The Last Verse

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My wife's text after choir tells me to be ready...
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I was browsing hulu to pass the time when the phone buzzed in my hand. A text from my wife, Hannah, dropped down from the top of the screen, "I'm a bit tipsy, taking uber, but I need your dick to be hard and ready to burst when I get home. Be home in 5 mins and I need to talk to you about something. But you better be extremely horny. Start without me, but don't finish before I get there"

My heart began to race. She was out with her choir friends like any other Thursday, but she'd never texted me like this. My mind flashed back to what I had said to her a few weeks back and suddenly my skin went cold. I felt dread wash over me, but my cock also stirred to life. I had been horny and more than a little drunk when I let slip that I might be open to the idea of watching her in bed with someone else.

She'd never mentioned having the desire, never even hinted at it. We had been drinking out on our patio together that night, after the kids had gone to bed, listening to music and having a date night at home. She was sitting on my lap and the smell of wine on her lips as they brushed against mine was intoxicating. I don't know if it was driven by the jealousy I feel whenever she goes out for drinks with her choir after practice, or some hidden feeling of inadequacy.

"I want you so much right now." The words began tumbling out. "I'm drunk right now, so I'm going to tell you something I'm too afraid to say when I'm sober..." Maybe I was hoping to catch her with some confession, make her feel safe in telling me. A moment passed as I considered backing out. "I get turned on by the thought of seeing you with someone else." I had said it. It was out and my dick throbbed in my jeans.

Her lips brushed against mine once, hesitated, then kissed me fully, with just a hint of tongue. She pulled back slightly to look into my eyes, one eyebrow raised and her bottom lip held just barely between her teeth.

I continued, "I can't say this when I'm sober, but if you've ever wanted to try out a new cock, you should bring it up. I might surprise you by agreeing."

She grinned slightly, "You're just horny and you'll say anything right now." And then those wine infused lips kissed me and ended the conversation. The next day, I was relieved, panicking about what I had said but happy she hadn't taken it seriously.

My mind snapped back. She was on her way home. Five minutes. I went into the bedroom, closed the door, stripped, and sat on the edge of the bed. My cock was at full attention, even though my heart was thudding with fear that she might ask to take me up on my offer. I took a calming breath and started stroking. Whatever it was, I was going to do exactly what she had asked.

Choir practice was Hannah's only time for herself. She works full-time in a law firm as a researcher, doing the grunt work that the partners don't want to do themselves. Though she only joins them in court occasionally, she dresses up in formal business attire and actually loves it. I'll never understand how she can enjoy dressing up, but I will also never complain, since her pant suits and formal skirts hug her ass and legs in ways that force you to notice. I must be her opposite in nearly every way.

I manage, but don't own, a small construction company. I never wear anything more fancy than jeans, I never sit all day at a desk, and I never drink anything more fancy than beer. She gets home before I do each day, and so she's the one picking up and looking after the kids, making sure we all eat dinner. Except Thursday. On Thursdays, I come home early and she heads off for choir, not having to figure out dinner or homework or any of it.

When she first started choir a year or two ago, they had had a big night out after the final performance of the season and we hired a baby-sitter to make a night of it. It was my first time meeting her choir, and even though they'd been singing and practicing together, she had felt like it was her first time truly, personally meeting and getting to know them. She was the new girl and hadn't had any time outside of practice to get to know them until then. After the first season, each subsequent show had a few people drop out and a few new faces arrive, but she had befriended a core group that always remained, season after season. Erica, a soprano, was the shy one who joined in all the fun but hardly said more than a few words, unless she had a few drinks in her. Leonard, an older tenor, was tall and talkative, and had a personal story for everything. Adriana was a an alto like my wife, and was a college student nearing graduation. She was constantly swatting away flirtations from old Leonard. And then there was Gabriel, another tenor, their very personable choir director who happened to be a complete perfectionist.

After the first season, we started going out for drinks about once a month with them. We would hire a baby-sitter and I'd meet them at a local brewery once their practice ended. Then it started to be every other week, and then every week, and I could no longer keep up. I had always been included in the conversation, but whenever music came up, I was an outsider. By bowing out, I gave Hannah some space that she may not have admitted that she needed; some time to be herself with friends instead of a wife and mother. Maybe that's what made me feel jealous enough that I conjured up thoughts of her and Gabriel staying for drinks when conveniently no one else turned up.

I looked at my phone, five minutes had passed. I had started to go soft, so I cleared my head and focused on the feeling. I was stroking slowly, top to bottom, feeling every movement. My heart was calming down and after another minute, I started to really get into it. As I continued, I thought of her on my lap out on the patio that night. Those wine infused lips. Her text said she was tipsy, so she would taste like that night again.

She had been wearing one of those tight skirts, and it had hiked up on her hips as she had straddled me. She had pressed herself into me and I pressed myself now, to recall the feeling. I lay back on the bed on the bed and stroked, staring up at the ceiling, remembering how she had pressed down and moved forward and backward as she kissed me, as she bit gently on my lip, as my hands helped her ass move on top of me. The neighbors across the lawn had probably peered out of their windows to see if we would take it further... and we had. Her hand had reached down and unzipped me and let it out. For a few seconds, she had sat there, grinding my hip, obscuring the view for any neighbor while she stroked me, just as I stroked now. Then she had tucked me away, dragged me inside, and pulled me to the bedroom.

I was starting to feel it build inside me when the sound of a car door brought me back to the present. A moment passed and the car slowly drove off down the road, and I waited. After another minute, I began to think it wasn't her, because she would have come inside by then. But then her keys jingled in the lock and I heard her drop her shoes and keys by the door. In a few seconds, she walked into the bedroom and grinned wickedly. "Oh fuck yes."

I stroked for her, watching her eyes as she watched my hand go up and down.

She started to unbutton her top, "Are you close? Don't finish yet." she breathed. "It was incredible tonight, you missed a good show. We were at the brewery, same as usual." She finished unbuttoning her top and let it hang loose as she moved her hands to the belt holding up her pleated skirt. "But there were a few more of us and we grabbed a couple tables at the back, and we were definitely drinking a little more than usual. At some point, someone started singing one of our songs, and then we all joined... Keep stroking, I want that dick hard and that cum just ready any second... After a song or two, the full place was just drinking and watching and listening, a few people joining in. But our voices, it just came together!... Keep stroking... It was incredible."

I kept going, sliding it up and down.

"Guess the manager didn't like it though, he kicked us out. We didn't care though, we just sang our way out the door. Everybody was parked in the parking lot except me, so we finished the last verse and headed to our cars... Stroke it, yes. Oh God yes." She bit her lip looking at my dick. "I had an uber on the way, but I had to grab my purse from my car down the street. Gabriel, the choir director, saw I was walking down the alley to my car, so he came with me. Oh, keep going, yes, just like that." My heart skipped a beat, but I kept stroking and she dropped her belt to the floor.

"He started to walk me to my car, and he started singing one of the duets. We just walked, singing, until we got to the car. But we weren't quite finished." she looked down and began to pull off one of her nylons from under her skirt. "Oh baby, stroke that dick but don't finish yet... we hadn't finished the song, so I turned and leaned my back against the car, and we sang the last verse together, just watching each other. His eyes watched my lips move, and it made me feel so wanted, and I watched his lips just the same. The connection was just overpowering."

At this point, my heart was thudding, my cock was throbbing. Her first nylon dropped to the floor and she started on the second. I was both terrified of what she would say, but dying to hear more because I was so close. Was she making it up? Or was this really happening?

Her voice dropped to barely more than a whisper and a hint of red wine. "Once the last lines left our lips, and the last notes faded away, he leaned in." She reached out her hand and stroked my cock and closed her eyes. "His lips were soft, gentle, but they pulled me in." She stroked base to tip and back, full length, slowly sliding her hand so I would feel every movement. Her eyes still closed. Her voice still a slow whisper. "I took the sides of his shirt and pulled him to me. His hands wandered as we kissed, finding their way up under my shirt to my sides, to my naked back, as I pulled him harder at the waist, feeling him harden into me. His hands slowly moved up and gently slid past the side of my breast, barely grazing it, as his lips took all of my focus." Her hand continued to stroke, as she started to push down her remaining nylon down with the other hand. I could burst at any second.

"His bulge was pressing into me, inside his pants, and it seemed to be straining... so I reached down through his waistband to help adjust it. My fingers wrapped around it and I couldn't believe how thick it felt." She opened her eyes and locked eyes with me, lust in her smile. "Thicker than I was expecting, I had no idea. That's when I remembered what you said to me the other night... that you wouldn't mind."

She bent down to push her nylon past her knees.

"I knew you would want me to. And no one was around, so I pulled his cock out, and I thought of you and how much you'd like to hear about it. I knelt down and gazed at it for a second, and then put my lips around it. God it was thick! I tried to go slow at first, but I couldn't hold back. And I thought of how much you like when I go deep so it goes into my throat. He's about the same length as you, baby... but I tried with him and I couldn't get it past the back of my throat!"

"Oh, god... " She moved away from me slightly and put her thumbs into the waistline of her skirt. I picked up where she left off, stroking, nearly past the point of no return. I knew I could only last a few more seconds.

"He opened the back door to the car, and you would have loved to see it. Oh god how thick his cock is!" she pushed her skirt down and I realized she wasn't wearing the panties I knew she had on earlier. Her skirt hit the floor, and her fingers moved to her clit, sliding across it up and down gently. She started to move her fingers in circles and I stroked faster. Almost there. "He climbed on top of me in the back seat, and he slid that cock in and stretched me out. Oh god!" her knees bent involuntarily. "We did it with the door still open. Anyone could have walked by." I was nearly cumming now, watching her finger circle around and around. Each of my breaths were short and shallow, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My voice was shaky, "Did you, um, did you finish?" still not sure if this was just a fantasy.

Her breathing was rapid, she leaned back on the wall, spread her legs slightly, continued to rub her clit, and locked eyes with me. I felt as though I would cum as soon as she answered, but she didn't answer. The question hung in the air, and the sounds of our movements filled the silence. She just kept fingering, and I could hear her breathing hard and fast, getting closer.

My breath caught. It was about to happen. I glanced down and her thighs were shaking. And then a slow drip of white appeared at her opening and dropped to the wood floor below. And then another, larger, white and thick. It slid out of her in four thick gobs. Gabriel's cum, dripping from my wife's pussy onto our hardwood floor.

It became real, the full force of it. His thick cock, thicker than mine, cumming inside Hannah, inside my wife. She moaned and her legs trembled, and I came, spraying jets of cum out onto the floor with Gabriel's.

Hannah collapsed down to the floor, still trembling. Her movements smeared and mixed our cum together, as I milked the last few drips from my cock.

I rocked, slowly stroking, unsure of what would come next.


After a few minutes of stunned silence, Hannah had risen to her knees and gently carressed my dick while she kissed me. She'd then gone to shower, and left me to clean up. I had stared at the floor, streaked with thick, milky white.

The rest of the night had been nearly wordless, as we both processed what had just happened. When we finally lay in bed before sleep, heads resting on the pillows, there was a small light drifting in and I could see her watching me.

Her voice was a whisper, "So it's true."

I stared at Hannah, trying to learn from her eyes what she meant.

"So it's true. You would like it." a hint of a smile spread in her cheeks.

"What? Would like it? What do you mean?"

"You said you couldn't tell me sober, but you were sober tonight, and you certainly seemed to like it. So it's true, then? You'd like it, if I really did that?" Her confidence wavered.

I hesitated a moment, "What do you mean, if you really did that?"

Her whole face broke into a smile and every part of her changed to match, "I had you convinced it was true!? Oh baby, that is hot." She let out a small laugh. "I made it up, to see if you were telling the truth. I didn't think I could pull it off though, to make it seem real enough."

"But... I saw..."

"It was cum lube. It's like a fake cum textured lube. Oh it looks so real. But I thought for sure you'd know the difference when you cleaned it up. I squirted it in there before coming inside and threw it and my panties in my purse. It's still in my purse!"

She smiled even brighter than before and leaned over to kiss my shock away. After a moment, I finally kissed her back.

Reality had shifted back into place, somehow. I had my wife back, somehow.

Our lips parted and her face tilted down ever so slightly, her eyes looked up into mine. Her bottom lip barely held between her teeth. Her teeth released her lip so she could whisper, "So it seems like it really is true, though..."

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Mr_BradyMr_Brady12 months ago

And so the two of them move on from there?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well done. You drew us in and we were fooled just like hubby!

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

PFH. Pretty Fuckin Hawt

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I had my wife back, somehow.

"Reality had shifted back into place, somehow. I had my wife back, somehow."

Yes, the sex was hot. But it was still a man that thought he was loosing his wife.

Nothing sexy about that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My husband hinted for years that he wanted to watch me get fucked. It finally happened while we were on vacation and had been drinking. That was 11 years and many strange cocks ago. My cravings and his voyeurism are well satisfied. Good writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Is so much better than just knowing. I sit in my chair at the foot of our bed, my wife gets on top and opens wide, dropping down on her latest guy. I get to watch it go in, fascinating.

sirhugssirhugsover 3 years ago
So intense

What I wish I could have written like back in the days when I wrote LW stories. dialogue driven, detailed, all the good stuff. Not the ending I had hoped for, but okay...

I hope that you continue, and add a chapter featuring Erica and Adriana (otherwise why mention them here?).

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Leave it there or move it to fetish if she does....scored it as fantasy


lc69hunterlc69hunterover 3 years ago
Well done

Well written, and possibly a lead up to the real thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
An LW author who can actually write

Well done, 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Cum textured lube

It exists! Google it!

Happy reading.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Cuck shit, no thanks

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 3 years ago

This is a good story. It's arousing, exciting and fun to read and you did it all in a few words. It's easy to rate this five stars.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Surely this dude ain’t that dumb. Cum textured lube? Come on , man!

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 3 years ago

to: "Must not be a church choir!"

You don't think church choir members can't be adulterous and manipulative ?

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