The House Across the Street


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Storming up to me where I lay, my father hurled me up once more and then proceeded to drag me out of my room and down the stairs.

I could feel white hot pain shoot through my body. A few of my ribs made impact with the sharp edge of the of the carpet covered stairs and the pain was enough to give a little mobility to my legs and I tried to stand but while being dragged down a flight of stairs, it seemed impossible for me to gain a single footing. There was pain...there was alot of it.

At the bottom of the stairs I was tossed heavily to the floor, landing with a thud. He had his back to me, but I could see he was seething. At that point, I said a quick prayer that somehow he'd calm down abit before things got even worse...for me!

''I can't believe you would do this..this..this trecherous SIN" he was breathing heavily, pacing but not looking at me as he spoke "You allow the devil live through you to give into such disgusting carnal desire?" his voice was a little low as he said this and for a moment I was hopeful that he'd started to calm down.

''You do DO THIS IN MY HOUSE?!" at that he launched toward me kicking at me...everywhere he could. It hurt a great deal. My whole body exploded with mind numbing pain. He kicked at my center repeatedly. Once..then again...then again.

I rolled out of my bed, falling to the floor with a thud. I quickly sat up, scooting backwards and putting my back against the side of my bed. I had my hand over my middle. I was drenched. Soaked right down to my underwear.

Clearly my subconciousness had somehow managed to transmit the feeling of pain from that day to my brain, causing me to recall it to the point that it's like I could feel That was just my mind playing tricks though. I knew that.

This wasn't my first time having this dream. But everytime, I could feel the pain from that day a little bit more. Feeling a damp spot under me, I looked down to find to my horror that I had wet myself. My eyes immediately stung with tears. Putting both my hands over my mouth, I sobbed hard. I could feel my shoulders shake.

To this day, I would never be able to explain where everything had gone wrong that day. After many weeks of planning and preparing, it wasn't news to anybody in... about the 'international' church retreat.

I guess with our town being so small, going out of it for anything would be called an international trip. I honestly don't think they were going out of state. But it was a big deal. For the selected members of the church who were to go and for me...and Stephanie.

Stepahanie Smith, daughter of Nicholas and Angela Smith was the former occupant of the house across the street. We'd been friends from childhood. We were the same age, attended the same form in the same school, we were basically inseperable. You see one, you see the other. That's how it was.

With how close minded the people of my town were, they seemed (or chose) not to notice our closeness over the years. To them we were just the 'two peas in a pod'-the inseperable bestfriends. But just like a great deal of sapphic storylines, Stephanie and I had developed feelings for eachother along the way.

I remember the day we shared a kiss at a sleepover at her's ( I right?). It was beautiful. We were both happy because we both felt the same way about eachother and nobody seemed to suspect we were anything but bestfriends.

So, when we learned that both our parents would be out of town for a trip, we decided that was the opportunity to take our relationship to the next level.

We agreed on my house after Stephanie had gotten permission from her parents to be able to stay over until they were back.

We both waved my father goodbye. He was the last to leave. Stephanie's parents were a few miles ahead of him. They had helped give a lift to a few members without cars.

Everyone knew the plan, they would stop at the car park near the trainstation and that would be the transportaion means to get them to their destination. After the taillights of my father's car disappeared from view, we both rushed upstairs to my room and you already saw in my dream, we gave voice through action to our carnal thoughts.

My father coming back that early, I would never know the reason. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. Maybe we would have done it at her house, maybe I would have locked my bedroom door. It was already done though.

A few days later, my father had invited the Smith's over including Stephanie. We all sat at the dinner table. Me spotting a black eye that was almost closed shut, my father speaking in a low voice, Stephanie's parents listening with shock on their faces...and stephanie looking down and not making eye contact with anyone.

Somehow, my father convinced them that moving away would be the best option for them to avoid the news spreading through town. And surprisingly (foolishly), they agreed.

We all sat there holding hands after the cruel decision for both our lives had been made, and I listened as my father said a prayer for us all. Begging for forgiveness from God for us.

I stared at Stephanie who was staring back at me with glassy eyes that very much matched mine and we used our eyes to relay to each other how we wished things were different, how we would always love eachother, and how we were both sorry.

I was on 'house arrest' throughout the week the Smith's packed and got ready to move. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. I watched from my window with a wet face as they drove away. I could see Stephanie's face from the rear window. I knew her face matched mine. She waved at me...and all I could do was wave back. I never saw her again after that day.

I pressed my hands tighter over my mouth as the tears spilled down my face at the heartbreaking memory. I sat there, crying for what felt like days but was probably just a good number of minutes. The memory of those days would always haunt me. Probably for rest of my life. I looked up and saw the little picture of my mother on the shelf. I covered my face and cried even harder.



CORN read that right. Two whole months since the last time Jade and I shared more than a sentence with eachother.

Sure, we attended the same school and lived across from eachother, but it seemed like Jade went out of her way to make sure we didn't get a moment to have a proper conversation. I tried(I really did), but after a while, I just decided to give her a little space.

But I was done though. You hear me(or read or whatever) I was done. I had walked up to Jade today in Church, to offer her the sign of the peace and she ignored me. She just pretended like she hadn't seen me and moved on to shake the person behind her. At some point I had to pinch myself just to make sure I wasn't know...invisible.

That was the last straw though so before the service ended, I whispered to my mother that I would like to cook dinner and if she'd be able to invite the Reverend and his family. I made a point to remind her that we had not returned the favour since the last time they invited us over. It worked.

So, right now, I was currently staring at the table filled with a good spread of different bowls filled with different delicacies that I had started putting together immediately we got home. I was proud.

After ten minutes that I spent putting the finishing touches, straightening down my dress and trying to do a few of the dishes I had used in preparation, I heard the door bell. After calling for my parents to come down, and wiping my hands on a dish towel, I walked to the door to usher our guests in.

She never failed to take my breath away...Jade. She looked like a breath of freash air and even though I see her everyday, this was the first time in two months that I was able to really look at her and appreciate the work of art that God had obviously put alot of thought into making.

For a good while now, she avoided me. Even at school,we had a few classes together but whenever that was over, she was almost always the first to walk out the door. So, now I had her standing in front of me, I drank her in like I had been thirsty for years.

Someone cleared their throat. It was Father Christopher. I could feel my cheeks warm up and I saw an amused smirk on Jade's face. I had been standing there for a while without ushering them in or even saying a word.

''Good evening Father, Jade,'' I said by way of greeting. I stepped aside so they could walk in. Father Christopher walked over to my parents to greet them and Jade just stood in front of me...smiling. "Hi" I said in a low voice" "Hi" she replied just as low.

As per usual, my parents and Father Christopher, just had a conversation over dinner like we weren't there. I don't think either of us had a problem with that.

After another intentional brush of my arm against Jade's, it caused her to give a little jump. But maybe she should have chosen her next words carefully.

"Father can I have some Corn?"

Father Christopher's fork slipped from his hand and fell with an audible clang and just like that, the whole place fell silent.

When I'd set out the bowl of corn, I didn't expect something like this, but I was more than sure that setting that bowl was one of the best unconcious decisions I've ever made.

''On the cob'' she corrected ''Corn on the cob...I mean...can I have the bowl?" and after ten more seconds of uncomfortable silence where he stared between Jade and I, he passed it to her.

It was hard for the conversation between my parents and the Reverend to return to the way it was. The air in the room all of a sudden seemed very thick and I don't think anyone was really eating anymore.

''Is it possible that Jade and I can be excused? I have some school related issues I would like to discuss with her" that was me. I had stood abruptly to ask. Interrupting the conversation my parents were still trying to keep going.

"Ofcourse dear. You're excused" my mother answered. I stared at Father Christopher and he didn't look like he agreed with my mother but he didn't say anything. So I grabbed Jade's hand where she sat, pulled her up and with me, up to my room.

Shutting the door, I walked over to my bed and sat at the foot of it. "You're going to talk to me" I said. I sounded a little hurt.

"Oh wow" she responded. She was still standing in front of my door and had been staring around my room. "Is that what this elaborate awkward dinner is about? Cause if it is, then I have to say I'm flattered that you would go out of your way to do this just to get me to talk to you again" I stared at her. I was sure my face held no emotions or expression. "I like your room. It sure looks different" she said again and I looked at her confused.

When the silence started stretching on, she sighed and walked over to sit beside me at the foot of the bed.

"I do talk to you Corn" ugh I liked the way she said my name

"Yeah, but not more than one or two sentences" I didn't mean to raise my voice when I said that. It just happened. I sighed "Did I do something to offend you?"

"No Corn you-"

"'Cause if I did, all you have to do is tell me and I would apologize to you right here right now"

"Corn, you didn't do-"

"Infact I'm sorry for whatever it is okay? I'm terribly sorry and I want you to try to-"

"Corn!!" she said grabbing my face in both her hands and forcing me to look her in the eye. "You did not do anything. You have nothing to apologize for okay?" we stared at eachother for seconds that felt like hours.

My heart had already been hammering in my chest since I had shut the door to my room and realised how close we were after so long. Now, it felt like my heart was trying to break free from my chest and run out of the room.

Her hands were so soft against my cheek. When my eyes flitted down to her lips, (I wish it didn't) she let my face go. It was very oxymoronic the way my cheeks felt cold and hot at the same time.

"I'm sorry Corn. I just needed a little space so a storm could die down" she said.

"What? what storm...I don't understand" I asked in confusion.

"What I mean is, I haven't been a good friend. I mean, you just moved here and you didn't really know anyone and I gave you the impression that we could be friends and then go out of my way to avoid you. That wasn't fair to you. And I'm so sorry" I just remained silent. Staring at my hands in my lap. "Corn, do you forgive me?" ugh...I really liked the way she said my name.

"Well, you'd have to make it up to me" I said after a while.

"Whatever you want" Jade said smiling. "Are you sure you mean that?" I asked "Whatever I want? that's a dangerous promise to make don't you think?" I asked with a smile.

"I don't think it is. Whatever. You. want." she repeated revealing her pearly white teeth.

To avoid anyone with the footsteps of a tiger, coming up here and assuming the worst, I stood and said a little dramatically, "Now that we are best of friends again, let's return to our parents and save them from their sad excuse of a conversation" offering both my hands to her to help her up. She took it and I felt a 'zing' go up both my arms.

I packed a few of the leftover food for them to take home. And at the door, Jade and I had shared a hug that had my whole skin tingling intensely. And after they left, I couldn't help the smile on my face that I wore while I cleaned up and throughout the rest of the night.


I had a smile on my face as I placed the food Corn had packed for us in the fridge. She was so thoughtful and sweet. I was about to climb the stairs to my room when my father quite literally came out of nowhere and grabbed me by my upper arm in a vice like grip. Pulling me to him. I stared into his scowling face. I was in pain.

"If I were you, I'd continue keeping that girl at arm's length. We wouldn't want a repeat of the last bestfriend situation" he said. His voice dripping with venom.

He was squeezing my arm. I just wanted him to let go. He stared at me for a while longer before releasing me with a little push and walking away. I rubbed at my arm. Trying hard to blink back my tears. I walked hurriedly up the stairs and to the safety of my room which as I rememebered,...wasn't even that safe.



I was walking hurriedly back home from school the next day. Jade was a little out of it today. Sure we were cool now, something still

After the last bell of the day went off, I spotted Jade outside talking with a tall light skin boy. He sat beside me in Geography class. But why was he staring at Jade like...cake. I walked over to them trying hard to squash my little...Jelousy?.

"I'm sorry, excuse me" I said to Mr Geography with a disdainful smile on my face (and yes, I just called him that). I pulled Jade with me to a side and I know I say this all the time, but she really is a beautiful girl. It hits me everytime I stand in close proximity to her face.

"I know what you have to do" I said. "What?" she looked utterly confused. "I know what you have to do to make it up to me" I was smiling a little "I told you you had to make it up to me for ignoring me for 'all those years' and now, I know how you can."

"Corn, it was only a couple of weeks"

"Almost two months" I stressed.

"Yeah but it wasn't even up to a year" she was smiling now.

"Well, it felt like a year to me!" I sounded like a little girl "And have you never heard of the word 'Sarcasm'?" I said stressing the last word.

"Oh shut up" I laughed at that.

"Anyway, do you remember when I first moved here?" I paused, she nodded "You offered to show me around sometime and I just realized that I never took you up on that offer. So,I'm ready to explore what very little wonders this town has to offer, with you as my guide" there was a smile on her face.

"So, you memorize every word I say huh?"

"I'd like to memorize other things" I said looking over her body with pure lust. I said that in my head...but now that I think about it, I think I just whispered that...out loud!

I looked up at Jade's face and her cheeks were a light shade of pink confirming that I did infact say it out loud. Oh God I'm such a creep!

"Anyway Jade," I said backing away from her quickly. I could also feel the heat in my cheeks "I'm gonna go now, you know, to give you a chance to wrap up your conversation with Mr geography and what not"

I bumped into someone behind me, apologized "and then you meet me at my house and we can leave an hour from now. Does that sound good?" she was smiling amusedly and nodding. "Okay, bye!"

I turned and practically ran home. I was more than a little embarassed. But as I hurriedly walked the last few steps to my front door, I realized that I may be spending the rest of the day with Jade and my embarassment turned to excitement...giddy excitement.

My parents weren't home which I greatly appreciated. Last month, my Father had gone job hunting and he had managed to find a job at the wood industry. I mean, I wouldn't call it an industry really given how small it is but that's what the sign said so I guess.

There really aren't a ton of job opportunities in this town which is quite understandable. Spritehill had only a few work options; five really. The coffee/ breakfast shop, the grocery store, the wood 'industry', the stationary store and the school.

Before we moved here, my Father had worked as an accountant for a big firm. He really did love that job he made it clear with his often repeated 'success' story. He had graduated from college, did a one year internship at the firm back when it was 'struggling' (that's what he said not me). When the year was up, they seemed to recognize his potential, and retained him to work permanently. In his words, "I really do think I helped launch that firm to greatness".

My Father wasn't always proud but you do not want to hear him tell that story, you would mistake him for a peacock with it's feathers fully outstreched.

I don't think he's real proud of his new job though but I think he's grateful. He was more than qualified to be hired as the financial secretary at the industry and coupled with the glowing reccomendation from his last job, I heard the factory is set to pay him more than the normal salary for a Fin.Sec (Just a little bit more...I don't think that's necessary but who am I to complain).

I'm really grateful to all the powers that be, that my Mother didn't find any of the jobs 'fitting enough' for her. Before we moved, she was pretty much a housewife but when she was younger, before she had gotten married she had worked as a kindergarten teacher.

Earlier last month, I had heard her considering going down to the school (my school!) to find out if they were looking to employ. But I guess after I wished upon every star that came out in the sky every night, and she realized that the only actual qualification she had was the one time she had taught a handful of kindergarteners, she decided against it. I haven't heard her talk about getting any type of job since then, so I think she's just going to maintain her status as a glorified housewife.



'Mr Geography?' I thought smiling and shaking my head. I don't even know what that meant. I don't know why she ran I mean I know...I heard her...I just...I heard her.

Anyway what I mean is, we could have walked home together because Tyler (Mr geography) wasn't there when I turned to finish our conversation..odd. I was a few pedals away from my front door now and I'm sure she just got home a few minutes ago.

My Father wasn't home when I arrived. Probably at the church I mean, where else really. I went into the kitchen, grabbed the little plastic picnic basket from the cupboard and started filling it with a few things. Fruits, the healthy, almost disgusting and only snacks we have in the fridge, a few slices of bread and the little jar of peanut butter, a little knife and two bottles of water.