The Jade Princess of Darkness


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"No porn," she said. "I drew the line at smoking."

Mia understood that her mother was only thinking of her best interest, but... "Mom, shouldn't it be up to me to decide that? I am 18 now which is the legal age to act in a porn film."

Suzi looked at her softly.She's certainly done her homework. But when did my baby become a woman? It happened so fast I hardly noticed. "Yes, of course it is," she said apologetically. "But I don't want you to jump into this life with any false expectations. Those in the porn industry don't live in the 'fast lane.' It's more like the NASCAR lane. I watched too many friends and colleagues lose their health, their youth, and for some, even their lives. I know now how lucky I was to get out in my mid-20s."

"But now you're going back," Mia said, bringing the cigarette up to her lips for a puff.

"Yes, older and wiser now, too. The excitement in this industry isn't just making the film; it's in the constant partying every night. The clubbing, the alcohol...the drugs; I'm too old for that life now, and I want to make sure that you aren't sucked into it either; because while it looks exciting on the outside, over time it will leave you as an empty shell."

Mia reached across the table and grasped her mother's hand. "Then it's a good thing you'll be there by my side to help guide me." She watched her mother smile and was struck with an inexplicable desire to insert her tongue into her mouth. She even felt herself moving towards her face before she caught herself.What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Well," Suzi said standing up from the table, "I need a shower. You should take one, too."

She walked into the bathroom but then stuck her head out the door. "Oh, I'm working a graveyard shift tonight at the Fremont, so if you and Ethan want the place..."

A big grin appeared on Mia's face as she stubbed her cigarette out and went back to the couch, picking up her phone from the coffee table.

"Miss you," she texted to Ethan. She waited for a reply, but there was none. She thought about lighting a cigarette, but her chest was beginning to ache from so much smoke. She continued to wait, but no response was forthcoming. Just as she was about to type another text to him, she heard the familiar chirp of her phone.

-- When can I see you today?

Mia breathed a sigh of relief when he finally responded.

Got a photo shoot today at(del)(del)(del)(del)(del)

Got something to do with my Mom this afternoon. How about tonight at my place, 6 pm?

-- Can't wait. Love you.

Heart emoji.

Mia got herself fully comfortable on the couch and decided to light a cigarette after all. She brought the 120 up to the center of her lips, lit the tip, and took a slow puff. When she exhaled a long stream, she imagined the smoke was green. Where did those emotions in her dream come from? Thinking about her Mom in a sexual way was disturbing...and yet so erotically exciting at the same time. She wondered if she should tell Ethan. She was learning more and more about his dark desires, but incest? That might be too much.

Mia then heard the doorbell ring.

"Get the door, will you?" Suzi shouted from the bathroom as she waited for the water to heat up.

Mia placed her cigarette in the ashtray and walked to the entrance of her apartment. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Emiko standing there. "What are you doing here?" she asked in an irked tone as she walked back to the couch.

"Glad to see you, too," Emiko replied in a sassy tone as she followed her best friend into the living room.

"I'm mad at you," Mia said as she sat on the couch, picked up the cigarette from the ashtray, and took a determined puff which she inhaled and exhaled in one fluid movement. "Why didn't you tell me that Ethan was a smoker?" she asked in an exasperated tone. She took another puff, opened her mouth wide, and snapped back a white wall of smoke. "But I'm also grateful," she said with smoke pouring out of a smile. "Because last night was incredible."

Emiko had already reached into her purse and pulled out a VS-120 pack. "Hence the smell of smoky sex in this apartment," she said wryly.

"He showed me what he's really like."

"Pretty dark fantasies, huh?"

Mia nodded her head in agreement as she took a puff on the long cigarette, turning the tip a bright orange. She reached over to the ashtray and gave the 120 a tap as she hissed an exhale. "He totally got turned on when I told him my Mom used to be a porn star."

"Well," Emiko said after shooting a smoky blast out of her mouth, "what teenage boy wouldn't get turned on by that?!"

"I guess," Mia said as she was about to take a puff and then paused. "Wait. Why do I get the feeling you already knew about my Mom?"

Emiko sighed. She had debated with herself whether to come over at all. She was friends with both Ethan and Mia. Both trusted her, but only Mia was herbest friend. "How much did Ethan share with you last night about his private life?"

"Why do I now get the feeling you're going to tell me something I may not want to know?"

Emiko had already downloaded last night's Masked Masturbation episode onto her phone. "I think there's something you need to watch," she said reluctantly as she handed it to Mia.


The teenager watched the video silently, her insides as turbulent as a tornado. Was this the boy she had been dating for the last two months? How could she love someone and yet know so little about that person? Only now did she realize the depth of his dark desires. As she watched Ethan reveal the face behind the mask, she handed the phone back to her best friend without a word.

"You okay?" Emiko said sympathetically as she rubbed Mia's shoulder.

"I thought I knew him," she said in a quivering voice as she reached for her pack of Virginia Slims and pulled out a fresh 120, but her hand was shaking too badly to hold the lighter steady. Emiko took the lighter in her hand, lit her own cigarette first and then offered the flame to Mia who puffed as hard as she could, sparking an additional small flame from the tip of her Virginia Slims. She inhaled deeply and held the smoke inside her lungs.

"So what are you going to do?" Emiko asked gently after exhaling a long cone of smoke above her friend's head.

Mia knew what she wanted to do: she desperatelywanted to masturbate. NOW. This very minute, if she could. What she had just watched was the most erotically thrilling clip she could imagine;and it was of her boyfriend. She couldn't wait to see him again. But first she had her photo shoot that afternoon; and she wasn't going to let that opportunity go to waste.

"Is the 'Smoking Slut' ready for her big moment in the limelight?" she asked.

Emiko took a soft puff with a raised eyebrow and French inhaled two white columns up through her nostrils. "Tell me more," she said with a mischievous grin.


Suzi was at first concerned that her daughter wanted to bring her best friend with her to the photo shoot. "You sure you want people to know you're getting into this business?"

"Mom," Mia said, "when Charlie posts those photos of me online, everyone at Palo Verde High School is going to know. Social media thrives on porn."

Suzi was not surprised to hear this. From the moment her parents got Internet connection, she was masturbating to the images she saw online.

"Besides," Mia added, "I think Emiko really wants to get into the business. Who knows? Maybe one day she'll play your smoking daughter?"


The home in Henderson was a spacious 5 bedroom McMansion which Herb said he had "bought for a song" during the Great Recession when homes in the Las Vegas Valley were foreclosing left and right. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, it was used as a filming location for low budget porn videos during busy periods when the studio sound stages were already booked. Each of the rooms in the house were equipped with built in digital video cameras that could be manned from a control panel set up in the downstairs living room. When Charlie met the three women at the front door, he had an unlit Winston in the corner of his mouth and led them into the garage where a still-photo studio and a small dressing room had been installed.

"How long you gonna be, Charlie?" Suzi asked looking at her watch.

"Oh, two to three hours at least."

"I'm gonna go get some lunch with Herb," she said to Mia, "so I'll catch you later at the video shoot." Suzi gave her daughter a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to leave. "Have fun!" she added as if she were speaking to a little girl in a toy store.

Charlie had already picked out a number of dresses and uniforms that Mia perused on a clothes rack. The teenager pulled out an aqua blue stewardess uniform circa 1960s, complete with mini skirt and a Jackie Kennedy pillbox hat.

"Ethan would love to see you in that," Emiko chuckled as she lit a cigarette crossed-legged while sitting on a chair.

"Hmmm," Mia smirked as she put it back on the rack. She then was shocked to notice an armband Swastika on a black sleeve. She reached for it and pulled out a black German SS uniform, complete with long leather boots. "Um, Charlie...what the hell is this?"

"Oh, that's for our Asian continental shoots. 'Very popular in Japan and Korea. It seems the more patriarchal the society, the more the men fantasize about being dominated by their women."

Mia gave both Charlie and Emiko a mischievous grin before running off to the dressing room with the black uniform and its accessories. Ten minutes later, the Japanese American came out of the little room, walking very slowly and confidently, dressed as a Nazi officer. She had a serious, almost cruel expression on her face, and she held a freshly lit 120 between her fingers. Both Charlie and Emiko looked at her in awe.

She turned towards a wall mirror to look at herself. If any of her Jewish friends at Palo Verde High School saw her in this, they would never forgive her. And yet all she could think about was how absolutely incredible she looked in a uniform. "This is fucking turning me on!" Mia shouted.


Over the next three hours, Mia posed in a number of different uniforms, gowns, and lingerie for the camera. Charlie took a few shots of her holding an all-white 100, but they both agreed that her height and long, thin fingers were a perfect fit for a 120 cigarette. That day, Mia tried a number of brands such as Misty, More and Capri; even a few that were no longer on the market but which Charlie kept in storage, such as 164s which Mia couldn't smoke without laughing at the ridiculous length. She also found the cork-tip of a Saratoga 120 alluring and believed she might well have chosen that brand if it were still available. In in the end, she decided to stay wedded to Virginia Slims 120's.

"I think that about does it," Charlie said after two hours had passed. "I've got plenty here that will impress Herb."

"Hold on, I want just one more," Mia said as she grabbed her purse and dashed off to the dressing room.

"What's she up to?" Charlie asked Emiko, but even Mia's best friend was in the dark.

When Mia came back into the room, she was wearing a dark jade green silk kimono robe with cherry blossoms which she had grabbed out of her mother's closet.

"Whoa," Charlie said, immediately picking up his camera and clicking away.

Mia sat down on the chair in front of a white background and lit a cigarette freehanded. She imagined the tip of the 120 was the color of jade and the smoke she was exhaling was green. She was the Jade Princess now, transformed by the power emanating from her mother's pussy in her dream. She had become an expert at snap and ghost inhales. She easily French inhaled column after white column of smoke up into her nostrils. Creamy cones had become her specialty, and smoke rings were as easy as snaps. She noticed several times that Charlie had to adjust the dick in his pants, and she imagined all the men who would one day be hypnotized by her beauty as they stared at their computer screens masturbating. They would pine for her; stand in line to fuck her if they could. She would be the one in control; they would all obey.

"Okay," Charlie said with a heavy breath. He reached into his pocket for his Zippo and lit the Winston. "If you're ready to move on, Princess, we should head inside for the video shoot."

"Actually, Charlie," Mia said as she headed over to the clothes rack, "I was hoping that Emiko would be able to join me for that session." She pulled out a school girl's uniform as a cigarette dangled from her lips. "Do you have this in her size, too?"

Charlie gave a lustful smile. "I think we do."


Charlie led the two girls into the house where Suzi and Herb were enjoying a cigarette at the kitchen table.

"Who's this?" Herb said with a smile as he stood up.

"This is Emiko," Mia said proudly. "She's interested in breaking into the industry."

"Ah," Herb said flirtatiously as he shook her hand, "well, you certainly have the beauty for it, my dear."

Emiko smiled. She wasn't easily charmed, but there was a magic about Herb who could put even the most skeptical of people at ease.

"This way, girls," Charlie said as he guided them down a hallway towards a bathroom. "Now this is a 'smoke and mirrors' shot. It's very simple. Just keep staring at yourself into the mirror as you perform a variety of inhales and exhales."

"I can do that," Mia replied.

"Well, though simple, it's also really important. You've proven you can do still photos. Now this is your audition into video. Herb wants to see your style and comfort level. Normally this is a solo act, but since there's two of you, he'll also want to see some interaction. Just adlib something. None of this goes to print; it's just a screen test."

Charlie proceeded to show how the room was set up for filming. "We have four digital cameras embedded in here. One in the ceiling," he said pointing up; "another behind you in the corner to catch your reflection; and one here in the other corner for a frontal shot."

"Where is the fourth?" Mia asked, though she had a pretty good idea already where it might be hidden since the cabinet doors to the sink were missing.

"Oh, it's under the sink, but you won't need that. This is just a smoking screen test."

Mia, in fact,did need that fourth camera. "Charlie," she said seductively, "I want to make a really good first impression." She moved her hand so covertly that he didn't realize her long fingers were stroking the back of his neck until jolts of energy began pulsating through his body. "Would you please turn on that fourth camera for me?"

Charlie began sucking on the unlit Winston in his mouth. "I don't know, Mia. I could lose my job. After all, your Mom is gonna be watching this out in the living room."

"I promise," she said bringing out her lighter and flicking it, "you won't get fired. In fact," she lit the tip of his cigarette, "I think Herb will be very impressed when he sees what the Jade Princess has in mind."

Charlie puffed hard, opened his lips a crack and inhaled with a snap. Within seconds, smoke was pouring out of his nostrils as he found himself nodding his head in agreement. "Now remember," he said with a quiver in his voice, "the viewer can't hear your thoughts, so you have to say out loud whatever your character is thinking. Make it sound as seductive as possible. The average viewer of your video is gonna be a white male, 18-65, jerking off as he watches you smoke. Play into his desires. This isn't a smoking documentary you're making; it's an erotic fantasy brought to life. It's okay to go over the top."

"Got it," Mia answered with an irresistible smile. "And thanks, Charlie, for everything."

"I just hope it doesn't get me fired," he said with a grimace, and then turned and walked back into the living room.

In truth, Mia didn't need the advice. She already knew exactly how she was going to play this. Once Charlie had gone, she turned to her best friend out in the hallway. "Do you trust me?" she asked as she took Emiko's hand in hers.

Emiko looked at Mia for several seconds. "Completely," she replied with a serious expression on her face.

"Give me your panties."

Emiko's mouth slowly formed into a Cheshire grin. She nodded her head, as if she could read Mia's mind and knew what she had planned, or at least a general idea. Whatever it was, she was certain it was going to feel really good.

"Come in after five minutes," Mia said. She then opened the bathroom door and walked in, closing the door behind her. She sat down on one of two chairs and looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled out a cigarette from her pack and held the 120 aloft. She knew she looked good - and she hadn't even lit it yet. She slipped it back into the pack.Let's do this. "Ready," she said into the microphone hanging above her out of camera range.

In the living room, Suzi and Herb sat on a couch watching the TV screen which Charlie had linked to his computer. The screen was divided into four panels, only three of which were currently showing a live feed (the fourth one being black). Charlie sat nearby with his computer in his lap typing away.

"The angles look good," Herb said after lighting Suzi's Virginia Slims. "We've got her from the front, the top and the back."

Charlie paused his typing, contemplating whether to activate the fourth camera under the sink that Mia had pleaded for. If it were any other shoot, he wouldn't think twice; but this was Suzi's kid. What was she going to say? Would she flip out? Would Herb fire him for acceding to Mia's demand? Charlie wiped his hand over his face.Only one way to find out. He pressed Enter on his keyboard, and immediately the fourth panel on the television set lit up, revealing a close-up of a dark patch of bushy hair between Mia's legs.

"Holy Mother of..." Herb muttered. "Charlie! Why the hell do I see a pussy on this screen?" he shouted. "Oh," he immediately said turning to his companion on the couch, "I'm sorry Suzi. I should have put that more delicately." Then he turned to Charlie and hollered, "Turn that camera off!"

"Mia wants it on!" the cameraman responded defiantly.

"What?" Herb asked in surprise.

"She specifically asked that the camera under the sink be activated. She was very insistent."

Herb rubbed his chin. Of course, he loved seeing that pussy on the screen. He was already dreaming of the dollars Mia could generate as a porn actress rather than just a smoking model. But the decision was not up to him. "It's your call, Suze," Herb said softly. "And itis just a screen test."

Suzi had been sitting silently as she watched the screen, holding her freshly lit 120 horizontally just outside of her mouth, and bringing it to her lips very every few seconds for a slow puff which she French inhaled. "Let's see where she goes with this," she said quietly.

"Okay," Herb responded with some trepidation, "here we go. Give her the green light, Charlie."

In the bathroom, Mia heard Charlie call out from the living room, "ACTION!"

"I know I shouldn't do this," Mia said out loud as she looked longingly at the pack of Virginia Slims 120's and then put her hand on it. "But I've always wanted to try it." She delicately pulled a cigarette out. "What does it feel like to smoke?" She held the cigarette aloft as she gazed into the mirror. "Will I find it disgusting?" She brought it to her lips and took a puff, then pretended to exhale. "Or will I want to bow down to obey it," she added in a hypnotic tone, "just like my Mom?" She slowly put the cigarette between her lips and flicked her lighter, tilting her head slightly downward. The flame immediately turned the tip a bright orange as she puffed hard. She removed the cigarette from her lips, opened her mouth wide to watch the smoke floating in the reflection of her mouth, and snapped the wall of smoke back deep into her lungs. She closed her eyes and moved her body upwards, as if the smoke was now in control and she just its puppet. "Oh my God," she said with her eyes still closed as smoke cascaded down through her nostrils and out between her lips. She then opened her eyes and said to her reflection, "That feels so good."
