The Line of Succession Vol. 02 - The Divorce


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"Oh, yes, there is one other matter. The matter of "Restitution" to Major Lomer. By law, he has asked for physical satisfaction on your person, with no thought to monetary awards. He has asked for 20 minutes alone with you, no weapons, for personal punishment, to be carried out in five days time in the main gym on the Dreadnought IMS Larocyn, witnessed by the full compliment on the 13th Imperial Marine Strike force, and any other interested parties, per established Restitution laws. The Court will appoint a neutral adjudicator to monitor the punishment, up to and including termination of life."

She raised her eyes. "No appeal."

Conrad moaned and screamed "NOOOO!".

"I hope she was worth it, Mr. Doughy. May God have mercy on your wretched soul."

She turned to the Major.

"In pursuant with Empire laws, your divorce will be final in thirty days. I am sorry for your loss and any embarrassment caused to you and yours. You are free to leave, Major. Court is adjourned." She hesitated.

"One other thing. Lance Corporal Timothy Dawes, you will meet me in my chambers. WE HAVE SOMETHING TO DISCUSS." She fixed Timothy with a stare, as she banged her gavel and rose, and the bailiff intoned "ALL RISE!" as the Judge left the courtroom.

Caleb rose and stood; then while the judge left, he turned and embraced the Vice-Admiral and Roger Tremaine, thanking them for their help. The Vice-Admiral smiled and shook his hand, and Roger braced him and said it was a lot of fun.

That's when he saw the two attractive young ladies beaming at him from Cwasir's side, own of them being the Crown Princess, the other 1st Lt. Esmeralda Sanchez. Caleb broke into a grin and blew them both a kiss. Then he turned to Doughy, who was being led away by bailiffs.

He yelled to him, "I guess I don't do her well enough, but I will take care of you, bastard!"

Conrad paled and sagged.

The Settlement

Lance Corporal Timothy Dawes was led to the Judge's chambers. He was a bit perplexed as to why he was summoned here, but here he was.

The door cycled at the back of the Judge's quarters and her Honor walked in, saw Tim, and walked over and sat down.

"Have a seat, Marine," she said with a neutral look. She looked over her glasses at him and thought for a moment.

Tim jumped in and started before she could talk.

"Look, Your Honor ....."


"Beg your pardon, ma'am??"

"My name. It's Rosemarie. Rosemarie Banckquo."

"UHHH, O.K. Rosemarie ....."

"My friends call me Rose. Are you my friend?"

'WTF?' thought Tim. "MA'AM??"

The Judge resumed her perusal of the Lance Corporal.

"Well, the reason I asked was because you thought I was QUOTE 'Not bad looking if you lose the glasses ...... and the robes."

"HUHHH??", thought Tim. 'What the hell is going on??'

The Judge stared at him. She removed her glasses. "Well?"

She was very attractive. A little older than Tim (he was 30, she was- not thirty. A gentleman doesn't ask.) He still wasn't sure what was going on. And how did she know what he was thinking?

She looked at him.

"Because I'm a telepath. The glasses are specially designed amplifiers so I can sort out the B/S in the courtroom. Otherwise, I can only read thoughts from about six feet away. They still must prove their case, but I can make sure nothing sleazy is going on. Hell, I knew she was a slut when she sat down, and that the Major was in danger of getting screwed. Good thing he had excellent lawyers. Anyway, you seemed like a nice guy. I wanted to get to know you better. Let's talk."

"About what?"

"How about you?

"Actually, I know pretty much all about you. How about me?"

"O.K., what about you?"

She grinned.

"I'm a widow. I have an 8 year old son. My husband was a geological engineer, and died on the asteroid belt 6 years ago. I haven't gotten laid in 6 and a half years. And as far as the rest ....."

She stood up and pulled the zipper down. The robe fell to the floor, revealing 35-B boobs, bare, and a black lace garter belt holding up light black stockings. Perched on 3-inch heels. No panties, and a little trace of liquid trickling down her left thigh. She was a dream.

"Well, what do you think?"

Tim thought a minute then grinned.

"You already know what I think."

"Yes, I do, Timothy. And I believe I would like to get to know you .... 'better'."

For the next forty-five minutes, they were fucking their brains out, rolling around on the floor. Semper Fi, Marine. HOORAH!!

Cal's lawyers and he left for the BOQ at the New Bethesda Spaceport. They collected their gear and he met up with Cwasir and made it to the barracks at the Palace. He was greeted by the Honor Guard from the Imperial Palace contingency, the 147th Crown's Own, and the better part of the "Empress's Own", the 13th Imperial Marine Strike Force.

Much beer would be consumed tonight. But Caleb's presence was requested in the Palace Audience room. He made his way there and was met by Captain (Now Major) Alvin Dowss, newly appointed commanding officer of the 13th.

Major Dowss embraced his friend, shook his hand, and congratulated him. Caleb grinned and turned to enter the Audience chamber. The ancillary guards inside went from parade rest to attention in a split second and snapped off a salute. He returned the salute and walked over to the padded chairs and sat.

No sooner had he sat down than the ornate doors to the interior throne room opened and a short female figure rushed out and launched herself at him, locking her legs around his waist and planting a soul-burning kiss on him.

"Easy, kid. We still have to wait a month before you can attack me," he chuckled as Katirine let him come up for air.

She giggled and stood up, looping her left arm through his right arm, and led him to the interior throne room, to be greeted by the Empress and the Lord High Chancellor. Also present was 1st Lt. Sanchez. The grin on her face went from ear to ear as she saluted her former Commanding officer and then stepped forward to hug him.

The Empress coughed and stood up to approach the couple and extended her hand to the Major, who bowed and kissed her ring of office. Then she closed with him and hugged him.

"Congratulations, ....SON."

He blushed and looked down then raised his eyes and smiled. "Thanks, MOM!"

The Empress bade everyone sit, and servants brought liquid refreshments.

"Now, then," said Her Majesty, "We have plans to discuss, a wedding to plan, and arrangements to make. Heads of state are coming in for the funeral, and the subsequent coronation. We are holding off till ALL the important people are here. And we have an impending 'sporting' event to attend." She leveled a stare at me and smirked.

"I am looking forward to a night of excitement!!" This was a side of the Empress I never dreamed existed. I felt compelled to speak.

"Your Majesty, I'm not sure you should attend. This might be very embarrassing to the Crown."

The look of indignation on Her Majesty's face was exceeded only by the giggles and laughter on her daughter's face and the grins and snickers on the Lord High Chancellor's visage.

He spoke: "Her Majesty is very interested in all sporting events, amateur and professional. She would love to attend more professional events, if she could, but the logistics relegate her to watching from the safety of her palace hi-def viz screen," intoned the Lord High Chancellor. He coughed and continued, "The late Emperor and Her imperial Majesty had many a wager on differing events. She enjoyed collecting from her husband, but hated to lose."

"That's enough, Vasili!!," scolded Her Majesty. Her daughter was laughing her head off.

Just then, security blinked the alert light to the outer room, and the Lord High Chancellor answered.

"Yes Major Dowss?"

"Send them all in, please. Thank you Major. ........And Major, please join us as well. Thank you."

He broke the connection, and turned, smiling, to address the room. "We have visitors, Your Majesty."

The interior throne room door opened inward and in processed Major Dowss, and the Bassin Ambassador to the Imperial Court, Joutio Dierxes Glassu, who also happened to be Cwasir's father-in-law. Accompanying him were his wife, Moufit Dierxes Glassu and Cwasir's wife Yoin Vanissy Glassu-Taolid, and Caleb's godson Joutiose Cal Taolid. He was named after his maternal grandfather and Caleb, an additional high honor in the Bassin families. Cwasir escorted his cute little wife and was grinning like a Moltin cave bear. He winked at me and proceeded to walk to the Empress.

With all the grace and dignity of the moment, the personages approached the Empress's informal throne and presented themselves. Joutio bowed and addressed the Crown, while his wife and daughter curtsied, and his grandson bowed and struck his chest with his right hand. Cwasir glowed with pride and also saluted the Empress, at stiff parade ground attention and struck his breast.

Her Imperial Majesty smiled and rose. She semi-bowed and gestured to the assembled group. Then she came forward and greeted the Ambassador as an old friend. Then she turned to his wife and embraced her, and then moved to their daughter and greeted her. She bent down and touched the young man's forehead and smiled at him. She turned to the assembled group and said,"Welcome to our, no YOUR home. We have prepared a meal for our friends, and I, for one, am starved, so let us sit and enjoy ourselves."

Everyone smiled, and we made our way to the small banquet table. Cwasir came up to me and drew me away.

"I understand that there is a combined celebration and promotion party later on this evening," he whispered. "Much as I like a good 'beer bash', I can't make it."

Caleb looked at his friend and was a little concerned. Then Cwasir grinned and grabbed Cal's shoulder.

"No, you don't understand.

"It's the phase. Vanissy is in heat and she told me it is time to make another child. You know how she is. I have missed a few 'phases' and she is seriously 'turned on', as they say."

A bit about Bassin culture and morays. Bassin women loved to bear children, and it is a matriarchal society. The males are predominantly warriors or technical types.

Cwasir said next to rutting with him, it was her greatest pleasure. At least that's what she kept telling him. When the 'phases' came on them, about once every three lunar months, they become animalistic. Cwasir said she was normally very affectionate at all times, but when she hit the three-month phase, she was insatiable.

They are very sexual with their husbands. Bassin culture permits multiple wives, but Cwasir said humans were a bad influence on him, and he was more than content with Yoin Vanissy. Bassin females did not have the same latitude. They were limited to one mate. If they were caught straying, it was either automatic expulsion and divorce or death, at her husband's discretion. But, on the other hand, the first wife immediately on consummation of vows, owned everything they had. If HE strays, she gets everything, and he gets kicked out.

"And she has already informed me that the trial has taken me away for the first three days, and as much as she loves you for saving my life, she wants to kill me with carnal lust for the next five days.

"I will go to a warrior's grave, with a smile on my face, my brother," he laughed.

I grinned back at him and punched his shoulder, telling him we wouldn't send out search parties for at least a week. He grinned and shook my hand.

"Congratulations again, my brother, and be happy," Cwasir said.

Dinner was excellent, and the discussion centered around the upcoming funeral and coronation. Heads of state and different royal personages were starting to arrive and express their condolences. It would not be too long before 'everyone who was anyone' would be here. The funeral was scheduled for three weeks, with the coronation to follow two weeks after.

But before that, Justice must be served.

Friday dawned clear on the Earth's surface, but in space, it was cold and dark. (Isn't it always?)

The Larocyn was the scene of great activity, as it had been for the past 24 hours. Launches and shuttles were arriving and departing at a rapid rate, what with the publicity surrounding the trial and subsequent verdict.

The entire 13th Imperial Marine Strike force was present, having been granted special leave by Marine Headquarters, and the palace. There were many other 'interested' onlookers, including a certain Imperial Court Judge and her eight-year-old son accompanied by a rather happy-looking Marine Lance Corporal. Not too many supporting Conrad Doughy.

The time for judgment arrived.

The adjudicator, a retired Imperial Marshal, arrived in the gymnasium. He surveyed the gathered crowd, grabbed the public address mike, and bellowed for quiet. The assembled throng silenced and he gazed around the audience. Then he commenced.

"We are gathered here for the Restitution punishment of one Conrad Doughy, convicted of adultery, perjury, attempted bribery, collusion, facilitation of Beastiality, and Crimes against the Crown. (The last was a catch-all charge to allow for other charges.)

"The provisions of the Imperial Law of Restitution allow for the aggrieved party to stipulate what punishment is mandated and to have the convicted person or persons punished as ordered.

"For the crime of adultery, all convicted persons have been fined or punished as so ordered by the Court. All except for one Conrad Doughy. Caleb Lomer has stipulated that he will apply the punishment himself, in the form of twenty minutes of physical confrontation with Conrad Doughy. I have been selected by the Courts to adjudicate the confrontation between Caleb Lomer and Conrad Doughy.

"The conflict will be started and stopped myself. No weapons are to be used. It will strictly be a physical encounter between the two individuals. After the allotted time, the fight will cease, and the punishment will be considered complied with in compliance with Imperial Law, regardless of the outcome. In case of death of either person, the event will be stopped and the punishment considered complied with."

The two individuals entered the ring, set up for the engagement. It was only 15 feet square, and looked like a boxing ring, having white colored canvas flooring.

Now Doughy had had training in krav maga and several variations of it. He thought he could hold his own. Caleb was motivated by hatred, pure and simple. He thought that closing with his opponent would negate all other things. He had been in several fights in his life, and hand-to-hand combat. Most of these types of martial arts don't teach you to kill. Combat is not so nice.

He stood there, stripped to the waist, shirtless, his combat fatigue pants and boots being his only garb. He waited while his opponent circled him, clad in some type of oriental Gi. He wore a black belt. He didn't look as worried as he had in the courtroom.

As Caleb studied him, a voice intruded into his mind, supplanting his concentration. 'Cal', it said, 'do not lower yourself to his level. Punish him if you must, but retain your self-respect. You have already beaten him.'

'DAD?', he thought to himself, because it sure sounded like his father. But Omar, his father, had been dead for more than twenty years.

'Do what you must, and then be the man your new young wife needs.' Then it was gone. Caleb shook himself and came back to the present. He focused on himself and saw Conrad Doughy for what he was- a coward. A deep breath, and he thought of Katirine. He settled himself and faced his opponent.

Doughy moved fairly well and came at him with a high-placed kick and a flat-bladed hand swipe. But Cal didn't care. He caught his ankle and moved into him, breaking his leg as he did and throwing him to the ground. Conrad's left hand, however, managed to connect with Cal's left side rib cage. Thankfully, it hit Cwasir's donated skin implant. It was like hitting stainless steel plate. Cal continued to press his attack, and after five or so minutes, and two broken arms and crushed testicles, he stood over the bleeding and broken form of his adversary. Conrad was still breathing. Caleb looked at the referee, as he intoned "12 more minutes, Major." Caleb turned and went to the ropes closer to his corner. He motioned to one of the several Marines standing there and was handed a plastic bottle.

He walked back to the recumbent figure and unscrewed the lid. He poured the liquid all over him and then replaced the lid. The stench of urine filled the air.

"Fuck you, prick," he said. He turned to the referee and said, "I'm finished with him."

The referee looked at his chronometer and said, "You still have 10 minutes, Major."

The assembled Marines and most of the rest of the crowd were chanting to 'finish him', or 'kill him', or 'beat him some more'. Cal had not escaped unscathed. He had numerous abrasions and bruises, and a blackened left eye. But Caleb looked at the pile of dung and said, 'He's not worth it, dad,' to himself. Then he stared at the crowd and silence settled. "HE'S NOT WORTH IT, MY LOVE", he roared.

Up in the 'Imperial Box', the Crown Princess turned to her mother with tears in her eyes. The Empress looked at her daughter and smiled.

"I think he has exorcised his demons, my daughter. He really didn't love her as much as he thought he did, or he would still be pummeling the 'person's' worthless carcass. Reclaim him, sweetheart, and love him forever. Just as I loved your father. Help him to become whole again."

His eyes had zeroed in on the Royal Enclave up in the press box, which security had taken over for the Empress, the Crown Princess, and assorted important persons. He held his gaze for a brief instant, then left the ring.

Meanwhile, Major Dowss's communicator chirped and the major acknowledged it.

"Yes, Commander, I understand. Have the passengers escorted to the palace under Imperial Marine guard, as soon as they have debarked. Thank you. ..... Yes, I will relay the message to her Majesty. ...... Thank you. Good evening."

Major Alvin Dowss turned with a shit-eating grin on his face, then straightened his expression and moved to the Empress's side.

"You Majesty, the IMS Shepherdess just broke from orbit and is proceeding to Earth Station. I have instructed the commanding officer to have the passengers escorted to the Palace as per your instructions," he whispered in her ear.

The Empress's face broke into a huge grin, then she composed herself.

"Thank you, Major. This will just make everything better."

I hope you have enjoyed it so far. Again, it's my story. More to come, including lots of 'physical affection' and a return visit from the remainder of Lomaxxes.

To Be Continued

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This has to be the dumbest court room scene in the history of court room scenes...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ouch, reading this chapter caused my smiling face to grin so much it is now sore. But… it is a good hurt! 5*s.

OldmantruckerOldmantruckerabout 1 year ago

Pretty good story.. so far.. But it's been near half a year now. No new chapters; your Not gonna leave us all " hanging" I hope. Would love to see this one wrapped up . So would all yóur other fans who've taken the time to read it.. Plus your other stories as well.., Yeah ; I Know life messes with yeah.. the Real one ;not this., But some old cusses like me, can't get around like we use to.. so .. we read... Everything... At least if it's interesting;like your stories... Anyway; like everybody else.... Waiting to see if you'll ever finish what you started.. oh and thanks for what you've already wrote.. at least from this old man.. 👍😉😁👌

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoying the continuation of the story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story! I'm a little disappointed that it hasn't continued from here.

RK52RK52over 1 year ago

Really nice presentation of a genre you said was new to you. The quick presentation of a historical timeline was helpful and not overdone. I’m really looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for your outstanding work in developing the concepts and presenting them in an interesting and enjoyable manner 5*****.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoy space opera sci-fi. The addition of humor just polishes the whole thing. I hope you add many more episodes. Thank you for a fun read. Mever

395694395694over 1 year ago

Awesome story looking forward to the next chapter keep up the good work.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 1 year ago

I agree - great story and looking forward to the next chapter!

Bronco56Bronco56over 1 year ago

Great story. Looking forward to the next chapter. 5stars

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

Enjoying this story soooo much!

6King6Kingover 1 year ago


arrowglassarrowglassover 1 year ago
A good yarn!

Just keep waiting for more!!!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

Great job with the imaginative sci-fi backstory. The court scene, and the bottle of piss, were hilarious. Really looking forward to the next episode.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Absolutely loving it. Who thought you had this in you?

Looking forward to the next chapter


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