The Infinite Bk. 03 Ch. 04


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"As a cadet, I don't have the means or the time, but you do, and I implore you to look into it. Your best option would be to relay this theory to the top alchemists and researchers in the royal family's employ. Have them examine the skeleton and analyze it with their magic. Now that Welindar has been captured, I imagine you'll be spending a lot of time there to coordinate troop movements. I suggest you look for any hidden rooms within the palace, as well as traces of broken glass and burnt parchment, signs that an alchemist was performing experiments and destroyed the evidence."

The prince took a deep breath. "This is indeed very troubling, and I shall take your words under advisement. Honestly, I pray you are mistaken, but deep in my gut, I feel you may be on to something. What is your name again?"


"Noah, I'll keep your involvement in this secret. Like you said, this conversation never happened."

"I appreciate it."

"And I would appreciate your counsel in the future, should issues of a similar nature arise. That you would notice and know these things intrigues me. I could certainly use someone who thinks like you do."

"As long as they're as interesting as that basilisk, count me in."

"Good. Now I must return to my guests before they start questioning my absence." The prince extended his hand. "Glad to have met you, Noah."

Noah shook it. "You as well, Your Highness."

Lupin turned to Alexis and nodded. "Lady Veres."

"Prince Lupin," she replied.

He turned around and went back into the castle, leaving Noah and Alexis. Once he was gone, Alexis faced Noah. "Do you really think that monster was created by someone?"

"I do. That kind of taboo practice is inevitable. Magic simply provides a shortcut."

"Magic provides a shortcut? How else could something like this be done if not with magic?"

"There are ways."

"You speak of these things like you have experience. Deformities and cancer? Experimental monsters and field tests? What in the world have you been doing to know about things like this?"

"I've lived a colorful life. Maybe I'll tell you about it someday. For now, I've had my fill of the festivities, and I think it is time I went to bed. If you'll excuse me, I bid you goodnight."

He walked away, leaving her behind to make the walk back to the academy.

Back in the castle, Prince Lupin had rejoined the party and regained his smile, but it was hollow. Noah's words now haunted him as he replayed the battle in his mind. As a prince, he served as both commander and diplomat, and was used to hiding his emotions to remain calm in tense situations, concealing his fear. Rarely did that fear twist his stomach so. The unknown future, he could see it on the horizon like a black sun, threatening to envelop him in darkness.

He approached the basilisk skeleton, what just minutes ago had been his finest trophy, and looked over it with new eyes. He now saw what everyone else had failed to notice. The misshapen bones, the bulging dents on the skull, the grisly roughness of the skeleton; they were now so obvious that he cursed his naïve blindness. He felt it, the string of fate tugging on him. He and this beast were the same, the two of them dancing in someone's palm, mere pawns in an insidious plan.

"You look tense, Brother. Is this party not living up to your expectations?" Lupin mentally sighed and put on a fake smile as Galvin approached. That smarmy look on his face, it was detestable. He was dressed in a fancy robe, with Sophia by his side. Like Lupin, she wore a fake smile, but he still saw enough of her true feelings to pity her. "I would hate for anything to be wrong on your big day."

"Galvin, so glad you could make it. I trust your studies are going well at the academy."

"Indeed they are. It won't be long before I join the war and lead my own men into battle." He turned to Sophia, and his grin disappeared. "Go get us some wine." His words were cold and full of disdain. She was eager enough to leave, and as soon as she was gone, has grin returned. "Soon, everyone here will be lining up to kiss my ring and praise my name."

"That, I have no doubt, Brother."

"You have to be careful around these nobles and politicians. They claim to support the kingdom, but they're all out for themselves, hoarding the strength and wealth that rightfully belongs to the royal family, to us."

"But then we'd be the one hoarding everything, wouldn't we? We are not dragons, sleeping on a pile of gold."

"We should be. While Father focuses all our attention on borders, our country is rotting from the inside. The masses are losing respect for the crown every day. They are ignorant sheep who need a strong shepherd to keep them in their pen. If we don't guide them, someone else will."

"You have a concerning view of our citizens, Galvin. I hope you don't talk this away around your fellow cadets."

"None of those plebeians see the big picture, and they don't need to. All they need to do is serve."

Sophia returned, carrying two goblets of wine. "Took you long enough," he muttered as he snatched one out of her hand.

Lupin took the other. "I think you misunderstand who they will actually be serving."

Galvin pretended not to hear him and raised his cup. "A toast to the return of the golden boy. Enjoy your well-earned time in the sun." He didn't bother waiting for Lupin to join him and emptied his cup in one big gulp.

"Don't lean back when you drink. You look like a fool. How many times have I told you?" The harsh voice of his mother made him choke on his drink. The duchess approached, watching him cough with a look of disdain. "And now you're making even more of a scene. Why must you make life so hard for me?"

"Ziradith, always a pleasure," Lupin said dryly.

"Lupin, congratulations on seizing the city. You spent so many years trying to get in. Hopefully, you'll be able to keep it."

"Duchess, my task is to acquire new lands and allies. Protecting said land lies with you nobles."

"You should try explaining that to the Veres family. I heard they lost several villages due to ogres rampaging. To think, ogres can so brazenly cross the front line, unchallenged."

"Well I'm sure Galvin here is perfect for the job of protecting the border. Once he enters the knighthood, I'll just toss the responsibility to him. It'll keep him nice and busy."

Galvin smirked, sensing his brother's sarcasm. "Holding back the savages and two-legged beasts? Why, I'm sure I can come up with some ideas. It's nice that my talent is finally being recognized."

"Well, you've been overlooked for too long, Brother. Soon, everyone will know exactly what you're made of. Now then, if you'll both excuse me, I should find Seraph."

Lupin spotted Seraph nearby, examining the skeleton, and approached. "Galvin is the same as ever, I see. Hopefully, he's simply drunk, and this isn't how he always acts."

"Yes, well, we can't all be the favorite son, can we? You receive Father's love from a distance while we receive his disdain up close."

"Have you ever considered that maybe it's your choices and behavior that cause that?"

"Really? Then I must have done some truly terrible things as a baby that he has yet to forgive, because all I remember is him heaping praise on you and treating me as a stranger."

"Perhaps it was something like the stunt you pulled with Lady Zodiac." Seraph shot him a dirty look. "That's right, I know. When are you going to grow up and take responsibility for your actions?"

"My actions? You haven't even begun to see my actions yet. All this nonsense about aristocracy and the crown, I'll leave you and Galvin to fight over them. But me? I'll be remembered forever as the greatest warrior who ever lived. Names and titles are forgotten and distorted, but power is inarguable. Look at this monster. Historians will argue over who gets the credit for this kill; you or the legions of weaklings biting it like ants, and your names will just be words in a neglected book on a dusty shelf. But soon, it will be my turn to join the battlefield, and when one of these beasts appears, I'll end its life in a single blow. No one will ever forget that. No one will be able to deny who I am and what I did."

"As great as your power is, it will never reach its full potential if your mind is clouded by anger and selfish endeavors."

"And what would you know about it? Nothing! God has chosen me for a greater destiny than the throne of a fledgling country." Seraph then turned around and stormed off without saying another word, leaving Lupin with yet another pit of dread in his stomach.

Hours later, after the party had ended, the king was in his chambers, looking over some final documents before retiring for the evening. It seemed like all he did anymore was paperwork. The stresses of running the country and expanding its borders had aged him harshly, and his sedentary lifestyle had robbed him of the warrior physique he had once trained so hard for. Shaking him from his thoughts, there was a knock at the door from one of his guards.

"Your Highness, Prince Lupin is here to see you."

"Send him in."

The door opened, and Lupin stepped in. "Father," he said.

"Lupin, what brings you here at this hour? I'd offer you a nightcap, but I feel we've both had enough to drink tonight. That was a splendid party, truly fitting of your accomplishments. I couldn't be prouder."

"I am glad to hear it. However, it was a victory we were sorely in need of. Despite my best efforts, it feels like we're losing as much land as we take. We'll conquer areas with little resistance. Then, as soon as my forces leave, beastmen warriors and guerilla armies rise up and overthrow any Utheric leadership. Everyone leading the front lines is facing the same problem. They avoid our armies like the plague and then attack where we are weakest. I fear that the true battle for Welindar is just starting, and holding it may be more difficult than taking it."

"Don't let fear rob you of a well-earned celebration. You can do nothing about it now, so all you'll accomplish is worrying yourself sick. When you are king, you'll learn to cherish the peaceful times."

"Not if Ziradith has her way. None of her allied lords have yet to suffer attacks from the barbarians. And there is something I must tell you, something I couldn't risk any of the guests hearing."

Seeing his son's worried expression, the king felt the evening fatigue leave him. "Not too serious, I hope."

"The prophecy that Sir Tarnas made when he first came here, I fear it may be coming true."

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japassoujapassou7 months ago

You pack a lot into each chapter! The flamboyant way Daniel is dressed reminds me of Dandelion in The Witcher series -- and he & Geralt mirror Daniel & Noah in some ways. Good complements. Speaking of, the plot development here actually reminds me of the Witcher book "Season of Storms", where the antagonist used taboo magic practices to create monsters, along the lines of Noah's theory here.

Love the piece "Leyenda" by Isaac Albeniz! If I ever learn how to play guitar, that's one song I'd like to build up to learning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So good what a Read!

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

Look on his Bio page for the links .

sug52sug52over 2 years ago

Great story with a lot of potential!

I joined patreon yesterday (your link in the comment of the last chapter of book 2) and I hope you find time to write.

I was wondering what the academy looks like? Is it a Hogwarts style castle or a building like the pentagon?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’m also looking for your patreon account. It’s been a fantastic read.

prsstaridprsstaridover 2 years ago

Back in chapter 1 of book 3 you thanked your patreon followers. I have been looking for your site but I have not been able to find it by your story names (both the old and new ones), nor the author name you use on lit. Can you post on how to find you there if we are wanting to support you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic. This is absolutely one of the best series on this site. Only a handful can match it, and some of those are abandoned in an unfinished state like Path of the Necromancer.

I also love your release schedule. Some authors release gradually with a month between chapters. You've clearly written the vast bulk of each chapter ahead of time as you release twice a week, with most of a year inbetween books. I assume you have this book written and are only doing relatively minor proofreading

and editing between posting. Seems to be the smart way of doing things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Breadcrumbs and foreshadowing. Looks like the next 2-3 chapters will be good. Stay tuned in. 👌🏾

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Woohoo new chapter! This has hooked my interest and got me checking for a new chapter every day, I truly commend your world building abilities.



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