The Life of a Good Girl Vol. 01

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A young blonde becomes the loving pet of a powerful man.
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(Author's Note: This is written in a back-and-forth format, because it is a novelized retelling of me and a partner's roleplaying logs. This one begins with me, and then every other paragraph from there belongs to my partner (I will denote them with lines for simplicity's sake). This RP uses original characters for the billionaire genius playboy biochemist, Cavreal Madsalson (played by my partner) and the beautiful teenage academy student, Karina Sukunai (played by me). This novelization was done with the full and explicit permission of my partner.

This is the first part of a multi-work series, but because I only have this first volume done and edited, I'm just marking it as Mind Control for now. Once I finish up the others, I'll likely mark each under their own category. If you like, expect at least 3 more entries after this! ^_^)

~ Setokaiva (Karina Sukunai) & Cavreal Madsalson

(P.S: These profiles are on F-list)

Edited by PatrickArmagh (Literotica Volunteer Editor)


Karina glanced down at her watch for the second time in the last minute. She was late. Again. Well, not 'again' as in for this particular meeting, but... still! If only she'd thought to move her alarm away from the bed, she'd have had to get up to turn it off, and that could have made all the difference! She'd just barely managed to catch the morning bus out of town, to get off at the lightly rolling hills where the person she was visiting made his home.

The girl shifted her purse a little tighter onto her shoulder, and quickened her brisk walk into a jog. The unmistakable brick and hardwood facade of her target house loomed not far away, though she still wished she could... well, wish herself there a little faster. Her long, blonde hair was still down, flopping against her back in the breeze. She hadn't even had time to put her hairpin on. And her blouse and skirt were a little mussed, too, leaving subtle hints of her slender curves showing where the fabric creased up around her waist.

She paid it all no mind. She had to reach this man and get the-- talk about, yes, talk about the books, she corrected herself.

The books in question were Karina's entire reason for coming. Her academy had just recently been approached by a very wealthy benefactor, one Cavreal Madsalson, a wealthy collector of some local stature. And he had made an offer. An offer of several valuable, first-edition volumes, to be donated to the academy library -- of which she, the simple, middle-class teenage girl, Karina Sukunai, was a leading custodian. Which left her playing fetch-and-carry, in the most rich and opulent sector of her own hometown.

She turned onto the driveway, then slowed down to a walk, both because she didn't want to appear too eager or impolite to her host, and because she was stopped outright by a metal fence dead ahead. Karina shifted her gaze side to side, marveling between her heavy breaths at the size of Mr. Madsalson's estate. She couldn't say it took up the block, because there was no block, just houses and manors lining the street and following it wherever it curved. This one in particular was surrounded by a low brick wall running the length of the whole property, capped with wrought iron spokes that lent the perimeter a certain raw majesty.

Beyond the well-to-do architecture, she could also see the beginnings of a very modern home, too; there was at least one security camera in plain view tucked into a corner of the portal leading through the wall, watching the main entrance unblinkingly. She was being watched. The thought made her gulp, but more to swallow her own nervousness and press on. Karina stepped up to the gate, and, finding an intercom system hanging on one of the side posts, gave the button a light push.


She'd seen him watching, and he'd seen her coming.

Cavreal sat relaxed in his chair, appraising the approaching icon of slender beauty through a viewscreen in his reading room. His twin blue eyes barely blinked, and he hardly smiled; but it took only a moment to realize that his fingers were drumming impatiently against the side of his desk. Just seeing the girl had been enough to shake him out of the daze of boredom that he had settled into.

It was enough to actually get a dry huff out of him; despite the long weeks he'd spent devising his latest little 'game', and the rules and technical capacity to fulfill it, he still lacked the appropriate players to bring it all together. This girl had no way of knowing, but she was to be just that very catalyst.

With one hand, he swept his fingers in a lazy flourish, miming the maneuver of a chess piece on the board. In the same motion he activated the quick-release override for the front gate, allowing it to swing wide and admit the young lady in. Once she stepped through, there would be no going back.

Step two, intermediate; a quick call over his in-house intercom to his serving staff, to let them know it was time for the show. All that was needed for now was for his butler to receive her at the door. In the intervening time, he allowed his mind to wander a little, pondering many things, and not just what tact to take. It was a happy coincidence that the academy had sent someone that matched him in hair and eye color. Part of him wondered if that was some kind of appeal for favor, but his more rational side, the mind of a genius biochemist who'd labored for untold hours to perfect this scheme, easily realized he was giving their simple minds far too much credit.

The young lady would soon find herself escorted by a graying, yet refined gentleman, whose sole job was as the manager and head butler of the Madsalson estate. She had been expected; a warm smile was given her way as she was escorted into the large, western-style house, which loomed over the city from a distance like a watchful eye. Large, lavish, and rather classy; that was how Cavreal Madsalson liked to be seen, in person and in house. The various decor were established in an old Victorian, yet modern look. While there was old and masterfully refurnished sofas, there were also intercom channels, cameras, and other state-of-the-art devices everywhere.

Cavreal himself was dressed sharply as ever, waiting for her in the meeting room as he loomed his eyes out the window towards the flower gardens. His black shoes and slacks led up to a more colorful red and brown vest, a bright white button shirt, and a green and black striped tie. HIs hair was well-kept and fresh, with the smell of expensive shampoo wafting subtly off of him. His spectacled gaze followed her as she came into his vision, and a small curl of a smile came up upon his lips when he greeted her.

"Ah, miss Sukunai, welcome to the manor," he said to her, his demeanor friendly and gentle, with a relaxed posture. He came off as a favored teacher, or your "fun uncle" who was more relaxed than your parents. It certainly was, however, a fact that the name Madsalson was known far and wide in the biotech world, and his fortune vast and capable many times over of buying whatever he desired. "Please, sit down and have some tea we've prepared."

He nodded to his head man. The older gentleman bowed, and turned on his heels, knowing all too well what to do as he left them alone for a spell.


Without a reply from the intercom, the gates swung open before Karina's surprised eyes. She blinked. Apparently, she really was expected. Maybe the owner was a little shy about talking up front, though? Still, she smiled, adjusted her purse again, and adopted as professional of a walk as possible -- while finally taking the time to smooth out the creases and rough spots in her clothes along the way, paying special attention to her waist, where her red-and-gray blouse had kicked up over the hem of her dark pleated skirt.

Karina had to remember not to strut too far while looking up at the house so as not to fall backward; it was truly imposing, and utterly beautiful at virtually every corner. Subconsciously, she knew she had to be very careful what she touched or where she went, as Mr. Madsalson really seemed to care about his property. At last, she passed through the rounded hardwood pillars holding up the balcony, and came to stand before the magnificently arched front door itself.

Karina almost felt... wrong in touching it, as though she were some kind of low-class interloper. She sucked in a deep breath, and actually considered going for her compact in her purse to touch up her eyebrows a bit more, but stopped herself quickly. She was committed now, and procrastinating wouldn't help anyone. So it was with a slightly nervous smile and sucked-in lower lip that the blonde reached out, and politely knocked three times.

Karina heard the door click open with a light, yet regal groan of iron and hardwood a few seconds later. All at once, her nerves nearly consumed her, and she lifted a hand up to her neckline, grabbing a handful of her blouse as though to tug herself forward. She saw a man just past the threshold, but when she opened her mouth to introduce herself, he pre-empted her, and she blinked in surprise.

'Servants?' she thought. 'Well... of course. A mansion like this... no, the whole estate would need a lot of work. I can't believe I'm actually here...'

With as polite a nod as she could manage, yet without saying anything beyond a meek "Thank you", Karina simply followed along behind the butler. It was nervous going; she startled at the door shutting behind her, which drew her attention to the immense beauty of the interior. She hesitated in her steps, and had to jog at times to catch up, making her ample chest bounce around lightly within her clothes. Clothes that were, sadly, getting a little touched with sweat by now, though the near-perfect air conditioning in the estate kept the worst at bay.

When they finally arrived at another set of double doors set into the wall, Karina propped herself up against the wall for a moment, and steadied her breathing. Her dress was fine. Her makeup was fine. Everything was now up to her personality. She stepped through the door--

--and forgot every scrap of speech she'd planned. Mr. Madsalson was already turning towards her. Everything about his poise, his bearing, radiated grace. His hair was immaculate, even the blonde bangs he left hanging over his face strategically combed to emphasize his soft blue eyes.

"U-Umm..." Karina vacillated for a moment, then, amidst a burning wave of nervousness telling her to DO something, put on her most grateful smile, and sought out a nearby bench covered in red velvet to all but fall down into. "T-Thank you, sir, and let me jus...jsst say, i-it's such an honor, and a pleasure to meet you!" she stammered out, starstruck by his awesome presence.


Cavreal smiled good-naturedly at her stammering. Ah, wonderful. It was natural for such a woman so young to feel overwhelmed by the presence of someone like him; and, though some might call him old-fashioned, misplaced confidence from women always did rankle him anyway. Her starstruck demeanor was adorable, especially coming from a face that ideally laid on the border between cute and sexy.

"The pleasure is mine," he returned gracefully, and took her hand in his, lifting it up for a quick, chaste kiss.

Hmm. Smooth, faintly sweet to the taste, and very warm and full. He very much looked forward to feeling more of her skin before long. For now, he was happy to let her guess as to the truth behind the way he gazed intently at her face.

Cavreal gently tugged on her wrist, guiding her down to sit on one of the expensive, plush sofas that adorned his meeting room. He placed himself on another opposite her, the space between marked by nothing but bare carpet; normally it would at least have a coffee table, but he'd had the furniture arranged to different specifications for the occasion.

The man took a moment to drink her body in. The soft blonde hair that wafted from her head down to about the lower part of her back was entrancing, with her shimmering blue eyes and pale, soft skin only making her that much more alluring. Her heaving breasts, which were straining slightly against her school uniform, and her shapely backside, only added to the attraction as Cavreal was already undressing her with his eyes, among other things in his mind.

"So," he began, getting straight to business, "about those books. You were looking for a way to arrange delivery with me to the library?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his butler silently re-enter the room, right on cue. He bore a wide metal tray adorned with a porcelain tea set, from which Cavreal selected a pre-poured cup for himself, and waited patiently for his guest to take the other.

There was a reason in particular that they wanted someone from the academy. It was to see how well his newest biotech would work: Lexia, a drug that was created by his company in secret, was a dangerously popular drug in the underground, particularly those in the sex trade. The drug was the strongest aphrodisiac in the world, causing the nerves to feel as though set aflame, as the mind was slowly warped to wanting never-ending pleasure, the chemical imbalance permanent and the girls slowly turned into all too willing slaves.

Such would be the experiment, as a start, beginning with her 'tea'.


Karina's nerves weren't exactly helped by the man before her getting right down to business. But him sitting down with her actually made her feel a little calmer, and happy somewhere deep inside, as though he was showing her favor by bringing himself down to her level. Still, she was practically shaking, with her hands folded in her lap so tightly her knuckles were turning slightly pale, her eyes were half-blinking rapidly, and her chin, tilted his way so she could look at him directly, was jarring up and down as she tried to speak.

"A-Ah, yes," she perked up, sitting ramrod straight at the word 'books'. "T-those volumes -- first edition volumes, ah, on..." Karina stammered out... then realized with a stab of panic that it had actually slipped her mind while she'd been led through the manor. What were those volumes again? Ancient gardening techniques? Old beliefs in magic? Why couldn't she remember? Why was... why was her throat so dry all of a sudden?

Karina breathed in frank relief when Mr. Madsalson's able butler presented her with some tea, though she tried very hard not to make it too obvious. Instead, she focused on smoothing her hands over her skirt, pinching a few of the creases between her fingers. It helped calm her nerves, though only a little. Thankfully, a better option was already wafting its lemon-scented vapors right up to her stiff-cheeked face.

"Thanks," Karina murmured as she took the cup, and lifted the rim to her lips. She was quick to notice how delicate and expensive the cup was; definitely part of a set, the rest of which was likely in the butler's possession. She sipped carefully at first... and then her eyes widened in blossoming awe. The liquid was perfectly warm without burning her tongue, with a sweet and smooth taste that richly but gently titillated her senses. Karina didn't wait long before she tipped the cup back, and took a few more long, pleasant swallows.

Her smile quickly relaxed; the tea was like a warm, calming hug spreading out from deep inside her body, bringing a feeling of deep and profound peace along with the pleasant lemony aftertaste. Karina really had needed that.

She leveled the cup out, and held it close, almost touching her chest. "Yeah- Yes. Yes, I'm the one who's supposed to come get them, actually. Or at least set up the transfer. I can do both." She slid a finger over her leg, then lifted it high to tap it on her shoulder, giving a little wink of her eyes to match. "I'm a custodian of the college library, so I can sign off on paperwork for donations and so on. It's all official when it comes through me."

A faint grimace tugged at the edges of her face, and she lifted her free hand to tug at the edge of her blouse's neckline. Why was she sweating? Had she really gotten that worked up over... over this kind, harmless man? Over some books? It was pretty silly, when she thought about it. Rather than wait for an answer, she raised the glass again to drink the rest of the warm tea in smooth, even swallows.


Her slow, supple sipping alone would have sealed the girl's fate; he was more than patient enough to wait until she'd taken the full dose. But the precocious teen apparently was not, which suited Cavreal just fine. As he drank his own tea, he kept his keen eyes locked onto her, watching the liquid pour into her body.

The effects became visible on her almost immediately. First it was the deep calmness that he observed spreading over her face, and entering her voice. A direct effect of the agents that promoted attachment and deep feelings of trust. Trust that would easily lead to other things, while surreptitiously weakening her resolve to resist them. The sweet, innocent flower before him would soon blossom into what he hoped was only the first of many flowers in his garden.

"Oh, is that right? Well, I'm sure that the books are in good hands, coming from such a capable and rather elegant young woman such as yourself," he spoke.

The conversation was going well, even as he couldn't help but flirt just slightly with her. It seemed, though, that as the seconds drew on, her body was having trouble with keeping composure, and the older man knew all too well to capitalize.

He let his face slide into a concerned frown. "Why, Miss Sukunai... are you alright? You seem to be flushed, and your body is seemingly... heated?"

Cavreal carefully set aside his tea on the floor, and rose, closing the distance quickly to gently press his hand over her forehead. He was almost startled by the heat he really did feel, despite it not being any kind of fever; Karina had to be feeling this all over her skin by now. Her nerves would have it worse, tingling like fire from his merest touch, heightened to the point of hypersensitivity.

It seemed the drug was working as expected. He could already smell the sweet mixture of arousal and sweat coming off of her.


Karina felt a deep, growing confidence in herself as time went on, even under those glowing blue eyes regarding her so softly. Especially with the way he was watching her, in fact. Now that she'd gotten her initial uncertainty out of the way, it became clear to her that she was in fact the right person to handle such an important job like this.

She hung on his every word as the wealthy and charming benefactor continued to speak. The only real problem was that the warmth that had calmed her down like a gentle bath was now getting worse. Or... not 'worse', as it did still make her feel quite a bit better, but now it was getting sharper. Enough for pricks of sweat to bead out on her skin. This was more like the runner's high from a good long jog. But she didn't feel tired. If anything... she felt energized. Maybe the exercise to get here had actually helped? Or maybe Mr. Madsalson was just that disarming of a personality?

Karina nodded her head and replied, "Absolutely... We've got secure display cases for them, and..." She decided to skip over the details, "These are very important to us, so please, don't worry. They're-- They'll be in safe hands. We all greatly appreciate your generosity." She smiled even wider, until she was worried a blush might form on her cheeks. If it hadn't already, with how warm and giddy she was feeling all over. It was like... her nerves were just melting away. Her eyes had stopped quivering, and now remained firmly locked on his, matching her earnest, happy expression.
