The Line of Succession Vol. 01


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"Do you give up, kid?" he asked.

The venom in her eyes was astounding. Suddenly her lips fastened to his, and she probed his mouth with her tongue. It held for a few seconds, and as she broke it, she smiled and said to him, softly, "I win!"

He was shocked, but it didn't last long.

He smiled. "Took you long enough, young lady." He kissed her back and let go of her arms, and crushed her body to his. Her arms and her legs wrapped him in her embrace. She tore at his padded training rig, and his fatigue jacket, and bit his t-shirt covered chest.

For a moment, he fumbled with her padded tunic, and her t-shirt and succeeded in freeing her perky boobs and kissing her hardening nipples, eliciting a strangled moan from her quivering body. Then he stopped, and bolted upright.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I can't; I shouldn't. I'm still married. Forgive me."

She rose up on her elbows, and looked at him.

"Let's get something straight, Major. Your bitch wife is screwing just about everything with two legs and a cock. Some reports intimate even four legged creatures. I also know that 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' has instructed you to romance me, UNCONDITIONALLY!!. You have the inside track at being her son-in-law. And no, as far as I know, she doesn't know I am aware of this.

"But you have passed all tests I've put to you; you are strong, tough, compassionate when you need to be, smart as a Bonsmae Master, handsome, hung like a Tholian plow horse (so it would feel) and it would appear honorable. But I am not a virgin. And I want to be sure you know what you're doing on ALL the fields of battle, Mister.

"So as your Crown Princess, I am ORDERING you to take me to bed and fuck me like a Rosten whore. Do I make myself clear, MAJOR??"

He was slightly stunned. Then he smiled, and bowed to the imposing young women who lay half-naked before him.

"Your wish is my command, Highness. I will try not to disappoint you." He scooped her into his arms and carried her from the workout room to her bedchamber.

Chapter 5- The Royal Command

The Princess's personal chambers were 'cozy'. Painted in sedate shades of blue and green, there were scenes of forests and oceans, mountains and vast landscapes of prairies and steppes.

Different life forms and animals, from around the Galaxy were depicted. She loved the out-of- doors and animals from around the Empire, and as her Mother had commented, was devoted to children and young people.

Her bed was an antique from early Earth, four poster and cannonball style. It was a queen sized bed, with a modern pneumatic mattress. Heated and cooled depending on the occupant's desires, it was covered by satin sheets and goose down comforters.

Caleb deposited the Royal personage on the bed, turned to the doorway, and closed and locked it, and finished removing his fatigues. He was only slightly behind her Highness's own disrobing.

'Eager little thing, isn't she?', Cal thought.

He just about got his clothes off when she grabbed his organ, and kissed the head. He greeted this with a sharp intake of breath and looked down at Her Highness. Her eyes were shining as she proceeded to devour his hardening cock.

"Oh, this is more than I had hoped for," she murmured, stroking and kissing Caleb's cock. She smiled and looked up, meeting the Major's gaze.

"I think this will do nicely. What do you think?"

'She does have killer legs', he thought. He reached down and drew her to a standing position. He licked her nose and her lips, then all bets were off. He savaged her lips and shoved his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues danced and she gave as good as she got, biting his lips and pinching his nipples.

He groaned and dropped his mouth to her throat, biting and nibbling as he worked his way to her petite breasts.

She moaned and pulled her legs up to around his waist and kissed the top of his head, while Caleb made his way to her waist, and her pubic area. He finally put her down on the bed and spread her legs, while she giggled and smiled at him. She was leaking from her sex and starting to wiggle. She reached for him and crooked her fingers at his masculinity.

"I want it now, Caleb. Come and show me we were meant to be together. I will make you forget the slut and when we are finished, I will make it my personal mission to destroy her- if my mother has not already."

'Wow, all this and a sweet little piece of ass to boot,' Caleb thought.

He licked his lips and knelt between her thighs.

"No, I want you to fuck me, RIGHT NOW!!" she demanded.

He straightened up from his intended target, and stared at her.

"Alright, you may be of the Imperial house, but if WE are going to make a go of this, Kate, if we are to be man and wife in the bedroom, it's going to be on an equal basis. Understand?"

She looked at him with amazement in her eyes. No one had ever talked to her like that when she demanded something by Imperial right. She was astonished, then frightened.

But they both noticed that her pussy was flooding and his cock was leaking pre-cum. They both looked up at the same time, and their eyes met. The feeling of lust overshadowed everything. She grinned and started to pant and sweat. He grabbed her thighs and looked at her with primal hunger. She nodded her head and reached for his shoulders as he dropped to her vagina.

He suckled her pussy lips, nibbling and pulling them, alternating between her left labia major and her right. Then he left them to concentrate on her clit. He licked it and suckled it like it was a small nipple.

She screamed and peed into his mouth, and without missing a beat, he sucked it down his throat. She gasped and couldn't control herself. She orgasm-ed and bucked her hips against his face. She was bouncing up and down and babbling incoherently.

Then, just as he thrust that magnificent tongue into her pussy, and started to search for her g-spot, she squirted. She emptied her vagina onto his face and he sucked her nectar down his throat. She stiffened and her eyes rolled back in her head. She passed out and he cradled her limp body.

'She's a little animal. I could get used to this,' he thought.

She moaned and shook herself and slowly regained her senses. She looked at him, and she grabbed his thighs, demanding he fuck her.

When they cuddled later, she confessed (a bit embarrassed though she was) that although she was not a virgin, and had had several sexual encounters, she had never squirted before. She apologized. His rejoinder??

"For what??"

She pushed her hips up to him, begging him and pleading with him to take her and put an end to her misery.

He relented, and placed his organ at the sopping wet entrance to paradise. One thrust and his 8" slipped all the way home, accompanied by her gasp and small scream. At first he was worried he had been too rough, but the beatific look of ecstasy on her face and the 'OH, SHIT!!' elicited from her open mouth, along with her eyes rolling back and the squeezing on his cock quickly put the lie to that.

She immediately started to hump his groin and the orgasms started and would not stop. She went from clawing at his back and chest to holding on for dear life, to a limp rag doll beneath him, spasming, shaking, and clenching at his body, willing him to service her.

He was in paradise. Some where during their coupling, he realized that this WOMAN (she had long since stopped being a girl) had made him fall for her. He was numb, and as hard as an oak staff. He could not stop if both their lives depended on it. He realized he could fuck her to death if he kept it up and he didn't want that. That was when his organ returned to the present and his blood pressure peeked as his manhood deposited 9 months worth of restrain into her womb. Again and again his buddy pulsed and delivered, until her cavity couldn't hold any more and it started to squeeze out the sides. Still he stroked her and plied her vagina with cum. He finally collapsed, barely making himself roll to her side so that he didn't crush her.

But she grabbed him and pulled him back on top of her.

"MY bear skin blanket. I'll never sleep without it again," she murmured.

They lapsed into contented slumber for over ten hours.

Chapter 6- The Aftermath, and Coming Home

They lazed around in bed, playing with each other and teasing one another until one or the other initiated sex. Finally they heard her intercom chiming, and she rolled over and pushed the button to talk to her mother.

The Empress answered with a trace of nonchalance, and asked if she had gotten lost.

"No, mother, we were discussing security measures for our return to Terra, and we lost track of time."

"Oh, is that what young people are calling it now??"

The princess blushed slightly, and I smothered a laugh.

"I need you and Caleb to come see me- immediately. No delay, it is important."

"At once, your Majesty." She canceled the intercom, leaned over and kissed her paramour, and jumped out of bed to perform her daily ablutions.

Caleb sighed and extracted himself from the goose down comforters, and reached for his clothes. Kate finished her toiletry and came out of the bath room. He went in and 'drained his lizard', splashed water on his face, and dried it. He came out buttoning his fatigue shirt and laced his boots. Then he sat down and studied the beautiful nymph in front of him.

She was gorgeous. She was everything Lorna was not, on a girl next door scale. He was scared, on an emotional scale. Because he was falling for her. Hard.

She brushed her hair, touched up her makeup (what there was of it) laced her own boots and stood.

"Lets go, tiger," she said with a mischievous grin. "And don't worry too much. We're not making grandchildren yet. I am on the new generation insert for birth control."

'Thank GOD,' she murmured.

They proceeded to the Empress's quarters, and were greeted by 1st Lt. Esmarelda Sanchez. The snicker on Esmey's face was priceless. She ushered them into the Empress's presence, and then with drew.

Empress Taralynn the First was holding court with several ministers and advisors, and when the two 'youngsters' walked in, she dismissed everyone else, and told them to sit. Kate reclined at her mother's side while I remained standing at parade rest. After all, she was the Empress. She looked at them and sighed.

'It would appear my plan worked pretty well,' she thought. She squared her shoulders and faced the two young people.

"You have both heard the story of my courtship with the late Emperor." She sniffled a little.

"Caleb has the official version, and Kate, you have slightly more details. But neither of you knows everything." She gazed at the two of them and she smiled.

"The real story is this: I did stay at his side for 25 days and cared for him while he was in the hospital. And I did not know who he was. But I did know I loved the Marine Captain. He told me the last night before his parents came that he loved me and wanted to marry me. I told him I loved him, and we consummated our love that night.

"I was very nervous the next day, knowing his parents were coming to see him that day. But I was there holding his hand when Emperor Alexander the 3rd strolled into the room, followed by Empress Katirine the 2nd. Luckily for me, he had his arm around my waist as my legs buckled." She smiled at the memory of the meeting.

"Your Grandfather scowled at me, but your Grandmother beamed with pride as she came and wrapped her arms around her son. The she turned to me and studied me.

Your father was laughing and turned to his parents and said,"Mom, Dad, this is my future wife and the woman who will give you grandchildren." He was beside himself with hubris and stared them both down.

Your Grandmother broke first and moved to embraces me. She smiled and said,"Take good care of him, as you have for the last 25 days."

"Your grandfather looked me up and down while the security detail shuffled and blushed at the emperor's discomfort. The he said,"You have good taste, my son. Almost as good as mine." Then he grinned and swept me into his arms. "Welcome to the family, Taralynn."

"It was the happiest I have been until your brother was born, and then you," she smiled.

Then she became all business.

"It would appear you have been 'discussing security measures' for about 10 hours. How is that going?"

I straightened up to parade ground status.

"Very well, your majesty. We have made 'significant progress' toward an 'amiable solution.'" All said with my best poker face.

Kate, not so much.

She blushed and looked at her mother.

"I love him, Mother. More than anything in the galaxy. He will be my Consort."

The Empress looked at the two of them, and sniffled.

"Your Father would have been very proud. And a Major to boot.

"Well, we have somethings to discuss. From the looks of it, you two mesh quite nicely."

"We are still trying to ascertain how that fucking bastard Reginald Golan managed to access secure military comm channels at sub-light speed to send your divorce decree to you."

Again, Kate blushed down into her fatigue shirt. I was still at parade rest, enjoying her discomfort.

"Well, as long as you have established a rapport, you need to stop your assignations until after the divorce. OUR legal team said that anything that would affect your testimony might be prejudicial to your case.

"I am looking out for your best interests, Major. AND my daughter's and the Empire's."

Now it was my turn to squirm a little, while Kate turned and looked at me, grinning.

"Think you can keep it in your pants, Tiger??"

I looked at her and found new found respect for her. And an added level of lust. This would be tough.

"Majesty, I believe I have found my life long mate. But I will not sully our relationship, and my so called 'marriage' until the divorce is final. I owe it to your daughter and my own self respect. As GOD is my witness, ma'am,"

And I turned and skewered my recent playmate.

"And in spite of what some people will try, I stand by my oath, Majesty."...I turned to Her Imperial Majesty........... "MOM."

The Empress looked at me, then at Kate.

"Fine. We will go with that."

She reached down and pressed a button and the Lord High Chamberlain re-entered the room.

"Now, let's get to work."

The Lord High Chamberlain moved to the Empress's side and pulled a chair out from a working desk. He assessed the ship's internet and spooled up his laptop, adjusting his spectacles and humming to himself.

"Alright, Major, this is what your legal team wants you to do. The Vice Admiral has been in contact with the Jags on the ship and they have come up with a few preliminary steps to take until they get you on the ground in Terra. They have an investigative team working on surveillance of your soon to be former wife. Incidentally, she has been a very 'hospitable' young lady, spreading her charms all over the known solar system, and beyond in some instances.

"We have documented all this and more. But all your attorneys say you should be as 'Caesar's Wife' as the old play goes. So if you behave, we can get you out of this."

"And believe me, we are really looking forward to this."

The Empress chimed in and said that we were little more the three days out of home, so we should exercise some restrain and behave. The Princess and I looked at each other, and promised to be good, with the express understanding that we would be together forever after.

So, we went back to training and qualifying. My future wife would be as good as one of my marine recruits by the time we were done. I didn't want her to be too proficient as I might be worried about my own safety.

End of the first Volume; more to follow. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.


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RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

Loving it, yeah! 5 BIG FUCKING STARS!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Alas, I am hooked and enchanted by your tale. Let the villains head roll! 5*s.

damnmedamnmeabout 1 year ago

Sorry, nerd alert here.

Skipper...for a Marine?

Assuming this military derived some basis from US or British Navy, a Skipper is an informal name for the captain or the person in command of a Navy ship. Even if a Marine outranks a captain of a navy ship he would never be referred to as the Skipper while on said vessel, even if that 'captain' is a lowly Ensign he would still be referred as the Skipper over the Marine. Pretty sure David Weber didn't make that fubar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed it immensely. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed reading it, but only 4 stars as he cheated and besmirched his honor and her honor. He should have followed his character as you laid out representing him and refused until after the divorce. It's one thing to follows the princess's orders, but her order had nothing to do with protecting her.

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

You hit and fired all my cylinders on that one. I'm a big fan of SCIFI and you even got some loving wife stuff into the story. Great job! 5 stars

6King6Kingover 1 year ago


Bronco56Bronco56over 1 year ago

Excellent start. Looking forward to more chapters.


WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago


I read all your works and have enjoyed most of them thoroughly.

If this is your first foray into Scify it is amazing. Well written, great plot.

I absolutely loved this, being a fan, and look forward to the next chapter. I’m expecting a great many chapters.

Scores a well deserved 5/5. Well done for a first saify effort.

arrowglassarrowglassover 1 year ago
Good yarn...looking for more!!!!

Enjoyed this!!

Wh00sherWh00sherover 1 year ago

Good beginning, but stop putting apostrophes around words everywhere. 90% aren't needed.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

Who doesn't love a Marine? SEMPER FI !

RedshankRedshankover 1 year ago

Great start. More please….and soon!

jblogsjblogsover 1 year ago

Great story - hurry up on the next chapter !!

Turning502019Turning502019over 1 year ago

Definitely in for Part 2. Well done

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