits. After doing her Tamsin act to lure me in, Natalie must have gotten into her scuba gear and dropped into the lake waiting to do her Halloween Whore impression.

She looked really great in the lantern light, all shiny and pale with her lips trembling as I pulled off her tank and weight belt. I straddled her and pressed her tits together so I could fuck my cock between them. She was still coughing and choking and having spasms, which made her twitch and shake in ways that were very cool to watch. I enjoyed the show for a few minutes and then I really got busy with her. For a while, she was still too out of breath to make much noise, she just made these little moans and cries whenever I touched her. Actually, I think she was getting into it, getting excited you know. Those groans of hers really turned me on and by the time I had slammed my cock into her smooth wet cunt, she was screaming.

I knew her screams would bring Kyle and Chad to the rescue so I hurried it up, thrusting harder and harder, pawing her tits, squeezing her hard nipples until a big stream of cum boiled out of me and blasted into her whore pussy. She tried hard to get away, I'll grant her that. She had a keen sense of survival and she tried to claw at me and scratch my face, but she was no match for my strength. Our fantastic fuck still had my blood pumping and the adrenaline squirting. I laughed as I swung the weight belt. It connected nicely with her head and the look in her eyes as her skull caved in was priceless.

I left her there and hurried to the tip of the island. Kyle and Chad were already in the lake and swimming fast. Fucking assholes. I'd be waiting for them with the weight belt to teach them a lesson or two about who the real losers were.

But then, the most curious thing happened.

As they approached the halfway point to the island, Kyle, who was in the lead, let out a screech and went under. Chad struggled a lot more, screaming and thrashing about as he fought to stay above water. He let out a final bloodcurdling shriek and then went down.

I couldn't believe it.

I still can't, but they never showed up.

I guess the Halloween Whore got them, spared me the trouble of taking them out. But I've wondered, why them and not me? Maybe she felt sorry for me. After all we were both betrayed by guys who we thought we could trust. Hell, I don't know, maybe they got cramps or something. Who knows what they ate and drank at that party before they pitched up at my place? Maybe the Halloween Whore had nothing to do with it.

Anyway, my Halloween turned out way better than I could ever have imagined and it's no wonder people like sex so much. My only regret though was that I shouldn't have taken Natalie out so early. She was stupendous and I was still horny. The idea of nailing her ass right then and there did cross my mind. I bet it would have been slick and very tight inside, tighter than her pussy, but I just couldn't do it. Not with all that blood and stuff seeping from her skull.

Anyway, I eventually sank Natalie and her gear in the lake. I found the canoe she must have come over in and paddled back to the other side. It was beautiful out there at the lake with the moon shining down on the water. So peaceful and calm. I gave it a final look as I gathered up Kyle and Chad's socks and shoes from the shore.

I drove the Jeep almost all the way home until I got to the old dirt road at the edge of town. Chad's cigarettes and matches were still on the dashboard which gave me a great idea. I set the car on fire and watched it burn for a while before heading on home. The music was still blaring from Kyle's house as I passed by around midnight. It seemed like his guests were having a cool time. Of course, it wasn't as cool as I'd had.

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Gary13Gary13almost 14 years ago
Great story!

I'm not normally into the horror genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

I wish there were more to read. Although you updated your bio within the last year, it looks like your only story was posted several years ago.

Nice work! Nice photo, too. Sweet ass, and beautiful hair.


cliffehillcliffehillover 15 years ago
The Lady of the Lake Exposed

The Lady of the Lake from a different dimension. Very interesting and a story I greatly enjoyed. Why has there never been a follow-up? Clearly your talent for weaving a great story demands more contributions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Better than Hitchcock!!

This story reminded me of some of the great Hitchcock Mystery Anthologies, EXCEPT IT WAS BETTER!!! JHyde is clearly the best writer of this genre on Literotica!! The combination of the tale, shock and eroticism is a breathtaking success! I'm sure everyone else who read it felt the wind knocked out of them at the end. If this does not win, it would be an injustice!

Please, please JHyde, more from you!!

G Khan

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

JHyde is the master of combining plots - great horror plot - with exquisite erotocism!!! Can't wait to buy the hard cover books!!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great story

Great story for sure. Kept me riveted until the end. I loved the twists and turns too.

HarleyGirlHarleyGirlover 19 years ago
Rating wrong....

was supposed to be a 100!!

HarleyGirlHarleyGirlover 19 years ago

Great Halloween story!! You have a flair for the written word, that is for sure!! Very well written, with believable dialog. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to more!!


Nemasis EnforcerNemasis Enforcerover 19 years ago

Well I have seen some great halloween stories on this site but after this one, I am going to say THIS IS THE WINNER!!

For your first story you have done a super job and I say to everyone vote a 5 for this story!!!

Hope to see more of your work in future, you are a very talented new author!!

steve wsteve wover 19 years ago
Clever stuff

This is a smart piece of writing. It flows really easily, and there's enough doubt at each point to keep you reading on. The ending (almost literally) hits you write between the eyes, and the dialogue is credible and well done. He/She is a gifted writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
My heart is racing

This story has to be one of the most chilling I've ever read, mainly because it feels so real and plausible. You scared the hell out of me and surprised me as well. Thanks

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