The Link


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"She loves you so much," Natalie said quietly when we were finally alone again. My idiocy fed my doubts, filling my head with things that shouldn't be considered. Teegan was such a powerful drug, and I knew what drugs did to people.

"Is what we have real?" I asked. I feared how much was just a fantasy imposed by a small child. I was losing what I was, not that it was worth keeping.

"It is to me," Natalie stated, moving closer. I looked at her, my heart wanting to explode at what it saw as the most perfect women in the world. She was everything I ever wanted or would ever need. Selfishly, I ignored what could be a warped sense of reality.

"I love you," I said with pure honesty. The robe hit the floor in the flickering shadowy flames of the fire I had seen before in a dream . A fantasy, dressed in nothing but socks, became my world. Natalie was my reality.

Chapter 14 - Sam

A blinding pain woke me from a dream I would never remember. I squinted my eyes as I sat up, quickly trying to decide what part of my brain someone just drove a nail through.

"You poor thing," Natalie said from the other side of the room. I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden light. The sun had obviously been up for a while.

"That has got to hurt," Betty added. I opened one eye as Natalie scooped up Teegan in her arms. Betty moved close, her hands moving Teegan's hair about on the back of her head, looking for an injury. I lifted my hand to the back of my head and couldn't feel the bump I expected. "Barely a bump," Betty continued, "sounded worse than it was I guess." Natalie cuddled Teegan close in sympathy, kissing the back of her head, exactly where the pain was growing on mine. Where was my kiss?

I tried to stand up but lost my balance and landed on my ass before I even found my feet. Betty laughed and turned away quickly. Natalie, laughing as well, moved quickly to my side with Teegan in her arms. She pulled the blanket back over my naked body.

"Sorry," Betty announced as she moved toward the bedroom to give me a few minutes. The humor in her tone told me she wasn't that sorry. I suspected it was more the comedy than my physique that made her un-sorry.

"I should have woken you," Natalie said smiling, "you looked so comfortable I didn't want to disturb you." A soft good morning kiss accented her words. Memories of falling asleep in front of the fire came back to me. I tried to smile at the virility I displayed the night before. I winced at the pain in the back of my head.

"She bumped her head?' I asked.

"Yes," Natalie said with curiosity in her voice, "she crawled under the table and tried to sit up."

"She's crawling?" I asked, somewhat sad I didn't see it begin. I wasn't sure why it was important to me.

"Yep," Natalie replied as she sat down next to me. Teegan reached out to me in the most endearing manner. I had no choice but to take her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her cheek against mine. The world shifted as the bond became strongly evident.

Teegan apologized. Not in words, but in feelings. I could feel her distress at the pain I felt.

"It's okay, honey," I whispered, "It's not that bad." I caressed her back as I absorbed her remorse at causing me pain. Love overwhelmed me. I was a father who could do what every father had desired since the beginning of time. I could take her pain onto myself.

Natalie, as smart as she was, searched the back of my head. I winced at the pressure. Her hand retracted quickly, and she moved slightly away in shock.

"She...she's projecting," Natalie stammered, "you feel her." I nodded. I no longer cared if I was being manipulated. As far as I was concerned, I was Teegan's father. Come hell or high water, I was there for her.

Through my child, I saw into Natalie. I could see the love she felt for me and her joy at the night before. I had never been someone's joy before. I smiled as her fantasies became apparent. Some were better left as dreams, others...well...I could cheat as well as her. My growing smile gave me away.

"Stop," Natalie said, her face blushing, "it's only fair if I do it." I now knew how she had seemed so attuned to my needs last night. I kissed Teegan's cheek before Natalie practically tore her from my arms.

"Don't you dare," I warned Natalie. I was smiling with as much malevolence as I could conjure into my eyes. "Tonight is mine." Natalie sucked in her breath and retracted her hand from Teegan's skin.

"Tonight is many hours away," Natalie stated. She had a hint of what I now knew. The thought of her under my passionate control was intoxicating. I wrapped one of the blankets around my waist and rose from the floor.

"Let me love you tonight," I negotiated, "last night was my dream. Tonight will be yours." I loved how her smile grew. I leaned forward and kissed her soft neck, then moved my lips next to her ear and whispered, "I have such devious plans." I loved the shudder that ran visibly down her body. I walked off, wrapped in the blanket, to get dressed. I knew she was watching me leave. I just wish I had the ability to wiggle my hips like she could.

We drove Betty to her sister's in Steele. The two-hour drive didn't seem long enough, goodbyes demanded more time. The people who bonded with Teegan were like family. They knew intimate things about us, feelings mostly, but intimate nonetheless. We knew the same of them, causing grief at separation, siblings at heart.

I was able to get by with a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Natalie and Betty embraced for a lot longer. They shared something stronger, a knowledge that only sisters would understand. It was understandable although we only knew her for a couple of days. Drugs are like that, instantly friendly and world changing.

Natalie raided a portion of her savings while she was in town. I was lucky to have a ten bucks in my account. She, on the other hand, had been saving for years. She had to open a local account and execute an electronic transfer to change some to cash. It was not exactly a normal transaction these days and the bank was justified in their concern. ATM limits were just too small.

I felt rather domesticated when we stopped at the small grocery store in Steele. I pushed the cart, Teegan seated happily in the back facing me as we traveled the aisles. Natalie pulled things down from the shelves, comparing prices and quality, and loaded her choices into the cart. A situation I would have gagged at a few weeks ago. That day, it felt comfortable. Daddy pushing daughter and wife making decisions. I was the muscle and Natalie the brains.

Teegan was fun to tease. I would wheel the cart close to the colorful products on the shelves, just out of her reach. She would grunt as she strained to reach for them. I would drift away if she got close, slightly frustrating her until another product caught her eye.

"Stop teasing her," Natalie said with a smile. She meant it, though she said it in a kindly manner. I, being an obstinant male, moved Teegan close to the shelves of cereal. The boxes glowed with colorful cartoon characters begging for small hands. When she reached out this time, I let her get a hold of them as instructed. Unfortunately, I didn't consider her strength or the domino effect.

Teegan pushed sideways in her attempt to grab a box of Cap'n Crunch. I watched in surprise as a line of different brands of cereals began tumbling off the shelves. Teegan and Natalie laughed as I ran down the aisle putting boxes back on the shelf and knocking off more in the process.

"I'll take care of it, sir," a young pimply faced kid said as he jogged forward.

"I don't know him," Natalie said with a straight face as she pushed the cart farther down the aisle. I tried and failed to put another box on the shelf before I let the kid take over.

"Sorry, my kid got a hold of them," I said, handing one of the boxes to the kid. He rolled his eyes and put the box back on the shelf.. I turned, red-faced, and quickly caught back up to Natalie.

"Don't know me, huh?" I questioned Natalie.

"See what happens when you tease women," Natalie replied. She leaned down and smiled at Teegan who naturally laughed back. They traded some funny sounds before we continued.

"You just abandoned me," I joked.

"Tease my girl and yes," Natalie struck back, "I'll drop you like hot potato."

"Your girl?"

"Our girl."

"That would make you my wife," I bantered back. Natalie stopped, encircled my head with her hands and kissed the cockiness right out of me.

"And I don't even need the paper to prove it," Natalie said, before turning back to the cart. I stood there, in the middle of aisle, and watched my two girls head slowly down the aisle. Father, husband? Didn't I already know it? A warmth surge through my body, a comfortable feeling mixed with an unknown future. I smiled at the thought of sharing the unknown with those two. I stepped forward with a purpose and relieved Natalie of the cart.

"Knock anything else off the shelves," I scolded Teegan, "and I'll have to spank your mother's bottom."

"Promises, promises," Natalie sighed with that smile I was really beginning to love.

We left Steele and headed back toward Bismarck and our cabin. Except for perishables, we were good for a while, a few weeks if we had too. The snow probably wouldn't arrive in force until the next month anyway.

"We can't spend your life savings," I observed as we traveled along 94.

"We can if we have too," Natalie said, "what's mine is yours." She meant it with the best intentions. I wasn't sure I liked the idea.

"It doesn't feel right," I continued, "I need to contribute." Natalie smiled, undid her seatbelt, and laid her head in my lap.

"Then you drive and I'll nap," she said, closing her eyes. It wasn't quite what I had in mind. I did like the idea of her laying there and I wasn't going to ruin it with a silly argument. I dropped my right hand down and absently played with hair. I let it go and drove while she napped. It was an argument for a time when I wasn't so comfortable.

Natalie made dinner that night. A chicken casserole that smelled delicious while it cooked. The smell was driving Teegan crazy, so I fed her first with Natalie's help. We should have picked up a highchair to make it easier. I put that on my mental list for the next trip.

It was an interminable wait for Teegan to sleep. I played with her in the bath and out. I followed her around, letting her crawl between my legs as she explored the cabin. It was amazing how quickly she became fully mobile. Natalie was busy putting everything small or dangerous above waist high. Cleaning chemicals above the sink, paper towels below the sink. We were novice parents, but not completely stupid.

Finally, Teegan's eyes got heavy. I cradled her in my arms and lightly rocked her to sleep. As a man, I would like to say it was a chore, but honestly, it had a special type of wonderful. A little life, depending on me for safety and comfort. She was so trusting and curled into me as if I had been there her whole life. I felt the love without the bond. I laid her in her crib as gently as possible.

"You are a good daddy," Natalie whispered, her arms circling my waist from behind. The words didn't bother me like they should. I turned in her arms to find her soft endearing smile. The kind of smile I thought I would never deserve. Her eyes weren't shying away from mine. I promised the world with a kiss.

In the past, I had to guess what a woman wanted. The exploration was always fun, but at times frustrating when they didn't respond as expected. That night was different. I took Natalie's hand and led her to the fire. I deployed blankets and made her stand still as I undressed her. I don't pretend to know all women, but with Natalie, timing was everything. I knew exactly where to touch, exactly what to kiss and nibble. I deviated to keep the caresses fresh and exciting, growing in intensity.

Natalie struggled to gain some control, soft laughter and the proper pressure melted her back to my will. The power I held to bring her joy was amazing. I could feel her body respond to me, my lips and fingers playing her like a precious instrument. Her scent, her movements, and her sounds were music to my senses. I learned things she didn't even know she desired. My greatest joy was watching her tighten, breasts thrusting upward to the sky, as she lost all composure. I teased her as she returned to the world, my tongue turning from pleasure to ticklish torture in mere moments. I loved the laughter as she struggled with weak muscles to remove me from between her soft thighs.

"You did cheat," Natalie sighed with a wicked smile, pulling me up her body. The sated look in her eyes was my reward. She looked so beautiful and I felt incredibly powerful. A naked woman in my arms and my only desire was to share hers. Somehow, I forgotten my own obvious arousal. "You did was so beautiful," she told me. Those words were all the orgasm I needed. Natalie thought otherwise, then proved it.

Chapter 15 - Sam

The first week in the cabin was an absolute joy. I had Natalie and Teegan all to myself. We would go for walks in the woods, something I was sure the impending winter would limit, and spend our nights in front of the fire. Teegan was crawling like she never knew any different. I felt every bump and nearly screamed when she closed her fingers in the drawer. I somehow absorbed it all. I was her personal pin cushion. Still, she learned. I knew she didn't like me feeling pain anymore then she would have liked it herself. It did encourage me to spend more time baby proofing the cabin. There was no way I would allow her to find an exposed electrical socket.

Whether it was Teegan's doing or not, I was deeply in love with the both of them. They had become my world, two people who mattered more than I. Most drugs would become weaker in time, destroy themselves while they destroyed the host. I felt stronger with a growing determination to see that nothing untoward would happen to lessen our family. That is what it was, a family. My family.

Natalie was equally committed. The woman could love like no other. I still had no idea what she saw in me. I just knew I had hit the jackpot. Smart, gorgeous, and so very comfortable to be around. She would smile and a rainy day became sunshine.

Except for her new found mobility, Teegan was the same happy child. Nothing ever bothered her. She was our main entertainment, her bouncing diapered butt our laughter. She was working hard trying to stand and was teething hard, which produced copious amounts of slobber. I could feel the ache in my gums as more teeth began to find air. Soft chewy things made it feel better, so I kept her well supplied.

Natalie was worried about the transfer of Teegan's pains. The power Teegan had over me was growing, and she wondered where it would end. It grew slowly enough that I found it almost natural. I liked that I could save her from pain. I also found it efficient that I knew when she was in pain. It was like a second set of eyes.

An unexpected knock at the door surprised both of us. My first thought was of Betty or her uncle. No one else knew we were here. I ended Teegan's crawling, picking her up protectively as Natalie peeked out the window. "A man," she mouthed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Neighbor?" I whispered.

"Maybe," Natalie whispered back, "it looks like he's alone."

"Who is it?" I called from behind the door. I tried to make it sound nonchalant like I was otherwise engaged in something that couldn't be interrupted.

"Dr. Hank Gunderson," the man called back, "I'm looking for Sam Donaldson and Natalie Williams." My eyes went wide at our names. Natalie moved quickly to my side with the same apprehension.

"No one here by that name," I said with less conviction than I should have. The knowledge of our names caught me off guard.

"What about Runnymede?" The man asked, "are you familiar with that?" He knew Rose. I immediately found Teegan's skin with my hand. I had been avoiding direct bonding, not knowing the long term effects. In this case, fear for Rose overshadowed the risk.

Dr. Gunderson held no animosity toward us. Teegan smiled at me as I drifted into his mind. Rose trusted him, and he was alone. I felt him smile, almost sensing what I was doing. He had bonded with Teegan in the past. I let go of Tegan's arm and opened the door.

"Sam Donaldson," I said, holding out my free hand. Hank smiled and shook it.

"And you must be Natalie," Hank said, holding his hand out to her. Natalie nodded, adding her smile as she shook his hand. She saw me bond and knew I thought everything was okay.

"Esmeralda!" Hank said, looking at Teegan, "You've grown so big." Teegan's mouth opened into a breathy laugh. She pumped her arms up and down with excitement. No apprehension at all.

"Esmeralda?" I asked, "is that her real name?"

"We called her Emma for short," Hank said. He made no attempt to touch Teegan or enter further into the cabin. He was purposely trying to be non-aggressive.

"Come in," Natalie said, her interest was as piqued as mine, "It's starting to get cold out there. We were about to have lunch. Would you like to join us?"

"Please," Hank replied as I closed the door, "anything without peanuts...pretty allergic to those."

"Ham and cheese," Natalie decided and moved toward the small kitchen that shared space with the main cabin area. We followed her to the kitchen table and took seats. Hank seemed less of a stranger having bonded with Teegan in the past.

"How is Rose doing?" I asked.

"Just fine when I left a few days ago," Hank replied. I suspected he didn't know about her condition. There was nothing in his tone that indicated she would be anything but fine.

"You saw my mother?" Natalie asked, immediately stopping sandwich construction to sit next to Hank. She hadn't understood the Runnymede reference.

"Yes," Hank responded, a little surprised at her vehemence, "I guess it was a few days after you left Flagstaff. I assure you, she was just fine." He began again when he saw her eyes relax, "She was a very difficult woman to convince of my intentions." He chuckled a bit, "I think the CIA could learn a thing or two about interrogations from her." Natalie laughed, obviously relieved that Rose's sickness hadn't affected her overtly as of yet.

"How did you find us?" I asked, then added, "will anyone else find us?"

"I think you're well hidden for now. They are looking for you," Hank said, pointing at me, "not Natalie. They don't understand Esmeralda as I do. They would have found you by now if they did."

"Who are you?" Natalie interjected, then covered the unintentionally rude tone by rising to finish the sandwiches.

"I guess I'm her father, or something close to that," Hank answered. I was about to say something when Natalie jumped in with a fierceness I was expecting.

"Sam's her father!"

"I assure you," Hank said, looking at the way Natalie was holding the butter knife. It was dripping mayonnaise on the floor as her knuckles turned white. "I did not mean in a nurturing way." Natalie smiled at his words and placed the knife on the counter. She tore off a paper towel and proceeded to wipe the mess off the floor. I could only stare at her. I had no idea her convictions were so strong. Teegan was indeed a powerful drug.

"I meant only that I...well..." Hank paused, "I wish you two no offense." We said nothing, which he took as our wish that he continue. "I made her, or better, my team made her." Under the table, my hands formed fists. I am sure my face was fist-like as well. Natalie was still, not turning to look at either of us.

"I don't mean to imply she is less human," Hank said, looking between the two of us, "I love her as well."
