The Journal of a Connecticut Yankee Ch. 06


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"That is impossible! No one is immune to magic." He stated as he grabbed a hold of my arm and hoisted me up from the hole.

"Yeah, just like it's impossible to have 5 of you guys runnin around but hey, my happy ass had to accept that one."

We walked back to the school and sat on its stairs as another alarm rang through the city.

"That is the all clear. The Order invasion has been neutralized." He said to me.

"Hip hip horay." I sighed then held my palm up to him.

"Hey good job taking out those Harry Potter wannabes."

Secundus looked to my hand then back to me with an unsure smile.

"...Slap my hand, guy. It's called a high-five."

This one did it with more gusto then Tetra... whoever did.

"I am afraid my time out is coming to an end. I had wished to talk to you more but I am glad to have met and fought by your side." He said with a large smile.

"Same here," I said, returning his smile. Out of all the incarnations of Arawn I met, for some reason this guy was my favorite.

"Farewell, Donnie." He said as he faded away.

"Happy trails, partner." I whispered to the wind that gusted though.

I stayed sitting on the stairs as various Mamono and families exited the school. Some ignored me, others put it together that I was one of the city's defenders and hugged me tight. Had a few kisses on the cheek, a couple invites for a special 'thank you' in private. Guess the parapawhatever had its limits.

Eventually I was left alone again for a time then, from the horizon, came a lone figure. He stared at me for a moment, satisfied that I was unharmed, Arawn sat next to me.

"So... that just happened. Didn't know you had bros on demand."

"It appears that we both have unusual abilities, I was unaware that you were immune to the magics of this world." He smiled. "Yet mine ability is somewhat more byzantine than that." He replied mysteriously.

"Yeah, I bet it is." I sighed.

"I fear that this evening, despite its rather violent course, has to come to an end, Donnie. It is late and we should return to the Maou's castle." He said softly.

"No, fuck that, Arawn!" I said standing angrily, "We dealt with those Thug-Life Ogres and a whole god damn army of Order assholes, all trying to stop us from getting our drink on. Fate herself is cock-blocking us on this one and I say we give her the middle finger!"

He glanced down for a moment, shifting his eyes again. If I had to guess, he was probably talking to his clone not brother- brothers or whatever. Finally, he smiled up at me saying, "I do believe that you are correct. Let us defy destiny and celebrate this night in victory."


We walked through the doors of the nearest bar liked we owned the damn place. Arawn grabbed us a table while I ordered 2 large beers and an appetizer from the Satyros bartender. I wasn't quite sure what the hell I ordered for food because the writing was more flamboyant than usual but being as starved as I was, I really didn't care. I just pointed at a random thing in the appetizers section of the menu She gave me a wink and smile as I overpaid and took the mugs and a plate of something deep-fried from her

"I have a confession to make to you." He declared as I sat a mug in front of him. Taking my seat at the other side of the table, I cracked a smile.

"Well I'm sure as hell no priest, Arawn, but a couple Hail Mary's and an Our Father will forgive most sins... or so I've been told."

"... As a side admission, I must say out of the billions I have met throughout my time the Multiverse, you are the most heteroclite."

"Anyone ever tell you, you're a real sweet talker?" I asked before popping some food in my mouth and washing it down with good ol' Maki piss beer.

"I have yet to receive that compliment." He answered with a straight race before taking a trial taste of his own drink and a bite from the plate. He made a duck face as the taste hit him.

"That doesn't surprise me."

He gave me an annoyed look as he chewed. Then continued on,

"I was given specific orders for this evening to coerce you into giving up the key to the thermonuclear device in the Maous possession."

Well it was more like in MY possession that her happy ass took from me but I wasn't going to argue semantics with him.

"Et tu, Brute?" I said to him with a small smile, then I followed quickly as he got a confused look on his face, "I don't need to be a nuclear physicist to figure that one out, buddy. Ol' Maou ma wants that nuke key more than the Detroit Lions want an actual win on the board. It was pretty obvious when she "generously" decided to treat us out that she was up to her little spade tail in ulterior motives."

"Very astute and yes, I agree that her intentions were quite discernible. However after recent events and actions, I feel a certain amount of guilt for my intended conduct."

I shrugged, "Eh, don't worry about it, I'm not mad. It's not like I can call myself a saint or anything. Hell, I can't even say I'm a good guy anymore. I'm just some numbnut that tries to do the right thing and ends up fucking that up."

I snorted a laugh in thought and made a face at him, "Guess you can just call me a bad guy that hates the other bad guys... But what the Maou wants to do... the plans she has for Earth... That scares the shit out of me."

"May I inquire as to which of her proposals that has you concerned?"

"Her showin up on Earth and declaring "open season" for one. I'm pretty sure my government wouldn't exactly like that and with my luck her ass would start god damn World War 3." I said taking a larger gulp of the beer before continuing, "The other is that she would do the same as she's done here, forcing change on the Human race. Very soon there won't be such a thing as a Human on this world. I don't want the same to happen on Earth. I have to protect them... I... I have to protect everyone." I said quietly, looking into my drink and seeing my own dark reflection staring back at me.

"Fate has a way of forcing even the least of us, into burdensome choices that have ramifications for millions, sometimes billions of lives. Often those choices will either advance or delay the continuation of entire civilizations.

"I have had several millions of years of experience in Multiverse travels; it involved both high-tech and magical worlds, Donnie. One thing that stands out to me right now, is the fact that I was actually on Earth at a time when a particularly intelligent creature dared to step out from the woodlands into the Savannah in the search for food and it became the ancestor of humanity. The need for survival is paramount, and the only way to survive is to change. Evolution is change. Change from what one is now to what one will become from now." Arawn confided.

I badly wanted to ask him how he managed to find his way to the cradle of life on Earth so long ago but there were more pressing matters to discuss.

"Yes and that was natural change, a natural evolution, Arawn. You didn't have some Succubus banging a caveman into making the wheel." I retorted back.

Taking a moment, he seemed to gather his thoughts or maybe even was hashing out a reply with his not brothers. In a way I kinda thought it was bullshit that I had to debate this with like 5 people instead of 1. Finally he spoke,

"You said it yourself to the Maou, Humans do not share too well. But, they're incredibly motivated to do so if they can see an advantage for them."

"True, there was not a Succubus 'banging' a caveman to get them to change. What I am saying, is that by doing something out of the ordinary, by trying something new, humanity was born. What I did not mention, is that those proto-humans who chose to remain behind in the trees, went extinct."

"Let me ask you this: why exactly is doing something different...bad? How precisely, is allowing the Chief God to return to the past depredations supposed to be 'protecting everyone?"

"For you see In the past on this world, it has been not so much a 'balance' between the forces of the Chief God, or the Order as it otherwise is known, and the forces of the Great Maou, or the Mamono. Instead, it has been a near annihilation of one or the other. The Order would grow powerful enough to nearly destroy the Mamono, who then would go into hiding and gain strength. During that time, the Order would grow lax and fight each other until such time, as they have become decadent enough to become easy targets."

"Then, the Mamono would attack the Order and nearly drive them into near extinction, and then humans would go into hiding. After that, the forces of the Mamono would become decadent to become easy targets."

"Do you see where this is going? This Donnie, has been the cycle between Humans and Mamono for hundreds of thousands of years in this world."

"And it is completely natural. That is what the original Maker of this world allowed for to occur. One side hitting the other into near extinction. Untold millions of lives snuffed out time and again on both sides, over hundreds of thousands of years."

"So is what if what the Great Maou currently doing, artificial? If it is, then fine. She seeks an end to the unending cycle of unnecessary bloodshed. Instead of millions of people on both sides dying, they get to live their lives free of the pain of war and suffering."

"Let me ask you something else Donnie, I have had some limited exposure to your world, answer me this- why is it that your people would rather see two men holding guns pointed at each other, than see those same two men holding each other's hands?"

I blew out some air between my lips as he finished.

"God damn dude, you debate like my fucking Poly-Sci teacher in college." I muttered, overwhelmed by the argument of a man billons of years older than myself.

He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him with a hand.

"Okay yeah, I get it, I get it... But..." I took a moment to think for myself what I was really afraid of.

"I'm scared Arawn. I'm scared that my people will lose the best part of them. Yeah, I'll be the first to say Humanity needs a damn good overhaul but deep down, we have the potential to be better, to act better, to be a noble, shining light in the universe..."

I thought to Gene Roddenberry's vision of humanity in the future. We could be a better, kinder people. An example for others out there in the vastness of space.

"Donnie, who do you think will act as a brake upon the Maou entering your world, your universe and infecting it, changing the spirit of your people? My answer is this- You. Or, to be more precise, what you represent."

"I have been to many, many, worlds, and planes of existence during my manifold years. What I have encountered amongst them all is this: It does not matter if I travel to these strange new worlds, or new civilizations via powerful magics such as Gateways, or traveling by high technological Spaceships: Each world has its own set of laws, and rules. Take Wonderland for example. It is a sort of limited world, but with its own set of rules".

"By what I mean when I say: You. You are a sort of involuntary ambassador of your world. I would be willing to bet a century's worth of lifetime that Magic does not work in your world. You are a representative of what your world's limitations hold and value."

"Why do I say this? One thing I have learned when I captained ships of sea or space. There is no such thing as coincidence. What we perceive as coincidence, is often predestination. Not fate. No Predetermination. Opportunities presented, and if avoided, presented again to us endlessly until such times as we accept them."

"Furthermore, there is the Chief God of our world who is fighting the Great Maou. Keep in mind, that there just as easily could be a Chief God, or equivalent, 'pulling the strings' from your world. What kind of personality is your world's Chief-God like?"

I laughed at his question. How exactly was I supposed to answer that. How many "Chief Gods" were on Earth? Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Gaia... so many more.

I'll probably get flack for saying this but I always hated whenever someone said "God goes by many names but in the end he's all the same."

I impolitely disagree. Everyone has their own image of God and how he/she works. That's why there's like 50 different offshoots of every religion out there and what God likes and dislikes. God hates Jews, God hates Blacks, God hates Gays, God hates Immigrants, God seems to hate everyone now a days and to be honest I don't blame him... or her. Gotta keep my bases covered, ya know? He or she doesn't seem to get much say in their own celestial lifestyle.

Finally, after my own little internal musings, I answered, "Thats a bit of a complicated question. But I promise you my Humans will use their "Chief Gods" words to discriminate against the Mamono."

Arawn spread his palms on the table as he replied, "It is expected that there will be strife, Donnie. Without it a civilization does not grow nor appreciates its own self-worth."

Looking down at his hands, I chewed on my lower lip,

"You've given me a lot to think about."

"In the end, it is your decision. I only wish to present to you views that perhaps you have not considered." He said softly.

I absently nodded to Arawn, deep in thought. This night had been one hell of a roller coaster ride after another but thanks to him, I think I was in a slightly better position than I was to make an educated choice.

Afterwards, I told him my story. How I got to this world, how I ended up with Big Boy, my dealings with Colonel Faith as well as what happened with Victoria. I had to fight back my tears as I told him that side. Arawn understood all too well my pain. He told me not to lose hope, perhaps there was a chance that her and I could still have something of a friendship. I was doubtful.

By that time we were good and liquored up. The bartender had brought us a complimentary serving of her own house brand wine. Guess being a couple of hot guys here was the equivalent to being a couple hot chicks back on Earth. Ya get free drinks.

In the spirit of our "fuck the man, er... woman," attitude, we downed the shit outta them and ordered more. It was then that Arawn told me a small part of his own vast history. How he was created by some jerkoffs that thought of themselves as the supreme Law of everything. The story of his not-brothers. How he had also traveled the vast dimensional realities known as the Multiverse. Even if I had a thousand days to talk to him, I don't think I would even scratch the surface of his experiences.

Towards the end he confided in me his greatest desire; he wanted to end his infinitely long existence. He had enough of seeing birth and death, of wives and lovers fading away to the ravages of time, watching the endless cycle of events that all civilizations, planets and universes went though. I guess you could say he was just tired of watching the hamster run in its wheel. My words, not his. In a weird way I could understand, I'm damn sure I couldn't last as long as he did, living that kind of life.

I don't know how or when we made it back that night/ morning to the Maou's castle because we were destroyed. I'm pretty damn sure we didn't wipe our feet though.


March 14...

"Hey, time to wake up sunshine." Came a soft whisper in my ear.

As I drifted closer to consciousness, a Mack truck decided to run me over.

"Fuck kill me." I groaned as I woke up to the worst hangover in my life. Burying myself under my pillow, I prayed that Big Boy would somehow spontaneously go off, ending my agony. I didn't know where I was but the bed and its covers that I was laying on were incredibly soft on my naked skin.

Naked... Shit, I really hope Romie undressed me and not Arawn... that would be kinda awkward...

"Come on my love, I have breakfast for you." Romie said as she pulled off the blankets and the pillows protecting me from the outside world.

Instantly, light stabbed at my eyes as I cried, "If you really do love me, you'll put me out of my misery!"

"Grandmother was right, you do love dramatics." She said in a sickeningly cheery tone.

I did NOT want to hear about that woman while I was dying...

"Here drink this, it will make you feel better." Romie said as she held out a frosty cold glass of juice in front of me.

It was then that I realized how parched and dehydrated I was. Sitting up, I grabbed the drink and chugged half of it almost instantly. It was sweet with a bitter bite of an aftertaste. True enough, after a few moments I actually started feeling much better.

"Hey, what is this?" I asked marveling at her hangover cure.

"Prisoner Fruit juice with Manticore, Oomukade and Girtablilu venoms." She said matter of factly.

Pausing in mid sip, I slowly pulled the glass away from my lips as I looked to it then her.

"Are you seriously telling me, you made the mother of all roofie cocktails and you're serving it up to me as a breakfast drink?"

"Maybe?" She said with an uncertain grin, then asked hopefully, "Is it working?"

"You know that I know that you know that it won't work on me." I answered, putting the glass down on the breakfast tray.

"Hey, a girl can try, right?" She pouted.

Sighing, I grabbed a piece of toast off the tray that was slathered with probably Alraune nectar and took a bite out of it. I regarded her while chewing and then after swallowing said,

"Sure ya can champ... Sure ya can..."

Later I found out Arawn was to receive several awards and accommodations for bravery but he turned them down, as he considered his and my actions as equally worthy. If I didn't get any, he would refuse them too. I, on the other hand, got a slap on the ass and a 'good job' blowjob from Romie. I guess Maou ma didn't want word getting out to everyone that I wasn't an entire asshole.

Whatever. I'll take Romie's reward any day over the Maou's bullshit medals and pins.


I slammed the key in my hand down on the table in front of her. The Maou was writing in her book again but stopped as her eyes traveled from it up to meet my own.

"I wanna get a few things straight before I give you this. I don't like you. I don't like that you're as shady as a used car salesmen, that you have scheme upon scheme like some kind of comic book super villain and that you do backroom deals like a Wall Street executive. I just really don't like you, Maou. But your... My boy Arawn made a lot of good points. Ones that even though I don't necessarily agree with, they are ones that I can't argue against."

She looked at me without saying anything. I'm pretty sure Queen B wasn't used to being talk to like this, but I didn't give a fuck.

"I sure as hell hope you know what the fuck you're doing, because if you don't, I promise you this. When shit goes south, I'll be right there to tell you I told you so."

I turned to leave but then remembered a promise I made.

"One more thing, when that doorway does open up. Romie and I are to be the first ones through it to Earth."

As I walked to the door, the Maou finally spoke.

"Oh Donnie? I was wondering if you have seen a small glowing, yellow stone shard of mine lying around? It seems that I have misplaced it."

Turning my head back, I replied, "Sorry Maou. Maybe check the lost and found in the lobby."

I stepped out of the room, leaving the key to Big Boy on the table in front of her. At that time, I thought I made the best decision possible. I mean, I was just a college kid that had to make an unthinkable choice that would change the world, I did the best I could. It wasn't until later that I found out how wrong I really was, when I found out the kind of sin I really leveled upon the Earth.

That was the day that it all started... The beginning of the end...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Can't Wait for More

Considering the setting of Home Improver Store, monsters have some sort of presence on Earth, though reading this I'm wondering how they got that presence. From the last couple of sentences it doesn't sound good. I would think Earth would have a huge advantage considering our technology and the fact that everyone from earth has been immune to magic. Perhaps some really good political manuevering?

In any case, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Romie is right...

He is a drama queen. :)

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