The Junior Senator


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We crumbled to the floor, our legs too weak to keep us upright.

"Oh my gosh," he said.

"Oh my God," I corrected.

"I feel wild," he said, his forehead to mine, both of us still panting. "Like a horse, running free and foaming with sweat."

I thought of the old song, Wildfire. "In a blizzard, he was lost."

We were in a blizzard.

We laid on the floor, my head on his right shoulder, my right hand tracing circles through his chest hair, around his nipples, and over his stomach. I moved my head down to his chest, so I could listen to his heart and reach his scrotum and thighs.

My left hand found his. He locked his fingers in mine.

"Four hundred and thirteen," he said, out of the blue, breaking the silence.

I knew what he was talking about. I smiled to myself and said nothing. I'm sure he felt my smile in his chest.

"I didn't know men could do that," he said, again breaking the silence.

"Do what? Fuck like animals?"

"No. I knew they could do that. I watched the clip you showed me. Plus, I did some research."

"Then what?"

"Finish, I mean, without being touched, like you did, the first time we, you know."



"Say it."




"What do you call it, at home I mean? When you want it, how do you ask for it?"


"And she knows what that means?"

"She does."

"Why Tijuana?"

"'Do you want to' somehow became 'Tijuana'? They kind of sound alike, I guess, if you say 'do you want to' fast enough, like doyouwanna."

I don't know why, but the idea that these two hidebound whitebreads invoked the marital bed by asking "Tijuana?" struck me as way funnier than it was. I started to laugh and then I couldn't stop. To make me laugh harder, JJ started tickling me. The tickling turned passionate and, the next thing I knew, JJ was lubing himself and entering me again, my head buried in the pillows as I locked my legs around his and my lips to his.

"You feel incredible," he said.

I couldn't answer him. I was in agony, my channel too sore to be going a third time but my will unable to deny anything he wanted. "Hurry," I thought to myself. "Please hurry."

I covered my face with the pillow. I didn't want him to see that I was in pain, because I didn't want him to stop. I'd have died if he stopped.

He didn't. Instead, he pulled the pillow from my face, his "I need to see you" melting my heart.

He kept at me. I threw my head back. He bit my shoulder, hard. I winced and pulled him into me more tightly.

He kept at me, his elbows holding my legs at the knees, his hips a fulcrum.

My ass was on fire. I was literally being wrecked.

"Teacher man," I finally said, "I can't take much more of this."

"I'm close," he said.

He kept at me. After ten, twenty, thirty strokes, I doubted the sincerity of his "I'm close." I shared my doubt.

"Let's try with you on top," he said. "Watching you might do it."

I liked the idea. I wanted to be in control of both the depth and the speed. Correction: After what we'd already done, I needed to be in control of both the depth and the speed.

JJ refused to cede all control. As I slid down on him, he slid up into me. He grabbed my hips and slid up into me fast and faster. I grabbed his chest hair with my left hand and pumped my erection with my right.

I was literally bouncing.

"Jesus Christ," I hissed as my body convulsed and erupted, dribble after dribble dotting his stomach, the repetition of my orgasms robbing me of distance and volume.

I remembered where I was and opened my eyes. JJ was still inside of me, but his face was flush and sweaty.

"Did you?" I asked.

"Yes, while you did," he answered, his hands gently caressing my back and sides.

I pulled off of him and then lowered my body to his, my ear again to his chest so I could hear his heart. He held my head to his chest with one hand and continued tenderly touching me with the other.

"My ass is wrecked," I admitted.

Surprising me, he moved his right hand to it and gently caressed and covered the opening. "Sorry," he said. "I couldn't stop myself."

"I didn't want you to stop," I said. "I'd have died if you stopped."

"Is this okay?" he asked, his middle finger moving lightly around and over my closing hole.

"Yes," I whispered, my voice lost to the care and compassion he was showing in that moment.

I kissed his chest.

I traced my finger through what I had left on his stomach, using it to draw little hearts around his navel.

When he said "that tickles," I used the palm of my hand to erase the hearts and the rest of the evidence. I licked what was left off my palm, wanting to taste the mixture of my cum and his sweat, wanting whatever I could get of him inside of me, part of me.

I don't know how long we laid like that. I was lightly dozing when I heard "there are no words." I tried to raise my head to engage with him, but he wouldn't allow it.

"No moving," he said.

I stilled. "I love your beauty mark," he said, tracing his finger along the dark, raised spot on my right shoulder blade that my mother called my "caterpillar."

"It should be bigger," he said, still tracing. "It should match the size of your beauty."

I smiled again. I knew he could feel the smile in his chest.

"I feel like a bomb went off inside of me," he said, after a long time of us matching our breathing and me tickling his abdomen and everything his pubis held. "Like nothing's the same."

I didn't answer him with words. Instead, I kissed his chest and licked around his nipple.

He kept on. "I always thought I was not a sexual person.... I've never had sex twice in a day, much less thrice in an hour...." His hand was in my hair, combing through and gently pulling at it, the tenderness bringing tears to my eyes. "It feels almost like rage.... I don't like to get angry, but I do sometimes.... This feels like that.... I'm actively stopping myself from grabbing you, pinning you, and forcing you to go again.... Wow, that sounded so rapey...."

"You can't rape the willing," I said, moving my face lower so his soft penis was close to my face. I could smell me on it. "But," I added, before actually taking it, "I think we should take a break.... I'm a bit wrecked.... I could use a little recovery time.... Also, who uses the word thrice?"

He chucked me with a pillow. I kept my head where it was. We quelled.

"You've really never had sex twice in one day?" I asked.

"Never. I told you, even after we were married, Claire made me wait. And, it's not her thing. The only time she's ever really wanted it was when she was ovulating and I was trying to get her pregnant. Even then, once per day was plenty for her."

"You don't have to worry about me not wanting it," I said. "You can do it whenever you want and you should do it as often as you want because I want you to do it as often as you want."

"Diagram that sentence."

"I couldn't if I tried," I sang, echoing Kiki Dee.

We let calm and silence drift over us. We dozed off. When I awoke, I was surprised to see JJ's hand around his erection, slowly stroking away. "I've created a monster," I thought to myself.

"Tell me about this research," I said.

"I had to buy an iPad," he said. "You know. One that was unaffiliated with work and that Claire doesn't know about. I used the credit card I use to buy her gifts, which -- now that I've said it out loud -- sounds really depraved. Anyway, I ran some searches and watched some scenes, so I would have some sense of what to do if we ever did what we've just done."

"Did you think we would?"

"Yes. On the trip."

"Was that your plan?"

"I don't think it was an active plan. But, when you didn't show up for the flight, I realized that was the only reason I was going, to be with you."

"With me with me?"

"With you with you."

We made our way to the shower. We needed to wash the cum and the sweat off of ourselves. I also needed to wash the ass off his dick. I wanted him in my mouth again, but I was not a fan of ass to mouth.

"I'm not embarrassed to be naked with you," he said, my hands soaping his chest and crotch.

"I'm glad."

"It's a big deal, H. I'm embarrassed to be naked. Period. Including in front of my wife. Especially in front of my wife. But, I'm not embarrassed with you. At all."

"Well, now I'm more glad," I said, kissing him.

"You are wrong," he said, admonishing me and changing the subject as he soaped his crotch.

"How so?"

"The guy in the video you showed me.... Brett?.... His is way bigger than mine."

"It's not."

"It is."

"Are you sure? Have you ever measured it?"


"Then let's, once we are finished in here," I said, sliding my hand into his crack and drawing his eyebrows up.

"You straight boys," I said, scrubbing. "You never clean here the way you should."

"How should I?"

"Like I'm doing. If you want to take it to the next level, you can slide your finger in like this, cleaning inside a little, too."

As my finger slipped in, his eyebrows went higher, he said "I don't know about this," and then hurriedly said "take it out... take it out."

"I felt like I was...."

"I know," I cut him off.

We finished and got out. I wondered how he would react when I told him he had to clean himself out and how to do it.

Once we were dried, I told him to get hard and beelined to the kitchen for my measuring tape.

"According to one of his early videos," I said, "Brett comes in at eight and a half."

At first measure, JJ came in at seven and one quarter. "You're not hard enough," I said.

"I don't think I can get harder. I'm a little worn down."

I didn't believe him. So, I kneeled him front of him and worked his erection with my mouth while I worked his body with my hands, tweaking his nipples, caressing his abdomen, gripping his cheeks, cupping his balls.

"You're so good at that," I heard from above. It's what I wanted to hear. I bobbed and bobbed until he was as hard as I could get him.

He was right and wrong. When he was fully hard, and I mean achingly hard, he was just at seven and a half. An inch is an inch, but that inch was not tantamount to "way bigger."

Still, he was thick. When measured, he was almost as thick as my wrist, and I have thick ankles and wrists.


"I like when you call me teacher man," he said over G&Ts on my sofa, both of us still naked, our legs intertwined as we faced each other.

"I don't do it intentionally. It just pops out."

"Like 'give it to me' and 'let it go'?"

I blushed crimson. I knew I could get vocal in bed, but I never knew what what I was saying or what I had said. It just popped out.

I put my drink down, picked his left foot up, and brought it to my mouth, kissing and then licking the bottom of it, needing my mouth to be on him somehow, some way.

"I feel awake," he said. "Fully awake, like I had only been half awake, and now I'm fully awake."

I was reminded of the line from "Maurice": "I should have gone through life half awake if you'd have had the decency to leave me alone."

"I was surprised," I said, "that you went first, on me, I mean."

"I had to know," he answered. "Getting wouldn't have told me anything. Giving, I had to know if I could give to you, not get from you."

"And now you know?"

"Yes. Now I know."

I was so moved that I had to have something of his, some part of him, inside of me. So, I reclaimed his left foot, taking his largest toe into my mouth and sucking it as hard as I could.

He watched me intently, like he knew why I was doing what I was doing.

"Did you like that?" I asked, his toe no longer in my mouth.

"Yes. Very much. Mostly, though, I liked that you did it."

"I had to."

"I know."

"By the way, where does your wife think you are?"


"Really? You didn't tell her you weren't going?"


"Are you going to?"


"It's only Tuesday. You're supposed to be in Boulder until Sunday. Do I get to keep you until Sunday?"

"If you'll have me."

"Oh, I'll have you," I said, trying to double entendre him. "You sure you're not going to freak out? I mean, historically, you've freaked out."

"I don't know. I'm not freaking out right now. But, I might start anytime. I hope I don't. But, the whole idea of a freak out is that it is unplanned, it happens to you, it's not controlled."

"Are you sure you're not freaking out right now? Not even a little?"

"I'm sure."

I put my drink down and moved to straddle his lap. I gently kissed his lips. "I don't think the next four days are going to be good for me long-term, but I'm looking forward to them like I've never looked forward to anything else."

"Me, too.... I'm still amazed at what happened, the first time we, you know. I think that was the first time I made someone, you know, go."

"You don't know?"

"It's not something we talk about."

"If you don't know, you haven't. You'd know if you had."

I felt bad for them, Claire and JJ. So hidebound, so cautious, doing only one thing in only one position, Claire not coming and JJ not knowing.

I pushed thoughts of Claire from my mind. If JJ could keep thoughts of her at bay, I could, too.

We moved from the couch and made dinner together, both of us happily nude. We ate dinner the same way, him next to me, like we had sat on the first Tangueray Tuesday.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" he asked, after noticing that I was looking at him constantly.

"I was wondering what you're thinking, but I didn't want to ask. So, I'm trying to figure it out from your face."

"I'm trying not to think. I'm trying to stay in the moment, to keep the wolves at bay."

"The wolves?"

"You know, the thoughts that tell me this is wrong, that I shouldn't be doing this to Claire or the girls or, for that matter, to you, that I should be ashamed...." He trailed off.

"Is it working?"

"Actually, I think it might be working too well. I mean, I've done things today that, by any objective standard, should have me reeling."

"What?" I played, my free hand caressing the inside of his thigh. "What have you done, teacher man, that should have you reeling?"

"You know, you petulant brat. You were there. I was doing them to you.... with you."

"Do you mean sucking my dick?" I asked, my voice a purr, my body disentangling from and moving toward his.


"Did you like sucking my dick?" I purred again, my body now on his, in his lap.

"Yes," he rasped, his voice as dry as a fallen leaf.

"Tell me, teacher man, what you liked about sucking my dick," I purred yet again, my lips on his cheeks and nose and lips between each of my words.

"All of it.... It was like racing a car.... Once I got over the fear of going fast, it was thrilling."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just part of my body, just like this is part of your body," I said, my hand finding his nascent erection. "Did you like when I sucked your dick, teacher man?"

"Yes... very much," his voice now a dry whisper and his lips doing what my lips were doing between words.

"I liked sucking your dick, teacher man, very much. And I liked when you made me come. But I really liked when you fucked me.... Did you like fucking me, teacher man?" My voice was a raspy whisper.

"Yes," he whispered into my mouth. "Very much... especially once I reconciled myself to, you know, where I was, inside of you, I mean."

"You know my opinion," I said, still purring. "Where you were, so to speak, is not a dirty place.... I don't have any dirty places. It's just part of me.... If you didn't belong in there.... It wouldn't feel so good when you're in there."

I was now licking down his body, between phrases, not between words.

I slid off of him and took him in my mouth. I didn't want to make him come. I just wanted to lick and suck and make him feel good.

After about half an hour, he said "I'm sorry, H. But, I don't think I can go again."

"Oh," I answered, after pulling off to give my jaw a rest. "I'm not trying to make you go. I'm just playing with you, trying to make you feel good."


"I assume no one has ever played with your dick before, just because they wanted to?"

"No one has ever played with it before, period. I mean, no one has ever really touched me before, much less it."

I nearly burst into tears. In front of me, there was a beautiful man, a man with a wife and two children, but a man who had never been seduced, who had never known the joy of being licked and nibbled and sucked and tickled.

"I'm going to touch you everywhere," I said. "I'm going to lick and nibble and suck and tickle every cranny and nook on your beautiful body.... I'm going to feast on you."

We went to bed. My head was on his shoulder; my hands were on his body.

"I never imagined," he said.

"What? That sex could be like this?"

"No. That I'd meet a boy, and he'd turn my world upside down. I mean, I've always been a boy who liked girls. I was never a boy that noticed boys, much less one that liked boys."

"You had never met me before."

"True, but do you think that's true? That one person can make you do things that you've never thought about doing? That one person can make you lose yourself?"

"Look, I'm gay. But, I'm open to the possibility that I could meet a woman, and that we'd snap together, and that -- once we did -- we'd never snap apart."

"I think this must be what that is."

"Me, too. I think this is exactly what that is."

As we kept talking, my hands wandered over and through his body -- caressing and squeezing and tickling and tugging -- as we plotted out the next four days. Clearly, JJ couldn't leave the apartment.

Although Claire thought I was with JJ in Boulder, I could. He would tell her I had cancelled last minute.

We didn't have to conceal his car. He had left it at the airport, which confirmed to me that he had planned to stay with me when he left the airport.

"You're a scoundrel," I said the next morning, over breakfast.

"I know, but how so?"

"You took a taxi here. If anyone got curious, you wanted it to look like you were in Boulder."

"I did. I had been looking forward to Boulder for a long time. I had settled on what I wanted in Boulder. I didn't want to miss it when you didn't show up."

"You knew as you left the airport that you were going to fuck me?"

He winced at the word "fuck." But, I loved the word, and it was the best word to describe what we'd done.

"I knew as I as I left the airport that I needed to try to do what we've done. I didn't know if I could or would go through with it, but I knew I needed to try. It had gotten too big. It had to happen. I had to try to get it out of my system. I had vowed to try in Boulder."

"Is that what's happening? You're getting it out of your system?"

"I don't think so. That's what I thought it would be, but it doesn't feel like that. It feels like the opposite of that. It feels like now that I've started, I'm not going to be able to stop, like I need to do more, to try more."

"Oh, really?" I asked, again kissing him and falling deeper and deeper into what I was sure would turn out to be a dream.

"Yes. I'd like to try to finish you with my mouth, the way you did me. You stopped me just when I was finding my way."

"What else?"

"Well, I'd like to try what you wrote. You know, the tying up thing."


"I'd like to try, um, the catcher thing. I mean, you seem to like it. A lot."

"I don't like it, I love it. A lot. Especially with you. You're surprisingly good with this," I said, taking his semi-erect shaft in my hand. "But, it's not for everyone," I added as I maneuvered so I could take it in my mouth.

"No no no," he said, pulling me to my feet. "I want to do you. It's my turn. It's more than my turn. And, I want to scratch that off the list."

It was more than his turn. During the night, I had awakened him with a blowjob that ended with me swallowing his load for the second time. He was asleep on his side when I started, the darkness of being completely covered adding to the excitement as he both hardened and unloaded in my mouth. When I emerged from under the cover, my hair wet with sweat, he pretended to be asleep, so I exhaled hard in his face, testing the pretension. He winced at the smell of what he'd given me, and I laughed "I knew you were faking."