All Comments on 'The Labyrinth of Pilosus'

by Worker11811

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sunsoakersunsoakeralmost 11 years ago
A Most Erotic Adventure

This is an amazing, erotic, creative and imaginative piece I have read in a very long time. The pics serve to provide a context for the sensual experience. YOU have talent and one can only imagine where your writing and accompanying pics will take us from here. But for sure I will be watching. . . and waiting. Is the pic of you or borrowed from a suitable model to match the story? Either way, your writing is breathtaking and unique. I will never think of "fur" in the same way again!

PollyOnArtPollyOnArtalmost 11 years ago

Excellent imagination. You're a good writer! This should be a candidate for first place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Story! Great Images!

Good, vivid storytelling. Well written and erotic. The amazing images are the icing on the cake!

MedicalpeteMedicalpeteabout 4 years ago

Strange! Very strange

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