The House Across the Street


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"Corn Jesus" she said with an amused smile "It's okay. Stop babbling" she giggled "I also had that thought in my head but I didn't want to get ahead of myself"

I sighed "Oh thank God it wasn't just me. I don't think we're crazy for celebrating a three week anniversary, we have been through alot and getting here wasn't easy so" I said raising my bottle of juice "cheers to being" I stared at Jade's beautiful face and smiled and my voice got softer "girlfriends" I could see the light that filled her eyes at the word "To being girlfriends" she said just as softly. And instead of taking a sip, she leaned toward me and placed her soft lips against mine and I melted against her. It was a soft and sweet kiss. One filled with joy and hope. When we parted I stared into her emerald green pools and I was drowning. I wanted to drown in them forever.


We lay side by side on the soft grass giggling and a little breathless. We had just danced to no music for almost twenty minutes. We didn't need one. We let the sound of the breeze and the chirping of the birds be our music. And now we were trying to catch our breaths.

I touched my fingers to Jade's and she turned her palm over so I could intertwine my fingers with her's so we were holding hands tightly. We were quiet now, staring at the still blue sky. It was just approaching mid afternoon and the clouds looked so fluffy and white. The breeze smelled so clean and the bird's continued their sweet song. It was a beautiful day and I was with a beautiful girl. My girlfriend. Wow!

"Jade, I've been to the grocery store with my mother before and we've checked out the clothes section. I don't think I saw one good looking peice of clothing there so where on earth did you get this lovely dress" I said still looking at the sky.

"It was a gift from my Aunt" she said smiling.

"You have an Aunt?" I was surprised "How have you never mentioned her?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm getting used to not talking about her" I lifted myself up on my elbow and stared down at her

"When I was four she gifted me this dress. She was always going to the city. She'd spend a couple weeks with us and then one day she'd go and I wouldn't see her for days. When she comes back, she'd be filled with so much energy and she'd shower me with love and gifts and treats" she chuckled sadly.

"I just couldn't understand why the days before she'd leave for the city, she would be on edge and gittery. One time she didn't go for almost a month and I really thought she was going to die. She was always sweating, throwing up, she couldn't seem to keep the little she ate down. She even snapped at me once. One day, I woke up and she was gone on her regular trip to the city and my Father was angry. I think she stole from him. To buy a ticket maybe" she said that last bit like a question.

"When she got back, she was her usual self. Happy, smiley, full of life. She even apologized to me for snapping. I forgave her ofcourse. I didn't care. I had my Aunty Celine back" there was a sad smile on her face and I could see tears forming in her eyes "And then a few weeks after my fifth birthday, she left...for good. I never understood why. I never understood why her frequent visits couldn't be enough. But then I did" she sniffed.

"I have only worn this dress one other time. I planned to wear it to a Sunday service but when my Father saw me, he got furious and demanded I take it off and never wear it ever. I'd never forget his words 'I'd be damned if I ever let you wear that gift from a crack addict'. I could never really explain the reason behind my puffy eyes to the members who inquired that day" the tears were spilling down the sides of her face now.

I reached out and wiped them away and she turned her face to stare at me "Corn, what if she's dead" "Shhh" I hushed her and wrapped my arms around her. We stayed that way until she had calmed a bit.

"I don't think I can say aything to make it all better" I said moving a strand of hair off her forehead "You don't have to. Just holding me is more than enough" We lay back down side by side " I just hope she's okay" she sighed "Me too" I said softly


The sun had set now and the sky was a breathtaking bright orange. It looked like the sky was on fire. And by the gods was it beautiful. Today was just an all round beautiful day.

Our basket was empty now and to the side and I was wrapped up in Jade. Literally. She was atop me and we were locked in a tight embrace and so were our lips. Honestly I would never tire of kissing. Specifically kissing Jade. It was such an erotic thing.

Tasting of each other, our tongues gliding smoothly over, under and around each other's. I had never kissed anyone until Jade and I don't ever want to kiss anyone else. I just don't think there's any kiss out there that could compare to Jade's. Her soft lips, her sweet breath, and as her tongue passed under mine, grazing that soft skin there, I moaned and tilted my head deepening our oral embrace.

There just couldn't be anyone that could make me feel this way. I withdrew my tongue and her's followed eager to maintain the contact and when it did, I sucked it into my mouth. Tilting my head and taking in as much as I could. Making her moan into my mouth. I placed one hand on the back of her head and pulled her even tighter.

What was just a languid and sensual exploring, became heated and frantic. We were releasing sighs and moans and I could feel my breathing becoming ragged.

Jade pulled her lips from mine and trailed them to the side of my face. Peppering it with kisses before taking my earlobe in her mouth and sucking. I released a groan. It sounded so foreign on my lips. She moved down to the side of my neck until she placed her lips over my pulse point and applied a gentle suction. Then harder. And I placed my hand on the back of her neck staying her.

The feeling was exquisite. I was quickly getting light headed. I ran my hands over the top of her thighs, slowly bunching up the lovely dress and right before I touched the sides of her undergarment, she gasped and pulled away from my neck. I panicked. Maybe I shouldn't have done that?

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean...I shouldn't have...I'm sorr-" and she silenced me with a deep kiss clearing every babble from my mind. When she released my lips, she stared into my eyes and I was falling again.

"You have no idea how much I want that Corn. I want you so much" I think I gasped and a soft smile graced her lips "But I don't want it to happen like this. On the grass for a couple minutes. I want to take you on a bed for hours, you deserve that. My beautiful Cornelia. I want your first time to be special for you" I could feel tears in my eyes. Her words were making my heart swell with joy. And when she kissed me again, I thought it would explode.

"We'd find a way to make it happen. It would be hard, but we'd find a way" I nodded and she wiped a tear from my face before taking my lips and fuzzing my brain over.

We stayed like that, tasting of each other, alternating between deep and feathery for many minutes. Coming up occasionally for air. And as we rode home with my arms wrapped around Jade's waist, I could feel my heart melting. I was smiling broadly.

Placing a side of my face to her back, the cool night breeze felt good against my tingling skin. I was still on a high from those passionate kisses. I was intoxicated. No I don't think that's the word. I love. I was head over heels in love with Jade Stone. And this realization made my smile broader, and my arms tighten around her waist. Today really was a beautiful day.


Something was off about Jade today and it worried me. After our three week anniversary, we were fine. The week after that was great. We spent time together. We were fine. But I was worried.

Yesterday, Jade had come to school wearing a sad expression and she was a little moody and when I inquired she had dismissed it. Said it was nothing to worry about. But today she wasn't trying to hide it. Something was definitely wrong and I wanted to find out but we only had one class together today and when I tried to talk to her, the teacher had noticed me. When I tried a couple more times, he threatened to send me to the principal's office. So I had to wait.

When lunch time rolled around, I pulled Jade into an empty classroom. I needed to know. I was beyond worried by now. Had I done something? Did her father tell her to stay away from me again? Did he hit her?

"Jade, baby. What's wrong"

I could see the term of endearment had shocked her. She looked up at me and stared deep into my eyes and I saw her's quickly fill with tears and she let go a sob. I pulled her into my arms and let her cry on my shoulder. I wasn't worried now...I was scared. My Jade was crying. Something was definitely wrong.

I took her with me when she calmed a bit over to a desk and sat her atop it and I stood in front of her "Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked softly not able to keep the fear out of my voice.

"I saw a mail for my Father from a hospital. I thought he was sick but it was a hospital in the city. It was opened so I decided to take a look" I could see her lips quivering so I took her hands in mine.

"It's Aunt Celine. The letter says she'd been admitted to the hospital in critical condition and a family member was needed before certain actions would be taken" fresh tears streamed down her face and she looked up at me "I think she's dying Corn" I pulled her back to me and held her tight as she started crying again "Shhh" I stroked her hair. When she calmed down a bit I pulled away and wiped her tears.

"I don't know what the problem could be but you don't have to assume the worst. How is your father have you asked him if he'd go down to see her?" she shook her head

"No. I know he didn't like her but he's gonna go. She's the only family he has left and if that won't be enough reason, maybe his guilt would give him a nudge" I had a questioning look on my face and Jade sniffed.

"I know he aided her. Gave her money for drugs when she begged. And even when she stole from him, he still forgave her. I mean, he did until the day he didn't and she left. I mean, if he doesn't feel like he has played a role in helping her destroy her life...if he doesn't go to see her, I'd be convinced what lies in his chest isn't a heart but stone" "Shhh" I hushed her again staring into her wet face "Oh Corn" I pulled her tight against me stroking her back, whispering 'It's okay's'.

I pulled away and cupped her face in my hands placing my forehead against hers "Everything is going to be fine" I pulled a strand of hair off the side of her face and behind her ear and she nodded.

I slowly tilted my head and she leaned up slightly and just before our lips touched I heard something fall right outside the door and I turned quickly towards it stepping slightly away from Jade. I walked over opening the door and peaking out but there was no one there. I let go a sigh. Thank the stars.

Turning back to Jade "You know, we still have a few minutes. I think we should go get something to eat and you need to hydrate after all that crying you just did" she let go a little snort-laugh. I walked over and grabbed her hand pulling her up and behind me "Come on" I said smiling and we walked together to lunch.



I was nodding and staring down. I could hear him and I also couldn't stop the tears filling my eyes.

"Now I remember what happened the last time I went away. And I'd let you know that if there's a repeat, there would be severe consequences" wait, so he means the consequences last time weren't severe? Jesus!

"I would advise you to put a little space between you and that Cornelia girl. I see the way you look at her. To avoid any unnecessary temptations" he took a few steps closer to me and I took a step back "I don't think I would spend alot of time in the city too" his voice was low and chilling...scary "They probably just need me to come help them pull the plug and put her out of her misery" he saw the tears spill down my face at his horrid words. He really didn't have a heart did he?

"Oh dear" he cupped my face and I could feel bile rising in my throat "I know you loved her and I did too, but the bible tells us that even as we love our neighbours, we shouldn't fail to rebuke them when they do things not pleasing to the Lord" he wiped a tear off my cheek "And you know your Aunty was a severe crack addict. I think she's had enough for one life time. It's time we let her go" a sob escaped me "Oh don't worry, I'll commit her soul to the Lord before any actions are taken" he let me go and walked towards the door.

He put his hand on the knob and turned "If I were you, I'd remember and heed everything I just said" he took one last look at me with a scowl on his face, opened the door and left.

I couldn't move. I didn't move. I don't remember myself moving but I was on the floor now. I was sitting. Sobbing. I could hear my Father's car as it pulled away feeling both happy and scared to my bone. I said a quick prayer for my Aunty, and then I continued bawling my eyes out. I must have stayed there on the floor for more than twenty minutes and when I got up, I wasn't feeling any better.


It's been two days. Two dreadful days.

Dreadful for many reasons. My father had not returned, and I had not heard anything from him. I was scared. Scared for my Aunt, scared for myself (I can't even explain why).

Okay, maybe I can. So, you see today could either go perfectly well or horribly bad because Corn and I plan on bumping and grinding our-

"Jade it's me" I heard her voice at the same time I heard the knock. I poured the remaining water down the sink and kept the cup back on the rack.

"Hi" I said a little breathless after opening the door.

"I was waiting I thought you weren't coming are...are you getting cold feet?" she stared into my eyes and I could tell she could see I was worried "Are we changing location?" she stepped up and close so I was staring deep into her eyes "Jade?" she placed a hand to my cheek and I realised we were still outside and I pulled her in.

Before she could say anything else, I pushed her back against the door and covered her lips with mine. She stiffened then immediately relaxed against me tilting her head and deepening the kiss. If she hadn't pulled away I probably would never have stopped and then maybe history would decide to repeat itself

"Jade, I know you are worried about your Aunt but you have to hold out hope" she cupped both my cheeks "I can't say she would be alright, cause I don't know that. But we shouldn't give up baby" I closed my eyes and leaned into her palm.

"If you want, we can just postpone this we don't have to if you're not feeling-"



"I want this. Today. I want you Corn" the soft smile on her face made my heart melt and I kissed her again. I pulled my lips reluctantly from her's, grabbed my bag off the kitchen table, grabbed her hand, locked the door behind me and we walked across the street.

I didn't feel like a genius choosing Corn's house as the location but today, her father was holding down a programme at the church so her parents were away. It was just early evening but we would probably have the next three hours uninterrupted so it wasn't genius, but it was!

Spending nights here at the West's was a normal occurence by now and they didn't seem to mind when we locked the doors (so innocent).

"So" Corn said turning around after locking her bedroom door "Fair maiden, I do believe tonight we shall meld our souls together as one" she said walking rather seductively towards me.

She pushed me to sit on her bed and straddled my thighs "Just you and I within the four walls of my lowly cottage" I giggled.

"Corn, you are such a dork" she laughed..and it was such a beautiful sound. She was so beautiful. I was staring deep into her ocean blue orbs. Drowning in her. We just stayed there staring.

The air between us, thick with our desire for eachother...our need. I pulled her tight to me and rolled her over so I was atop. Her eyes held me. Pulled me in. Mesmerized me. She was so beautiful. God please...let this one end well.


I felt...alive. For the first time since I lost James, I could feel something...and it was good. My breathing shallow, my chest tight, my stomach fluttery. So much resemblance to the way I felt that dark day...but different...good.

She was behind me. I could feel the straps of my brassiere being pulled down my right arm, then the other. Her fingers soft aginst my skin. She held me like I was slippery glass doomed to fall and shatter if not held with utmost care. I felt beautiful. The way she stared deeply into my eyes. She moved down the length of me, and pulled my shorts down and off me. Slowly.

She tore her gaze from my eyes and stared down my body. I felt hot. I could feel her gaze on every part of me like a physical caress. She pulled me off my back to her and we stared deeply at eachother "Corn, you are so fucking beautiful" I gasped. The word she used and the look in her eyes, it filled my soul. I could feel tears filling my eyes.

She placed both her hands against my cheeks and pulled me to her. This kiss was deep, slow, but I could feel the burning desire in it. I could taste it. She moved her hands from my cheeks, down my neck. Her soft hands moved down my shoulders and softly covering my breasts. She gently hefted them. I could feel my nipples hardening and scraping deliciously against her palm. And then she squeezed and a sound escaped me. A deep moan. I could feel her trying to fit my generous bosom in her palm. Feel it spilling between her fingers. I could hear my breathing. Short. Ragged.

Jade applied gentle pressure against my breasts pushing me slowly down onto my back. She placed her lips against mine licking at my bottom lip before sliding her tongue against mine.

Our tongues danced to their own music. We explored every corner slowly. She was in no rush taking her time. Driving me to madness. My cheeks felt hot as she moved to my neck. Licking and kissing until she got to a point and I could feel my pulse beating against her tongue. She covered it with her mouth and applied a gentle suction "Oh Jade" was that whispery voice mine?

She slid and licked down my chest until she drew a nipple into the hot confines of her mouth and my back arched hard. She licked, sucked and nibbled until I was a muttering mess. And when I thought I couldn't take anymore, she moved to the other and loved it just the same.

She kissed and licked every single part of my torso. Her tongue dipping into my navel. It was like baptism. Her holy tongue cleansing my soul and making me anew (I don't know what I'm saying my brain isn't really with me right now).

She was between my legs. I could feel myself opening more to her. I pushed myself up on my elbows so I could stare down at her. She looked up at me with those dark emerald eyes, and no words were needed. My breathing was deep and loud. She dipped her head and I fell back against the bed.

I remember one time when I was little. My mother had a pan of noodles in the oven. She wasn't there when the timer went off so I decided to be her little helper, opened the oven and placed my hand over the handle. I remember the feeling so well. I hot steel against my tiny hand. Like a lash from a burning whip. I remember my scream.

And as Jade's long tongue licked up the length of my slit, I heard the scream. I remembered the heat from that pan. But somehow this was hotter. It burned but this time I didn't pull away. I pressed onto that sweet muscle wanting the heat to engulf me. Burn me completely.