The Kiss Of Death Ch. 04

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Xavier wakes up in the hospital.
3.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/19/2023
Created 08/22/2023
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Author's note :

Hello people, I do apologize for the wait for this chapter. Unfortunately i've been very busy with work, and I will be for quite a while. Do not fret, I am not abandoning any stories and I hope i will stick to a new chapter once a week. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!

*Beep beep* *beep beep* My eyes flickered briefly before my vision was filled with a bright light. Where was I? I looked around, my eyes slowly adapting to the light which was decreased ever so slightly in intensity over time. I looked down at my body and saw my clothes, or rather my lack of clothes. Instead of my t-shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes that I usually wear, or that I was wearing only moments ago, I was wearing a long white gown.

At least the bed was rather comfortable. I tried to get up, putting much of my weight on my elbows, before feeling a sharp pain in my lower stomach area. I felt like I had been stabbed. I lay back down, waiting for the eventual nurse visit that I was sure would come. While I waited, I tried to wrap my head around what I could remember, or rather what had happened to me while I was out of it. So, I had died, or rather I was dying a while ago, I had gone into some sort of limbo, met Death (who preferred to be called Angela), fucked the shit out of her, twice, and somehow got bonded to her.

Bonded even if I didn't really know what that entailed at this moment in time, but bonded, nevertheless. Well, if I told anyone about this, I would be carted straight off to a mental hospital. My reverie was interrupted by a loud knocking on my door, which opened barely two seconds after.

"Well, well sir, I'm happy to see that you're awake. Let me check your heart rate quickly, and make sure your IV drip is all okay, if you have any questions, the doctor should be in shortly" the nurse quickly said, leaving me barely any time to formulate an answer, before a finger was on my lips.

"Now, now, don't waste your energy talking or asking questions, just wait for the doctor to come in and he'll answer everything" she said with a smile, sliding a stethoscope down my chest, listening intensely to my heartbeat.

The glacial stethoscope tingled down my chest, making me shiver all over and gave me goosebumps. I lay there, trying to process everything that was happening, and everything that had happened. If my heartbeat wasn't already rapid, glancing over the nurse would have increased it tenfold.

Her beauty was comparable to a ray of sun on a gloomy day. Her long black hair billowed down from her head only stopping at her hips. She smiled widely at me, her pearly white teeth sitting behind her thin lips. Despite her beauty, she was very short, only standing probably 5 feet tall, at best.

I smiled as the cold stethoscope finally left my chest, and the nurse scribbled down something onto my chart before plopping it into a chart holder attached to the end of my bed. She grabbed her equipment, before assuring me she would be back soon, leaving, but not before turning around and winking at me.

Not long after, the doctor came into my room, grabbing my chart and studying it intensely. I didn't say anything as I let the doctor do his work when his eyes rose from the page and stared at me.

"I do apologize for leaving you waiting so long Mr..." started the doctor.

"You can call me Xavier, it's fine" I replied.

"I see, well Xavier, I do apologize for leaving you so long like this, I didn't want to disturb your sleep, and I must say that most of medical staff was quite baffled about how quick of a recovery you made. So, let me fill you in on what happened. According to witnesses, you were on your phone crossing the road when you got hit by a car" the doctor started.

"Unfortunately, I must tell you that the car drove off and nobody managed to get the license plate, but I can assure you that the police have said that they are looking into it. Speaking of the police, I'm sure that they will be on their way to talk to you soon. Anyways, going back to your injuries. The car sent you flying quite a distance, and when you tumbled back to earth, you broke quite a few ribs, three to be exact. The fall also fractured your right arm and broke your leg in multiple places." The doctor continued with a grimace.

"We took you in for X-rays as soon as you were handed to us, first x-raying your full body, then x-raying individual parts" the doctor followed on.

"Now here's the problem Xavier. First, we x-rayed your ribs, but between the full x-ray and individual x-ray, your ribs were already nearly repaired. By the time we got to your leg and arm, your bones had fully fixed themselves. We were prepared to surgically intervene, but there was no need. Is there anything you might need to tell me about Xavier? Since we didn't manage to get a family history, can you tell me if anyone in your family has had the same sort of experience? If not, we would like you to stay and do some more tests, if possible" the doctor said squinting his eyes at me, already not trusting anything that I would tell him.

"Are you trying to tell me I managed to heal all of my injuries in a few hours, like Wolverine or something?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yes. Although we didn't seem to find any adamantium claws" retorqued the doctor with a laugh.

"I'd like to get my things and go home if possible." I told the doctor. I wasn't about to stay in a hospital and start answering all these questions, not only from the medical staff but also from the police when they would eventually get there. I could see how well that would go, "Oh, Hi Dr so and so, yeah I'm fine, but during the time I was out I met Death and fucked her and then also nearly died to a demon trying to choke me", yeah, that would go down like a lead balloon.

"You know, it would be great if you could stay for some more tests...." The doctor started saying before I cut him off.

"I'm leaving. Now". I said firmly, getting up and starting to get dressed. The doctor started panicking before agreeing to let me out, only telling me that he needed to remove my IV drip and give me painkiller medication before leaving. He removed said IV and told me to wait for five minutes while he went and got my prescription of pain medication, just in case.

I put on the rest of my clothes that were sitting on the chair opposite my hospital bed, my jeans ripped and bloodied from the accident and my t shirt barely holding on for dear life. I didn't matter, I needed to get out of that hospital and get home.

I had stuff to do, no time to waste. Well, I didn't really but I needed to get home as soon as possible and get some rest at least, away from all these people and all their questions that they were budding to ask me. The doctor came back in and gave me my prescription, some medication I'd never heard of, but I would pop by the pharmacy and get them on my way home.

I left the room leaving the doctor behind me, trying to find my way out of the hospital. I followed the red exit line drawn on the floor, going round twists and turns, feeling lost in a maze. My gaze fixed on the floor and not looking where I was walking, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Well, well, if it's not one of my favourite patients" the nurse I had bumped into said with a giggle.

"Oh, hello again Miss. I'm so very sorry for bumping into you like that. Is there any chance you could tell me where the exit is? I'm rather lost..." I asked.

"Of course, sweetie, you shouldn't really be leaving already, but if you feel like that's best then you do you, I suppose" she said with a giggle. "What you need to do is go straight on, then turn left then right, then straight on and you're out."

"Straight on, left, right then straight on. Got it" I mumbled.

"You know what, why don't I just show you? It'll be much easier" she announced, before grabbing my arm and wrapping hers around it and walking towards the exit.

We walked through the corridors, slowly getting towards my destination when the nurse stopped just before a set of doors, and I could feel a hand slip into my back jean pocket and squeeze.

"And here you are Sir, I hope you're feeling okay and please let me know if there's anything I can do to help" she purred, putting a lot of emphasis on the "anything" before walking away and making a phone with her hand and mouthing "call me".

I swear to God the world is going topsy turvy. My trip home was a blur, I tried to think about everything that had happened. When would I see Angela again? What was my gift? And what was that unthinkable demon thing that tried to strangle me?

I put the keys into my door, slowly turning the lock and pushing the door open. I stumbled through the mess on the floor, before undressing myself and falling face first onto my bed. I was out like a light.

I was rudely awakened by my cat who thought it was the right moment to try and be a gymnast and crawl over my head, which was very odd, since my cat never walked on my head. I rubbed my eyes and slowly got out of bed, walking over to my closet to put on some clothes that were in much better shape than the ones on my floor.

I pulled out a band shirt, and another pair of jeans and got dressed. I felt like I had woken up with the worse hangover ever. You know, the sort of hangover where you swear to yourself that you'll never drink again, but two days later you're back at the bar knocking back pints? That sort of hangover.

I walked out of my room to find my cat sitting on the floor in the kitchen in front of the fridge. She stared at me, her round eyes not blinking. I met her gaze, wondering what she was trying to tell me. Food. Of course, she wanted food. Our staring contest was rudely interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I barely opened the door when a young woman with white hair jumped on me, wrapped her arms around me and started kissing me. Not knowing who this person was, I pushed her off me before managing to see who was in front of me.

It was Angela. Death. How was she in the real world?

"I missed you, X. you shouldn't leave me for that long again" she said with a smirk.

"How...? But...? Aw man, am I dead AGAIN?" I cried. "And hang on, I just got back what do you mean leave you again for that long? It's barely been a few hours" I asked.

"You're not dead dumb-dumb. I told you we had bonded forever, well, this is part of that bond. And you know, different places time passes slower, for me it feels like forever" she proclaimed.

"But aren't you Death? Don't you have to look after all the reapers and the people who died?" I asked.

"Well yes, of course I do. You think I could just quit my job like that? Man, sometimes I really wish I could. But no, what I've managed to do is pretty much split myself in two, or rather, I've created a copy of myself that does everything that I usually do. Which means I can spend most of my time with you. I may have to go back to limbo to handle anything really important or for any of the big meetings, but me, and this body, is here for you. All. The. Time" she answered, walking towards me, and gently swaying her hips.

"And, my love, we have a lot of kissing to make up for, and my pussy has been craving you since you left" she whispered in my ear.

"Well, I'm really happy to hear that, but since we have more time now, can we talk about everything that happened? Especially about that big demon guy that nearly killed me?" I babbled.

"The what?" Angela gasped. "What do you mean the big demon guy?"

So, I told her about everything that had happened, about the car crash (which as she constantly remind me, she knew about already), about the nurse that obviously wanted to fuck me, which she was even more enthusiastic about than I was, and about the big red eyed demon who tried to choke me and told me I wasn't humanities savior.

Angela sighed, taking my hand, and leading me to my bed.

"Look, I'm not sure how much I can tell you, there's meant to be an order for these sorts of things. Generally, a god comes to you and tells you vaguely about your power and helps you, or rather guides you along the path you're meant to take. And no, I'm not the god who made you get your power. It was just pure luck that our paths crossed, even though I was interested in you for quite some time, I never expected to get bound to you, or to bound you to me. Not that I regret it or anything" she explained.

"I'm very happy we're bound together, but your god is not going to be happy, whoever they are. But we'll have to deal with that later" she finished.

"Okay. You have got to stop doing this. There's only so much information that my little human brain can digest or even understand. So, when will I hear from this god? Will it be a guy? Or a woman?" I asked.

"God knows... Ha ha, get it? Okay, maybe this isn't the best time for jokes. But we'll deal with that later, and I'll be with you every step of the way. I'll let you know if I hear anything on the grapevine" she chuckled.

"Okay, so what do I do now?" I questioned.

"Well, since we're bound together now, you kind of sort of maybe might get some powers from me..." she mumbled.

I couldn't believe this. Powers from Angela. What could they be, some sort of death powers? Was I going to become a reaper or something?

"You won't be able to kill anyone or anything, but you will be able to travel to limbo whenever you want, and call upon any lost soul. But you'll have to be asleep to do it" she said quietly.

Well, I guess that answered my question. I breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing that I wouldn't have to kill anyone anytime soon.

She slowly rubbed my leg and kissed down my cheek onto my neck.

"I know it's a lot to digest my love, so why don't we forget about all this for a while. I know a great way to get you destressed a little..." she whispered in my ear.

Angela's hand slowly moved from my leg towards my cock, rubbing gently, arousing me ever so slightly. I was so tired, overwhelmed. But as soon as I felt her touch, my tiredness vanished. We were bonded now, and just a touch from Angela could get me out of the deepest hole, replenish my energy, make me feel better. I gently lay down on the bed with Angela crawling on top of me, kissing up my arm before arriving to my neck. She licked and kissed my neck, smothering me in love, love that I hadn't felt in so long. She looked into my eyes before speaking.

"We can finally kiss now. You are mine, and I am yours. Angela and Xavier, for as long as we both exist" she whispered.

I felt so complete. My eyes fluttered closed, and my lips raised up and rested on hers. A spark ignited in my brain, and I could feel our link getting deeper. Our lips parted and my tongue crept into her mouth. We kissed for what felt like hours, wrapping our arms around each other, and showing her how much I loved her. I loved her. Before I could even form the words from my mouth and tell her, she told me she knew. She smiled at me and inside my head I heard her voice.

"I love you too, dummy" her voice echoed in my mind. "I can hear you and you can hear me, if we ever need to talk, just know that we can talk like this" her voice continued while Angela grabbed my head in her hands and softly licked and bit my ear.

I had to have her. My hands grasped her shirt and gently lifted it over her head, admiring her beautiful pale skin that seemed to glisten in the light. My hands gravitated towards her large breasts, rubbing, and squeezing them while I listened to her groans of pleasure. We removed the rest of our clothes and dove under the covers, letting our hands touch and caress each other, as if they had a mind of their own.

"Baby, it feels like forever since I've felt you inside me. Please, I need you, take me and make me cum on your fat cock" she whispered.

I wasn't used to this side of Angela, ordering me to fuck her. But I had to oblige. I had to taste her first, for real this time. I scooted down the bed, removing the covers and spread her legs. I could see her wetness and smell her, an aroma like bubblegum.

I gently parted her folds with my tongue wondering how she could taste so sweet and delicious. I ravished her.

My tongue delved into her, flicking upwards to her clit, responding to her groans and moans and calls for more. Her thighs quickly squeezed my head, her hand rushed to hold my head where it was, and her moans grew louder and louder. With a guttural moan, her legs squeezed even harder, her back arched and her legs trembled.

"I'm cumming" she squealed. A gush came from her and squirted onto my face drenching me. I lapped up everything I could before kissing just above her clit, listening to her mews.

I rose to the top of the bed and lay beside her, breathing heavily and listening to breathe pant beside me. I Lay beside her and wrapped my arm around her, holding her body close to mine. She looked up to me and gently kissed my lips. We snuggled and fell quickly asleep.

Angela and I walked around hand in hand, looking around at the greyness that surrounded us.

"Are we back in limbo again?" I asked her.

"I don't know, we shouldn't be here, and we shouldn't be sharing the same dream either. Normally only I can travel into your dream, not the other way around" she answered.

We walked around for a bit, trying to find anything else that was here but there wasn't anything. We sat down and waited for us to wake up when we heard a voice.

"Death? The fuck are you doing here?" the voice called out.

"Hang on, I know that voice. Oh no... I can't believe it's her" Angela sighed.

"Wait, who? Who is that?" I asked.

"You know I told you that my sister couldn't wait to see you either? Well, you're about to meet one" she said exasperated.

Off in the distance, a person on a horse rode rapidly towards us. From far away I could see her wearing red armor, which hugged her figure, accentuating her large breasts. She came up towards us and dismounted her horse, removing her red helmet.

"Trying to hide him from me, Death? You know better than that, especially when I was the one who chose him..." she stated with a grin.

"X, this is one of my sisters. You humans would know her as War" she sighed.

War walked towards me and took my hand, kissing it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you X, we have a lot of catching up to do" War purred.

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RomanceLivesRomanceLives7 months ago

I'm loving where this is going. Sexy stories with demons and succubi and other supernaturals are just so much fun!!

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