The House Across the Street


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While assessing their great difference in looks, I was also quickly admiring Jade starting from her cute sandals, to her beautiful dress, and when I looked in her face, she was staring at me with...fear?. She looked nervous standing there with her father's hand on her shoulder.

''Please everyone let's move to the dining table'' moving and causing her father's hand to slide off her, she offered a (very tight) smile and lead us towards the table.

It was amazing...dinner. Dinner was amazing. The food was absolutely delectable and I was smiling alot through it.

The conversation was mostly between my parents and Father Christopher, while we just sat beside each other passing things on the table to ourselves that we really didn't need as an excuse to brush our skin against eachother. I don't know what we were doing, but we could feel something...we could definitely feel it.

After dinner, my parents and Father Christopher moved to the living room to discuss some more, so Jade invited me to her room to give them a little privacy.

Her room was pretty plain...almost bland. A queen size bed, a wooden shelf filled with books, a wooden vintage looking dresser and a built in wadrobe to the side (made of wood..ofcourse). The only thing that seemed to give the room a little color was the windowsill.

The window was a circle shape and the sill itself, was cushioned and wide enough to accomodate a person(and it was directly facing our house I noted). It seemed to be the only thing shining. With it's bright magenta color contrasting to the pale yellow of the walls.

Jade crawled on her bed and put her back to the headboard, stretching her legs out with a sigh. I joined her, sitting beside her in the same position.

''Dinner was amazing'' I said ''Thank you''.

''How are you so sure my father wasn't the one who prepared it all'' she asked with a silly smile.

''Well then, I take my thanks back,and on my way out I'd be sure to thank the right person and give him a kiss on the cheek for a wonderful meal''

''Hold on, I didn't know kisses would be given to the chef'' she said making me smile broadly ''In that case I wouldn't want anyone taking my reward. So, I'd be honest, it was me. I am the hand behind the amazing dinner'' she was being so dramatic it made me laugh.

She waited for me to stop and with a little smirk on her lips, she just stared at me...expectantly?. I cleared my throat, realising and then blushed deeply. It was her turn to laugh, and after a while I joined her.

When we recovered, I got off the bed and walked to her shelf. There was a liitle framed photo of a woman on it...the only photo on the top part of the shelf. Picking it up and staring into a face that looked much like Jade's, I walked back to the bed and took my former position. ''Is this your mother?'' I asked softly still staring into the face. Maybe Jade noded, I didn't notice...I was captivated ''She's so beautiful''.

I finally looked up at her face ''Where is she?'' I asked ''I have no idea'' Jade said just as sofly.

She took the photo from me and stared at it. ''When I was ten months old, my father found me at the altar in the church. I was wrapped in a blanket with photo tucked in and a note saying 'This is my precious Jade. Take care of her for me and tell her I'm sorry'.

Those words are seered into my brain'' her eyes got glassy and I took a hold of her hand. ''She may be dead for all I know. I want to feel angry at her, I really want to...I can't. I want to believe she did not want to give me up...I want to believe it took everything out of her to leave me at that altar'' a sob escaped her lips and I grabbed both her hands in mine and squeezed.

She stared into my eyes ''Jade, I don't know what your mother may have been going through at that time when she made her decision, but I know for sure that giving you up, was a big mistake..a mistake that I'm sure if she got the chance, she would take back. You did not deserve that Jade'' my vision was also a little bit blurred.

We stared at eachother for half a second more, before she launched into me for a fierce hug. I held her as she cried on my shoulder letting my own eyes leak behind her.

She pulled away from me but didn't let go...we stared at eachother and again it felt like time had stopped. All the noise of the evening were drowned out and all that seemed to matter to us was this moment...this moment right now. My eyes flickered to her lips quickly and I think her head dipped a little.

The door swung open abruptly. It startled us both, but Jade seemed. She detangled herself from me with such speed, she may have broken a few world records.

She stood facing the door with a look of fear (that was definitely fear alright!) on her face. I stood as well on the other side of the bed. I was trying to recall if I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I couldn't.

Standing at the doorway, father Christopher looked quite frightening. ''Cornelia, your parents are ready to leave and are calling for you'' and then he walked away.

Okay I have to admit, I was worried about what he may have seen, I hoped he did not draw conclusions. If he told my parents anything well,-...I turned to see Jade taking deep breaths with her hand on her chest.

Her chest was heaving and she looked utterly petrified. ''Jade, are you okay'' I was walking towards her but she stopped me ''Your parents are waiting on you. I think you should go'' I felt a pain in my chest ''Uh...okay''.

''Thanks again for having us Father'' my father said ''And thank you for the wonderful meal Jade'' my mother added.

She gave a weak smile ''It was my pleasure''. ''May the peace of the Lord be with you all'' father Christopher said while doing the cross in front of us ''And also with you'' we responded (I think I responded).

As he closed the door, it seemed to happen in slow motion. With Jade standing behind him, I caught a glimpse of her face right before the door shut. She looked scared...very very scared. It caused a chill to run down my spine.


''Say something Corn''

''I don't...I don't understand...why can't you just tell them'' I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. ''Corn, this is not something we can tell them. Just look at it as my coping mechanism...Corn, I really need to get in that school...for them...and this is helping!'' I wiped at my eyes ''I'm not gonna overdo it...I promise okay?'' he put his arms around me and I felt safe(as usual). ''Well, I guess now we both have secrets that could kill our parents'' he said with a smile. I hadn't expected that and it made me snort and laugh which was a very messy scene.

''Come on, man. This is the real stuff. This, is how you pass'' the fellow said, dangling something in a tiny clear plastic bag in front of James' face. I couldn't make him out though.

''I don't know'' James said eyeing the bag

''Look man, I'm not gonna force you, but just hold on to it and if you ever decide to use it, make sure you come back to say a little thank you cause like I said man this is the 'real stuff''' he walked up to James and slapped the bag against his chest, he picked one of James' hands and made him hold onto it. ''I can't afford it''

''Don't worry, just for you, I'd accept payment after use'' he said with a laugh that was awful to my ears. I don't know but I was standing there...watching?...everything looked hazy...I didn't even know where I was, and quickly, where I was standing morphed into James'

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, all his textbooks sprawled out behind him and he was staring at the bag and it's content. I knew what day it was...that day was forever imprinted on my brain.

I watched James take it out and everything seemed to be happening in slowed motion...and I watched...I couldn't move...I was rooted to the spot...I just watched.

Still standing there, I could hear my mom's piercing scream, I could hear my dad screaming our address into the phone but I was only staring at James' lifeless body as foam spilled onto the side of his face from his mouth.

It was different this time though, because this time James turned his face towards me and suddenly, I was looking into his eyes ''Corn''

I woke up with a jump. I was covered in sweat and breathing like I had just run a marathon. My heart was racing and then I was crying. I couldn't stop the tears or the feeling of guilt that was slowly engulfing me.

I wasn't among the many lucky ones who could control their dreams, but some parts of the dream...I hadn't even witnessed.

It seemed like due to my guilt, my subconciousness, had decided to imagine how it may have happened, maybe it thought that would help me move on?, see it wasn't my fault?...but it was my fault.

James didn't need drugs to study better, he was smart, he started and finished highschool on a fully funded scholarship. I was sure he could pass the exam...but I didn't convince him...I hadn't tried. I just let him.

Maybe...maybe if I had said something to my parents, maybe he'd still be here with me now. I could feel my tears running down my cheeks. The pressure...the pressure from my parents, I knew that was also a reason for him using, even though he refused to admit it.

''I should have said something'' I whispered out loud, my tears not seizing. When I had calmed to an extent, I checked the clock on my bedside table '5:49' it read. I guess the day had begun for me then. It was still early, but trying to fall aback asleep would be futile. Besides, this would give me enough time to mentally prepare for my first day of school.


Ignored- I'd been ignored, and it hurt...alot.

Before I lost my brother and we were forced to move, I was almost done with my last year of school. Now moving here, I had to start the last year all over again. I had no choice, I had to accept it.

Spritehill high school wasn't bursting with enthusiastic learners and smiling teachers ready to impact knowledge. It was...a little sad actually. Teachers, students, everyone looked like they'd rather be anywhere but the school so, I wasn't stopped in the hallway by any enthusiastic teen asking me to join the school's math nerd group or cheerleading squad.

I was shown around the school by a sad looking girl with bags under her eyes, who pointed at closed doors and dryly read out the words written on the plaque above the doors that I could not only clearly see but also read myself.

She showed me to my locker right before the bell for the first lesson rang through the halls. I had stuffed my things into my locker and turned around when I saw Jade getting a note out her locker that was opposite mine on the other side of the hall.

Smiling, I had walked over to her and tapped her gently on the shoulder. My action made her jump and when she turned around and saw who it was, she took a step I was an enemy.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you I just came to say hello. I didn't know you went here too...I mean it makes sense seeing as this is the only school here and you are-'' seeing the look on her face and the fact that I'd been talking nonstop, I paused

''Is everything okay, you look pale'' she just stared at me ''Jade-'' I said taking a step closer with an outstretched arm. She took a step back...and then another and my heart sank

''I'm sorry Corn, I don't want to be late for class'' she said in a low voice and walked quickly away. I stood there staring after her, feeling a stabbing pain in my gut and wondering what I had done wrong.

It's why I was standing here right now, across the street in front of her door about to ring the doorbell. I needed to know if I had done anything wrong, so I could apologize. I barely knew anyone here and just when I thought I'd made a friend, it seemed I'd already lost said friend for reasons unbeknownst to me.

I rang, and stood there counting the seconds before she opened ''Corn, what are you doing here?'' God, she looked beautiful

''Goodday to you too Jade. How was school today, mine was okay my almost friend ran down the hall away from me after I walked over to say hello'' I said sarcastically.

I couldn't hide it I sounded hurt even I could hear it in my voice ''Please Corn, you shouldn't be here. You have to go'' she looked like she was about to panic

''Why Jade can't I atleast come in'' ugh...I sounded pathetic ''I just want to know what I did wrong so I can apologize. This place is really hard without friends and I thought we were getting along just fine''


''Look, can I just come in...please'' I pleaded, cutting her off ''Please?''

''Do you need something miss West?'' I turned to the voice behind me, startled out of my mind. ''Good evening Father'' I hadn't heard him come (I guess that was his thing?).

He held a brown paper bag and a few veggies could be seen from the open top.

''Good evening to you too'' he walked around me and stood infront of me, right outside the door obstructing my view of Jade.

''Well, do you need something Cornelia?'' he asked again (ugh I hated the way he said my name) ''No Father. I just came to say hello to Jade'' he looked like he was about to say something else but deciding not to.

''I would love to invite you in but Jade has alot of homework I would rather her finish without any...distractions''.

There was something about the way he looked at me when he said the word 'distractions' and there was something about him...something...bad. I could feel it, I could even smell it and the smell threatened to suffocate me.

''Okay then I guess I should get going. Have a good evening Father'' I said taking a few steps back ''You too Cornelia'' ugh why did my name sound so wrong coming from his lips?.

Almost at the other side of the street, I turned and caught a glimpse of Jade right before she shut the door. It looked like her eyes were begging...I just had no clue whatsoever what they were begging for.



''Oh God'' Stephanie moaned.

Stephanie Smith. My first real thing. I was currently in between her legs lapping...licking. It felt amazing-she tasted amazing. It was both our first time and I was trying to do a decent job. I really wanted to make her feel good.

''Yes Jade, do that again'' she groaned. She held my hair together and up with her left hand while her right hand held the back of my head,pulling me closer to her sweet center.

I had always fantasized about this...doing this, the taste, the smell. And now, all my imaginations paled in comparison to the real Stephanie.

I ran my tongue from the bottom of her opening to the tip and it caused a little shriek from above me. I looked up and into Stephanie's face. It was scrunched up in esctacy and upon her request, I repeated the motion.

Licking from the bottom to tip and swirling my tounge around the tight nub at the top. I moved back down and that caused a little sound of disapproval from above me but I was desperate for more of the heady nectar.

She tasted sweet...amazing and I just wanted to drink in all the sweetness as it emerged from her warm opening. I stiffened my tongue and dipped it into her as deep as it would go and I felt her thigh tremble at that. I pushed in and out for a few moments, completely intoxicated by the wetness engulfing my tastebuds, before returning to the top.

Wrapping my lips around her clit, I gently sucked the pulsing nub into my mouth and her voice went a pitch or two higher.

''Harder baby..ughh'' I obliged. Sucking harder on the hard button. I unconsiously began making a humming sound while at it and that seem to be the speck of flame on the pile of gun powder.

She started shaking, pulling my face tightly against her and bucking violently smearing her juices all over my face(which was perfectly fine with me). By the time she started coming down from her climax, almost my whole face was covered with her release.

She pulled me up and kissed me deeply licking the sides of my lips and my chin in an attempt to try to clean a little of her mess. It made me blush hotly. Her tongue on my face made my center wetter than it already was. I could feel it dampen my underwear a little more.

She helped me take off my own clothes, and gently laid me on my bed. She kissed me deeply...slowly. Like kissing me was what she was born to do. It had me reeling. Slowly, she moved to my neck where she gently bit an area then suckled to soothe. She moved down to my breast, cupping them with both her hands and then looking into my eyes, she covered one with her pink lips causing me to throw my head back and release a long moan.

She flicked my tight nipple with her tongue and it felt like I could feel the motion at my they were both connected by a nerve. She moved to my other nipple repeating the same action while pinching the one she had just left between her thumb and index finger.

My head was already swimming just by her loving caress of my breast. It made wonder about my reaction once she got in between my legs. My head may just explode.

Licking my stomach and what little muscles I may have there, she inched her way downward. Gently spreading my legs, she kissed the inner parts of my thighs. Licking, then gently nipping, then scraping her teeth against the sensitive area.

I could feel my center clench and unclench. I was reduced to a mewling moaning mess, softly begging her to place her gorgeous lips where they needed to be. And then she covered me with her warm mouth and my rear lifted off the bed.

She wrapped her arms around both my thighs and pressed me closer to her mouth ''Jesus Stephanie...JESUS!'' I think I was excused to take the Lord's name this one time..I think he'd understand.

Flattening her tongue and running it from the bottom up, she fastened her mouth to my clit and began sucking it in earnest. Flitting her tongue up against my clit...then down...then side to side...then going back to sucking..hard and then repeating it all in that order.

On the third repeat, sucking hard on my clit, I came apart screaming my pleasure into the world, trembling against her face. I could hear her greedily lapping up my release. And then I could hear my name.

Being yelled. Loudly. With anger.

''Jade!!'' that was my father's voice...I think. I couldn't tell...I don't think I was done with my climax yet so it was hard to really understand what was happening.

I was still shaking from my release, but I wish my brain would have warned me I'd soon be shaking from fear.

My father stormed over to where I half lay half sat in shock. He pushed Stephanie off me and she fell to the ground with a thud. Grabbing me by the arm, with a grip much like that of a bear trap, he hurled me unceremoniously from the bed.

I could hear Stephanie rustling around and from the side of my eye I could see her hurriedly getting dressed. I on the other hand, was still buck naked. Gripping both my upper arms, my father shook me roughly and it felt like I could hear my brain rattling in my head.

''IS THIS WHAT YOU DO? IN MY HOUSE?'' he was yelling, at the top of his my face ''You commit such sin under my roof?" at that he tossed me away from him like a peice of rag sending me crashing into my dresser hitting my eye and narrowly escaping the pointed edge.

My senses exploded with pain and and I could see stars behind my closed lids. My brain was having a hard time catching up to the quick turn of events.

One minute it felt like I was flying due to the feeling of exquisite pleasure, and the next minute, I was actually flying...across a room and now all I could feel was the feeling of intense pain.

Opening my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Stephanie as she ran out of the room. Great. I didn't balme her anyway. Even I would run if I could. I couldn' limbs felt like jelly...due to multiple reasons.