The Jade Princess of Darkness


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"Tell me," Ethan said with an intense interest.

"It's like there was this powerful green light emanating from between her legs, and when I looked into it, I just felt transformed by it somehow." She brought the 120 up to the center of her lips, thinking about the green tip of the cigarette in her dream. "After that, I had this uncontrollable urge to have sex with her. And, well," she added with a chuckle, "in the dream, I did." She began another puff

"Mia," Ethan said in a very serious tone, "I have sex with my Mom."

Mia stopped puffing and pulled the cigarette out from her lips, smoke pouring out as she did so.Is he mocking me? "I don't understand," she said, hoping it was a bad joke.

"I have sex with my Mom," he repeated again.

Mia slowly pulled herself up and looked into his eyes.This is no joke. "You mean, she sexually molests you?"

"No, no," he said with the slow wag of his head, "it's completely consensual."

Mia furrowed her brow. "I don't understand. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I went into the cave long ago, my love. And what awaits you is pure, unadulterated bliss."

Mia felt like she had just gotten off the Tea Cups at Disneyland: confused, disoriented; unable to even stand up straight.He fucks his mother! Her mind was racing from one question to the next.How can he be so calm about this? How long has it been going on? Did he fuck her this afternoon before fucking me this evening? But the most important question she asked herself was,Why am I not disgusted by this?

"Do you love her?"

"Well of course I love her. She's my mom. But the love that a son - or a daughter - has for a mother is obviously different than the love you and I share for each other."

"I don't understand," she said a third time, and with a shaky hand she reached over to the ashtray and stubbed out her cigarette. She immediately picked up her pack to light another one.

"I think you do," Ethan said calmly. "Because if you didn't, by now you would have told me in disgust to get the hell out of here."

Mia knew this to be true.But incest! My God! She understood now the depth of his dark desires: it was an abyss.

"Come here," Ethan said, coaxing her to once again lay back against his chest. "Let me guide you through this. Tell me about your dream."

Mia thought once again about the images playing like a loop in her brain. "There was a gem between her legs; a jade gemstone that was shimmering and pulsating."

Ethan was slowly moving his hands up and down her arms, caressing her skin.

"It tasted like mentholated smoke," she said, quickly bringing the cigarette up to her lips to relive that sensation from her dream.

"Go on," Ethan said quietly as his hands moved to her breasts which he gently squeezed and caressed.

"I felt its power, a coldness filling my body." She smiled. "I was even blowing green smoke," she said, feeling a sense of excitement rising within her as she inhaled another puff and blew a creamy stream. "Then I started crawling up her body. No, more like slithering, like I was serpent. I bathed her breasts in creamy green smoke before moving up to her face, and..." She gasped as Ethan's fingers had now been inserted into her pussy. "I couldn't stop kissing her. I just wanted so badly to fuck her. Back and forth we blew smoke into each other's lungs." She was panting now. "Until...until...oh, Mom!" she whimpered in a high pitch voice as her body began convulsing in orgasmic delight."Just like that! Oh, Ethan, it was just like that," she said panting, "it was so beautiful. So wicked. Sooooo...pleasurable." Ethan had now removed his fingers and began caressing the pubic hair between her legs.

"And what did you do this morning when you saw her," he asked, "after you woke up?"

With her eyes closed and still quivering from the powerful orgasm she had just experienced, she told Ethan the answer to his question. "I wanted to kiss her."

Ethan moved his face to the side of her head and whispered into her ear, "Welcome to the darkness."


Mia sat in her American Government class staring into a blank blue book. She realized now that she should have listened more closely to Mr. O'Brien's last lecture on the judiciary since her Final Exam essay question was indeed on judicial review. She had no idea what to write, nor could she focus her attention long enough even for a mercy points answer. All she could think about was entering the darkness.

Rather than any studying for her final exams the coming week, Mia and Ethan had spent the night sinking further and further into the abyss of his - and now her - dark fantasies. Her butt still ached from letting him shoot his jizz up her ass.But God, she thought to herself,what a thrill anal sex is. She understood now why it was at one time banned in more than a few states. The jolts it sent through her body, eventually exiting like lightening out of her pussy through a massive orgasm, was terribly addictive. She couldn't wait to try it again. How much deeper would she sink into the abyss? How much further into the darkness of that cave?

Sexual thoughts of her Mom also continued to distract her. As Ethan explained in greater detail the sexual relationship he had with his mother, and the tremendous pleasure they give each other on a regular basis, free of any risk of disease or pregnancy, she was envious. She wondered if she could ever have that kind of relationship with her Mom.

Mia looked back down at the blank pages and realized that she had subconsciously doodled what appeared to be a jade gemstone. "Fuck it," she whispered as she closed the blue book, picked up her backpack, and headed to the front of the room.

"Mr. O'Brien," she said handing him her exam book, "I've determined that my choice of career in no way requires that I be familiar with the concept of judicial review."

Taken aback, Mr. O'Brien asked her as she turned to leave, "And what career choice is that, young lady?"

Mia stopped at the door and remembered what Emiko had said to her the week before. She turned her head towards Mr. O'Brien. "Adult film." She then walked out of the classroom.

Well, that's that, Mia said to herself as she lit a cigarette freehanded once outside the school grounds. It was 11 am, and she only had one exam scheduled for the day. Technically there was still another four and a half hours of the school day to go which she would spend in Study Hall, but as far as she was concerned, she was out for the summer. She took the week off from Starbucks to focus on studying, but what was the point of taking any more exams this week? Even if she could pass them - which was a big "if" considering she had done no preparation over the previous weekend - what did she need a diploma for anyway? Her path was laid out...and it led right to Shapiro Studios. She pulled out her cell phone, knowing that her Mom would be home by now from her graveyard shift at the Fremont.

"Mom, can you pick me up at school?"


"No, honey, I won't allow you to make the same mistake I did," Suzi said insistently as she drove down Charleston Boulevard towards the Strip. "Youhave to finish school."

"What do I need school for anyway," Mia griped as she pulled her VS120's pack out of her purse. "I'm going to be famous!"

"And then what happens when you're so used up in your early thirties that not even Herb will hire you? Honey, I got out with both my sanityand youth intact. For most who start at your age, they are as spent as the cigarette butts in that ashtray by the time their 35. No college degree. Too often no high school diploma. Few options left when they are past their peek except prostitution. Youmust finish school."

Mia didn't argue. Of course, she knew that her mother was right, and that really pissed her off. Her research had shown her the toll the porn industry takes on participants. Some of the stories she read online were both heartbreaking and terrifying.

"Can you still pass if you get a zero on this Government exam?"

"Yeah," Mia replied staring out the passenger window at the mini-malls and car dealerships speeding by, "just barely." She brought the 120 horizontally up to the side of her mouth and took a full puff. "I just want to get it over with," she said finally with a smoky whine.

"And in four days you will." Suzi rubbed her daughter's arm sympathetically. "It's just four days."

Mia felt a tingle when her mother touched her. Keeping the darkness at bay was not easy as she felt it closing in all around here now at all times. "Where are we going by the way?"

"I don't have time to take you home as I'm already late for my shoot today."

"You have another photo shoot?" Mia asked with excitement.

"Not just a photo shoot. I'm in a film."

"Oh my God, Mom, am I going to be able to watch you?"

"You sure you want to watch your Mom have sex?" she asked with a chuckle.

I'm getting wet just thinking about it, Mia thought to herself.


Shapiro Studios was a several acre lot wedged between Sammy Davis, Jr. Drive and Highway 15 near the North end of the Strip. Suzi had fond memories of what went on in its sound stages twenty-five years ago when she was new to the industry. Tourists to the New Frontier and the Stardust hotels had no idea of the hot and heavy action going on behind the chain-link fence across the street. But while those hotels were now long gone, replaced by megaresorts and shiny towers, Shapiro Studios remained because Herb kept making money.

Charlie met the two women near the front entrance after they had parked, kissing them both on the cheek. "Let's get you over to make-up, Suzi," he said, leading them to a one story building on the corner of the studio lot. A row of chairs in front of individual mirrors filled the room, and Suzi sat down in the middle seat and immediately lit a long cigarette to watch herself smoke as a make-up artist got her brushes in order.

Mia sat in a chair against the wall behind her mother, her thumbs moving rapidly across her cell phone as she texted with Ethan to explain why she wasn't there after school to meet him.

Am dying to see my Princess again.

-- Tonight, slave.


-- Mom works another graveyard shift. Come by at 10:30 pm.

What about school tomorrow?

-- Fuck school.

Where are you now?

-- Shapiro Studios, the Heart of Darkness itself.

Black Heart emoji.


Mia lifted her head and saw her mother's reflection staring straight at her with a smirk on her lips as she held aloft her 120.

"Shouldn't you be studying?"

The teenager rolled her eyes as she pulled out her school IPad and began reviewing her notes. As she did so, she was growing more confident that she might be able to graduate after all. Though she obviously bombed her American Government test, it was only 10% of the grade, and she currently had a B+ in the class. Creative Writing would be a snap (probably her only A), along with Film Studies. Certainly she could eke out a C in her math and science classes if she didn't blow off those finals, so she began reviewing the material for Algebra and Biology first.

An hour later, Herb walked into the make-up room and came up behind Suzi's chair. "How does it feel to be back?" he asked, staring at her reflection in the mirror with his hands on her shoulders.

"Like I never left," she said in a whimsical tone.

"Then you'll remember this," he said reaching into his pocket and handing her a long jewelry box.

Suzi looked up at him with an expectant smile. When she opened the box, she nearly swooned. "Oh, Herb, you've kept it all these years!"

"In the hopes that the Jade Empress would one day regain the throne," he said, gently pulling out from the box a necklace which contained a one and a half inch jade gemstone at its center. Mia's heart nearly stopped when she saw it.

"Isn't it beautiful Mia?" Suzi said into the mirror.

The teenager could only respond with the nod of her head.

"Your mother," Herb said as he placed the necklace around her neck, "wore this for every shoot."

"It was sort of an Easter egg for viewers in the know, that no matter what title character I played in a film, the Jade Empress was always present." Suzi gazed at herself in the mirror as she gently touched the gemstone with her fingers, thinking about the good...and bad...times associated with it. "It's as beautiful as I remember it."

"And now it's yours," Herb said with a smile, "to be passed on perhaps one day to the next generation," he added as he looked at Mia. "When you're done with your final exams, give me a call next week. We need to talk about your future with Shapiro Studios."

After Herb left, Mia got up from her chair and walked slowly towards her Mom. Her insides were aflutter; her nipples tight, and her pussy just a bit moist. She knew there really wasn't any power emanating from that jade gemstone.So why am I so drawn to it?

Her mother lit a fresh cigarette and held the 120 at an angle to the side of her face as she continued to gaze into the mirror. Mia, standing right next to her, wanted to stick her fingers into her own pussy and watch herself masturbate.

"Ready for wardrobe, Suzi?" Charlie asked when he popped his head into the room.

Suzi opened her mouth after a lengthy puff to reveal a thick ball of smoke which she let float between her wide-open lips. She then watched herself snap it all back and fill her lungs with a wonderful tingling sensation. She exhaled a creamy stream towards her reflection which bounced off of the mirror. "Ready," she said.


Mia watched her mother work with the wardrobe assistant to pick out just the right outfit. She knew she was playing a middle-aged mother in the upcoming scene, and so she wanted to help her Mom choose something stylish rather than "Soccer Mommish." Ultimately, Suzi came out of the dressing room wearing a tan turtleneck cashmere sweater and black slacks.

"How do I look?" she asked her daughter.

"Like the best dressed mom in the Las Vegas Valley."

Over the next few hours, Suzi kept busy with still photo-shots; some video promos to reach out to both old and new fans, including an online interview; and even some down time when she and her daughter got a bite to eat in the cafeteria. By 6:30 pm, they finally headed over to the soundstage for the film-shoot.

Mia was shocked at how many people there were on the sound stage for what she imagined would be a simple sex scene. There were grips working the lights and microphones. There were make-up artists. There were aides shuffling around from here to there. And of course there was Herb, standing off to the side with his arms folded, seemingly in charge of it all without saying a word. Mia turned to look at her Mom who had a wide smile on her face.

Suzi hummed with a satisfied sigh. "It's good to be back." Noticing the expression of wonderment on her daughter's face, she said, "You better remain here out of the way."

Mia nodded silently.

As Suzi walked towards the set of a one bedroom apartment sparsely furnished with just a few chairs and a mattress on the floor, she saw the back of a tall man with salt and pepper hair waiting patiently as a make-up artist touched up his face. Immediately her heart started beating faster. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, "Brian Koga!"

Immediately the man spun around, revealing a handsome Japanese American in his mid-40s. "Hey Suze," the man said as he walked towards her with his arms open. He gave her a warm hug. "It's been too long."

"So you're still in the business?"

"Yup," the 45 year old said before adding with a laugh, "Thank you Viagra! But what areyou doing here? I couldn't believe it when Herb told me you were getting back into the game."

"Oh, just a few films, I think. A little extra money for retirement."

"Now, now, you are too young and beautiful for that kind of talk."

Suzi gave him a warm smile and put her hand on his cheek. "Still the charmer."


Standing with the film crew off to the side of the set, it was impossible for Mia not to notice how happy her mother looked as she conversed with this Asian stranger.Could that be my Dad? Mia watched her Mom pull a long 120 out of her pack and casually insert it between her lips. Brian was quick to offer her a flame from a lighter he dug out of his pocket, and Suzi elegantly lit the cigarette as she held it at the base with the tips of two of her fingers. She slightly angled her head upwards and slowly blew a creamy white stream which shimmered under the bright lights of the sound stage. Mia was simply in awe of her mother's style as she held the Virginia Slims at an upward angle just a few inches from her cheek, bringing it to her lips for a slow puff every 30 seconds.

"Your Mom is one classy smoker," Charlie, an unlit Winston in the side of his mouth, said softly to Mia.

"Mmm-hmmm," the teenager hummed with a nod. She was taking mental notes of her mother's ability to ooze sexuality with the most gentle of puffs. Mia reached into her purse and pulled out her own pack of VS120's.


"How's Mia?" Brian asked.

"All grown," she said pointing to the 18 year old who was standing next to Charlie as she held a long cigarette horizontally at her hip.

Brian's eyes widened. "Holy Christ, she's gorgeous! Is she in the business now?"

"Well, we'll see," Suzi responded noncommittally.

An incredibly thin and young looking Asian female then walked over to both Suzi and Brian.

"Hiya," the woman said in a Valley Girl accent as she held out her hand, "I'm Lucy. I'll be playing your daughter in this scene."

Suzi was immediately annoyed by the loud chewing this girl made with a wad of gum in her mouth. She also couldn't hide her surprise at how young she looked. "Um, you don't mind if I ask whether you're legal?"

"It's okay," the woman replied with a snap of her gum, "I get that question a lot."

Suzi waited a moment for a response that was not forthcoming. "And?" she finally asked.

"I'm 22," the girl said with another snap. She reached into her purse and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Lights. "So, like, I heard you used to be, like, a big star." She put the cigarette between her lips and held it there as she looked at Brian expectantly.

"Oh," Brian said with some embarrassment, "here you go," and he offered her a flame. Then he added, "The Jade Empress was in high demand back in the day. Why, she and Sandra Dee..."

"Jade Empress!" Lucy exclaimed in a sneer, interrupting Brian. She chewed loudly for several seconds as she just stared blankly at Suzi. "That's kinda cool actually..." she said finally.

"So," Charlie said passing out a booklet that Suzi recognized was a script, "shall we get started? Let's open up to page...."

"Charlie," Suzi said politely but firmly, "I don't use a script."

"Excuse me?" Charlie replied with a look of confusion on his face.

"I don't use a script. Just tell me what the scene is about, and Brian and I will take care of the rest."

"Oh," Charlie said, wondering how he should handle this situation.How will the actors know what to do or say without a script? "Well, okay," he said looking over at Herb who stood Sphinx-like with his arms crossed, "we can try that."

"Hold on," the gum snapper said, "there's no way I can work without a script. Like, how am I supposed to know when I'm supposed to fake an orgasm without ascript?"

Suzi and Brian both looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "It's called improvisation," Brian said mockingly, but Lucy was having none of it.
