All Comments on 'The Journey Ch. 06'

by BrokenSpokes

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steviecapsteviecapover 2 years ago

Thank you so much! As always happy to read your works.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Damn. Rough ride. Looking forward to the next installment.

ScloseeScloseeover 2 years ago

Ohhhh! You are an evil person to leave not only Jane and Vivian in tears, but me also. I’m can hardly read what I am typing through the tears. I was not serious of course about you being evil. I absolutely love all of your stories, even the ones that leave me in tears. Thank you for writing this important chapter of Viv’s life. As you said, life is a “Journey” and it’s never a smooth one all of the time. I have the utmost confidence in you of bringing Vivian through the rain and back into the bright and warm sunshine again. Especially as she learns to love herself!

Thank you again for sharing your talents with those of us that can’t write, but love to read.

Inscription1213Inscription1213over 2 years ago

Please make it right at the end. Viv is not a bad person. She deserves happiness. Thanks for your writing. The stories are great as always.

SurlygitSurlygitover 2 years ago

Ahh Viv, you're breaking my heart!

SinteraSinteraover 2 years ago

I have to say I have read you work more the a few times. Each time I think I want this on paper I want a book on my book next to my other loved books like Eragon. You should be published. Do you have a patron? I know there are a few people on here I would be happy to support like that. You are one of my top 3

Missyella81Missyella81over 2 years ago

Outstanding, this specific rollercoaster ride is so addictive! You truly are a master of words and emotions and I just hope you find the time to bring chapter 7 to light very soon.

LaurenrAusLaurenrAusover 2 years ago

Definitely worth the wait. My heart is breaking for both of them. Felt l something like this was building for Viv with all her self doubt. Hopeful they can work it out. One of your best instalments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's definitely worth the wait... And my heart is also hurting just like them.. can't wait for the next part.. thank you 💗

DecafHighDecafHighover 2 years ago

You are a fantastic writer as always but I'm gonna be honest here, I've never liked Viv. Perhaps I've just been prejudiced against her the whole time because of how much I love Addi and Liz, but there hasn't really been much here to make me more sympathetic toward Viv.

She is a drunkard and a cheater and without her doing some real exploration for the reasons why she is that way and some counselling and/or personal struggle to overcome and change these things about herself I don't really see a way to wrap things up nicely for her that is both believable and satisfying. We are already 6 chapters in and she just keeps digging her hole deeper, a quick wrap up here with a happy ending would feel ham fisted but I also don't want to spend multiple chapters more reading about a character I don't care for.

I wish you the best and a speedy end to this story, but I think I'm going to bow out and wait for the next story to begin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The way this chapter hurt, should not be allowed. The way you right and bring a story together is fully captivating. (I waited to be hurt like this - in tears)

ButteredCrumpetButteredCrumpetover 2 years ago

I was so excited to see this chapter initially, but now I'm not so sure... I knew it was coming, but I wasn't ready for it, I mean who is ever really ready? I now understand why it took so long to get to this point.

We all know how well you write. I am envious of how you've ripped my heart from my chest, yet here I am wanting more. You are incredible.

I can't wait for the next chapter.

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthereover 2 years ago

Good grief! bad grief? Yep, this one definitely hurt. I'm not sure if I hurt more for Viv or Jane at this point. But you being someone who'd put someone through a heli crash before to pivot a story, I have to still think we're in good hands here. Confidently, we're in good hands. It was a hard wait, but still so much to mend and write for these two, I will gladly take the time until next chapter to ponder all the ways you could go with this! Thank you for the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And so Viv's journey takes a detour. In a way its a good thing because we have the next chapter(s) to look toward too. I'm not certain everything will be all hunky dorry for Viv and Jane in the long run but I am a sucker for happy endings. Either way you always make it worthwhile to stay with the story. I understand it may be awhile but I'll be watching for more. It will be worth the wait. Thank you!

MaonaighMaonaighover 2 years ago

I was going to remonstrate gently with you about the time taken for this chapter to appear---it could lose you readers which would be sad because you are so very good---but you covered that point in your afterword. The final part of the chapter, following the fall-out with abuela, was powerful to the point of putting the reader through the wringer almost as much as Viv. I've met some bigots in my time and abuela is right up there contending for the championship. But then, just as Viv is what God or nature made her, so is the old woman. You've left me gasping, BS---I hope I've regained my breath by the time Chapter Seven comes around.

CreatingKateCreatingKateover 2 years ago

WELL! I didn't expect to wake up this morning and have my HEART STOMPED ON! But seriously, great writing, powerful storyline. I can't wait to see what's next for Viv. She's got a long road ahead to dig out of this one. Keep up the good work, Spokes!

jackie_emjackie_emover 2 years ago

Hard story but very well written. Viv did lie to Jane, since all they did was kiss and Mindy initiated that. I hope things work out for Viv, she deserves to find and keep something good.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

Share your angst/pain for Viv; clearly you have poured so much into her creation. Yes, a roller coaster is a perfect metaphor for her life and especially for this chapter, and it all comes across so real/so tangible. You can feel the highs, the lows and the pain as she and others wrestle with her insecurities. To be honest, her journey seems predestined, which is at one level true because you as author have in mind a storyline, but I sensed it from the very beginning — a sad fate that she with help must/will overcome. Damn, you create wonderfully rich storylines and mesmerizing characters — so easy to become immersed.

lilshymynxlilshymynxover 2 years ago

I know this was coming. Dreaded it, hoped against hope that it wouldn't come to this, but in the end, as you said 'Spokes, it was inevitable. Doesn't make it hurt any less, doesn't make the pain any less real. Still a fantastic story. I love how much passion you put into your works, how much emotion, and how much I feel when I read them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another wonderful chaper in this story. Skillfully written and a joy to read. Thanks so much for sharing.

Whiter59Whiter59over 2 years ago

wow, Wow, WOW. I knew it was going to be big but shit to a hen basket wow. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

metroalmametroalmaover 2 years ago

Hate you? No. Desperately adrift? Yes. Viv is such a train wreck (sorry that just came out) but as you say this is a journey and while her climb upwards has been good her abuela did not help things . . . Sounds like the hospital might have a HIPAA problem as well if the police didn't have a right to the test. . .

NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnonover 2 years ago

I'm stunned by just how spectacularly Viv has managed to fuck up. Up to that point the narrative had shown how far she had come on her journey. She has changed her sexual style, and she came clean about Stephanie even though it portrayed her in a poor light (and Jane accepted it). Now she has reverted to type, except that this time she has invented the infidelity that she uses to break up with Jane. Also, although motivated by her own lack of self-worth, she is, however misguidedly, thinking about what is best for Jane. So will she manage to redeem the situation, or will someone set Jane straight? And will the video taken in the ladies room at the book launch come to light? I shall be waiting anxiously for the next chapter to see what happens next. This story keeps getting better with every episode. It's one of the best ever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Intersectionality isn't just a word. Souls like Viv and Jane have had to deal with slings and arrows from all directions most of their lives. Sadly, in Viv''s and Jane's case, the most injurious of the attacks come from institutions who should be shielding them from pettiness, bigotry, hate, and judgement: Members of their families, "friends", the Church, and some in academia and government. Viv has been particularly injured by those attacks and betrayals, and her default response to contemporary assaults is self sabotage and martyrdom that hurts everyone. - "Hurt people hurt people." Anyone who lacks the empathy and charity to cut Viv a break is probably missing the larger point of this story. I still believe that there are enough supportive people in Viv's and Jane's life who recognize the underlying issues, and who care enough to help set things right and restore Viv's faith in humanity and love. I hope I'm right, and I hope that belief applies to society in general.

darwindaysdarwindaysover 2 years ago

This story continues to blow me away, as have your earlier ones, Broken Spokes. Thank you.

To DecafHigh regarding your difficulty connecting with Viv, I can slightly relate in the sense that when I saw the first chapter appear and discovered we were going to dive into this character’s life, it challenged my priors a little. Her education, background, and portrayal in Wheels didn’t predispose me to think I would want to spend hours (and tears) inside her life. But for me, Broken Spokes has brought Viv to life beautifully and taught me things even though Viv doesn’t share a lot with me or with some of the other characters we have come to love in the other stories.

Many of us are contradictory and unresolved and yet still can be loved. Viv’s lack of confidence, misuse of alcohol (and intimacy), and self-sabotage can all co-exist with a character whose fundamental integrity, honesty (despite the lies and the hiding), and goodness I do not doubt.

I agree with DecafHigh that a quick wrap could feel flat since Viv appears to have a ways to go in her journey but I for one am wholly committed to enjoying every word whenever they are completed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another brilliant chapter Spokes. You're such an excellent writer. It's been very hard to like Vivian since she first appeared in Wheels in Motion, but you've made me feel sorry for her.

DukaaDukaaover 2 years ago

Wow, I didn't see this turn of events coming. I thought Viv was over her insecurities at that point. It must have been tough to write, given how tough to read it was. A great chapter, leaving us excited for more.

fallwatcherfallwatcherover 2 years ago

You're an incredible writer. A difficult read for sure, but so well done. Looking forward, albeit with some trepidation, to the next chapter. Thank you for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow.... Just wow. Don't just keep us waiting for long now...

ArmyGal33ArmyGal33over 2 years ago

There are some things you don’t come back from. Viv is too many flapping red flags for such a highly educated woman.

silveraidersilveraiderover 2 years ago

Another great chapter, powerfully written and well paced. I loved how you started with Viv finding new ways to make love, and making it seem like she was finally accepting that this was something she could have, before life and her lack of confidence and self destructive urges to brought it all crashing down. Looking forward to discovering how Jane discovers the truth as I hope she will. Great writing.

Slurpy29Slurpy29over 2 years ago

Holy Crap! What started out so beautiful dropped like a lead balloon at the end. I kind of thought Viv.s nana would have issues with her being gay, but wow! Would have believed her first action leaving would be to call Jane. Not get a DUI! In the situation you left Viv in is scary. Having to recover physically and mentally. Who does she have other than her brother and roommate who does she have? Her road to happiness will be long. Great chapter and we trust you to give us wonderful ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What an intense journey you're taking us on. Amazing writing as per usual. It was well worth the wait. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Always ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ But, damn girl. This is a really tough story arc. Yeah, Viv fucked up and broke too many hearts (this reader, included). I hope her redemption will be as sweet as the sorrow she’s sown.

Thank you for your writing. Always thought provoking and heartfelt.

Air_DryAir_Dryover 2 years ago

I commented yesterday but had some problems and was It posted as Anonymous. I just want to rectify that as I dislike leaving anonymous comments. Its the one that starts "And so Viv's life takes a detour."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've read all of your stories to date and have enjoyed them all immensely. you are truly a gifted writer. It is a shame that you chose to include Hannah-Jones, whose writings are totally inaccurate in an effort to change America's understanding of itself.

OpenmarriageohioOpenmarriageohioover 2 years ago

Another well written story. On the edge of my seat for the next chapter. I love you weave characters from other stories in the BG universe. With the introduction of the attorney gives us new avenues to explore. Thank you, as always, for sharing your writing with all of us.

shinyfanshinyfanover 2 years ago

OMG ... My first 3 stars for this story, and for 'spokes at all. One down for sjw bs at all, and what you do to Jane in this chapter. She don't deserve it. Another one for Addison and Viv.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 2 years ago

Really liked the story right up to the ending which ruined it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Saw it coming. Didn’t want to read what I knew was about to happen.

Hurt people, hurt people though. I hope Jane is badass enough to not let her out of this one so easy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Considering I just hurt myself at work was a nice little escape from my own world. What a ride... as many said we all knew it was going to lead to something big and as you said knew it would be painful too. I am wondering now if maybe because of the hospital and the "Women's Right Activists Lawyers" which you name dropped will Jane run into someone. You don't drop things on accident I have noticed and realizsed this. It's also sad but true about some cops and it's the few that give all others a bad name. Wonder what will come of that mess. Community services? Does Abuela even care what's happened to her grand daughter?

Hope the next chapter it's as difficult and heartbreaking for you to write we will all just have to wait patiently.

Stolen Initials

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How do you do it, just when I think you couldn't surprise me more you do and the writing is in my opinion better. Sad where this story now is but totally believe in it even though I have only vague ideas about where it goes from here. The only certainties are that I'll be surprised and that I'll love it but in the end what more do you need. Thanks for your wonderful stories

XactoXactoover 2 years ago

This was a hard one to read. It rang true, but that didn’t make it any easier to read through. Looking forward to the next chapter nonetheless. ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love this story so much!!! Yas I love the drama, angst and all! Hope it gets better for everyone eventually though. The Jouney as a title is really making a lot of sense to me now. Wow! I can't wait for the next chapter.

2oothfairy2oothfairyover 2 years ago

That was a tough read, but so worth the wait. Thank you as always

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well that was a powerful piece that I could not put down, Will Jane really take that at face value and not try and find out the truth of the why' and wherefore. With at least six months recovery ahead of her without Jane I can only see a very broken women both physically and even more importantly her mental health may never recover. Thank you for your writing.

Lil_kittyLil_kittyover 2 years ago

Thanks for the stories you tell. You're an amazing writer.

IreadlesbianstuffIreadlesbianstuffover 2 years ago

This story is so heartbreaking, but I have faith it's going for a happy ending. I hope Viv will learn to stop her self sabotage!

lak1910lak1910over 2 years ago

amazing storytelling, excited to see where the story goes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How could we ever hate such a talented writer!

You said you had trouble writing this chapter because you knew what was coming for Viv. Well, I had trouble reading this chapter because I knew what was coming for Viv! Such an emotional read. At certain points, the little voice in my head was screaming for Viv to make a good choice and avoid what was inevitable for her. That’s what good writers have the talent to do for the reader. Make you invested in the outcome. Thank you so much for another fantastic read. I’m really looking forward to the next chapter and I understand we may have to wait. But that’s ok… the best things are worth waiting for. Much love and many thanks.

FriskyMindFriskyMindover 2 years ago

I understand Viv. Tho from different backgrounds and for different reasons, she could be my life partner. My partner’s lack of self worth, her inability to fully trust, her only relationship framework consisting of victim/victimizer, made our first few years together exceedingly difficult. She expected me to abuse her and, when I didn’t, began abusing me (verbally, not physically, which may have been easier). I stayed because I truly loved her and knew she felt the same, and because I knew where it was coming from and I believed we could get through it. Then she had a near death experience and we were apart for four months. I didn’t take off, and I brought her home to care for her when she was able. This is a very very short version of a very very long story, but…that experience changed everything. She realized I was truly there for and with her, and recognized how she’d been treating me. I had recognized I had communication problems I had to work on, and that no matter how much it would hurt, I’d have to leave if we couldn’t change things. But we did, and our relationship deepened every year after. Perhaps it does take a miracle for some extremely damaged people to change their thinking and allow themselves to believe they are worthy of love. But sometimes miracles happen. Now if only I could chase ahead to the happy ending I’m hoping for. Viva Viv and Jane!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for this wonderful story, so pictorially described, with great dialogues, VW Beetles are air cooled cars, without Watercooling. Please keep writing this is to wonderful...

AButchCassidyAButchCassidyover 2 years ago

I’ve been waiting for this chapter for a long time, and as always you never fail to disappoint. Viv’s story has honestly been my favorite of all of yours in your little extended universe of stories. I think that’s because I relate to Viv most of all the protagonists, in both life stories and self destructive behavior. Honestly I’m wondering if this story will actually have a happy ending, tragedy can just be as moving as comedy, and that’s where everything seems to be going for viv. It would be fitting.

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppover 2 years ago
Definitely a roller coaster

A roller coaster is a good way to describe this story. Lots of stomach flipping ups and downs. I'm really hoping for a happy ending for Viv. I don't know how much more she, or us, can take. That character has already been through so much. I was expecting it to not go well with her Abuella. I also thought that there would be a breakup of some sort at least partly due to Vivs' lack of self worth and feelings of inadequacy. I hope it gets resolved soon. Viv deserves a happy ending.

Well worth the wait. Well written as always. I look forward to the next chapter of this story. Thank you for sharing this with us.

reddbunnzreddbunnzover 2 years ago

Once again, I loved your writiing. Another chapter about a troubled sould trying to find ture love, and the many pitfalls and curves that life throws at us all. I cannot wait for Capter Seven.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hi I need to know what happen in chapter 7.... please vic can't go out like that she didn't even cheat she is just pushing Jane away because she is scared

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94over 2 years ago

I haven't truly liked Viv since we met her in Wheels in Motion because she knew what she was getting into with Addison but still found a way to blame Addison. I keep hoping she will pull her head out of her ass but so far no luck. I read this because I love your writing and I truly believe all deserve happiness except true monsters. I will eagerly await the next chapter.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

OMG ..... You have it hard for Viv ...... First what got a padt to do with the here&now, as the only outcome is, that the person i meet here is loving as i am or? ....... Then talking to your beloved family about your inner being your inner needs , just being as you are and getting kicked up the ass, YES driving drunk is an absolute NOGO and the devilish alcohol is a drug as any others ...... She has worked soooooo hard to move on in life and here is the next crash ..... How can someone like Viv come to grips and become one in body mind and soul ....... Hopefully with a Diego enlightning Jane about Abuela and the confesssing they might get another chance ....... Yes Viv is a character for its own, so with a little help from my friends she can get an come back?

Sorry need to put my foot down for Viv

You are fabulous with your stories, all of them are Masterpieces and so here as well you creating rollercoaster for your readers ...... Im truly taken, especially for more of the half of this chapter, the love you have written into this chapter squeezed out of my tablet and dropped directly in my soul ..... Yes the real life is more like a rollercoaster, unfortunately

Ten hearts for this 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Um... yeah. I'm out. I have enough IRL to lose it because a character in a story breaks my heart.

saragalsaragalover 2 years ago

Yes, I hate you after this one. I do hope you redeem yourself and Viv in the next chapter. I love all your stories and characters and have cried and laughed and loved my way through them all. I know not all stories will have a happy ending but I love a happy cry over all and hope to at the end of Vivs story as well. Thank you for bringing her to us and I anxiously await the next chapter.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDover 2 years ago


WibblyWobblySexyWexyWibblyWobblySexyWexyover 2 years ago

"I kissed her ear and felt a rush of happiness."

Life hasn't allowed Viv to keep moments like these for long. I hope very much that she can learn she deserves to have them.

shayneoneshayneoneover 2 years ago

well done its 2 30 am i can not wait for the rest i hope life s good be safe and happy a fan shayne

Her_PleasureHer_Pleasureover 2 years ago

I knew this was coming and I still cried. Please don’t keep us waiting too long. I need some happiness in the next chapter, please

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I stuck with this as long as I could, but this is simply too ugly for too long. I totally understand a character having self doubt, but the bulk of this story has had Viv belittling herself to the point where I have to walk away.

Too bad as you are a talented writer, but I can't stay for more negativity. Enough is enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hey, I feel like you are a really fun writer but also a good person. I like your story style and appreciate the amount of emotion & thought you put into them. You help the rest of us Very Busy People to sit, read and feel for a bit during these trying times. Thanks!

CeVin_ChienElleCeVin_ChienElleover 2 years ago

Whew. Had to read it again before I could comment. This must've been gut wrenching to write. I still hope for a "Viv and Jane" ending, but if not then at least an ending that doesn't leave Viv alone and hopeless. Probably not realistic, but there's always wishing, even if there's not much hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I know Viv. Hell, I’ve been Viv, fucking up and self-sabotaging spectacularly for years on end because I didn’t feel worthy (of a lot of things, but in particular being loved). And I’ve left emotional destruction in my wake.

Thanks for tackling this story, and handling a difficult, sometimes unsympathetic character with care and empathy. I think this is your best work so far and I can’t wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So so so very glad you’re back, ‘Spokes. You and your characters were missed and Ihope all is well with you.

pseud277pseud277over 2 years ago

Second read through of the whole story so far. My only feeling again is Horrified; really 90 degrees from this being an erotic story. Probably becos its a bit close to the bone for me - been there my self. So onto hopefully a happy ending

Runner4069Runner4069over 2 years ago

I saw this coming, wasn't sure how it was gonna go but this is bad as I've seen Viv, it's rough but I certainly hope she survives and begins to realize she needs help

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don't hate your or the story, just that Viv made such bad choices. I'm looking forward to see how she pulls herself back together, which is likely since I've learned you like HEA endings (who doesn't?). I love the complexity and thoroughness of your writing. Your characters are beautifully and masterfully drawn, real people with real flaws. Just like all of us.

I understand that your life has become very busy, but I've almost come to the end of your Blue Girl Universe stories, so I'm hoping you've got more in the pipeline. They're addictive. Thank you so much for all of them.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I was angry with the church and the grandmother, even with Mindy, and when she got in the car, I had to stop reading for a while. But it's your story and I respect that, and you pulled me back in with the attorney. So now I am ready to read on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very brave as an author. You pulled no punches

chiefhalchiefhalalmost 2 years ago

We all knew it was coming, but shit, it was tough to read! Thanks for keeping it real, looking forward to more...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I had tears at the end.

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 2 years ago

I too, had a few moments when I couldn't continue reading, too agonised about the direction the story took. And when Viv succeeded in making it worse still, by lying about the encounter with Mindy, I cried. I know it has to get worse before it gets better and have faith in that. And of course, it is proof of your amazing craftship that we readers are so imersed in this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, well told but (pedantic point) VW's don't have radiators!!

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetronius9 months ago

Viv's self-loathing is heart-wrenching. My hope is she's hit rock bottom and will find redemption in the love of a good woman.

You are a startlingly good author. You use words to paint the most amazingly vivid pictures. Notable examples: Viv bowling a perfect game. Jane decking herself and Viv in skating gear and heading out for the first time. Viv confronting Viv's envious colleagues and getting crushed for her efforts. Viv and Diego rolling enchiladas at Abuela's kitchen table.

As a writer (as opposed to an author), you fall prey to some rudimentary errors of grammar, the principal of which is misuse of "lie" versus "lay" and "rise" versus "raise." But your skill as an author make the errors pale into insignificance.

LiberalMindsLiberalMinds7 months ago

Couldn’t agree more with GaiusPetronius. I sincerely hope the self destruktive behavour has reached its rock bottom. This is downlights painful.

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My author friends AwkwardMD and Omenainen's collaborative account AwkwardApple415 have released a new story today, The Most Mysterious Song. Go check it out and show them some love! It's a sweet little tale. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hello, and welcome to my author bio page. I'm Spokes, an...