The Humper Game Pt. 02 Ch. 05


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She pulled me over into a kiss, and not a quick one. As I thrust in and out, she wasn't moving much, but she was tightening more and more all through her body, and she came around me. Her cries were actually quiet, but very urgent. I still wasn't quite ready, so I kept moving, and she must have figured out what was going on, because she started moving with me, using the pressure of her legs to slide herself up and down just a little. I thought that was how she did it, anyway. We continued this way for a minute or two, or maybe three or four, and when she came again I did too. Again, her cries were breathy and urgent, but not at all loud.

I told her, very softly, "Thank you. That was wonderful. I didn't think you stood a chance of coming that way, but I really wanted you, and I thought you would want me inside you even if you didn't come."

"You were right on target there! I'm glad I did come, but that wasn't what I wanted most. Sweetheart, that was the most amazing one we've had so far. So much for their schedule."

"Talk later. We've got to be getting ready."

We got fresh clothes from the drawers, leaving our old ones on the bed. By now we had seen that someone changed sheets and did other needed cleaning between sessions, and there didn't seem to be anything better to do. Samantha took a comb off the dresser and began working on her hair. I thought it was the same comb Bella had been using earlier—at least, it was in the same place. And I guess I forgot to mention. One reason I was able to ambush Bella behind her desk had been that she was busy with her hair as we talked. Not that she had actually protested seriously or resisted. And now that I thought about it, their hair was actually very similar—other than color, Samantha blonde, Bella very dark—with just a little gray.

The signal went off before her hair was fully combed, and she put down the comb as we went out. I found the wet, tousled look attractive, for the moment anyway. Bella was at her desk, and said to Samantha, "John is waiting for you."

When the door was closed, she pointed to a chair. "Please sit. And this time, please remain on your own side of the desk. Young scamp." When I was sitting, she added, "Not that I didn't enjoy it, but that's not what we are here for now. Please give me the facts and your feelings about them."

I said, "Well, we did as instructed. I let her practice on me what John had taught her. She definitely had improved in technique, at several points. When she was preparing to deep throat me, something she was doing somehow became so frustrating that I grabbed her and forced myself the rest of the way down. I'm really not sure what, and I didn't like myself much for doing it, but she professed to be OK with it.

"I wasn't happy with the agenda, in several regards, and knowing what was coming the third time, I interrupted to regress somewhat to one of yesterday's activities. She was concerned about not following instructions, I think, but she enjoyed that anyway. At the point where she needed a shower, I carried her in, and we washed each other and also made love. There too I kind of took charge in a way that disturbs me somewhat, but she was pleased. If she hadn't been ready to enjoy it, though, I think she would have found me bullying and arrogant. But I probably wouldn't have done it, either, in that case.

"As you've noted, this was mostly old ground for both of us. She really did gain some kind of skill from John's teaching, and that mattered. I'm still kind of miffed at being ordered to let her smear herself with my semen. Mind you, if I were on some future, private occasion with a partner who really wanted to do that, I wouldn't object in the least, and cleaning up was fun. But I really feel like the way this is taught and done, you're teaching boys to be demanding of their partners, regardless of the partners' feelings."

Bella appeared to be lost in thought for a moment. "Technically, I should be chiding you for adding to the schedule. In practice, since as you say you both fully followed all that was laid out for you, that seems pointless. I would probably offer you some pointers on how Samantha might quiet herself down, except that it became obvious that she has it pretty much under control at this point, if she chooses to exercise this control. At a later point, if you ask me, I will try to offer some suggestions you can pass on to future partners if the need arises, but in the meantime I suggest asking Samantha how she managed."

"I had already planned to do that, tonight."

"Beyond that, in terms of the points at which you were actually doing as instructed, you both seem to have done everything perfectly. I have to say that you may need to watch yourself with future partners. If I understand her correctly, and I believe that I do, Samantha at present will feel pleased to do almost anything you want her to, and be happy if it pleases you. Most women will not be so amenable.

"Go and have a good evening, and night, with your partner. I believe that she will be a few minutes longer with her instructor, but not much."

I went out. I didn't want to wait at the stairway with no more idea of how long than I had, and even less at the monitor's station, where most if not all of my class would be passing if they hadn't already. So I did what we had discussed, and started down the hall to the central unit, of which the student cafeteria was by far the largest single room.

But I hadn't gotten more than around fifty feet when I was hailed from behind, and Samantha came running up. "I came out just as you were going through the stairway door, and you were out of sight before I reached the stairs myself," she said.

I slowed down to let her catch her breath, but this really wasn't necessary. Once again, she took my arm as we walked. I said to her quietly, "I didn't ask Bella about how to you might quiet yourself down, she raised the question. She told me that since you seemed to have it under control now, I should start by asking you how you accomplished this. She offered to give pointers at some later time, so that I might pass them on to someone else in the future.

"And, of course, you did wonderfully at it. I have no idea how you accomplished it, but you did. Some of your neighbors may hear you yet, if they're awake and quiet themselves, but you won't wake up anyone really asleep, and you won't cause a crowd to gather around your door. And if you can keep it just low enough not to hurt my ears, at times when we're really not likely to be disturbing anyone, feel free to make an announcement if you like. It's not that I mind your telling everyone that I'm the world's greatest lover, in your eyes anyway, it's just that we do need to try to be considerate, and I value my hearing."

She appeared to think this over to see whether it came out as a compliment on balance. She said, "Phil, you're amazing, and I mean that. If you're not the world's greatest lover, I haven't met him, and I don't know that I need to. For now, you're all I want, and I've got you for five days and six nights yet. Can we stop by the lav yet, and my room for long enough to let me finish combing my hair? It will be a mess if I don't get it before it's dry, and I may have to wet it anyway."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like another shower?"

She stopped and looked me straight in the eyes. "Phil, that was about the most wonderful and amazing thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. If you want to screw me in the shower tonight, or in the morning, you're more than entitled. I'm sure it won't be that good ever again, but I'm willing. More than willing! But if that's what you want, can we get up early enough to make it to breakfast on time afterward? Please?"

She kissed me, passionately enough to leave no doubt that she meant every word. I told her, "I don't expect to ask you to do that, and not quite that way in any case. But if there are too many couples doing it, I may get ideas as well."

We went to the lavatory on the girls' side—well, one of us was going to have to check in, and she wanted to go to her room. There were several girls there who had obviously just showered, wearing nothing but towels or robes, trying to get their hair all combed in front of the mirrors. Jenny was one. I went to the next sink over to wash my hands, and said quietly, "Jenny, it's none of my business, unless you're willing to hand some of it over. But at lunch you didn't look like things were going very well, for this partnering stuff. Samantha picked up on that. too. I don't want to pry, and I mean that, but if you need to talk about it, and can think of a good time, I'll listen. And Samantha won't complain, even if she was planning on doing something with me. I'll promise that, and tell her I did. But I'll keep out unless you come to me."

She turned a somewhat worried face to me. "Nothing you can do, for the moment, but thank you. I think Claire and Barbara know more than you do, and you can tell them I said it was OK to discuss it if you want to. Not that they know much. And it's not like I'm being abused or anything. But thank you for caring, and tell Samantha I said thanks to her, too. She's lucky, and it looks like you both are." She turned back to combing. Then she looked back at me, gave me a wry smile, and pulled her robe open for just a second.

Samantha was waiting next to me by the very end, and she understood it, but we waited for a better time to talk about it. I was pretty sure no one else could have heard us, with all the talking and other noises around, and that anyone who saw us only saw me greet a friend, someone they'd all seen me with many, many times of late. The flash at the end would have encouraged that interpretation, I thought.

We collected Samantha's comb, and since we had a little time I stayed with her there while she combed in her room. I didn't interfere. Neither of our instructors had taken very long. We probably had time for a quick encounter, but at this point neither of us was interested in that. This was our chance to discuss what Jenny had said. Samantha was thrilled that I felt able to promise this on her behalf. I warned her that I meant it. If we were in bed and starting to make love, and Jenny came by wanting help or advice or comfort, we were going to stop until it was dealt with. I thought she was pleased even with that—what Jenny had said to, and about, her really made her day, maybe even more than some earlier encounters with me.

At supper, we sat with much the same group, spreading out at a somewhat larger table. This time Rosa was there, too, with her partner. He was someone else I didn't know much, but he certainly had never rubbed me the wrong way. He had always seemed nice and polite and considerate. He and Rosa smiled happily at each other, constantly, and held hands under the table a lot. I decided that it looked like my harem had definitely been reduced by one, and if he would make her as happy as it looked like now he would have my blessings and best wishes for the rest of the year. I might wish for another chance or two with her, but I'd rather see her happy with one boy.

Someone at the next table asked me about what I had said at breakfast, and what we had said at lunch. I went through my piece again, emphasizing the part about not holding anything against Samantha on my account. I added, "I think the situation's the same with Brown. She got hurt much worse than I did, but I'm pretty sure she forgave Samantha, too. And I think she would feel the same way about anyone continuing to hold things against her, on her behalf."

From behind me, a girl's voice said, "That's right. I did, and I do." I looked around. Maggie was getting up from her chair, which was directly behind me and facing the opposite way. I stood up, too, and said, "Maggie, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have spoken for you if I had known you were right there. But thank you for backing me up." I finished turning around and gave her a hug.

She looked at all the wide-eyed people at our two tables and a couple more, and sighed, but then gave a big smile. "I guess I need to say something, not to you but to everyone else, just so there aren't false rumors running wild. So you all may as well listen up! The afternoon after it happened, Phil caught me in gym, and before we did anything at all he saw that I was really upset. He insisted on my telling him why, and did everything he could to comfort me, and he was gentle with me beyond belief. I think if it had been anyone else, anyone at all, I would have wound up falling apart completely, but he put me back together. Then he showed me where Ms. Miller's office was, and because I was nervous about being out alone, he walked me to the infirmary and back. That's all that happened, so if this gets around in some other form, please correct it, OK?" Of course, there had been more, at the time of the second attempt on her, but they all knew what had been said at the trial.

She turned more to me and spoke quietly—not so much that no one else could hear, though. "Phil, sometime next week when schedules are back to normal, can we please get together and talk sometime? It would help me. I know we said we would, but things have been kind of crazy ever since." I realized with a start that this was a code for "I still really want to go to bed with you, sometime when it's not because I have to and when I haven't just been gang-raped the night before and when we can do it in comfort in a bed." I said, "Of course, Maggie, I'd love it."

We both went back to our seats. I was disturbed, even more than at lunch, by what I saw in face and body language between Jenny and her partner, but I didn't feel I could say anything here, and since I'd spoken to her I didn't really think I should butt in anyway. I could tell that again Samantha saw it too, and her concern just melted my heart. I was eager to get back to her room and express this—well, I'd enjoy the sex, but I was just thrilled and enchanted by the young woman she had somehow become, almost overnight.

The conversation around the table was lighthearted and enjoyable, though, and finally the signal sounded. For once, I didn't feel that I had rushed through without getting enough to eat. Except for worry about whatever was wrong with Jenny, this had been a really enjoyable meal.

Revision: 4/12/2019

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