The Humper Game Pt. 02 Ch. 18


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Sam said, "It's time you took what you need off to Ellen's room, and got settled in for the night. I hope you get at least one more really good one in somehow. You may be able to get a nap tomorrow, but I kind of doubt it. And Jenny will be expecting you to run with her. And you can't afford to dally too much with any of us or anyone else, tomorrow afternoon, remember you have a big date set up. And they're both really sweet and nice, and entitled to your best, too.

"I think maybe you'd better not treat them the way you did Ellen, our Ellen, just now, though. They haven't been learning to trust you so much."

I said, "I hope it's OK, and I haven't checked with them, either. But I was kind of thinking their night might start even before supper, since there are two of them. Is that OK with you three? Really and truly OK? I won't offer it to them if it's not."

Jenny said, "I've had two rounds with you the past two days, and I didn't deserve either one of them. Sam gave me one and Ellen the other. And they were quick, and that's right, we all agreed classwork comes first—Sam and you and I did, anyway, but Ellen's not the type to push that off. But even so, that first one was no quickie, you waited for me. So I've had mine and more. And I'll get something next week, if it isn't what I'll really want, too. But Ellen just said, 'With you, anything,' and proved how much she meant it. And Sam's said it and means it too. I'm the one you need to worry about, and I promise. It's OK, and more than OK."

She kissed me again, and Sam did too. Sam looked so happy it made my heart sing. They both hugged Ellen. As we went out the door, I turned back to say, "Five-thirty?" and Jenny nodded.

Ellen and I went off to the monitor's station, checking me out of Sam's room and into hers. On the way I grabbed an extra toothbrush and razor. I was carrying the rest of what I needed for the night and the next day. I hoped.

When I got to Ellen's room, she told me where she wanted me to put all my things, even though most of them were for this one night at most. This was a new thing—I'd always just tried to find a place to pile things where they wouldn't be in the way. She squeezed some of her things that were in a drawer into another one, to give me half a drawer for clothes, for example. Toothbrush and razor went into the little cabinet on the wall over the sink, not on the same shelf as hers. She had hung her gym clothes from today on a hook in her closet, and told me to hang mine on a hook right under them. One of these days, I told myself, I'll think to get a new set of gym clothes after I shower, so these smelly, usually wet things don't have to stay near clean clothes.

As Sam had before, a long time before it seemed now, Ellen pointed out that some of this was silly. She said, "Thank you for bringing a toothbrush. I know it's totally ridiculous. By the time we've kissed as much as we have in the last hour, much less by the time you've eaten me or I've eaten you and we've kissed, there aren't any germs in our mouths that we haven't shared. But it would still bother me to share toothbrushes. But if you need to sometime, go ahead!

"Phil, I love you so much, and you've been so good to me. That's from that very first time, when you figured out you needed to run flat out to catch me, and didn't hesitate an instant, and then made losing my virginity wonderful despite that little pain. You know, quite a few girls found the same thing horribly painful, and it's obvious that most of it was that you were gentle and took it slowly and affectionately, and their partners just didn't. I admit, I can take a tiny bit of the credit, too, I was expecting you to be nice, enough that I was looking forward to it some even though it was scary too. But most of the fear went away because you were being so gentle and careful.

"And that was really nice, but since then, you've always made it not just nice but wonderful. And I've seen you with how many other girls by now, so I know it's not just me, you really do care about them all, every time. I didn't see you with Cole, and you said you didn't find her at all attractive and you didn't know she was a virgin when you started, but obviously you were as gentle as you could be with her. And a couple of others you found maybe not much more physically attractive, but you knew a little and liked, their first time was not just really nice but spectacular. So it's been a privilege to have you as friend and lover, and now partner too.

"And, well, I don't know quite how to say this part of it. What Jenny kept saying—and I think she thought you should somehow hear her thinking, 'Enough already!' with it—pretty much you somehow do go almost totally for really nice girls only. And so it's a huge compliment to me that you put me somewhere at the top of that list. And thank you for that, it's a huge ego boost, and I was really needing it this week."

We went off to the lavatory. Ellen's room was kind of halfway between the two on that hallway, and she didn't always go to the same one. This time, we went to the one at the far end. I had never been in it, and rarely even in the corresponding one—for either hallway—in the boys' wing. Not surprisingly, the girls—and boys—I saw there were mostly not the ones I had seen in the lavatory and shower room at the other end. Yes, I glanced into the shower room while waiting for Ellen, and yes, she saw me and wasn't surprised. She knew very well that most boys like looking at almost any naked girl, and that I was certainly no exception. "mr youse needn't be so spry . . . "

We went back to her room and made love again. This went more normally, but if it didn't excite either of us quite as much, it was still really good for both of us. Ellen had set her alarm a little early, even though we were a little bit later than the current schedule called for. Whatever might happen in the middle of the night—which was intended to be at most a quickie, but subject to change—we had agreed on at least a quickie in the morning. And, of course, one in the shower, too.

And then nothing more along those lines. I hadn't really discussed Saturday activities with the three girls, but I did want to be as fresh as possible for Ellen and Deedee. Um, I mean sexually, but I also wanted more sleep than I was going to get, thinking not only of being fresh that way for them, but ready for the following week. Ellen and I tentatively agreed to go back to her room in the afternoon, right after lunch, and take a nap, meaning no sex, just sleep. But we needed to check this out Saturday morning.

We had no trouble getting to sleep. My bladder did wake me in the middle of the night, and we both went to the lavatory. We agreed that we were both too sleepy to do anything then, but Ellen set her alarm half an hour earlier.

And her alarm did wake us Saturday morning, early enough for something quite a bit better than a quickie. Nothing long and drawn out, but it didn't leave me with the feeling that it was only for me, and that was important to me.

We shaved and dressed, and after a long hug and affectionate talk, we went out. Jenny and Sam had both apparently arrived in the previous couple of minutes, and after brief hugs and kisses I checked out with Miss Milliken and we went out to run. The sky was overcast and threatening, but it wasn't raining at that point.

Jenny asked as we ran, "So, how much sleep did you get?" and after a moment's pause, "and yes, don't bother asking whether I really want to know. I do." I knew from that last that she really wasn't asking for a time estimate.

"Not quite enough. The first time took us a little past the curfew signal, but not too much. In the middle of the night we had to get up—" She laughed. "OK, I had to get up, and she got up too, you know all about that, but we just went back to sleep. But since we didn't go for even a quickie then, she set her alarm a little earlier, and we had time for something she could enjoy, too before we left."

Jenny said seriously, "I know what you meant, but I'm sure she would have enjoyed even a quickie, after last night. I know I would have. Nothing but quickies is different, after a while, but it's like, maybe, oh, getting a really good cookie, but just one, when it's been long enough since supper that you're starting to get hungry. More would be really nice, but you're not starving, and it's sweet and good. And you meant there was time for her to get ready and come but only once. And I hear girls talk, a lot more than you do. Do you know how many of them almost never get to come? And it's mostly not because the boy is too quick, though he often is, but because he's just using her like a sex toy of some kind. He might as well masturbate, except that she's nice and wet and slippery. She just never gets ready."

We ran on a while. Then she said, "Did you set up a specific time with Deedee and Ellen? Are they coming to collect you? Are you just going down there? Or what?"

"Ellen's the one who talked to them, and I need to ask her. I'm guessing they're expecting me whenever I go down there, but I shouldn't just guess. Thanks for reminding me."

There was a long lull. "Phil, is it OK if we pick up the pace?"

"I think so. You set it, and we'll soon find out."

I could manage the new pace she set, but I was breathing just a little harder than I wanted to be. I kept up with her, though. After a little while, she said, "If you don't watch it, you'll be getting fat. You should be able to keep up with me without that much trouble."

"I agree. And it's not like the servers are all trying to show their approval or whatever by giving me extra-large helpings, they've stopped that. I hope it's not because I told them I had to stop having sex with any of them. I'm pretty sure Miss Milliken understands why, and she goes out of her way to show she's still happy with me, and I think most of them are still a little warmer in greeting me than they used to be. I really hope they can find a few more guys who can give them some enjoyment. There are lots of guys who would enjoy the chance, but I think you're right, most of them would be duds from the women's point of view. And I don't understand why."

She took my arm, just for a few moments. "I wonder whether there's even one more here who would have been willing to give Miss Macgregor a turn, and insist on it, and not just once but twice. I knew you would, and you made her so happy! And you were just as good with her as with any of the others! She could tell, they all could, that you weren't just going through the motions so you could get to them.

"I'm so sorry that I was, well, starting to feel so jealous of the time they were taking away from me. As if your time were mine automatically! Now I look back on that, and I realize that's my—my guarantee maybe, that if I need your time you really will give it somehow. You're—. Um. Thank you for taking me back. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I, somehow I couldn't see how much you were giving me."

"Don't you dare start crying again! Jenny, I forgive you. Stop dwelling on it! You know, you remember that time Wilma flagged me down, when she was forfeit. And I'm sorry, she's another one I really owe another turn fairly soon. But you remember what she was expecting, if no one took a turn with her. And when she told me about it, I wished so much that I could just go take a turn with every single forfeit, the girls, who hadn't had a turn with someone else. But I couldn't. No one could, not ever, the male body just can't produce enough semen for that. And we need more sleep, the same way. I miss getting a little more sex, good sex with caring and affection, too, but there just are limits.

"And that reminds me, I need to tell Sam too when we go in. I said we were short on sleep last night, not too badly, but tonight is likely to be worse. Ellen and I agreed to try to take a nap together, no sex, just sleep, after lunch. I'm afraid that means you and Sam won't even see me the rest of the day, except at supper probably, and even there Ellen and Deedee probably have friends they sit with. I'll try to stop by your room and Sam's before I go to them, just to say I love you."

"You make sure they have a wonderful time. That's what matters for tonight, and you're right that since there are two of them adding a couple of hours more from the afternoon makes sense. And I know I was saying things like that almost right up to the point where I exploded at you, but I mean it."

Somewhere a little after this we stopped running to walk the last bit. Sam was waiting, and Ellen wasn't much behind us. I took Sam's hand—more body contact not being the least bit attractive at that point—and as we walked back in I repeated what I had been saying to Jenny. Sam laughed. "I think you'd better just skip stopping by my room. I was already thinking I would take advantage of your time with them for a nap myself, and I'd love to start it right after lunch. I'll want to get up and work on some things before supper, and after supper, well, I might even look for someone to spend a little time with. You know I mostly don't, you're really the only one I want, but there actually are a couple of guys I've seen in action who might be fun for an evening if they're not already taken."

I looked at her in surprise. I had been worrying just a little, off and on, about Sam in this regard. She was so willing to hand me off to other girls, without ever showing any desire to fill in that time with anyone else. And I sure knew it wasn't that she lacked sexual desire! As long as it didn't lead to the kind of thing that had happened with Jenny, I was all for it, and I told her so. She mentioned a couple of names, and said, "And there are others. Word does get around. You realize, there probably are no more than maybe thirty girls here who wouldn't jump at a chance with you, don't you? Maybe nowhere near that many."

I just shook my head, and told her, "I hope you manage to connect with someone really nice." She kissed my cheek and handed me off to Ellen, as we headed for the showers.

We stopped at her room, and then headed to the shower room, the one at the far end of the hallway. I knew Ellen often went to this one because it was apt to be a little less crowded, and indeed it was that morning. Although, Saturday mornings more people slept late anyway.

As we walked down the hall, Ellen said to me, very quietly, "I don't know why, but this morning the thought of this has me turned on even more than usual. Don't take too long on the washing part!" We got there and got undressed and got in under a shower. I shampooed her hair. It was a beautiful jet black, about as long as Sam's but hanging down a little lower because it was quite straight. I had been surprised at how sensual I found shampooing a woman's hair to be, first with Bella, then with Sam, then with others. This was no exception.

Ellen turned around and embraced me and kissed me longingly. "Go ahead and wash me, but really don't be long at it," she told me, so I did my best. I made sure her breasts and pussy were adequately cleaned, but I didn't bother at all with the soles of her feet and between her toes, for example.

She shampooed me, too. That never took as long as any girl's hair, just because mine was pretty short. And she did soap and rinse me all over adequately, but she didn't take an extra second anywhere. Well, except my cock, and she didn't really dwell even on that, which probably was just as well. The shower walls didn't need me to spray all over them.

She embraced me and kissed me again, with great passion. "This will have to last me for a week and more," she told me, "and I can hardly wait for you."

"Then I'd better make sure you're really ready," I said. I spun her around, and got just a little more soap, and scrubbed gently at the front of her pussy, and just like that she came. She made more noise than she usually did—I'm pretty sure on purpose—and it was fairly intense. Before her breathing was even quite back to normal I backed her to the shower wall, and entered her, and picked her up. "I guess you really were ready." I told her. She kissed me once, but after that we were both too busy. I managed to last past her first climax, but the second was something else, and I emptied myself into her.

When I was sure my knees weren't going to give out, I pulled out and let her down. She gave me that beautiful, radiant smile. "I hope that does somehow last a whole week," she told me. We quickly washed up as best we could. I didn't bother telling her that she would still be dripping some. We left the shower and dried off and got dressed. In her room, she shut the door and kissed me once more, but thoroughly. "We both need breakfast, and we don't want you grounded, so grab your stuff and let's go," she told me. "But Phil, I've never had a night I enjoyed like that, and the shower was the icing on the cake. It's going to be a hard week to bear."

As we walked, I asked Ellen, just to make sure, and she said yes, to go to Ellen's room, and that they should be expecting me sometime before the signal separating the after-lunch time from the before-supper time.

We checked me out, then collected food and went to sit down, and I found a couple of small surprises. Sam was letting Jenny sit next to me, with Ellen on my other side, and Ellen and Deedee were also sitting with us, one on either end of our little group. So after I put my food down, I went down the whole line, giving each a hug and a kiss, not very brief. By the time I was halfway through, I was getting encouraging comments from other friends we were sitting with. And before I managed to sit down, Maggie came up from the table behind me and kissed me too, at length. That brought some whistles as well, from both tables. I thought for a moment a couple of other girls at our table were going to insist that I go all the way around, but I was allowed to sit and eat, instead.

Now, in making specific arrangements with anyone, about sex in particular, I mean, I usually tried to speak quietly enough for her ears alone, but this wasn't possible at that point. I told Ellen, leaning across Ellen—and Deedee, with the two of us leaning across Jenny and Sam—about Ellen's and my plans for a little nap. By the time I was done I thought most of the table knew what was up for that night. I guessed I should be glad it wasn't the whole cafeteria. Except that then Ellen said, plenty loud enough for the whole table to hear, "You know, I almost wish you'd start right now with me. There are a few empty tables we could use." I told her, "Sorry, too soon after shower with Ellen. No can do." And this was a little white lie. Ellen certainly saw this. She surreptitiously put her hand under the table and stroked my mostly erect cock through my shorts.

You can sort out for yourself which Ellen is which in that last paragraph.

When we were done eating, we cleared our stuff, and the four of us spread out things to study. We weren't as intense about it as usual, because we really had gotten most everything done during the week. We all worked more on our new assignments from Thursday and Friday. I actually got mine all done, except that they needed checking and cleaning up and editing.

As the serving time for lunch neared, we all collected our stuff and went off to our own rooms to put it away. I stopped in the lavatory, and I assumed the girls did as well. We were all standing together, waiting, for less than a minute before the signal for serving sounded.

Miss Milliken was serving slices of pizza, and she gave me a big smile. "Hello, Morris. And O'Malley and Bruja as well. It's easy to see that your personal matters have at least mostly worked themselves out, and I'm very happy to see it." Since she had commented on this at least one morning—for that part of the morning, the days were blurring together—I was a bit surprised, but I just said, "Thank you," and then added, to be truthful, "but they really didn't do it themselves." With the number of people waiting, I didn't feel I could ask after her own love life. Another two or three of the servers told us how good it was to see our happy smiles. I wondered just what stories were circulating in food service and housekeeping circles. But I was pretty happy, too.